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Schema vis

Schema pipeline.vis is upstream from preprocess and it contains information about the visual stimulus entered by the stimulus software.

Note that stimulus information used to be contained in the psy module. It was moved to vis to isolate information relevant to the MICrONS project.

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%pylab inline
import datajoint as dj
from pipeline.vis import *
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10.0, 9.0)

Its three main tables are vis.Session, vis.Condition, and vis.Trial. Furthermore vis.Condition has many tables below specifying parameters specific to each type of stimulus condition.

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Each vis.Session comprises multiple trials that each has only one condition. The trial has timing information and refers to the general stimulus condition.

The type of condition is determined by the dependent tables of vis.Condition (e.g. vis.Monet, vis.Trippy, vis.MovieClipCond) that describe details that are specific to each type of visual stimulus. Some of these tables have lookup tables with cached data-intensive stimuli such as noise movies.

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