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from threeML import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib notebook
Then we generate a simulated dataset for a source with a cutoff powerlaw spectrum with a constant photon index and cutoff but with a normalization that changes with time following a powerlaw:
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# Let's generate our dataset of 4 spectra with a normalization that follows
# a powerlaw in time
def generate_one(K):
# Let's generate some data with y = Powerlaw(x)
gen_function = Cutoff_powerlaw()
gen_function.K = K
# Generate a dataset using the power law, and a
# constant 30% error
x = np.logspace(0, 2, 50)
xyl_generator = XYLike.from_function("sim_data", function = gen_function,
x = x,
yerr = 0.3 * gen_function(x))
y = xyl_generator.y
y_err = xyl_generator.yerr
return x, y, y_err
# These are the times at which the simulated spectra have been observed
time_tags = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0])
# This describes the time-varying normalization. If everything works as
# it should, we should recover from the fit a normalization of 0.23 and a
# index of -1.2 for the time law
normalizations = 0.23 * time_tags**(-1.2)
# Generate the datasets
datasets = map(generate_one, normalizations)
Now that we have our data, let's model them with 3ML:
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# Now set up the fit and fit it
# First we need to tell 3ML that we are going to fit using an
# independent variable (time in this case). We init it to 1.0
# and set the unit to seconds
time = IndependentVariable("time", 1.0, u.s)
# Then we load the data that we have generated, tagging them
# with their time of observation
plugins = []
for i, dataset in enumerate(datasets):
x, y, y_err = dataset
xyl = XYLike("data%i" % i, x, y, y_err)
# This is the important part: we need to tag the instance of the
# plugin so that 3ML will know that this instance corresponds to the
# given tag (a time coordinate in this case). If instead of giving
# one time coordinate we give two time coordinates, then 3ML will
# take the average of the model between the two time coordinates
# (computed as the integral of the model between t1 and t2 divided
# by t2-t1)
xyl.tag = (time, time_tags[i])
# To access the tag we have just set we can use:
independent_variable, start, end = xyl.tag
# NOTE: xyl.tag will return 3 things: the independent variable, the start and the
# end. If like in this case you do not specify an end when assigning the tag, end
# will be None
# Generate the datalist as usual
data = DataList(*plugins)
# Now let's generate the spectral model, in this case a point source
# with a cutoff powerlaw spectrum
spectrum = Cutoff_powerlaw()
src = PointSource("test", ra=0.0, dec=0.0, spectral_shape=spectrum)
model = Model(src)
# Now we need to tell 3ML that we are going to use the time
# coordinate to specify a time dependence for some of the
# parameters of the model
# Now let's specify the time-dependence (a powerlaw) for the normalization
# of the powerlaw spectrum
time_po = Powerlaw()
time_po.K.bounds = (0.01, 1000)
# Link the normalization of the cutoff powerlaw spectrum with time through the
# time law we have just generated, time, time_po)
# Now let's fit as usual
jl = JointLikelihood(model, data)
best_fit_parameters, likelihood_values =
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