In [1]:
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

%load_ext rpy2.ipython
%R library(IAT)

array(['IAT', 'tools', 'stats', 'graphics', 'grDevices', 'utils',
       'datasets', 'methods', 'base'], 

In [2]:
import pyiat

Example data from the Death Implicit Association Test

Nock, M.K., Park, J.M., Finn, C.T., Deliberto, T.L., Dour, H.J., & Banaji, M.R. (2010). Measuring the suicidal mind: Implicit cognition predicts suicidal behavior. Psychological Science, 21(4), 511–517.

pyiat will work with any IAT data.

import data

In [3]:

In [4]:

block condition trial_word latency errors correct response subjnum
0 0 Death,Life Dead 809 0 1 Death 1
1 0 Death,Life Deceased 852 0 1 Death 1
2 0 Death,Life Alive 606 0 1 Life 1
3 0 Death,Life Living 420 0 1 Life 1
4 0 Death,Life Suicide 1347 0 1 Death 1

In [5]:
#Number of trials per subject
#Note that Subject 1 has too few trials

1     40
2    200
3    200
4    200
5    200
Name: subjnum, dtype: int64

In [6]:
#Number of subjects in this data set

array([ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
       18, 19, 20, 21])

In [7]:

array(['Death,Life', 'Not Me,Me', 'Life,Death', 'Life/Not Me,Death/Me',
       'Death/Not Me,Life/Me'], dtype=object)

In [8]:

array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

In [9]:
#Correct coded as 1, errors coded as 0 in correct column

array([1, 0])
Blocks 0,1 & 4 - which contain conditions 'Death,Life', 'Not Me,Me', 'Life,Death' are practice blocks, meaning they do not contain relevant data because they do not contrast the different categories.
Therefore, we will enter blocks 2,3,5,6 and conditions 'Life/Not Me,Death/Me', 'Death/Not Me,Life/Me' into analyze_iat.
We are entering the "correct" column, which contains 1 for correct and 0 for errors. We could enter the "errors" column and then just set the error_or_correct argument to 'error.'
Finally, we have the option to return the total number and percentage of trials that are removed because they are either too fast (default : 400ms) or too slow (default : 10000ms). This will return the number and percentage across all subjects and across just subjects that do not receive a flag indicating they had poor performance on some metric.


Return a weighted d-scores. It will also return all error and too fast/too slow trial information and flags indicating poor performance as well as the number of blocks

In [10]:
      ,cond1='Death/Not Me,Life/Me',cond2='Life/Not Me,Death/Me'\


First 14 columns contain the number of trials, - overall, for each condition and for each block - both before and after excluding fast\slow trials

In [11]:

overall_num_trls_incl_fastslow_rt Death/Not Me,Life/Me_num_trls_incl_fastslow_rt Life/Not Me,Death/Me_num_trls_incl_fastslow_rt Death/Not Me,Life/Me_bl1_num_trls_incl_fastslow_rt Life/Not Me,Death/Me_bl1_num_trls_incl_fastslow_rt Death/Not Me,Life/Me_bl2_num_trls_incl_fastslow_rt Life/Not Me,Death/Me_bl2_num_trls_incl_fastslow_rt overall_num_trls_excl_fastslow_rt Death/Not Me,Life/Me_num_trls_excl_fastslow_rt Life/Not Me,Death/Me_num_trls_excl_fastslow_rt Death/Not Me,Life/Me_bl1_num_trls_excl_fastslow_rt Life/Not Me,Death/Me_bl1_num_trls_excl_fastslow_rt Death/Not Me,Life/Me_bl2_num_trls_excl_fastslow_rt Life/Not Me,Death/Me_bl2_num_trls_excl_fastslow_rt
2 120 60 60 20 40 20 40 119 59 60 20 39 20 40
3 120 60 60 20 40 20 40 120 60 60 20 40 20 40
4 120 60 60 20 40 20 40 118 58 60 19 39 20 40
5 120 60 60 20 40 20 40 120 60 60 20 40 20 40
6 120 60 60 20 40 20 40 119 59 60 20 39 20 40
Next 7 columns contain error the number of trials - overall, within each condition and within each block
Error rates are calculated prior to excluding fast\slow trials but there is an option - errors_after_fastslow_rmvd - that if set to True will remove fast/slow trials prior to calculating error rates

In [12]:

overall_error_rate Death/Not Me,Life/Me_error_rate Life/Not Me,Death/Me_error_rate Death/Not Me,Life/Me_bl1_error_rate Life/Not Me,Death/Me_bl1_error_rate Death/Not Me,Life/Me_bl2_error_rate Life/Not Me,Death/Me_bl2_error_rate
2 0.083333 0.083333 0.083333 0.10 0.075 0.05 0.10
3 0.058333 0.033333 0.083333 0.05 0.025 0.05 0.10
4 0.041667 0.050000 0.033333 0.00 0.075 0.00 0.05
5 0.125000 0.066667 0.183333 0.05 0.075 0.15 0.20
6 0.150000 0.100000 0.200000 0.05 0.125 0.20 0.20
Next 7 columns contain pct of too fast trials - overall, within each condition and within each block

In [13]:

overall_fast_rt_rate_400ms Death/Not Me,Life/Me_fast_rt_rate_400ms Life/Not Me,Death/Me_fast_rt_rate_400ms Death/Not Me,Life/Me_bl1_fast_rt_rate_400ms Life/Not Me,Death/Me_bl1_fast_rt_rate_400ms Death/Not Me,Life/Me_bl2_fast_rt_rate_400ms Life/Not Me,Death/Me_bl2_fast_rt_rate_400ms
2 0.008333 0.016667 0.0 0.00 0.025 0.0 0.0
3 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 0.00 0.000 0.0 0.0
4 0.016667 0.033333 0.0 0.05 0.025 0.0 0.0
5 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 0.00 0.000 0.0 0.0
6 0.008333 0.016667 0.0 0.00 0.025 0.0 0.0
Next 7 columns contain pct of too slow trials - overall, within each condition and within each block

In [14]:

overall_slow_rt_rate_10000ms Death/Not Me,Life/Me_slow_rt_rate_10000ms Life/Not Me,Death/Me_slow_rt_rate_10000ms Death/Not Me,Life/Me_bl1_slow_rt_rate_10000ms Life/Not Me,Death/Me_bl1_slow_rt_rate_10000ms Death/Not Me,Life/Me_bl2_slow_rt_rate_10000ms Life/Not Me,Death/Me_bl2_slow_rt_rate_10000ms
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Column 35 contains the number of blocks

In [15]:

2 4
3 4
4 4
5 4
6 4
Next 22 columns contain whether a poor performance criterion\cutoff was flagged - across error rates, too fast rates, too slow rates, and number of blocks

In [16]:

overall_error_rate_flag Death/Not Me,Life/Me_error_rate_flag Life/Not Me,Death/Me_error_rate_flag Death/Not Me,Life/Me_bl1_error_rate_flag Life/Not Me,Death/Me_bl1_error_rate_flag Death/Not Me,Life/Me_bl2_error_rate_flag Life/Not Me,Death/Me_bl2_error_rate_flag overall_fast_rt_rate_400ms_flag Death/Not Me,Life/Me_fast_rt_rate_400ms_flag Life/Not Me,Death/Me_fast_rt_rate_400ms_flag ... Death/Not Me,Life/Me_bl2_fast_rt_rate_400ms_flag Life/Not Me,Death/Me_bl2_fast_rt_rate_400ms_flag overall_slow_rt_rate_10000ms_flag Death/Not Me,Life/Me_slow_rt_rate_10000ms_flag Life/Not Me,Death/Me_slow_rt_rate_10000ms_flag Death/Not Me,Life/Me_bl1_slow_rt_rate_10000ms_flag Life/Not Me,Death/Me_bl1_slow_rt_rate_10000ms_flag Death/Not Me,Life/Me_bl2_slow_rt_rate_10000ms_flag Life/Not Me,Death/Me_bl2_slow_rt_rate_10000ms_flag num_blocks_flag
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 rows × 22 columns

Column 58 contains total number of any poor performance crierion\cuttoff flags participant received. If 0, participant had okay performance.

In [17]:

2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
Columns 59-62 contain D scores for early and late trials and a final overall weighted D score

In [18]:

dscore1 dscore2 dscore
2 -0.664655 0.055078 -0.304788
3 0.535351 -0.305441 0.114955
4 -0.074985 0.052010 -0.011487
5 0.361880 0.032090 0.196985
6 -0.035555 -0.212647 -0.124101

Compare D scores with R package "iat"

In [19]:
#Prepare data to enter into r package - need to have blocks be a string and need to divide data into 2 separate
#dataframes for people that received "Death,Me" first and for those that received "Life,Me" first. 

d1_r_subn=d[(d.condition=='Death/Not Me,Life/Me')&(d.block>4)].subjnum.unique()
d2_r_subn=d[(d.condition=='Life/Not Me,Death/Me')&(d.block>4)].subjnum.unique()

%R -i d1_r
%R -i d2_r

In [20]:
dscore_first <- cleanIAT(my_data = d1_r,
                         block_name = "block_str",
                         trial_blocks = c("2","3", "5", "6"),
                         session_id = "subjnum",
                         trial_latency = "latency",
                         trial_error = "errors",
                         v_error = 1, v_extreme = 2, v_std = 1)

dscore_second <- cleanIAT(my_data = d2_r,
                         block_name = "block_str",
                         trial_blocks = c("2","3", "5", "6"),
                         session_id = "subjnum",
                         trial_latency = "latency",
                         trial_error = "errors",
                         v_error = 1, v_extreme = 2, v_std = 1)

r_dsc <- rbind(dscore_first, dscore_second)

In [21]:
%R -o dscore_first
%R -o dscore_second
#Then we need to combine the separate dataframes
#One of these the scores are flipped so need to flip back
pyiat produces same d-scores as R package iat

In [22]:

dscore IAT
2 -0.304788 -0.304788
3 0.114955 0.114955
4 -0.011487 -0.011487
5 0.196985 0.196985
6 -0.124101 -0.124100

In [23]:
#Correlation between pyiat (dscore) and R package (IAT) = 1

dscore IAT
dscore 1.0 1.0
IAT 1.0 1.0

In the pyiat command above, we entered an argument to return fast-slow stats

This returns total perecentage of too fast and too slow trials across all subjects and only subjects without poor performance flags

In [24]:

fast_rt_count_all_subs 28.000000
fast_rt_pct_all_subs 0.012281
slow_rt_count_all_subs 0.000000
slow_rt_pct_all_subs 0.000000
fast_rt_count_included_subs 26.000000
fast_rt_pct_included_subs 0.012037
slow_rt_count_included_subs 0.000000
slow_rt_pct_included_subs 0.000000

Other options

D scores for each stimulus (i.e. each word)

Requires each_stim=True and name of the column containing the stimuli in the stimulus column

In [25]:
      ,cond1='Death/Not Me,Life/Me',cond2='Life/Not Me,Death/Me'\
D scores for each word as well as standard task-wide error and fast\slow trial output

In [26]:

Alive Breathing Dead Deceased Die I Living Mine Myself Other Self Suicide Their Them They Thrive
2 -0.985360 0.888583 -0.928888 0.849257 -0.583566 0.095183 0.912821 -0.271138 -0.582636 -0.656637 -0.915718 1.180729 -0.260372 0.409289 0.346441 -0.886016
3 -0.228326 -1.093680 0.546770 -0.725671 -0.674954 0.234189 0.124746 0.601094 0.263791 0.626292 0.204474 1.102111 -0.066274 0.106796 0.528139 0.376461
4 1.287682 1.170938 -0.084933 0.705147 0.084087 -1.290731 -0.473819 NaN -1.231712 -0.134547 -0.027644 0.269901 0.797983 -0.611150 1.367861 0.225041
5 0.670642 -1.481677 -0.131380 0.218148 -0.085340 -0.711548 0.285979 0.043037 -0.705098 -0.186102 1.121443 1.547784 0.703224 -0.342463 -1.156475 -0.176667
6 0.331365 0.955485 1.175333 -1.099263 0.200367 0.176193 -1.653920 0.317128 -1.264377 -0.748313 -0.923371 1.169169 -1.157834 0.025647 -0.730981 1.373918

Unweighted D scores

The unweighted algorithm does not require the 'block' or 'blocks' arguments.

In [27]:
      ,cond1='Death/Not Me,Life/Me',cond2='Life/Not Me,Death/Me'\
This produces less output as it does not report any information on a block basis

In [28]:

iat_flag dscore
2 0 -0.186741
3 0 -0.028275
4 0 0.014719
5 0 0.134814
6 0 -0.169741

Unweighted D scores for each stimulus

In [29]:
      ,cond1='Death/Not Me,Life/Me',cond2='Life/Not Me,Death/Me'\

In [30]:

Breathing Dead Deceased Die I Living Mine Myself Other Self Suicide Their Them They Thrive
2 0.255883 -1.014222 0.509232 -0.390387 1.295332 0.737379 0.339328 -0.741623 -0.449167 -0.959577 0.780971 -0.360803 -0.347474 0.392907 -0.369755
3 -0.737611 0.064561 -1.067423 -0.224777 -0.587997 -0.678621 0.402110 -0.183775 0.587851 0.219246 0.949326 0.718642 1.212748 0.437229 0.442829
4 0.875262 -0.095717 0.501377 -0.825456 -1.028155 0.087735 0.979749 -0.947307 -0.509266 0.937908 -0.645969 0.368724 0.017880 0.718572 -0.223557
5 -1.503671 0.865254 -0.596999 0.793221 -0.866229 -0.337516 0.981948 0.018283 -0.019362 0.679210 1.026762 0.506938 0.476360 -0.821311 -0.582995
6 0.789436 0.954122 -1.141469 0.270374 -0.756038 -1.658917 0.891638 -0.968083 -0.980864 -0.731248 1.212799 -0.793774 -0.172779 -0.712242 1.247653

There are a few more options, including (1) setting the too fast\too slow threshold, (2) setting the cutoffs for flags, (3) reporting errors and too fast\slow trial counts instead of percentages (4) printing the output to an excel spreadsheet.

Brief IAT (BIAT)

pyiat can also produce D scores and poor performance flags for the Brief IAT (BIAT), according to Nosek, et al., 2014 scoring procedures (trials greater than 2 sec are changed to 2 sec, trials less than 400ms are changed to 400ms), with some options. The first x (default 4) trials of each block can be removed or not or you can determine how many trials should be removed from the beginning of each block, if any. You can set the pct flags. One issue with BIAT flags in pyiat is that currently flags for fast and slow trials use the same cutoff pct. Recommended scoring procedures (Nosek et al. 2014) recommend a flag for fast trials but not slow. This is not currently possible in pyiat. However, you can see the pct of slow and fast trials and create your own flags from this information.
The BIAT code can take either 2, 4, or 6 blocks (depending what is listed in the blocks argument) and will dynamically adjust to however many blocks it is given.
Results of pyiat BIAT D scores were checked against D scores sent to me from U of Virginia.

In [31]:

In [32]:

block_num pair trl_number word resp RT errors subn
20 0 (unnamed)/Life,Me/Death 0 Die Me/Death 771 0 1
21 0 (unnamed)/Life,Me/Death 1 Suicide Me/Death 393 0 1
22 0 (unnamed)/Life,Me/Death 2 Alive (unnamed)/Life 859 0 1
23 0 (unnamed)/Life,Me/Death 3 Thrive (unnamed)/Life 809 0 1
24 0 (unnamed)/Life,Me/Death 4 Living (unnamed)/Life 585 0 1

In [33]:
      ,block='block_num',blocks=[0, 1, 2, 3,4,5],biat=True,biat_rmv_xtrls=4,biat_trl_num='trl_number',fastslow_stats=True)

In [34]:

iat_flag dscore1 dscore2 dscore3 dscore
1 2 0.390122 NaN NaN NaN
2 0 -0.224629 -0.566527 -0.306011 -0.365722
3 2 0.367767 -0.031676 -0.279295 0.018932
4 4 -0.288485 0.420364 -0.402823 -0.090315
5 1 -0.616905 0.714780 NaN NaN

D scores for each stimulus (i.e. each word)

D scores can be obtained for each word in the BIAT as well but if you choose weighted, it will result in odd\repeated values, assumedly b/c words are presented a single time in a block.

In [35]:
      ,block='block_num',blocks=[0, 1, 2, 3,4,5],biat=True,biat_rmv_xtrls=4,\

In [36]:
#The first subject had only one block and you can see the repeated numbers

Breathing Dead Deceased Die I Living Mine Myself Other Self Suicide Their Them They Thrive
1 1.414214 1.414214 1.414214 1.414214 -1.414214 1.414214 1.414214 -1.414214 -1.414214 1.414214 1.414214 -1.414214 1.414214 1.414214 -1.414214
2 -0.856718 0.581147 -0.721409 -0.137757 -1.248524 -1.285648 0.077723 0.234020 0.830699 0.246106 0.283150 -0.460540 -1.554008 -0.419208 -1.388049
3 -1.193973 0.638540 0.026860 -0.483864 -0.771323 1.165362 0.273211 -0.869386 -0.863290 -0.675966 0.481588 0.292579 0.312901 -0.940451 0.669422
4 -0.424451 0.612571 -0.386662 -0.720745 -0.253506 -0.461442 -0.387281 1.044736 0.304453 -1.085809 -0.314566 0.220312 0.074056 0.112152 0.327524
5 -0.987824 0.933022 1.239651 0.241605 1.054212 1.450163 -0.970743 0.835395 -0.417985 -1.134178 0.518189 0.993871 0.608800 -1.163136 1.319345

In [ ]: