Here we're using the term Similarity Graph to mean a graph where the nodes are entities (PE Files in this case) and the edges are relationships between the nodes based on similar attributes. See Semantic Network for more information.
Workbench can be setup to utilize several indexers:
Neo4j also incorporates Lucene based indexing so not only can you capture a rich set of relationships between your data entities but searches and queries are super quick.
Run the workbench server (from somewhere, for the demo we're just going to start a local one)
$ workbench_server
In [2]:
# Lets start to interact with workbench, please note there is NO specific client to workbench,
# Just use the ZeroRPC Python, Node.js, or CLI interfaces.
import zerorpc
c = zerorpc.Client()
In [3]:
# Load in 100 PE Files
def workbench_load(file_list):
md5_list = []
for filename in file_list:
with open(filename,'rb') as f:
md5_list.append(c.store_sample(, filename, 'exe'))
print 'Files loaded: %d' % len(md5_list)
return md5_list
import os
file_list = [os.path.join('../data/pe/bad', child) for child in os.listdir('../data/pe/bad')]
md5s_bad = workbench_load(file_list)
file_list = [os.path.join('../data/pe/good', child) for child in os.listdir('../data/pe/good')]
md5s_good = workbench_load(file_list)
md5_list = md5s_bad + md5s_good
In [4]:
# Compute pe_features on all files of type pe, just pull back the sparse features
imports = c.batch_work_request('pe_features', {'md5_list': md5_list, 'subkeys':['md5','sparse_features.imported_symbols']})
In [5]:
# Sending generator output into a Pandas Dataframe constructor
import pandas as pd
df_imports = pd.DataFrame(imports)
In [6]:
# Okay so we have lots of PE File attributes that we might want to look at lets do a bunch
# Note: We're invoking a couple of new workers: strings and pe_peid
# Compute pe_features on all files of type pe, just pull back the sparse features
df_warnings = pd.DataFrame(c.batch_work_request('pe_features', {'type_tag': 'exe', 'subkeys':['md5','sparse_features.pe_warning_strings']}))
In [7]:
# Compute strings on all files of type pe, just pull back the string_list
df_strings = pd.DataFrame(c.batch_work_request('strings', {'type_tag': 'exe', 'subkeys':['md5','string_list']}))
In [8]:
# Compute pe_peid on all files of type pe, just pull back the match_list
df_peids = pd.DataFrame(c.batch_work_request('pe_peid', {'type_tag': 'exe', 'subkeys':['md5','match_list']}))
There are a myriad of approaches for computing similarity between PE Files, we're arbitrarily choosing two:
SSDeep: computes context triggered piecewise hashes (CTPH) which can match inputs that have homologies.
Jaccard Index: a set based distance metric (overlap in element sets)
In [9]:
# For the first approach workbench already has a worker that does SSDeep Sims
ssdeep = pd.DataFrame(c.batch_work_request('pe_deep_sim', {'type_tag': 'exe'}))
In [10]:
# For the second approach we need to do a bit more work
# Here we setup a convenience function that takes a sparse feature list
# and computes pair wise similarities between each item in the list
def jaccard_sims(feature_df, name, thres):
md5s = feature_df['md5'].tolist()
features = feature_df[name].tolist()
sim_info_list = []
for md5_source, features_source in zip(md5s, features):
for md5_target, features_target in zip(md5s, features):
if md5_source == md5_target: continue
sim = jaccard_sim(features_source, features_target)
if sim > thres:
sim_info_list.append({'source':md5_source, 'target':md5_target, 'sim':sim})
return sim_info_list
def jaccard_sim(features1, features2):
''' Compute similarity between two sets using Jaccard similarity '''
set1 = set(features1)
set2 = set(features2)
return len(set1.intersection(set2))/float(max(len(set1),len(set2)))
except ZeroDivisionError:
return 0
Here we're using the term Similarity Graph to mean a graph where the nodes are entities (PE Files in this case) and the edges are relationships between the nodes based on similar attributes. See Semantic Network for more information.
Here we're using the super awesome Neo4j as both an indexer and graph database.
Neo4j also incorporates Lucene based indexing so not only can you capture a rich set of relationships between your data entities but searches and queries are super quick.
Note: All images were captured by simply going to http://localhost:7474/browser/ (Neo4j Browser) and making some queries.
In [11]:
# First just add all the nodes
for md5 in md5s_bad:
c.add_node(md5, md5[:6], ['exe','bad'])
for md5 in md5s_good:
c.add_node(md5, md5[:6], ['exe','good'])
In [12]:
# Store the ssdeep sims as relationships
for i, row in ssdeep.iterrows():
for sim_info in row['sim_list']:
c.add_rel(row['md5'], sim_info['md5'], 'ssdeep')
In [13]:
# Compute the Jaccard Index between imported systems and store as relationships
sims = jaccard_sims(df_imports, 'imported_symbols', .8)
for sim_info in sims:
c.add_rel(sim_info['source'], sim_info['target'], 'imports')
In [15]:
# Compute the Jaccard Index between warnings and store as relationships
sims = jaccard_sims(df_warnings, 'pe_warning_strings', .5)
for sim_info in sims:
c.add_rel(sim_info['source'], sim_info['target'], 'warnings')
In [16]:
# Compute the Jaccard Index between strings and store as relationships
sims = jaccard_sims(df_strings, 'string_list', .7)
for sim_info in sims:
c.add_rel(sim_info['source'], sim_info['target'], 'strings')
In [33]:
# Removing PE IDs that show Microsoft Visual C
criterion = df_peids['match_list'].map(lambda x:any('Microsoft Visual C' not in y for y in x))
df_peids = df_peids[criterion]
# Compute the Jaccard Index between peids and store as relationships
sims = jaccard_sims(df_peids, 'match_list', .5)
for sim_info in sims:
c.add_rel(sim_info['source'], sim_info['target'], 'peids')
print df_peids['match_list']
In [104]:
# Now run some graph queries against Neo4j
from py2neo import neo4j
graph_db = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService()
query = neo4j.CypherQuery(graph_db, "match (n:bad)-[r]-(m:good) return n.md5, labels(n),type(r), m.md5, labels(m)")
for record in
v = record.values
print '%s(%s) ---%s--> %s(%s)' %(v[0],v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4])
In [105]:
neo_q = 'match (s{md5:"74855d03ee3999e56b785a33b956245d"})-[r]-(t) return type(r),t.md5,labels(t)'
query = neo4j.CypherQuery(graph_db, neo_q)
for record in
v = record.values
print v
In [106]:
neo_q = 'match (s{md5:"73b459178a48657d5e92c41ec1fdd716"}),(t:bad), p=allShortestPaths((s)-[*..2]-(t)) return p'
query = neo4j.CypherQuery(graph_db, neo_q)
for record in
v = record.values
print v[0]