Analyzing naturalistic stimuli

In traditional list-learning free recall experiments, remembering is often cast as a binary operation: either an item is recalled or it isn't. This allows for a straight forward matching between the presented and recalled stimuli. However, characterizing and evaluating memory in more realistic contexts (e.g., telling a story to a friend about a recent vacation) is much more nuanced. Real-world recall is continuous, rather than binary. Further, the specific words used to describe an experience may vary considerably across participants. To handle this new data regime, we extended classic methods developed for free-recall list-learning experiments to accomodate naturalistic stimuli. Specifically, we provide a more flexible 'matching function', which quantifies the similarity between stimuli and verbal responses in a continuous manner.

In the tutorial below, we will describe our new analysis approach and demonstrate how to perform the analyses using quail. To get started, let's load in the example data:

In [1]:
import quail
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

%matplotlib inline
egg = quail.load_example_data(dataset='naturalistic')

The example data used in this tutorial is based on an open dataset from Chen et al., 2017, in which 17 participants viewed and then verbally recounted an episode of the BBC series Sherlock. We fit a topic model to hand-annotated text descriptions of the episode and used the model to transform the video annotations and the recall transcriptions for each subject. We then used a Hidden Markov Model to segment the video and recall models into an (optimal) number of events. The result was a matrix of topic vectors representing the "events" in the video and list of matrices of topic vectors representing participant's recall "events". We created an egg from these vector representations of the stimulus and verbal recall, where the topic vectors were passed to quail as a stimulus features. Let's take a closer look at the egg:

In [2]:

Number of subjects: 17
Number of lists per subject: 1
Number of words per list: 34
Date created: Wed Aug 15 11:35:35 2018
Meta data: {}

Here, the egg's pres field consists of 34 stimulus events (the number of video segments determined by our HMM). Each stimulus event is represented by a dictionary containing the label of the video segment (item) and a topic vector representing that event (topics).

In [3]:
# The label of each stimulus event...

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Subject List
0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
3 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
4 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

5 rows × 34 columns

In [4]:
# ...and their corresponding topic vectors

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Subject List
0 0 {'topics': [1.3095040225638681e-05, 1.30950402... {'topics': [1.1307998068474283e-05, 1.13079980... {'topics': [9.693039650300355e-06, 9.693039650... {'topics': [9.913957255604304e-06, 9.913957255... {'topics': [1.0626906175571998e-05, 1.06269061... {'topics': [1.0663216195539594e-05, 1.06632161... {'topics': [1.0532922580253435e-05, 1.05329225... {'topics': [1.022682519393662e-05, 1.022682519... {'topics': [9.815446687603108e-06, 9.815446687... {'topics': [9.707331800972813e-06, 9.707331800... ... {'topics': [1.1240052636101565e-05, 1.12400526... {'topics': [1.2320787734091317e-05, 1.23207877... {'topics': [1.224700269751644e-05, 1.224700269... {'topics': [1.1916331700340415e-05, 1.19163317... {'topics': [1.1204077693770254e-05, 1.12040776... {'topics': [1.1367721441462295e-05, 1.13677214... {'topics': [1.0987763886778575e-05, 1.09877638... {'topics': [1.0659164036611576e-05, 1.06591640... {'topics': [1.8863247709037007e-05, 1.88632477... {'topics': [0.0001067916639972405, 0.000106791...
1 0 {'topics': [1.3095040225638681e-05, 1.30950402... {'topics': [1.1307998068474283e-05, 1.13079980... {'topics': [9.693039650300355e-06, 9.693039650... {'topics': [9.913957255604304e-06, 9.913957255... {'topics': [1.0626906175571998e-05, 1.06269061... {'topics': [1.0663216195539594e-05, 1.06632161... {'topics': [1.0532922580253435e-05, 1.05329225... {'topics': [1.022682519393662e-05, 1.022682519... {'topics': [9.815446687603108e-06, 9.815446687... {'topics': [9.707331800972813e-06, 9.707331800... ... {'topics': [1.1240052636101565e-05, 1.12400526... {'topics': [1.2320787734091317e-05, 1.23207877... {'topics': [1.224700269751644e-05, 1.224700269... {'topics': [1.1916331700340415e-05, 1.19163317... {'topics': [1.1204077693770254e-05, 1.12040776... {'topics': [1.1367721441462295e-05, 1.13677214... {'topics': [1.0987763886778575e-05, 1.09877638... {'topics': [1.0659164036611576e-05, 1.06591640... {'topics': [1.8863247709037007e-05, 1.88632477... {'topics': [0.0001067916639972405, 0.000106791...
2 0 {'topics': [1.3095040225638681e-05, 1.30950402... {'topics': [1.1307998068474283e-05, 1.13079980... {'topics': [9.693039650300355e-06, 9.693039650... {'topics': [9.913957255604304e-06, 9.913957255... {'topics': [1.0626906175571998e-05, 1.06269061... {'topics': [1.0663216195539594e-05, 1.06632161... {'topics': [1.0532922580253435e-05, 1.05329225... {'topics': [1.022682519393662e-05, 1.022682519... {'topics': [9.815446687603108e-06, 9.815446687... {'topics': [9.707331800972813e-06, 9.707331800... ... {'topics': [1.1240052636101565e-05, 1.12400526... {'topics': [1.2320787734091317e-05, 1.23207877... {'topics': [1.224700269751644e-05, 1.224700269... {'topics': [1.1916331700340415e-05, 1.19163317... {'topics': [1.1204077693770254e-05, 1.12040776... {'topics': [1.1367721441462295e-05, 1.13677214... {'topics': [1.0987763886778575e-05, 1.09877638... {'topics': [1.0659164036611576e-05, 1.06591640... {'topics': [1.8863247709037007e-05, 1.88632477... {'topics': [0.0001067916639972405, 0.000106791...
3 0 {'topics': [1.3095040225638681e-05, 1.30950402... {'topics': [1.1307998068474283e-05, 1.13079980... {'topics': [9.693039650300355e-06, 9.693039650... {'topics': [9.913957255604304e-06, 9.913957255... {'topics': [1.0626906175571998e-05, 1.06269061... {'topics': [1.0663216195539594e-05, 1.06632161... {'topics': [1.0532922580253435e-05, 1.05329225... {'topics': [1.022682519393662e-05, 1.022682519... {'topics': [9.815446687603108e-06, 9.815446687... {'topics': [9.707331800972813e-06, 9.707331800... ... {'topics': [1.1240052636101565e-05, 1.12400526... {'topics': [1.2320787734091317e-05, 1.23207877... {'topics': [1.224700269751644e-05, 1.224700269... {'topics': [1.1916331700340415e-05, 1.19163317... {'topics': [1.1204077693770254e-05, 1.12040776... {'topics': [1.1367721441462295e-05, 1.13677214... {'topics': [1.0987763886778575e-05, 1.09877638... {'topics': [1.0659164036611576e-05, 1.06591640... {'topics': [1.8863247709037007e-05, 1.88632477... {'topics': [0.0001067916639972405, 0.000106791...
4 0 {'topics': [1.3095040225638681e-05, 1.30950402... {'topics': [1.1307998068474283e-05, 1.13079980... {'topics': [9.693039650300355e-06, 9.693039650... {'topics': [9.913957255604304e-06, 9.913957255... {'topics': [1.0626906175571998e-05, 1.06269061... {'topics': [1.0663216195539594e-05, 1.06632161... {'topics': [1.0532922580253435e-05, 1.05329225... {'topics': [1.022682519393662e-05, 1.022682519... {'topics': [9.815446687603108e-06, 9.815446687... {'topics': [9.707331800972813e-06, 9.707331800... ... {'topics': [1.1240052636101565e-05, 1.12400526... {'topics': [1.2320787734091317e-05, 1.23207877... {'topics': [1.224700269751644e-05, 1.224700269... {'topics': [1.1916331700340415e-05, 1.19163317... {'topics': [1.1204077693770254e-05, 1.12040776... {'topics': [1.1367721441462295e-05, 1.13677214... {'topics': [1.0987763886778575e-05, 1.09877638... {'topics': [1.0659164036611576e-05, 1.06591640... {'topics': [1.8863247709037007e-05, 1.88632477... {'topics': [0.0001067916639972405, 0.000106791...

5 rows × 34 columns

In [5]:
# a closer look at one of the dictionaries

{'temporal': 0,
 'topics': array([1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 6.98128585e-02,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
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        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 5.55919207e-02, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 8.73325002e-01,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05,
        1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05, 1.30950402e-05])}

As you can see above, the dictionary contains a features key, which holds a 100D topic vector representing a stimulus event and also a temporal key, which describes the serial position of the stimulus. The rec field contains the recall events for each subject, similarly represented by a label ('item') and topic vectors it comprises ('topics').

In [6]:
# The temporal position of each recall event...

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Subject List
0 0 8 7 10 19 23 26 31 8 NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 0 8 13 10 8 13 17 21 23 23.0 24.0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 0 2 2 4 8 17 17 21 26 29.0 29.0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 0 0 5 2 5 10 15 26 26 31.0 NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 0 1 21 2 4 4 8 17 17 21.0 29.0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 27 columns

In [7]:
# ...and their corresponding topic vectors

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Subject List
0 0 {'topics': [0.00019430992385381985, 0.00019430... {'topics': [0.00017027929367231326, 0.00017027... {'topics': [0.00017369078885231097, 0.00017369... {'topics': [0.00019384831708918682, 0.00019384... {'topics': [0.00021172689406944874, 0.00021172... {'topics': [0.0001967417938833908, 0.000196741... {'topics': [0.00018739098716436903, 0.00018739... {'topics': [0.0007029745321813258, 0.000702974... {} {} ... {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
1 0 {'topics': [0.0001893882261801681, 0.000189388... {'topics': [0.000147870701282558, 0.0001478707... {'topics': [0.00019023353033654396, 0.00019023... {'topics': [0.00018166938444643692, 0.00018166... {'topics': [0.0001625481095703973, 0.000162548... {'topics': [0.00017324045166665215, 0.00017324... {'topics': [0.00020984959154624308, 0.00020984... {'topics': [0.00021871502948704968, 0.00021871... {'topics': [0.00023880652209349367, 0.00023880... {'topics': [0.00020811361546785266, 0.00020811... ... {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
2 0 {'topics': [0.00018590937074552605, 0.00018590... {'topics': [0.0002086223458447991, 0.000208622... {'topics': [0.00014376082951536893, 0.00014376... {'topics': [0.00017953275349176222, 0.00017953... {'topics': [0.0001266373016964342, 0.000126637... {'topics': [0.00012300799059941801, 0.00012300... {'topics': [0.00012981062271781097, 0.00012981... {'topics': [0.00013602953297943621, 0.00013602... {'topics': [0.00014111281486418062, 0.00014111... {'topics': [0.00012592147339385905, 0.00012592... ... {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
3 0 {'topics': [0.00018228403991448364, 0.00018228... {'topics': [0.00018629081950116504, 0.00018629... {'topics': [0.0001622345358076629, 0.000162234... {'topics': [0.00023810735183527187, 0.00023810... {'topics': [0.0001552297878347715, 0.000155229... {'topics': [0.00016179442394432278, 0.00016179... {'topics': [0.00016889623308560304, 0.00016889... {'topics': [0.00019056297121315633, 0.00019056... {'topics': [0.0005565476190479086, 0.000556547... {} ... {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
4 0 {'topics': [0.00025446487845416085, 0.00025446... {'topics': [0.00027871701312132265, 0.00027871... {'topics': [0.00023918073796144946, 0.00023918... {'topics': [0.00017315740792590048, 0.00017315... {'topics': [0.0001356024754279286, 0.000135602... {'topics': [9.160956058842264e-05, 9.160956058... {'topics': [9.360224876174755e-05, 9.360224876... {'topics': [0.00013752072250850062, 0.00013752... {'topics': [0.0001320162835250347, 0.000132016... {'topics': [0.00014302384767721986, 0.00014302... ... {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}

5 rows × 27 columns

Defining a matching function

As summarized above, quail supports the analysis of naturalistic stimuli by providing a more flexible way to match presented stimuli and recall responses. The matching function can be set using the match keyword argument in egg.analyze. There are three options: 'exact', 'best', and 'smooth'. If match='exact', the recall item must be identical to the stimulus to constitute a recall. This is the traditional approach for free recall experiments (either a subject accurately recalled the stimulus item, or did not) but it is not particularly useful with naturalistic data. For the naturalistic options, quail computes a similarity matrix comparing every recall event to every stimulus event. If match='best', the recall response that is most similar to a given presented stimulus is labeled as recalled. If match='smooth', a weighted-average over recall responses is computed for each presented stimulus, where the weights are derived from the similarity between the stimulus and the recall event. To illustrate this further, let's step through the analysis. First, let's create a matrix representing the presented stimulus where each row is an 'event' and each column is a topic dimension:

In [8]:
pres_mtx = np.array([x['topics'] for x in egg.get_pres_features('topics').iloc[0, :].values])
sns.heatmap(pres_mtx, vmin=0, vmax=1)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11681ef28>

We'll also create a matrix representing the recalled events for a single subject:

In [9]:
rec_mtx = np.array([x['topics'] for x in egg.get_rec_features('topics').iloc[12, :].values if len(x)])
sns.heatmap(rec_mtx, vmin=0, vmax=1)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1169aef28>

To measure similarity between the pres_mtx and rec_mtx along this feature dimension, we can use the cdist function from scipy. In this example, we will use correlational distance to measure similarity between each presented event and each recalled event:

In [10]:
match_mtx = 1 - cdist(pres_mtx, rec_mtx, 'correlation')
sns.heatmap(match_mtx, vmin=0, vmax=1)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x116aefa58>

This matrix quantifies the match between each presented stimulus and each recalled stimulus. The light stripe along the diagonal suggests that this particular subject remembered most of the events in order, since the highest correlation values are roughly along the diagonal.

Matching with 'best'

If match='best', each recall event is mapped to the single stimulus event with the most similar feature vector:

In [11]:
np.argmax(match_mtx, 0)

array([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  3,  4,  5,  6,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19,
       20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 32, 12])

Note that once the data is distilled into this form, many of the classic list-learning analyses (such as probability of first recall, serial position curve, and lag-conditional response probability curve) can be performed. To do this using quail, simply set match='best', choose a distance function (euclidean by default) and select the features that you would like to use (e.g. features=['topics']).

In [12]:
spc = egg.analyze(analysis='spc', match='best', distance='correlation', features=['topics'])

/Users/paxtonfitzpatrick/Documents/Dartmouth/CDL/quail/quail/analysis/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice
  return np.nanmean(res, 1)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Subject List
0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 ... 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
2 0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 ... 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 ... 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
4 0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

5 rows × 34 columns

Each stimulus event is assigned a binary value for each recall event – it either was matched or it was not. To plot it:

In [13]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1170d5a90>

Matching with 'smooth'

if match='smooth', quail computes a weighted average across all stimulus events for each recall event, where the weights are derived from similarity between the stimulus and recall.

In [14]:
spc = egg.analyze(analysis='spc', match='smooth', distance='correlation', features=['topics'])

/Users/paxtonfitzpatrick/Documents/Dartmouth/CDL/quail/quail/analysis/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice
  return np.nanmean(res, 1)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Subject List
0 0 0.007071 0.041853 0.009203 0.016614 0.033991 0.154249 0.017540 0.174531 0.292158 0.267374 ... 0.104524 0.026187 0.097516 0.126987 0.103108 0.128083 0.107675 0.210723 0.185127 0.184987
1 0 0.001898 0.063795 -0.026356 0.029550 0.054097 0.018881 0.053997 0.070017 0.227520 0.263889 ... 0.087016 0.008271 0.043307 0.075759 0.167584 0.182543 0.118617 0.164981 0.124798 0.124643
2 0 -0.027050 -0.020670 0.089779 0.038386 0.175139 0.026303 0.047882 0.079458 0.154467 0.155683 ... 0.236841 0.113010 0.111786 0.086030 0.103987 0.142899 0.118404 0.111640 0.060170 0.060011
3 0 0.145299 0.046259 0.041661 0.058850 0.042346 0.165161 0.127778 0.050394 0.093302 0.110626 ... 0.121584 0.113003 0.135094 0.105807 0.070675 0.117423 0.115852 0.141819 0.097215 0.097059
4 0 -0.022484 0.071523 0.022116 0.055897 0.094487 0.031469 0.026740 0.073415 0.085413 0.059973 ... 0.004742 0.066363 0.116368 0.116870 0.115584 0.120936 0.084752 0.180413 0.163628 0.163519

5 rows × 34 columns

In [15]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x116c314a8>

Changing the distance metric

The distance argument assigns the distance function quail will use to compute similarity between stimulus and recall events. We support any distance metric included in scipy.spatial.distance.cdist:

In [16]:
spc = egg.analyze(analysis='spc', match='smooth', distance='cosine', features=['topics'])

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x117227320>

Selecting a subset of features

The features argument tells quail which features to consider when computing distance. This can be a single feature passed as a string, multiple features passed as a list, or all available features (features=None; default).