If you don't know what Generator Pipelines here are some resources:
Intro material: Generator Pipelines in Python
More advanced, LOTS of exercises: David M. Beazley
Video presentation: V James Powell @ PyData NYC 2012
tl;dr - Good for streaming data and building pipelines that iterate over streaming data.
How easy is it to get workbench to build streaming data pipeline thingys?
Run the workbench server (from somewhere, for the demo we're just going to start a local one)
$ workbench_server
In [76]:
# Lets start to interact with workbench, please note there is NO specific client to workbench,
# Just use the ZeroRPC Python, Node.js, or CLI interfaces.
import zerorpc
c = zerorpc.Client()
In [77]:
# Load in 100 PE Files
import os
file_list = [os.path.join('../data/pe/bad', child) for child in os.listdir('../data/pe/bad')]
file_list += [os.path.join('../data/pe/good', child) for child in os.listdir('../data/pe/good')]
md5_list = []
for filename in file_list:
with open(filename,'rb') as f:
md5_list.append(c.store_sample(f.read(), filename, 'exe'))
print 'Files loaded: %d' % len(md5_list)
In [78]:
# Compute pe_features on all files of type pe, just pull back the sparse features
imports = c.batch_work_request('pe_features', {'md5_list': md5_list, 'subkeys':['md5','sparse_features.imported_symbols']})
In [79]:
# Client generators
# First we're going going to filter PE Files only getting ones with communication related imports
def comm_imports(import_info_list):
comm_imports = ['accept', 'bind', 'connect', 'connectnamedpipe', 'gethostbyname', 'gethostname', 'inet_addr', 'recv', 'send']
for import_info in import_info_list:
md5 = import_info['md5']
import_symbols = import_info['imported_symbols']
if any(comm in sym for comm in comm_imports for sym in import_symbols ):
yield md5
def peid_sigs(md5_list):
for md5 in md5_list:
yield c.work_request('pe_peid', md5)
In [80]:
# Now and only now will our generator pipeline unwind. The work will get pulled from the workbench
# server and ONLY what needs to get processed based on our generator filters will get processed.
# Note: Out of 100 PE Files, only 19 matched our filter, so only 19 will get pulled through the peid
# worker. Imagine a generator pipeline that ended in a dynamic sandbox.. super handy to downselect first.
peid_results = peid_sigs(comm_imports(imports))
for peid_info in peid_results:
print peid_info
- Just the import symbols for 100 samples
- Just the PEID signature matches for 19 samples