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How visual stimuli are synchronized and matched

The stimulus computer and acquisition computers run on different clocks. The table preprocess.Sync matches simultaneously recorded signals in both systems to synchronize the two recordings.

The field frame_times in preprocess.Sync contains the times of the two-photon frames on the same clock as the flip_times in vis.Trial. Furthermore, it has the reference to the vis.Session's and the trial ids of the first and last trial that were played during the given scan (preprocess.Sync has 1-to-1 correspondence scans).

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%pylab inline
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (6, 6)
import datajoint as dj
from pipeline import preprocess, vis

All kinds of stimuli are synchronized and matched exactly the same way using stimulus-neutral tables preprocess.Sync, vis.Session, vis.Trial, and vis.Condition. All information pertaining to specific stimuli is stored in tables immediately belore vis.Condition.

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Let's pick an arbitrary scan that has Monet trials in it.

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scan_keys = list((preprocess.Sync() & vis.Monet()).fetch.keys())   # get the keys of all scans with Monet
key = scan_keys[10]   # let's pick an arbitrary scan

Joining preprocess.Sync*vis.Trial provides all the trials that were played for the given scan.
Use the first_trial and last_trial fields to only include trials that played between the start time and the stop time of the scan.

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matched_trials = preprocess.Sync()*vis.Trial() & 'trial_idx between first_trial and last_trial' & key

Now matched_trials contains almost all the information about the trials except the bitmaps stimulus conditions themselves, which are stored in vis.Monet and vis.MonetLookup() Let's join them into the the same relation:

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matched_trials *= vis.Monet()*vis.MonetLookup()

Now matched_trials contains all the infromation about all the trials for the scan identify by key. All that remains to be done is to fetch the contents.

info = match_trials.fetch()