In [1]:
%pylab inline
import os
import sys
import math
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import scipy.signal as signl
import scipy.linalg as splin
import scipy.optimize as sciopt
from matplotlib import dates as mdates
#--default matplotlib 
rcParams['mathtext.default'] = 'regular'
rcParams['legend.fontsize']  = 6
rcParams['axes.labelsize']   = 6
rcParams['xtick.labelsize']  = 6
rcParams['ytick.labelsize']  = 6
rcParams['figure.subplot.wspace'] = 0.075
rcParams['figure.subplot.hspace'] = 0.075
rcParams['figure.subplot.left'] = 0.125
rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] = 0.9
rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = 0.175
rcParams[''] = 0.9
days   = mdates.DayLocator()  # every day
hours   = mdates.HourLocator(interval=3)  # every hour
daysFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%m/%d')
def set_daysFmt(ax):

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Harmonic constituents for Virginia Key FL (8723214)

$\hspace{10pt}$ accessed from

In [2]:
# [name, period in hours]
tide_spec = [['M2',12.421],
nfreq = 8 #37
species = tide_spec[:nfreq]

Function to perform hydraulic regression

In [3]:
def harmonic_analysis(station,pharmonics,time_sec,stage,print_results=False):
    npfreq = len(pharmonics)
    npsamples = stage.shape[0]
    nf2 = 2 * npfreq
    nf21, nf22 = nf2+1, nf2+2
    aa = zeros((nf22, nf22), float)
    ci = zeros(npfreq, float)
    si = zeros(npfreq, float)
    x = zeros(nf21, float)
    trig = zeros(nf22, float)
    amplitude = zeros(npfreq, float)
    theta = zeros(npfreq, float)
    trig[0] = 1.
    for i in xrange(npsamples):
        for j in xrange(1,nf2,2):
            jh = (j-1) / 2
            period = pharmonics[jh][1] * 60. * 60.
            if period==0.0: print period
            fr = 1. / period
            omega = 2. * pi * fr
            arc = omega * t[i]
            j1 = j + 1
            trig[j] = cos(arc)
            trig[j1] = sin(arc)
        trig[nf22-1] = stage[i]
        # fill matrix
        for i1 in xrange(nf21):
            for j1 in xrange(i1,nf22):
                aa[i1,j1] = aa[i1,j1] + trig[i1] * trig[j1]
                aa[j1,i1] = aa[i1,j1]
    # scale diagonal and off diagonals
    for i in xrange(nf21):
        diagonal = aa[i,i]
        aa[i,i] = 1.0
        for j in xrange(nf22):
            if (j != i):
                aa[i,j] = aa[i,j] / diagonal
    # solve equations
    determinant = splin.det(aa[:nf21,:nf21])
    if abs(determinant) < 1.e-20: 
        print 'singular or ill-conditioned matrix'
        print 'determinant = {0}'.format(determinant)
    ainv = splin.inv(aa[:nf21,:nf21])
    # calculate x
    for i in xrange(nf21):
        x[i] = 0.
        for j in xrange(nf21):
            x[i] += ainv[i,j] * aa[j,nf22-1]
    # calculate amplitude and phase
    harmonic_results = []
    for i in xrange(npfreq):
        i2 = (i * 2) + 1
        ci[i] = x[i2]
        si[i] = x[i2+1]
        amplitude[i] = sqrt(ci[i] * ci[i] + si[i] * si[i])
        ttheta = arctan2(si[i], ci[i]) #* 180. / pi #degrees
        if ttheta < 0.:
            ttheta += 2. * pi
        theta[i] = rad2deg(ttheta)
        harmonic_results.append([pharmonics[i][0], pharmonics[i][1], amplitude[i], theta[i]])
    #--write the data
    if print_results:
    return amplitude, theta   

def print_hr(station,pharmonics,difference=False):
    print station
    if difference:
        print '  {0:5s} {1:^16s} {2:^16s}'.format('', 'Tidal Effic.', 'Phase Diff.')
        print '  {0:5s} {1:^16s} {2:^16s}'.format('', 'Amplitude', 'Phase')
    print '  {0:5s} {1:^16s} {2:^16s}'.format('Name', 'meters', 'degrees')
    print '  {0:5s} {1:^16s} {2:^16s}'.format('-----', '----------------', '----------------')
    for idx,[c,period,pa,ptheta] in enumerate(pharmonics):
        print '  {0:5s} {1: 16.3f} {2: 16.1f}'.format(c, pa, ptheta)
    print ''

Read and process data

In [4]:
#function to parse data and normalize it
def parse_data(fname):
    data_dtype = dtype([('datetime','a20'),('head','f4')])
    raw = loadtxt(fname, delimiter=',', dtype=data_dtype, comments='#')
    dtime = []
    stage = []
    for [d,v] in raw:
        dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(d, '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')
    dtime = array(dtime)
    stage = array(stage)
    stagen = np.copy(stage)
    stagen -= average(stage)
    stagen = signl.detrend(stage)
    return dtime, stagen, stage

In [5]:
data_dir = os.path.join('data')
tide_file = 'DE_Tide.csv'
cat_file = 'DE_Catalog.csv'
tide_datetime, tide_v, tide_vr = parse_data(os.path.join(data_dir,tide_file))
tide = ['tide', 0.0, tide_datetime, tide_v, tide_vr]
time_min = tide_datetime[0]
time_max = tide_datetime[-1]
dt_sec = (tide_datetime[1] - tide_datetime[0]).total_seconds()
fo = open(os.path.join(data_dir,cat_file), 'r')
gw_data = []
for line in fo:
    if len(line) < 1:
    if line[0] == '#':
    tc = line.strip().replace(' ','').split(',')
    station = tc[0]
    x = float(tc[2])
    dtime, dv, dvr = parse_data(os.path.join(data_dir,tc[1]))
    gw_data.append([station, x, dtime, dv, dvr])
    time_min = min(time_min, dtime[0])
    time_max = max(time_max, dtime[-1])
#--create time_all
tstep = datetime.timedelta(seconds=dt_sec)
dt = time_min
time_all = []
while dt <= time_max:
    dt += tstep
time_all = array(time_all)

#--plot raw normalized data
fig1, ax_all = pyplot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(6., 2.5), dpi=300, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
ax = ax_all
dtime, dvr = tide[2], tide[4]
ax.plot(dtime, dvr, linewidth=1.0, color='black', label='Tide')
nstat = len(gw_data)
for istat,[station,x,gtime,gv,gvr] in enumerate(gw_data):
    fcolor = float(istat) / float(nstat)
    ax.plot(gtime, gvr, linewidth=1.0, color=cm.jet_r(fcolor), label=station)
ax.plot([gtime[0], gtime[-1]], [0., 0.], linewidth=0.5, color='0.5', label='_None')
l = ax.legend(loc='best',ncol=7)   
fig1.savefig(os.path.join('Figures','DE_RawData.png'), dpi=300)

Function to intersect two data sets and calculate for a time series data set

In [6]:
#def pair_data(pdatetime_in,pv_in,pdatetime_base,pv_base):
#    a = pd.DataFrame(pv_in,index=pdatetime_in)
#    b = pd.DataFrame(pv_base,index=pdatetime_base)
#    c = pd.concat([a,b], axis=1, join='inner')
#    pdatetime_out = c.index.to_pydatetime()
#    return pdatetime_out, c.values[:,0], c.values[:,1]

def pair_data(pdatetime_in,pv_in,pdatetime_base,pv_base):
    dt_min = max(pdatetime_in[0], pdatetime_base[0])
    dt_max = min(pdatetime_in[-1], pdatetime_base[-1])
    dt_sec = datetime.timedelta(seconds=6. * 60.)
    pdatetime_index = []
    dt_on = dt_min
    while dt_on <= dt_max:
        dt_on += dt_sec
    pdatetime_index = array(pdatetime_index)
    a = pd.Series(pv_in,index=pdatetime_in)
    b = pd.Series(pv_base,index=pdatetime_base)
    c = a.reindex(set(a.index).union(pdatetime_index)).sort_index().interpolate('time').ix[pdatetime_index]
    d = b.reindex(set(b.index).union(pdatetime_index)).sort_index().interpolate('time').ix[pdatetime_index]
    return pdatetime_index, c.values, d.values

def calculate_t(datetime_in, datetime_start=None):
    total_sec = (datetime_in[-1] - datetime_in[0]).total_seconds()
    nsamples = datetime_in.shape[0]
    t_out = linspace(0.,float(total_sec),nsamples)
    if datetime_start is not None:
        adj_total_sec = (datetime_in[0] - datetime_start).total_seconds()
        t_out += adj_total_sec
    return t_out

Function to recreate time series, calculate l2 norm, and calculate error

In [7]:
def create_signal(tconstituents,t_cs):
    nsamples = t_cs.shape
    v_out = zeros(nsamples, float)
    for idx,[c,period,a,theta,te,phase] in enumerate(tconstituents):
        period *= 60. * 60.
        fr = 1. / period
        omega = 2. * pi * fr
        theta *= pi / 180.
        phase *= pi / 180.
        v_out += te * a * cos(omega*t_cs - theta - phase)
    return v_out

def signal_error(tconstituents, datetime_se, obsv, datetime_start=None):
    t_se = calculate_t(datetime_se, datetime_start=datetime_start)
    simv = create_signal(tconstituents,t_se)
    resid = subtract(simv,obsv)
    me = average(resid)
    rmse = std(resid)
    return me, rmse

Process tidal data

In [8]:
#--process tide
station = 'tide'
t = calculate_t(tide_datetime, datetime_start=time_min)
tide_alpha, tide_theta = harmonic_analysis(station,species,t,tide_v,print_results=True)
#--plot simulated and observed tide
pt = calculate_t(time_all)
harmonic_results = []
for idx,[c,period] in enumerate(species):
    harmonic_results.append([c, period, tide_alpha[idx], tide_theta[idx], 1.0, 0.0])
#dsec = (time_min-dtime[0]).total_seconds()
#pt += dsec
vr = create_signal(harmonic_results,pt)
vr_paired = create_signal(harmonic_results,t)
me, rmse = signal_error(harmonic_results, tide_datetime, tide_v, datetime_start=time_min)
ctxt = '{0} - ME: {1:7.2g} meters, RMSE: {2:7.2g} meters'.format('Tide', me, rmse)
ax = subplot(1,1,1)
ax.plot(time_all, vr, linewidth=3.0, color='black', zorder=9)
ax.plot(tide_datetime, tide_v, linewidth=0.75, color='red', zorder=10)
ax.text(0.0, 1.01, ctxt, ha='left', va='bottom', size=8, transform=ax.transAxes)
ylabel('Normalized elevation, m')
ax = subplot(1,1,1)
ax.plot(tide_v, (vr_paired-tide_v), linewidth=0.0, marker='o', markersize=2, color='black')
xlabel('Observed normalized elevation, m')
ylabel('Residual, m')

           Amplitude          Phase      
  Name       meters          degrees     
  ----- ---------------- ----------------
  M2               0.278             67.7
  S2               0.035            320.2
  N2               0.058            123.9
  K1               0.029             57.5
  M4               0.013             49.8
  O1               0.021            179.0
  M6               0.012            211.8
  MK3              0.009             78.6

Calculate time series with a few components

In [9]:
nprow = 4
npcol = 2
heightp = float(nprow) * 1.25
#--process each groundwater file
fighc, ax_all = pyplot.subplots(nrows=nprow, ncols=npcol, figsize=(10., heightp), dpi=300, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

pt = calculate_t(time_all)

vr0 = None

# calculate simulated tidal value
for irow in xrange(nprow):
    for jcol in xrange(npcol):
        ispecies = irow * npcol + jcol
        harmonic_results = []
        for jdx in xrange(ispecies+1):
            c, period= species[jdx]
            harmonic_results.append([c, period, tide_alpha[jdx], tide_theta[jdx], 1.0, 0.0])
        vr = create_signal(harmonic_results,pt)
        # plot the results
        ctxt = '{0:2d} tidal constituent'.format(ispecies+1)
        if ispecies > 0:
            ctxt = '{0}s'.format(ctxt)
        ctxt = '{0} ['.format(ctxt)
        for [tc, tp, ta, tt, t1, t2] in harmonic_results:
            ctxt = '{0} {1},'.format(ctxt, tc)
        ctxt = '{0} ]'.format(ctxt)
        ax = ax_all[irow, jcol]
        if vr0 is not None:
            ax.plot(time_all, vr0, linewidth=1.0, color='red')
        ax.plot(time_all, vr, linewidth=1.0, color='blue')
        ax.text(0.0, 1.01, ctxt, ha='left', va='bottom', size=6, transform=ax.transAxes)
        # save results
        vr0 = np.copy(vr)
        #if irow+1 < nprow:
        #    ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([])

fighc.savefig(os.path.join('Figures','DE_HarmonicConstituents.png'), dpi=300)

Determine TE and dtheta

In [10]:
station_te = []
station_dtheta = []
for istat,[station, x, gd, gv, gvr] in enumerate(gw_data):
    pdatetime, pval, pbase = pair_data(gd, gv, tide_datetime, tide_v)
    t = calculate_t(pdatetime, datetime_start=time_min)
    alpha, theta = harmonic_analysis('tide',species,t,pbase,print_results=False)
    a2, t2 = harmonic_analysis(station,species,t,pval,print_results=False)
    te = []
    dtheta = []
    # write the station data
    harmonic_results = []
    for idx,[c,period] in enumerate(species):
        v1 = a2[idx]/alpha[idx]
        v2 = t2[idx]
        v3 = theta[idx]
        if v2 < 0.0: v2 += 360.
        if v2 > 360.: v2 -= 360.
        if v3 < 0.0: v3 += 360.
        if v3 > 360.: v3 -= 360.
        v4 = v2 - v3
        harmonic_results.append([c, period, v1, v4])

          Tidal Effic.     Phase Diff.   
  Name       meters          degrees     
  ----- ---------------- ----------------
  M2               0.871             -4.6
  S2               0.660              1.3
  N2               0.731             -4.3
  K1               0.760            -17.1
  M4               0.771             -4.8
  O1               0.963            -33.1
  M6               0.890              3.8
  MK3              0.659             16.4

          Tidal Effic.     Phase Diff.   
  Name       meters          degrees     
  ----- ---------------- ----------------
  M2               0.896             -2.9
  S2               0.860             10.1
  N2               0.734             -4.0
  K1               0.893             -8.6
  M4               0.866             -5.9
  O1               1.325            -15.7
  M6               0.863              6.8
  MK3              0.955             -6.3

          Tidal Effic.     Phase Diff.   
  Name       meters          degrees     
  ----- ---------------- ----------------
  M2               0.896             -3.7
  S2               0.845              9.7
  N2               0.688             -6.1
  K1               0.877             -8.6
  M4               0.847             -6.5
  O1               1.299            -17.4
  M6               0.850              6.3
  MK3              0.880             -5.7

          Tidal Effic.     Phase Diff.   
  Name       meters          degrees     
  ----- ---------------- ----------------
  M2               0.747             -1.1
  S2               0.600              4.9
  N2               0.656             -0.0
  K1               0.680            -15.5
  M4               0.654             -8.3
  O1               0.843            -31.2
  M6               0.762              4.4
  MK3              0.557              9.7

          Tidal Effic.     Phase Diff.   
  Name       meters          degrees     
  ----- ---------------- ----------------
  M2               0.372            -15.4
  S2               0.115             15.3
  N2               0.191             87.2
  K1               0.671             41.4
  M4               0.372             -2.6
  O1               0.786             57.5
  M6               0.474              7.2
  MK3              0.452             13.7

          Tidal Effic.     Phase Diff.   
  Name       meters          degrees     
  ----- ---------------- ----------------
  M2               0.846             21.7
  S2               0.671              8.1
  N2               0.946              4.6
  K1               0.170            -30.2
  M4               0.668            -26.6
  O1               0.324           -138.2
  M6               0.571             30.1
  MK3              0.648            -18.3

          Tidal Effic.     Phase Diff.   
  Name       meters          degrees     
  ----- ---------------- ----------------
  M2               0.509             14.4
  S2               0.521              6.5
  N2               0.554             11.8
  K1               0.534             -5.6
  M4               0.428            -15.2
  O1               0.610            -13.0
  M6               0.437             22.7
  MK3              0.399             -7.7

          Tidal Effic.     Phase Diff.   
  Name       meters          degrees     
  ----- ---------------- ----------------
  M2               0.620              9.3
  S2               0.604              2.5
  N2               0.669              6.2
  K1               0.607             -8.6
  M4               0.567            -13.9
  O1               0.751            -15.7
  M6               0.562             18.1
  MK3              0.529             -7.0

          Tidal Effic.     Phase Diff.   
  Name       meters          degrees     
  ----- ---------------- ----------------
  M2               0.624              9.1
  S2               0.610              2.1
  N2               0.672              5.8
  K1               0.611             -8.7
  M4               0.574            -11.9
  O1               0.760            -15.3
  M6               0.569             17.5
  MK3              0.531             -5.2

          Tidal Effic.     Phase Diff.   
  Name       meters          degrees     
  ----- ---------------- ----------------
  M2               0.212             45.1
  S2               0.251             20.7
  N2               0.222             62.6
  K1               0.346             32.1
  M4               0.209             54.3
  O1               0.165              8.6
  M6               0.093             50.0
  MK3              0.163             -5.7

          Tidal Effic.     Phase Diff.   
  Name       meters          degrees     
  ----- ---------------- ----------------
  M2               0.238             38.2
  S2               0.281             13.7
  N2               0.238             52.5
  K1               0.397             28.3
  M4               0.201             43.1
  O1               0.173              9.6
  M6               0.106             35.0
  MK3              0.182            -12.5

          Tidal Effic.     Phase Diff.   
  Name       meters          degrees     
  ----- ---------------- ----------------
  M2               0.291             28.1
  S2               0.345             11.3
  N2               0.275             39.7
  K1               0.436             22.8
  M4               0.228             25.3
  O1               0.273              7.0
  M6               0.188             33.0
  MK3              0.247             -6.2

          Tidal Effic.     Phase Diff.   
  Name       meters          degrees     
  ----- ---------------- ----------------
  M2               0.173             61.9
  S2               0.204             25.0
  N2               0.230             50.3
  K1               0.196             22.2
  M4               0.120            101.6
  O1               0.065             80.4
  M6               0.046             61.3
  MK3              0.065            -28.8

          Tidal Effic.     Phase Diff.   
  Name       meters          degrees     
  ----- ---------------- ----------------
  M2               0.205            100.7
  S2               0.288            -19.6
  N2               0.616             77.7
  K1               0.205            246.9
  M4               0.206            179.3
  O1               0.214            -87.8
  M6               0.026            129.0
  MK3              0.314            143.4

          Tidal Effic.     Phase Diff.   
  Name       meters          degrees     
  ----- ---------------- ----------------
  M2               0.123             94.1
  S2               0.428            -66.2
  N2               0.318            126.6
  K1               0.077            -26.6
  M4               0.082            272.8
  O1               0.244           -117.6
  M6               0.069           -171.6
  MK3              0.368            -66.8

          Tidal Effic.     Phase Diff.   
  Name       meters          degrees     
  ----- ---------------- ----------------
  M2               0.003            -67.3
  S2               0.033           -251.0
  N2               0.004            137.3
  K1               0.118             -0.5
  M4               0.022            222.5
  O1               0.198            -57.1
  M6               0.001           -181.9
  MK3              0.026            174.0

Plot reconstructed data

In [11]:
npcol = 2
nprow = 8
# calculate simulated tidal value
t = calculate_t(time_all)
harmonic_results = []
for idx,[c,period] in enumerate(species):
    harmonic_results.append([c, period, tide_alpha[idx], tide_theta[idx], 1.0, 0.0])
vr = create_signal(harmonic_results,t)
me, rmse = signal_error(harmonic_results, tide_datetime, tide_v, datetime_start=time_min)
ctxt = '{0} - ME: {1:7.2g} meters, RMSE: {2:7.2g} meters'.format('Tide', me, rmse)
ifig = 1
fig1, ax_all = pyplot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(6., 1.0), dpi=300, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
ax = ax_all
ax.plot(time_all, vr, linewidth=1.0)
ax.plot(tide_datetime, tide_v, linewidth=0.0, marker='x', markersize=2)
ax.text(0.0, 1.01, ctxt, ha='left', va='bottom', size=6, transform=ax.transAxes)
fig1.savefig(os.path.join('Figures','DE_TidalFit.png'), dpi=300)
#--process each groundwater file
ifig = 0
fig2, ax_all = pyplot.subplots(nrows=nprow, ncols=npcol, figsize=(6., 6.5), dpi=300, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
print ax_all.shape
#fig2 = figure(num=None, figsize=(6., 6.5), dpi=300, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
irow = 0
icol = 0
for istat,[station, x, gd, gv, gvr] in enumerate(gw_data):
    ifig += 1
    harmonic_results = []
    for idx,[c,period] in enumerate(species):
        harmonic_results.append([c, period, tide_alpha[idx], tide_theta[idx], station_te[istat][idx], station_dtheta[istat][idx]])
    vr = create_signal(harmonic_results, t)
    me, rmse = signal_error(harmonic_results, gd, gv, datetime_start=time_min)
    ctxt = '{0} - ME: {1:7.2g} meters RMSE: {2:7.2g} meters'.format(station, me, rmse)
    #ax = fig2.add_subplot(nprow,npcol,ifig)
    ax = ax_all[irow,icol]
    icol += 1
    if icol > 1:
        irow += 1
        icol = 0
    #print ax
    ax.plot(time_all, vr, linewidth=1.0)
    ax.plot(gd, gv, linewidth=0.0, marker='x', markersize=2)
    ax.text(0.0, 1.01, ctxt, ha='left', va='bottom', size=6, transform=ax.transAxes)
#for idx in xrange(1,ifig-1):
    #ax = subplot(nprow,npcol,idx)
for idx in xrange(0,nprow-1):
    for jdx in xrange(npcol):
        ax = ax_all[idx, jdx]

fig2.savefig(os.path.join('Figures','DE_GWObsFit.png'), dpi=300)

(8, 2)

Calculate hydraulic diffusivity and associated errors for each station

In [12]:
npcol = 2
nprow = 1 #+ (len(gw_data)) / npcol
nstat = len(gw_data)
#figure(num=None, figsize=(12, 12), dpi=300, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

fig, ax_all = pyplot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(3.75, 7.5), dpi=300, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

figte, axte = pyplot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(4.25, 4.25), dpi=300, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

for istat,[station, xpos, gd, gv, gvr] in enumerate(gw_data):
    if xpos < 0: continue
    fcolor = float(istat) / float(nstat)
    te = array(station_te[istat])
    dt = array(station_dtheta[istat])
    Dalpha = []
    Dtheta = []
    for idx,[c,period] in enumerate(species):
        #period *= 60. * 60. # period in seconds
        period /= 24. # period in days
        fr = 1. / period
        omega = 2. * pi / fr
        v = omega / (2.0 * power((log(te[idx])/xpos),2.))
        dtrad = dt[idx] * pi / 180.
        v = 1. / (2. * omega * power((dtrad/xpos), 2.0))
    x = average(te)
    xerr = 2.*std(te)
    Dalpha = array(Dalpha)
    y = average(Dalpha)
    yerr = 2.*std(Dalpha)
    #ax = subplot(2,2,1)
    ax = ax_all[0]
    ax.errorbar(x, y, yerr=yerr, xerr=xerr, fmt='o', color=cm.jet_r(fcolor), label=station)  
    x = average(Dalpha)
    xerr = 2.*std(Dalpha)
    Dtheta = array(Dtheta)
    y = average(Dtheta)
    yerr = 2.*std(Dtheta)
    #ax = subplot(2,2,2)
    ax = ax_all[1]
    ax.errorbar(x, y, yerr=yerr, xerr=xerr, fmt='o', color=cm.jet_r(fcolor), label=station)  
    # te figure
    r = np.ones((len(te)), np.float) * xpos
    #print r
    if '580A' not in station:
        axte.semilogx(r, te, marker='o', linewidth=0., color=cm.jet_r(fcolor), label=station)
    #rval = xpos - 0.2
    #if istat > 0:
    #    rval = xpos + 2000
    #if istat == 0 or istat+1==len(gw_data):
    #    for idx,[c,period] in enumerate(species):
    #        axte.text(rval, te[idx], c, ha='center', va='center', size=6)

D_min, D_max = -2, 10
#ax = subplot(2,2,1)
ax = ax_all[0]
l = ax.legend(loc='best',ncol=2,numpoints=1)   
ax.set_ylim(D_min, D_max)
ax.set_xlabel('Tidal efficiency, unitless')
ax.set_ylabel(r'log$_{10}$(Hydraulic diffusivity), $m^{2}/d$')
ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, -0.05)
ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.05, 0.5)
#ax = subplot(2,2,2)
ax = ax_all[1]
ax.plot([D_min, D_max],[D_min, D_max], color='black', linewidth=1)
ax.set_xlim(D_min, D_max)
ax.set_ylim(D_min, D_max)
ax.set_xlabel(r'log$_{10}$(Hydraulic diffusivity (TE)), $m^{2}/d$')
ax.set_ylabel(r'log$_{10}$(Hydraulic diffusivity ($\Delta \theta$)), $m^{2}/d$')
ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, -0.05)
ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.05, 0.5)

l = axte.legend(loc='best',ncol=2,numpoints=1)   
axte.set_ylim(0, 1)
axte.set_xlabel('Distance from Biscayne Bay, m')
axte.set_ylabel('Tidal efficiency, unitless')
axte.xaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, -0.045)
axte.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.05, 0.5)

fig.savefig(os.path.join('Figures','DE_CalcDh.png'), dpi=300)
figte.savefig(os.path.join('Figures','DE_TidalEfficiency.png'), dpi=300)


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In [12]: