
The GSLIb equivalent parameter file is

                     Parameters for BICALIB

data/ydata.dat                 \file with secondary data
4                                 \   column for secondary variable
data/cluster.dat               \file with calibration scatterplot
3  4  5                           \   columns of pri, sec, and weight
-1.0e21   1.0e21                  \   trimming limits
bicalib.out                       \file for output data / distributions                       \file for output calibration (SISIM)
bicalib.rep                       \file for calibration report
5                                 \number of thresholds on primary
0.50 1.00 2.50 5.00 10.0          \   thresholds on primary
5                                 \number of thresholds on secondary
0.50 1.00 2.50 5.00 10.0          \   thresholds on secondary

In [1]:
#general imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt   
import pygslib 
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

#make the plots inline
%matplotlib inline

Getting the data ready for work

If the data is in GSLIB format you can use the function gslib.read_gslib_file(filename) to import the data into a Pandas DataFrame.

In [2]:
#get the data in gslib format into a pandas Dataframe
cluster= pygslib.gslib.read_gslib_file('../datasets/cluster.dat')  
ydata  = pygslib.gslib.read_gslib_file('../datasets/ydata.dat')  

print ('\t\tsecundary data \n', ydata.head())
print ('\n\t\tprimary data \n',cluster.head())

		secundary data 
    Xlocation  Ylocation  Primary  Secondary
0        0.5        0.5     -1.0       3.26
1        1.5        0.5     -1.0       2.64
2        2.5        0.5     -1.0       2.15
3        3.5        0.5     -1.0       1.69
4        4.5        0.5     -1.0       0.51

		primary data 
    Xlocation  Ylocation  Primary  Secondary  Declustering Weight
0       39.5       18.5     0.06       0.22                1.619
1        5.5        1.5     0.06       0.27                1.619
2       38.5        5.5     0.08       0.40                1.416
3       20.5        1.5     0.09       0.39                1.821
4       27.5       14.5     0.09       0.24                1.349

In [3]:
#view data in a 2D projection
plt.scatter(ydata['Xlocation'],ydata['Ylocation'], c=ydata['Secondary'],
            alpha=1, s=15, marker =',', linewidths= (0,))
plt.scatter(cluster['Xlocation'],cluster['Ylocation'], c=cluster['Secondary'])

In [5]:
npoints = len(cluster['Secondary'])
ydata['Declustering Weight']=1
#using declustering wight
parameters_qpplt = {
     'qqorpp'  : 0,                             # Q-Q plot (qqorpp=0); P-P plot (qqorpp=1)
      'npts'   : npoints,                       # number of points to use on the Q-Q or P-P plot (should not exceed the smallest number of data in data1 / data2
       'va1'   : cluster['Secondary'],            # array('d') with bounds (nd)
       'va2'   : ydata['Secondary'],               # array('d') with bounds (nd)
       'wt1'   : cluster['Declustering Weight'],# array('d') with bounds (nd)
       'wt2'   : ydata['Declustering Weight']}   # array('d') with bounds (nd)

vr1a,vr2a,error = pygslib.gslib.__plot.qpplt(**parameters_qpplt)

print ('error ? ',  error != 0)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
plt.plot (vr1a, vr2a, 'o')
ax.set_xlabel ('cluster|secundary')
ax.set_ylabel ('ydata|secundary')
ax.set_title ('QQ PLot')

error ?  False
<bound method of <Figure size 432x288 with 1 Axes>>

In [6]:
npoints = len(cluster['Secondary'])
ydata['Declustering Weight']=1
#using declustering wight
parameters_qpplt = {
     'qqorpp'  : 0,                             # Q-Q plot (qqorpp=0); P-P plot (qqorpp=1)
      'npts'   : npoints,                       # number of points to use on the Q-Q or P-P plot (should not exceed the smallest number of data in data1 / data2
       'va1'   : cluster['Primary'],            # array('d') with bounds (nd)
       'va2'   : ydata['Secondary'],               # array('d') with bounds (nd)
       'wt1'   : cluster['Declustering Weight'],# array('d') with bounds (nd)
       'wt2'   : ydata['Declustering Weight']}   # array('d') with bounds (nd)

vr1a,vr2a,error = pygslib.gslib.__plot.qpplt(**parameters_qpplt)

print ('error ? ',  error != 0)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
plt.plot (vr1a, vr2a, 'o')
ax.set_xlabel ('cluster|primary')
ax.set_ylabel ('ydata|secundary')
ax.set_title ('QQ PLot')

error ?  False
<bound method of <Figure size 432x288 with 1 Axes>>

Testing bicalib

In [7]:
print (pygslib.gslib.__bicalib.__doc__)

This module '__bicalib' is auto-generated with f2py (version:2).
  ssqu,avgu,umin,umax,ssqv,avgv,vmin,vmax,pdfrep,fract,yx,em,vm,nm,b,lcdf,error = bicalib(vval,u,v,wt,cutu,cutv,ndp=len(vval),nd=len(u),ncutu=len(cutu),ncutv=len(cutv))

In [8]:
parameters_bicalib = {
        'vval' : ydata['Secondary'],             # secondary data
        'u'    : cluster['Primary'],             # calibration scatterplot (primary data)
        'v'    : cluster['Secondary'],           # calibration scatterplot (secondary data)
        'wt'   : cluster['Declustering Weight'], # calibration scatterplot (weight data)
        'cutu' : [0.5,1.,2.5,5.,10.],            # thresholds on primary            
        'cutv' : [0.5,1.,2.5,5.,10.]}            # thresholds on secondary

ssqu,avgu,umin,umax,ssqv,avgv,vmin,vmax, \
pdfrep,fract,yx,em,vm,nm,b,lcdf,error = pygslib.gslib.__bicalib.bicalib(**parameters_bicalib)

print ('error ? ',  error != 0)

error ?  False

Comparing results with the report file (bicalib.rep)


       Number of pairs retained     =          140

       Primary variable:   average  =    2.52812052    
                           variance =    22.0867615    
                           minimum  =    5.99999987E-02
                           maximum  =    58.3199997    

       Secondary variable: average  =    2.52758455    
                           variance =    9.77680969    
                           minimum  =   0.180000007    
                           maximum  =    22.4599991  

 Cutoffs on Primary Variable
  U cutoff  1 cutoff =       0.5000 cdf =  0.29924
  U cutoff  2 cutoff =       1.0000 cdf =  0.47028
  U cutoff  3 cutoff =       2.5000 cdf =  0.72501
  U cutoff  4 cutoff =       5.0000 cdf =  0.87425
  U cutoff  5 cutoff =      10.0000 cdf =  0.95929

 Number within each bivariate (u,v) class:
                0.50     1.00     2.50     5.00    10.00
      0.50 |    0.1927   0.0130   0.0094   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
      1.00 |    0.0780   0.0568   0.0344   0.0068   0.0000   0.0000
      2.50 |    0.0067   0.0934   0.1416   0.0315   0.0205   0.0000
      5.00 |    0.0218   0.0000   0.0562   0.0917   0.0174   0.0032
     10.00 |    0.0000   0.0077   0.0131   0.0169   0.0256   0.0115
      Max. |        0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.

 The cumulative frequency (local prior cdf) table:
 0.89586 0.95633 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
 0.44297 0.76568 0.96116 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
 0.02295 0.34097 0.82286 0.93023 1.00000 1.00000
 0.11440 0.11440 0.40956 0.89164 0.98330 1.00000
 0.00000 0.10326 0.27851 0.50410 0.84630 1.00000
 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.04442 0.47650 1.00000

  for U(x) <= cutoff 
     0.50    30 |    0.70124   0.07721
     1.00    47 |    0.71755   0.07886
     2.50    76 |    0.84762   0.04005
     5.00   101 |    0.93332   0.01228
    10.00   126 |    0.97366   0.00769
  for U(x) >  cutoff 
     0.50   110 |    0.12758   0.04022
     1.00    93 |    0.25076   0.04704
     2.50    64 |    0.40175   0.07353
     5.00    39 |    0.46354   0.13237
    10.00    14 |    0.62067   0.03795

 B(i) values:

In [11]:
[str(i) for i in [1,2,3]]

['1', '2', '3']

In [12]:
U_cutoff= np.arange(len(parameters_bicalib['cutu'])) +1
index = [str(i) for i in parameters_bicalib['cutu']]
columns = [str(i) for i in parameters_bicalib['cutv']]
uv_class= pd.DataFrame(pdfrep, index= index, columns = columns)

U_le_cutoff = pd.DataFrame ({'cutoff': parameters_bicalib['cutu'], 'total':nm[:,1],'mean': em[:,1], 'var' : vm[:,1]})
U_ge_cutoff = pd.DataFrame ({'cutoff': parameters_bicalib['cutu'], 'total':nm[:,0],'mean': em[:,0], 'var' : vm[:,0]})

print (' ----------------------------------------')
print ('Primary variable:   average  =', avgu)
print ('                    variance =', ssqu)   
print ('                    minimum  =', umin)
print ('                    maximum  =', umax)
print ('Secondary variable: average  =', avgv)
print ('                    variance =', ssqv)   
print ('                    minimum  =', vmin)
print ('                    maximum  =', vmax)
print (' Cutoffs on Primary Variable ')
for i in U_cutoff:
    print ('  U cutoff', i, ' cutoff =  ', parameters_bicalib['cutu'][i-1], ' cdf = ' , fract[i-1])

print ('')
print ('Number within each bivariate (u,v) class:                               ??? max is differen ??? check this')    
print (uv_class)
print ('')
print (' The cumulative frequency (local prior cdf) table:')
print (yx)
print ('')
print ('cutoff,total#,mean,Variance') 
print ('  for U(x) <= cutoff ') 
print (U_le_cutoff)
print ('  for U(x) >  cutoff')
print (U_ge_cutoff)
print ('')
print (pd.DataFrame({'B(i) values:':b}))

Primary variable:   average  = 2.528120517730713
                    variance = 22.086761474609375
                    minimum  = 0.05999999865889549
                    maximum  = 58.31999969482422
Secondary variable: average  = 2.5275845527648926
                    variance = 9.776809692382812
                    minimum  = 0.18000000715255737
                    maximum  = 22.459999084472656
 Cutoffs on Primary Variable 
  U cutoff 1  cutoff =   0.5  cdf =  0.29924345
  U cutoff 2  cutoff =   1.0  cdf =  0.47028258
  U cutoff 3  cutoff =   2.5  cdf =  0.7250056
  U cutoff 4  cutoff =   5.0  cdf =  0.8742452
  U cutoff 5  cutoff =   10.0  cdf =  0.95929337

Number within each bivariate (u,v) class:                               ??? max is differen ??? check this
           0.5       1.0       2.5       5.0      10.0       max
0.5   0.192696  0.013007  0.009393  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
1.0   0.078034  0.056849  0.034435  0.006843  0.000000  0.000000
2.5   0.006743  0.093448  0.141597  0.031549  0.020500  0.000000
5.0   0.021771  0.000000  0.056170  0.091741  0.017442  0.003179
10.0  0.000000  0.007736  0.013128  0.016900  0.025635  0.011514
max   0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.002207  0.021471  0.026014

 The cumulative frequency (local prior cdf) table:
[[0.8958624  0.9563326  1.         1.         1.         1.        ]
 [0.44297126 0.7656814  0.96115637 1.         1.         1.        ]
 [0.02294715 0.3409743  0.8228645  0.9302348  1.         1.        ]
 [0.11440152 0.11440152 0.40956345 0.89164126 0.9832976  0.9999999 ]
 [0.         0.10326085 0.27850875 0.5040999  0.8463005  0.99999994]
 [0.         0.         0.         0.04441569 0.47649848 1.        ]]

  for U(x) <= cutoff 
   cutoff      mean  total       var
0     0.5  0.701239     30  0.077207
1     1.0  0.717546     47  0.078863
2     2.5  0.847617     76  0.040054
3     5.0  0.933323    101  0.012283
4    10.0  0.973663    126  0.007686
  for U(x) >  cutoff
   cutoff      mean  total       var
0     0.5  0.127580    110  0.040218
1     1.0  0.250763     93  0.047037
2     2.5  0.401749     64  0.073528
3     5.0  0.463537     39  0.132374
4    10.0  0.620672     14  0.037951

   B(i) values:
0      0.573659
1      0.466783
2      0.445868
3      0.469785
4      0.352990

Note: This is also comparable to data on file for output calibration (SISIM), or in the *.par file above

 Thresholds for secondary variable
 The local prior distribution table:
 0.89586 0.95633 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
 0.44297 0.76568 0.96116 1.00000 1.00000
 0.02295 0.34097 0.82286 0.93023 1.00000
 0.11440 0.11440 0.40956 0.89164 0.98330
 0.00000 0.10326 0.27851 0.50410 0.84630
 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.04442 0.47650
 The calibration parameters B(i): 

Comparing with results in the file for output data / distributions (bicalib.out)

In [13]:
names=['P_Thr_'+x for x in map (str , parameters_bicalib['cutu'])]
Ptr=pd.DataFrame(lcdf, columns= names)
print (Ptr.head())

   P_Thr_0.5  P_Thr_1.0  P_Thr_2.5  P_Thr_5.0  P_Thr_10.0
0   0.114402   0.114402   0.409563   0.891641    0.983298
1   0.114402   0.114402   0.409563   0.891641    0.983298
2   0.022947   0.340974   0.822864   0.930235    1.000000
3   0.022947   0.340974   0.822864   0.930235    1.000000
4   0.442971   0.765681   0.961156   1.000000    1.000000

expected results

                         pt0.5   pt1.0   pt2.5   pt5.0  pt10.0
  .5   .5 -1.00  3.26   0.1144  0.1144  0.4096  0.8916  0.9833
 1.5   .5 -1.00  2.64   0.1144  0.1144  0.4096  0.8916  0.9833
 2.5   .5 -1.00  2.15   0.0229  0.3410  0.8229  0.9302  1.0000
 3.5   .5 -1.00  1.69   0.0229  0.3410  0.8229  0.9302  1.0000
 4.5   .5 -1.00   .51   0.4430  0.7657  0.9612  1.0000  1.0000

In [14]:
print (Ptr.tail())

      P_Thr_0.5  P_Thr_1.0  P_Thr_2.5  P_Thr_5.0  P_Thr_10.0
2495        0.0   0.103261   0.278509     0.5041      0.8463
2496        0.0   0.103261   0.278509     0.5041      0.8463
2497        0.0   0.103261   0.278509     0.5041      0.8463
2498        0.0   0.103261   0.278509     0.5041      0.8463
2499        0.0   0.103261   0.278509     0.5041      0.8463

expected results

                         pt0.5   pt1.0   pt2.5   pt5.0  pt10.0
45.5 49.5 -1.00  8.82   0.0000  0.1033  0.2785  0.5041  0.8463
46.5 49.5 -1.00  7.97   0.0000  0.1033  0.2785  0.5041  0.8463
47.5 49.5 -1.00  8.62   0.0000  0.1033  0.2785  0.5041  0.8463
48.5 49.5 -1.00  6.59   0.0000  0.1033  0.2785  0.5041  0.8463
49.5 49.5 -1.00  5.83   0.0000  0.1033  0.2785  0.5041  0.8463

In [ ]: