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%pylab notebook
For the motor of Problem 6-5.
In [2]:
R1 = 0.10 # [Ohm]
R20 = 0.07 # [Ohm]
Xm = 10.0 # [Ohm]
X1 = 0.21 # [Ohm]
X20 = 0.21 # [Ohm]
Pmech = 500 # [W]
Pmisc = 0 # [W]
Pcore = 400 # [W]
Vphi = 120 # [V]
n_sync = 1800 # [r/min]
w_sync = n_sync * 2*pi/60.0 # [rad/s]
To get the maximum torque at starting, the $s_\text{max}$ must be 1.00. Therefore,
$$s_\text{max} = \frac{R_2}{\sqrt{R_{TH}^2+(X_{TH}+X_2)^2}}$$$R_2$ and $X_2$ are given which means we still need to determine $R_{TH}$ and $X_{TH}$ from:
$$Z_{TH} = \frac{jX_M(R_1+jX_1)}{R_1 + j(X_1+X_M)}$$
In [3]:
Zth = (Xm*1j * (R1 + X1*1j)) / (R1 + (X1+Xm)*1j)
Rth = real(Zth)
Xth = imag(Zth)
In [4]:
s_max = 1.0
R2 = s_max * sqrt(Rth**2 + (Xth + X20)**2)
print('R2 = {:.3f} Ω'.format(R2))
Since the existing resistance is $0.070\,\Omega$, the additional resistance to be added to the rotor circuit is:
In [5]:
dR2 = R2 - R20
dR2 = {:.3f} Ω
In [6]:
s = linspace(0,50,51) / 50 # generate an array with 51 values between 0 and 50
s[0] = 0.001 # avoid division by zero
Calculate the Thevenin voltage and impedance:
In [7]:
Vth = Vphi * ( Xm / sqrt(R1**2 + (X1 + Xm)**2) )
Zth = ((Xm*1j) * (R1 + X1*1j)) / (R1 + (X1 + Xm)*1j)
Rth = Zth.real
Xth = Zth.imag
Now calculate the torque-speed characteristic for many slips between 0 and 1. Note that the first slip value is set to 0.001 instead of exactly 0 to avoid divide-by-zero problems.
In [8]:
n_m = (1 - s) * n_sync
tau_ind= (3 * Vphi**2 * R2/s) / (w_sync * ((Rth + R2/s)**2 + (Xth + X20)**2) )
In [9]:
rc('text', usetex=True) # enable LaTeX commands for plot
title(r'\bf Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristic')
xlabel(r'$n_m$ [r/min]')
ylabel(r'$\tau_{ind}$ [Nm]')
plot(n_m, tau_ind, linewidth = 2)