In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.modeling.blackbody import blackbody_nu
Function to calculate the Disk Mass from the Fmm, and the corrispective Error
In [2]:
def Mdisk(F,d,r,k,Td,lam):
#Eq 2 Andrews et al. 2013
#F is *mm* Flux in *Jy*
#d is the distance in *pc*
#r is the dust to mass ratio *adimensional*
#k is the dust opacity in *cm^2/g*
#lam is the wavelenght in *mm*
c=2.99792458e10 # Light velocity *cm/s*
h=6.6260755e-27 # Planck constant in erg*s (cgs)
kb=1.3806488e-16 # Boltzmann constant in erg/K (cgs)
ni=c/(lam*0.1) #in Hz
B_ni=1e23*2*h*ni**3/c**2*(1./(np.exp(h*ni/kb/Td)-1)) # Planck function in *Jy* --> 1Jy=1e-23erg/s/cm^2/Hz
# B_ni=1e23*blackbody_nu(ni, Td) # Planck function in *Jy* --> 1Jy=1e-23erg/s/cm^2/Hz
# return np.log10(F)+2*np.log10(d*3.08568e18)-np.log10(r*k*1.988e33)-np.log10(B_ni) #log(Disk mass/*Msol*)
return F*(d*3.086e18)**2/k/1.988e33/r/B_ni #Disk mass in *Msol*
def eMd(errF,F,Md):
return Md*errF/F
In [4]:'')'')
up_logMs=ChaI['b_logm__lc'] #upper boundary in logM*
down_logMs=ChaI['b_logM_'] #Lower boundary in logM*
Fmm_tab=ChaI['Fnu'] #Integrated flux density at 887um
ecal_Fmm=np.sqrt((e_Fmm)**2+(0.1*Fmm_tab)**2) #Error on Fmm including the calibration error(10%) in quadratic sum
print name[1],Fmm_tab[1],logMs[1]
print 10**ChaI_Md['logd20']
In [101]:
notdelta= Fmm_tab < 3*e_Fmm #upperlimits
delta=np.logical_not(notdelta) #observed sources
Fmm[notdelta]=3*e_Fmm[notdelta] # upper limit is about 3 sigma
Calculate the Disk Mass with the function above
In [121]:
d=160 #pc distance of Chamaleon in pc
r=1 #dust to gass mass ratio
k=2.3*(338./230)**(0.4) #cm^2/g at 887um
lam=0.887 #wavelenght in mm
Td=20 #Temperature of the disk in K
Md=Mdisk(Fmm*1e-3,d,r,k,Td,lam)/3e-6 #Fmm has to be in *Jy*; Md in Earth masses!
e_Md=eMd(ecal_Fmm,Fmm,Md) #error on Md
print name[0], logMd[0]
In [111]:
T=Table([name,logMs,up_logMs,down_logMs,upp, Md,e_Md, Fmm, e_Fmm,ecal_Fmm],
names=('Name','logM*','up_logM*','down_logM*','l_Md','Md','e_Md', 'Fmm','e_Fmm','e+cal_Fmm'))
T.write('', format='fits', overwrite='True')
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