
A light-weight and flexible approach to task management, execution and pipelining.

Adoption of Workbench:

Open source tools have 3 primary components that are critical for adoption:

  • ### How easy is it to get the system up and running?

  • ### How easy is it to use?

    • ZeroRPC has Python, Node.js, or CLI interfaces.See ZeroRPC.
      import zerorpc
      c = zerorpc.Client()
      with open('evil.pcap','rb') as f:
        md5 = c.store_sample(, 'evil.pcap', 'pcap')
      print c.work_request('pcap_meta', md5)
    • Output from above 'client':
      {'pcap_meta': {'encoding': 'binary',
      'file_size': 54339570,
      'file_type': 'tcpdump (little-endian) - version 2.4 (Ethernet, 65535)',
      'filename': 'evil.pcap',
      'import_time': '2014-02-08T22:15:50.282000Z',
      'md5': 'bba97e16d7f92240196dc0caef9c457a',
      'mime_type': 'application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap'}}
  • ### How easy is it for me to put my own code into it?
    • Below is the listing of the code for the 'strings' worker: Each worker needs to provide:
      • dependencies (which other workers do you want as input)
      • An execute method that takes a python dictionary as input and returns a python dictionary as output.
      • That's it...

Lets start up the workbench server...

Run the workbench server (from somewhere, for the demo we're just going to start a local one)

$ workbench_server

Okay so when the server starts up, it autoloads any worker plugins in the server/worker directory and dynamically monitors the directory, if a new python file shows up, it's validated as a properly formed plugin and if it passes is added to the list of workers.

In [35]:
# Lets start to interact with workbench, please note there is NO specific client to workbench,
# Just use the ZeroRPC Python, Node.js, or CLI interfaces.
import zerorpc
c = zerorpc.Client()


So I'm confused what am I suppose to do with workbench?

Workbench is often confusing for new users (we're trying to work on that). Please see our github repository for the latest documentation and notebooks examples (the notebook examples can really help). New users can start by typing **** after they connect to workbench.

In [36]:
# I forgot what stuff I can do with workbench

Welcome to Workbench: Here's a list of help commands:
	 - Run c.help_basic() for beginner help
	 - Run c.help_commands() for command help
	 - Run c.help_workers() for a list of workers
	 - Run c.help_advanced() for advanced help

See for more information

In [37]:
print c.help_basic()

Workbench: Getting started...
	 - 1) $ print c.help_commands() for a list of commands
	 - 2) $ print c.help_command('store_sample') for into on a specific command
	 - 3) $ print c.help_workers() for a list a workers
	 - 4) $ print c.help_worker('meta') for info on a specific worker
	 - 5) $ my_md5 = c.store_sample(...)
	 - 6) $ output = c.work_request('meta', my_md5)

In [38]:
# STEP 1:
# Okay get the list of commands from workbench
print c.help_commands()

Workbench Commands:
	add_node(node_id, name, labels)
	add_rel(source_id, target_id, rel)
	get_sample_window(type_tag, size)
	index_sample(md5, index_name)
	index_worker_output(worker_class, md5, index_name, subfield)
	search(index_name, query)
	store_sample(input_bytes, filename, type_tag)
	work_request(worker_class, md5, subkeys=None)

In [39]:
# STEP 2:
# Lets gets the infomation on a specific command 'store_sample'
print c.help_command('store_sample')

 Command: store_sample(input_bytes, filename, type_tag) 
 Store a sample into the DataStore.
                filename: name of the file (used purely as meta data not for lookup)
                input_bytes: the actual bytes of the sample e.g.
                type_tag: ('exe','pcap','pdf','json','swf', or ...)
                the md5 of the sample

In [40]:
# STEP 3:
# Now lets get infomation about the dynamically loaded workers (your site may have many more!)
# Next to each worker name is the list of dependences that worker has declared
print c.help_workers()

Workbench Workers:
	json_meta ['sample', 'meta']
	log_meta ['sample', 'meta']
	meta ['sample']
	meta_deep ['sample', 'meta']
	pcap_bro ['sample']
	pcap_graph ['pcap_bro']
	pcap_graph_0_1 ['pcap_bro']
	pcap_http_graph ['pcap_bro']
	pe_classifier ['pe_features', 'pe_indicators']
	pe_deep_sim ['meta_deep']
	pe_features ['sample']
	pe_indicators ['sample']
	pe_peid ['sample']
	strings ['sample']
	swf_meta ['sample', 'meta']
	unzip ['sample']
	url ['strings']
	view ['meta']
	view_customer ['meta']
	view_log_meta ['log_meta']
	view_meta ['meta']
	view_pcap ['pcap_bro']
	view_pcap_details ['view_pcap']
	view_pdf ['meta', 'strings']
	view_pe ['meta', 'strings', 'pe_peid', 'pe_indicators', 'pe_classifier', 'pe_disass']
	view_zip ['meta', 'unzip']
	vt_query ['meta']
	yara_sigs ['sample']

In [41]:
# STEP 4:
# Lets gets the infomation about the meta worker
print c.help_worker('meta')

 Worker: meta ['sample']
	 This worker computes meta data for any file type. 

Alright, are we feeling awesome yet?

Let do some stuff

Workbench has lots of samples that you can try out (some of them are malicious, be careful!). So you can grab a PE file, a PCAP, or a PDF file and throw it in!

In [42]:
# STEP 5:
# Okay when we load up a file, we get the md5 back
filename = '../data/pe/bad/0cb9aa6fb9c4aa3afad7a303e21ac0f3'
with open(filename,'rb') as f:
    my_md5 = c.store_sample(, filename, 'exe')
print my_md5


In [43]:
# STEP 6:
# Run a worker on my sample
output = c.work_request('meta', my_md5)

{'meta': {'customer': 'BearTron',
  'encoding': 'binary',
  'file_size': 20480,
  'file_type': 'PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows',
  'filename': '../data/pe/bad/0cb9aa6fb9c4aa3afad7a303e21ac0f3',
  'import_time': '2014-06-10T20:48:15.321000Z',
  'length': 20480,
  'md5': '0cb9aa6fb9c4aa3afad7a303e21ac0f3',
  'mime_type': 'application/x-dosexec',
  'type_tag': 'exe'}}

Alright, now it's time to get fabulous!

Let check out some of the other workers

We saw a bunch of workers for PE Files, so lets look at the help for those and start taking it up a notch!

In [44]:
# Lets see what view_pe does
print c.help_worker('view_pe')

 Worker: view_pe ['meta', 'strings', 'pe_peid', 'pe_indicators', 'pe_classifier', 'pe_disass']
	 Generates a high level summary view for PE files that incorporates a large set of workers 

In [45]:
# Okay lets give it a try
c.work_request('view_pe', my_md5)

{'view_pe': {'classification': 'Evil!',
  'customer': 'BearTron',
  'disass': 'plugin_failed',
  'encoding': 'binary',
  'file_size': 20480,
  'file_type': 'PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows',
  'filename': '../data/pe/bad/0cb9aa6fb9c4aa3afad7a303e21ac0f3',
  'import_time': '2014-06-10T20:48:15.321000Z',
  'indicators': [{'attributes': ['findwindowexa', 'findwindowa'],
    'category': 'ANTI_DEBUG',
    'description': 'Imported symbols related to anti-debugging',
    'severity': 3},
   {'category': 'MALFORMED', 'description': 'Checksum of Zero', 'severity': 1},
   {'category': 'MALFORMED',
    'description': 'Reported Checksum does not match actual checksum',
    'severity': 2},
   {'attributes': ['sendmessagea'],
    'category': 'COMMUNICATION',
    'description': 'Imported symbols related to network communication',
    'severity': 1},
   {'attributes': ['getmodulehandlea', 'getstartupinfoa'],
    'category': 'PROCESS_MANIPULATION',
    'description': 'Imported symbols related to process manipulation/injection',
    'severity': 3},
   {'attributes': ['getsystemmetrics'],
    'category': 'PROCESS_SPAWN',
    'description': 'Imported symbols related to spawning a new process',
    'severity': 2}],
  'length': 20480,
  'md5': '0cb9aa6fb9c4aa3afad7a303e21ac0f3',
  'mime_type': 'application/x-dosexec',
  'peid_Matches': ['Microsoft Visual C++ v6.0'],
  'type_tag': 'exe'}}

The Workbench framework is client/server so here's what just happened...

In [46]:
# Okay, that worker needed the output of pe_features and pe_indicators
# so what happened? The worker has a dependency list and workbench
# recursively satisfies that dependency list.. this is powerful because
# when we're interested in one particular analysis we just want to get
# the darn thing without having to worry about a bunch of details

# Well lets do this for a bunch of files!
import os
file_list = [os.path.join('../data/pe/bad', child) for child in os.listdir('../data/pe/bad')]
working_set = []
for filename in file_list:
    with open(filename,'rb') as f:
        md5 = c.store_sample(, filename, 'exe')
        results = c.work_request('pe_classifier', md5)
        print 'Results: %s' % (results)

Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '033d91aae8ad29ed9fbb858179271232'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '0cb9aa6fb9c4aa3afad7a303e21ac0f3'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '0e882ec9b485979ea84c7843d41ba36f'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Benign', 'md5': '0e8b030fb6ae48ffd29e520fc16b5641'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Benign', 'md5': '0eb9e990c521b30428a379700ec5ab3e'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '127f2bade752445b3dbf2cf2ea75c201'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '139385a91b9bca0833bdc1fa77e42b91'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '13dcc5b4570180118eb65529b77f6d89'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '1cac80a2147cd8f3860547e43edcaa00'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '1cea13cf888cd8ce4f869029f1dbb601'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '1d733a9e3e571ce5f5f633a0cfd3d5f0'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '2058c50de5976c67a09dfa5e0e1c7eb5'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '2d012cba541c22fb7250975d5ad0d065'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '2d015553c7388e4d78f05b24aba0819c'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '2d017ff228c39a0a727586b33f8168b0'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '2d09133abb48e1c7f3f5c8f8ced8fef4'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '2d094b6c69020091b68d1bcf5d11fa4b'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '2d095091983dd0bf6ab7c0bb6dd695f9'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '2d09546831b17d2cc0583362b6d312ae'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '2d099171876f7301c155bd775fff2b6a'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Benign', 'md5': '2d09a573b0e9d02a9fa47b16e9c01a48'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '2d09b5768e3617523d8afa110361919c'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '2d09b8d9852c3176259915e3509bcbd1'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '2d09ca902990545fec9ac190b0338b50'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '2d09cb38c268aa9297e5a7f27e677267'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '2d09cc92bbe29d96bb3a91b350d1725f'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '2d09e4aff42aebac87ae2fd737aba94f'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '32b24e73cfc3ac4c43f1926f8935e438'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '4ed28b6207560f127d267de639a4e1bf'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '505804ec7c7212a52ec85e075b91ed84'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '60a83c049e135cc199138c1f8861437c'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '69f9633fa6fd5dc1fd917cb435bba8ad'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '79f5e1af9fdb92476045989bda7515c7'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '7f313447b887b078215617fbed1a34a1'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '8006782bdf703e2f3fdf1d1650f45ffd'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '86714940f491bc38c2e842e80c7f778e'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '987bd46899b2a9493e6dec051edcb66c'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '9cd3d7b1b0f2aea5950cbf7d97776f2f'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '9ceccd9f32cb2ad0b140b6d15d8993b6'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': '9e42ff1e6f75ae3e60b24e48367c8f26'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': 'a7b0a9067d8292b252d741e6fae17cd9'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Benign', 'md5': 'afddc552b31a8f2438768c73674bf29e'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': 'b681485cb9e0cad73ee85b9274c0d3c2'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': 'bf1249a258cbcccec0f1b4ea1e9451a1'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': 'c8c54ac7e827056174762c68db84534f'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': 'cc113aa59c04b17e7cb832fc417f104d'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Benign', 'md5': 'd94da41e7e809f7366971b3b50f8ef68'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': 'e9a6c83826deacfbc2281b6c7e401694'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': 'ea5d95c96a23b21b9038f03b91955c18'}}
Results: {'pe_classifier': {'classification': 'Evil!', 'md5': 'f6190648c2efb764ae1d73b0e9a4fd13'}}

In [47]:
# We just ran the classifer on 50 files and you'll note that we ONLY got back the
# information we ask for. On a large amount of files (100k or greater) if you don't
# have a granular system, something this easy WILL NOT BE POSSIBLE! (dramatic enough?)

# So lets look at the features going into the classifier (btw the classifier is currently a TOY EXAMPLE)
c.work_request('pe_features', md5)

{'pe_features': {'dense_features': {'check_sum': 0,
   'compile_date': 1074901182,
   'datadir_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC_size': 2348796035,
   'datadir_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT_size': 0,
   'datadir_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT_size': 0,
   'datadir_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT_size': 20,
   'datadir_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE_size': 262,
   'debug_size': 0,
   'export_size': 0,
   'generated_check_sum': 62500,
   'iat_rva': 86510,
   'major_version': 0,
   'minor_version': 57,
   'number_of_bound_import_symbols': 0,
   'number_of_bound_imports': 0,
   'number_of_export_symbols': 0,
   'number_of_import_symbols': 0,
   'number_of_imports': 0,
   'number_of_rva_and_sizes': 10,
   'number_of_sections': 3,
   'pe_char': 33167,
   'pe_dll': 0,
   'pe_driver': 0,
   'pe_exe': 1,
   'pe_i386': 1,
   'pe_majorlink': 76,
   'pe_minorlink': 111,
   'pe_warnings': 1,
   'sec_entropy_': 7.876937179741062,
   'sec_entropy_@': 5.388003199139927,
   'sec_entropy_data': 0,
   'sec_entropy_ps': 5.388003199139927,
   'sec_entropy_rdata': 0,
   'sec_entropy_reloc': 0,
   'sec_entropy_rsrc': 0,
   'sec_entropy_text': 0,
   'sec_raw_execsize': 6984,
   'sec_rawptr_': 512,
   'sec_rawptr_@': 16,
   'sec_rawptr_data': 0,
   'sec_rawptr_ps': 16,
   'sec_rawptr_rsrc': 0,
   'sec_rawptr_text': 0,
   'sec_rawsize_': 5992,
   'sec_rawsize_@': 496,
   'sec_rawsize_data': 0,
   'sec_rawsize_ps': 496,
   'sec_rawsize_rsrc': 0,
   'sec_rawsize_text': 0,
   'sec_va_execsize': 86016,
   'sec_vasize_': 36864,
   'sec_vasize_@': 4096,
   'sec_vasize_data': 0,
   'sec_vasize_ps': 45056,
   'sec_vasize_rsrc': 0,
   'sec_vasize_text': 0,
   'size_code': 1766614113,
   'size_image': 90112,
   'size_initdata': 1918988898,
   'size_uninit': 16761,
   'std_section_names': 0,
   'total_size_pe': 6504,
   'virtual_address': 4096,
   'virtual_size': 45056,
   'virtual_size_2': 36864},
  'md5': 'f6190648c2efb764ae1d73b0e9a4fd13',
  'sparse_features': {'imp_hash': 'Not found: Install pefile 1.2.10-139 or later',
   'imported_symbols': [],
   'pe_warning_strings': ['Error parsing section 0. PointerToRawData should normally be a multiple of FileAlignment, this might imply the file is trying to confuse tools which parse this incorrectly',
    'Suspicious flags set for section 0. Both IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE are set. This might indicate a packed executable.',
    'Suspicious flags set for section 1. Both IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE are set. This might indicate a packed executable.',
    'Error parsing section 2. PointerToRawData should normally be a multiple of FileAlignment, this might imply the file is trying to confuse tools which parse this incorrectly',
    'Suspicious flags set for section 2. Both IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE are set. This might indicate a packed executable.',
    'Corrupt header "IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR" at file offset 494. Exception: \'Data length less than expected header length.\'',
    "Invalid relocation information. Can't read data at RVA: 0x476ffa5"],
   'section_names': ['ps', '', '@']}}}

In [48]:
c.work_request('pe_indicators', md5)

{'pe_indicators': {'indicator_list': [{'category': 'PE_WARN',
    'description': 'Error parsing section 0. PointerToRawData should normally be a multiple of FileAlignment, this might imply the file is trying to confuse tools which parse this incorrectly',
    'severity': 2},
   {'category': 'PE_WARN',
    'description': 'Suspicious flags set for section 0. Both IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE are set. This might indicate a packed executable.',
    'severity': 2},
   {'category': 'PE_WARN',
    'description': 'Suspicious flags set for section 1. Both IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE are set. This might indicate a packed executable.',
    'severity': 2},
   {'category': 'PE_WARN',
    'description': 'Error parsing section 2. PointerToRawData should normally be a multiple of FileAlignment, this might imply the file is trying to confuse tools which parse this incorrectly',
    'severity': 2},
   {'category': 'PE_WARN',
    'description': 'Suspicious flags set for section 2. Both IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE are set. This might indicate a packed executable.',
    'severity': 2},
   {'category': 'PE_WARN',
    'description': 'Corrupt header "IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR" at file offset 494. Exception: \'Data length less than expected header length.\'',
    'severity': 2},
   {'category': 'PE_WARN',
    'description': "Invalid relocation information. Can't read data at RVA: 0x476ffa5",
    'severity': 2},
   {'category': 'MALFORMED', 'description': 'Checksum of Zero', 'severity': 1},
   {'category': 'MALFORMED',
    'description': 'Reported Checksum does not match actual checksum',
    'severity': 2},
   {'category': 'MALFORMED',
    'description': 'Image size does not match reported size',
    'severity': 3},
   {'attributes': ['ps', '', '@'],
    'category': 'MALFORMED',
    'description': 'Section(s) with a non-standard name, tamper indication',
    'severity': 3},
   {'attributes': ['PS', '@\x00\x0f@\x00'],
    'category': 'MALFORMED',
    'description': 'Unaligned section, tamper indication',
    'severity': 3}],
  'md5': 'f6190648c2efb764ae1d73b0e9a4fd13'}}

Wow, that's a lot of features... Good thing I can ask for just what I want and minimize network traffic.

On another note, did we just waste some time there? Did workbench have to recompute the features? No everything done by workbench is pushed into the MongoDB backend and then if the work results for that md5 are already in the datastore the a very lightweight call is made to get the results. In fact results are never directly returned, the worker pushes into Mongo and then we pull them out and hand them to the client, that way we ^ensure^ that the bits in the datastore and the bits that you get are the exact same 'gold bits' (seems like overkill but it's important).

Your data - Transparent, Organized, Accessible

In [49]:
# Another example.. I want to look at strings for different types of files (not just pe_files)
# So we can load up a few pdfs (the pe's are already in the datastore)
file_list = [os.path.join('../data/pdf/bad', child) for child in os.listdir('../data/pdf/bad')]
for filename in file_list:
    with open(filename,'rb') as f:
        md5 = c.store_sample(, filename, 'pdf')

In [50]:
# Now we rip the strings worker on them all
for md5 in working_set:
    result = c.work_request('strings', md5)
    print 'results: %s' % (result['strings']['string_list'][:5]) # strings output is large so just showing the first 5

results: ['    ', '!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Rich', '.text', '.rdata']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Rich3', '.text', '`.rdata', '']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Rich', '.text', '`.data', '.rsrc']
results: ['This program must be run under Win32', 'CODE', '`DATA', '.idata', '.tls']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Rich', '.text', '`.rdata', '@DATA']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'kRich', '.text', '`.rdata', '']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', '.text', '.code', '`.data', '.data3']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'YRich', '.text', '`.rdata', '']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', '.text', '`.data', '.rsrc', 'blenkxr']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Rich', '.text', '`.rdata', '']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', '.text', '.data', '.rsrc', 'aitrfvl']
results: ['This program must be run under Win32', 'ATSEC0', '`ATSEC1', '@ATSEC2', '@idata']
results: ['This program must be run under Win32', 'CODE', '`DATA', '.idata', '.reloc']
results: ['yrf<[LordPE]', '.text', '.text', 'ExitProcess', 'KERNEL32.dll']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Rich', '.text', '`rdata', '.data']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', '6Rich#', '^"+M', 'UPX0', 'UPX1']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Rich"', '.text', '@.code', '`.data']
results: ['yrf<[LordPE]', '.text', '.text', 'ExitProcess', 'KERNEL32.dll']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Riche', '.text', '.data', '.rsrc']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Rich', '.text', '`rdata', '.data']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Rich', '.data', '`.data', '`.data']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', '.text', '`.data', '.idata', '@.rsrc']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', ">O'X_!tX_!tX_!t", '@+tN_!t', 'C/tR_!t:@2tS_!tX_ t', '@*t[_!t']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'RichX', 'E0TK', '.text', '`.rdata']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Rich', '.text', '`rdata', '.data']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Rich', '.text', '`.rdata', '']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'UPX0', 'UPX1', '.rsrc', '3.03']
results: ['    ', '!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Rich', '.text', '.rdata']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Rich', '.data', '.pdata', '.ex_cod']
results: ['This program must be run under Win32', 'CODE', '`DATA', '.idata', '.tls']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', '.text', '`.rdata', '', '_TEXT2']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'ERich', 'UPX0', 'UPX1', 'UPX2']
results: ['This program must be run under Win32', 'mnYD', 'CODE', '`DATA', '.idata']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', '.text', '`.rdata', '', '_TEXT2']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Rich', '.PEX', '`.PEX', 'Bome']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', '|Richv', 'UPX0', 'UPX1', '.rsrc']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Rich', '.text', '`.rdata', '']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'sIPE', '.text', '.data', '.rsrc']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', '.text', '.data', '.rsrc', 'mzphdwa']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', '.text', '.data', '.rsrc', 'lsicbkg']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Rich', '.packed', '`.RLPack', 'a?/u']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Rich', '.text', 'h.rdata', 'H.reloc']
results: ['This program must be run under Win32', 'CODE', '`DATA', '.idata', '.tls']
results: ['    ', '!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'Rich', '.text', '.rdata']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', '.text', '.data', '.rdata', '@.bss']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'ssaR', "'#K'", '.data', '.text']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'BZ.`', 'Richy', 'J!NH', '.text']
results: ['!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.', 'RichW', '.text', '.data', '.rsrc']
results: ['.text', 'KERNEL32.DLL', 'MSVCRT.DLL', 'USER32.DLL', 'ADVAPI32.DLL']
results: ['MZKERNEL32.DLL', 'LoadLibraryA', 'GetProcAddress', '^]YF', 'W8mu']
results: ['%PDF-1.6', '52 0 obj<</Length 51252212/Root 1 0 R/Info 3 0 R%/F/W[1 2 1]/Index[5 1 7 1 9 4 23 4 50 3]>>stream', '/Filter/FlateDecode/W[1 2 1]/Index[5 1 7 1 9 4 23 4 50 3]>>stream', 'bbb0b`b```', '310Z']
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Views exemplify the true power of the workbench. They are meta workers in the broadest sense, they can call any set of workers (and other views, which are just workers of course). All of the previous notebook code focused on demonstrating the level of control and granularity you can use with workbench, here the example we're going to show for views will be for those who don't care about granularity and really just want a big 'GO' button.

Views can also be precise or general (example shows the latter):

- Customer billing View
- Sample volume over time View
- All samples that use communications calls View

So lets look at the last kind .. it's called 'view' and like many of the other workers it's 20 lines of code.

But it's deceptively simple, if you think about what must be happening below... over a dozen workers are getting orchestrated and run only when it makes sense for that MIME type. So with a few 'pull' calls the recursive dependency chains are invoked; work is done if/when it's needed and the whole thing is fantastically elegant and efficient. If your mind isn't a little bit blown by what happens below then you might not be paying attention.

In [51]:
# This just grabs all the file_paths recursively
def tag_type(path):
    types = ['bro','json','log','pcap','pdf','exe','swf','zip']
    for try_type in types:
        if try_type in os.path.dirname(path):
            return try_type

file_list = []
for p,d,f_list in os.walk('../data'):
    file_list += [os.path.join(p, f) for f in f_list]

Please note the next cell takes several minutes to complete

The repository has hundreds of test files and the next few lines of python runs them all through 4-5 workers each, yes 'view' is like a magic pony it will figure out what workers to run on which file types (peid is the big time hog in case you're wondering).

In [54]:
# We're going to load in all the files which include PE files, PCAPS, PDFs, and ZIPs and run 'view' on them.
# Note: This takes a while :)
import pprint
results = []
for filename in file_list:
    with open(filename,'rb') as f:
        md5 = c.store_sample(, os.path.basename(filename), tag_type(filename))
        results.append(c.work_request('view', md5))

[{'view': {'md5': '142372845adfdb668ba5bca0e81e6c19',
           'meta': {'customer': 'Mega Corp',
                    'encoding': 'binary',
                    'file_size': 12292,
                    'file_type': 'Apple Desktop Services Store',
                    'filename': '.DS_Store',
                    'import_time': '2014-06-10T20:48:33.501000Z',
                    'length': 12292,
                    'md5': '142372845adfdb668ba5bca0e81e6c19',
                    'mime_type': 'binary',
                    'type_tag': None}}},
 {'view': {'md5': 'f12f0237be84a8e353477e55ec43589b',
           'meta': {'customer': 'Dorseys Mom',
                    'encoding': 'us-ascii',
                    'file_size': 25218,
                    'file_type': 'ASCII text',
                    'filename': 'conn.log',
                    'import_time': '2014-06-10T20:48:33.514000Z',
                    'length': 25218,
                    'md5': 'f12f0237be84a8e353477e55ec43589b',
                    'mime_type': 'text/plain',
                    'type_tag': 'bro'}}},
 {'view': {'md5': 'a62fd3c72c1d688ff8041e0be87d07aa',
           'meta': {'customer': 'Dorseys Mom',
                    'encoding': 'us-ascii',
                    'file_size': 541,
                    'file_type': 'ASCII text',
                    'filename': 'dhcp.log',
                    'import_time': '2014-06-10T20:48:33.532000Z',
                    'length': 541,
                    'md5': 'a62fd3c72c1d688ff8041e0be87d07aa',
                    'mime_type': 'text/plain',
                    'type_tag': 'bro'}}},
 {'view': {'md5': '438022b94b10cada18414314b0c8584b',
           'meta': {'customer': 'Huge Inc',
                    'encoding': 'us-ascii',
                    'file_size': 23896,
                    'file_type': 'ASCII text',
                    'filename': 'dns.log',
                    'import_time': '2014-06-10T20:48:33.551000Z',
                    'length': 23896,
                    'md5': '438022b94b10cada18414314b0c8584b',
                    'mime_type': 'text/plain',
                    'type_tag': 'bro'}}},
 {'view': {'md5': 'f57da114f0f1e07b93f374d68c65c583',
           'meta': {'customer': 'Dorseys Mom',
                    'encoding': 'us-ascii',
                    'file_size': 40283,
                    'file_type': 'ASCII text',
                    'filename': 'files.log',
                    'import_time': '2014-06-10T20:48:33.573000Z',
                    'length': 40283,
                    'md5': 'f57da114f0f1e07b93f374d68c65c583',
                    'mime_type': 'text/plain',
                    'type_tag': 'bro'}}}]

In [55]:
# Okay so views can either aggregate results from multiple workers or they
# can subset to just want you want (webpage presentation for instance)
results = c.batch_work_request('view_customer')
print results

<generator object iterator at 0x10e3375a0>

Holy s#@&! The server batch request returned a generator?

Yes generators are awesome but getting one from a server request! Are u serious?! Yes, thanks to ZeroRPC...dead serious.. like chopping off your head and kicking your body into a shallow grave and putting your head on a stick... serious.

For more on client/server generators and client-contructed/server-executed generator pipelines see our super spiffy Generator Pipelines notebook.

In [56]:
# At this granularity it opens up a new world
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(results)

customer filename import_time length md5 type_tag
0 BearTron ../data/pe/bad/0cb9aa6fb9c4aa3afad7a303e21ac0f3 2014-06-10T20:48:15.321000Z 20480 0cb9aa6fb9c4aa3afad7a303e21ac0f3 pe
1 Mega Corp ../data/pe/bad/033d91aae8ad29ed9fbb858179271232 2014-06-10T20:48:19.036000Z 85504 033d91aae8ad29ed9fbb858179271232 pe
2 Dorseys Mom ../data/pe/bad/0e882ec9b485979ea84c7843d41ba36f 2014-06-10T20:48:19.146000Z 64512 0e882ec9b485979ea84c7843d41ba36f pe
3 Mega Corp ../data/pe/bad/0e8b030fb6ae48ffd29e520fc16b5641 2014-06-10T20:48:19.258000Z 81920 0e8b030fb6ae48ffd29e520fc16b5641 pe
4 Dorseys Mom ../data/pe/bad/0eb9e990c521b30428a379700ec5ab3e 2014-06-10T20:48:19.519000Z 97280 0eb9e990c521b30428a379700ec5ab3e pe
5 Dorseys Mom ../data/pe/bad/127f2bade752445b3dbf2cf2ea75c201 2014-06-10T20:48:19.697000Z 66560 127f2bade752445b3dbf2cf2ea75c201 pe
6 Huge Inc ../data/pe/bad/139385a91b9bca0833bdc1fa77e42b91 2014-06-10T20:48:19.817000Z 22510 139385a91b9bca0833bdc1fa77e42b91 pe
7 Mega Corp ../data/pe/bad/13dcc5b4570180118eb65529b77f6d89 2014-06-10T20:48:19.897000Z 29184 13dcc5b4570180118eb65529b77f6d89 pe
8 BearTron ../data/pe/bad/1cac80a2147cd8f3860547e43edcaa00 2014-06-10T20:48:20.009000Z 72704 1cac80a2147cd8f3860547e43edcaa00 pe
9 Mega Corp ../data/pe/bad/1cea13cf888cd8ce4f869029f1dbb601 2014-06-10T20:48:20.160000Z 53248 1cea13cf888cd8ce4f869029f1dbb601 pe

10 rows × 6 columns

In [57]:
# Lets look at the file submission types broken down by customer
df['count'] = 1

length count
customer type_tag
BearTron bro 52422 12
cab 54007 1
json 288312 1
own 554 1
pcap 35057 3
pdf 374438 13
pe 1588841 28
Dorseys Mom bro 146979 20
jar 10629 1
pcap 1799435 1
pdf 251385 9
pe 1673734 27
zip 151268 2
Huge Inc bro 197288 8
own 52961 3
pcap 3461100 3
pdf 512620 18
pe 1120037 23
swf 7724 1
Mega Corp bro 59415 12
jar 18643 1
own 10252 4
pcap 693558 1
pdf 390356 12
pe 1507236 27

25 rows × 2 columns

In [58]:
# Plotting defaults
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 12.0
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 18.0, 8.0

In [59]:
# Plot box plots based on customer (PDFs)
plt.ylabel('File Size')
plt.title('File Length (PDF) by Customer')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10e5addd0>

In [60]:
# Plot box plots based on customer (PEs)
plt.ylabel('File Size')
plt.title('File Length (PE) by Customer')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10e661cd0>

In [65]:
# Okay now lets do some plots on the file meta-data
results = c.batch_work_request('meta_deep')

In [66]:
df_meta = pd.DataFrame(results)

customer encoding entropy file_size file_type filename import_time length md5 mime_type sha1 sha256 ssdeep type_tag
0 BearTron binary 2.440069 20480 PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows ../data/pe/bad/0cb9aa6fb9c4aa3afad7a303e21ac0f3 2014-06-10T20:48:15.321000Z 20480 0cb9aa6fb9c4aa3afad7a303e21ac0f3 application/x-dosexec 96e85768a12b2f319f2a4f0c048460e1b73aa573 4ecf79302ba0439f62e15d0526a297975e6bb32ea25c8c... 192:a8jJIFYrq9ATskBTp2jLDL3P1oynldvSo71nF:oFpN... pe
1 Mega Corp binary 7.894680 85504 PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows ../data/pe/bad/033d91aae8ad29ed9fbb858179271232 2014-06-10T20:48:19.036000Z 85504 033d91aae8ad29ed9fbb858179271232 application/x-dosexec 83ab10907b254752f312c89125957f10d35cb9d4 eb107c004e6e1bbd3b32ad7961661bbe28a577b0cb5dac... 1536:h6+LbfPbI5dzmJu9Tgj5aOItvEqRCHW9pjVrs2ryr... pe
2 Dorseys Mom binary 5.125292 64512 PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows ../data/pe/bad/0e882ec9b485979ea84c7843d41ba36f 2014-06-10T20:48:19.146000Z 64512 0e882ec9b485979ea84c7843d41ba36f application/x-dosexec 12fb0a1b7d9c2b2a41f4da9ce5bbfb140fb16939 616cf9e729c883d979212eb55178b7aac80dd9f58cb449... 768:5HyLMqtEM1Htz8kDmP9l+nZZYp41oj7EZmJxl/N9j6... pe
3 Mega Corp binary 6.303055 81920 PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows ../data/pe/bad/0e8b030fb6ae48ffd29e520fc16b5641 2014-06-10T20:48:19.258000Z 81920 0e8b030fb6ae48ffd29e520fc16b5641 application/x-dosexec 82d57b8302b7497b2f6943f18e2d2687b9b0f5eb feaf72bdad035e198d297bfb0b8d891645f1dacd78f0db... 1536:1uNqjqzs1hQHhInEeJMzcmGqyF7Jwe9pvUo+5TDU4... pe
4 Dorseys Mom binary 7.593283 97280 PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows ../data/pe/bad/0eb9e990c521b30428a379700ec5ab3e 2014-06-10T20:48:19.519000Z 97280 0eb9e990c521b30428a379700ec5ab3e application/x-dosexec b778fc55f0538de865d4853099a3faa0b29f311d dc5e8176a5f012ebdb4835f9b570a12c045d059f6f5bdc... 1536:KcE4iMgXjTJpdGaaJG6Mhawv7r9ZaobsLBq+h5ttB... pe

5 rows × 14 columns

In [67]:
# Plot entropy box plots based on file type
plt.xlabel('Mime Type')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10f436410>

In [68]:
# Plot customer submissions based on file type
group_df = df[['customer','type_tag']]
group_df['submissions'] = 1
group_df = group_df.groupby(['customer','type_tag']).sum().unstack()

type_tag bro cab jar json own pcap pdf pe swf zip
BearTron 12 1 NaN 1 1 3 13 28 NaN NaN
Dorseys Mom 20 NaN 1 NaN NaN 1 9 27 NaN 2
Huge Inc 8 NaN NaN NaN 3 3 18 23 1 NaN
Mega Corp 12 NaN 1 NaN 4 1 12 27 NaN NaN

4 rows × 10 columns

In [80]:
# Plot entropy box plots based on mime-type
my_colors = [(x/9.0, .8, 1.0-x/9.0) for x in range(10)] # Why the heck dosen't matplotlib have better categorical cmaps?
group_df['submissions'].plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, color=my_colors)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10f9f6e90>