Data Exploration and Notes for ShiftyLines

Figuring out how X-ray spectra work.


In [2]:
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd 

from import fits


The data files I currently have:

  • 8525_nodip_0.dat: unfolded data from Cygnus X-1; i.e. this is data with the response applied to the data (to use for figuring out whether the method works, not for actual data analysis)
    • X_LO: lower bound to the energy bin edge
    • X_HI: upper bound to the energy bin edge
    • DATA_VALUE: the unfolded flux in this energy bin
    • DATA_ERROR: estimate of the uncertainty of flux measurement
  • 8525_nodip_cut.txt: A cut version of the above data file with just a small segment of the data where we believe only a single Doppler shift to be present; same columns as file above.
  • 8525_nodip_full.txt: Same as first data file above, but without the text at the beginning
  • heg_m1.pha, heg_p1.pha: High-energy grating spectra; not sure what the difference between p1 and m1 is ...
  • meg_m1.pha, meg_p1.pha: mid-energy grating spectra; same question as above.
  • heg_m1.arf, heg_p1.arf, meg_m1.arf, meg_p1.arf: anxilliary response files for the spectra (instrument response)
  • heg_m1.rmf, heg_p1.rmf, meg_m1.rmf, meg_p1.rmf: redistribution matrix files for the spectra (instrument response)

Other files:

  • si_lines.txt: List of silicon lines we're interested in.
  • lines_extended.txt: Extended list of lines for future analysis.

Looking at the unfolded spectra

Let's look at the unfolded data sets (where we've applied the response to the data). Generally, we'd like to apply the response to the model rather than the data, but looking at the unfolded spectra can be instructive:

In [3]:
names = ["bin_lo", "bin_hi", "counts", "counts_err"]
data = pd.read_csv("../data/8525_nodip_0.dat", sep="  ", 
                   names=names, comment="#")

/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/ ParserWarning: Falling back to the 'python' engine because the 'c' engine does not support regex separators (separators > 1 char and different from '\s+' are interpreted as regex); you can avoid this warning by specifying engine='python'.

In [4]:

bin_lo bin_hi counts counts_err
0 6.0500 6.0525 0.101243 0.008145
1 6.0525 6.0550 0.096116 0.008029
2 6.0550 6.0575 0.095509 0.007942
3 6.0575 6.0600 0.096080 0.007962
4 6.0600 6.0625 0.114180 0.008602

In [5]:
names = ["bin_lo", "bin_hi", "counts", "counts_err"]
data_small = pd.read_csv("../data/8525_nodip_cut.txt", sep=" ", 
                   names=names, comment="#")

In [6]:

bin_lo bin_hi counts counts_err
0 6.0500 6.0525 0.101243 0.008145
1 6.0525 6.0550 0.096116 0.008029
2 6.0550 6.0575 0.095509 0.007942
3 6.0575 6.0600 0.096080 0.007962
4 6.0600 6.0625 0.114180 0.008602

What's the fake data we've been trying stuff out on?

In [7]:
fake_data = pd.read_csv("../data/test_noshift1.txt", sep=" ", names=names, comment="#")

In [8]:

bin_lo bin_hi counts counts_err
415 7.0875 7.0900 0.097492 0.007
416 7.0900 7.0925 0.084984 0.007
417 7.0925 7.0950 0.101301 0.007
418 7.0950 7.0975 0.084311 0.007
419 7.0975 7.1000 0.085836 0.007

What's the range of Angstrom I'm looking at for the whole spectrum?

In [9]:
print("lower bin edge: " + str(data["bin_lo"].min()))
print("upper bin edge: " + str(data["bin_hi"].max()))
print("Total width of spectrum: " + str(data["bin_hi"].max() - data["bin_lo"].min()))

lower bin edge: 6.04999975757
upper bin edge: 7.74749971786
Total width of spectrum: 1.69749996029

What about the restricted spectrum? We did this because the slightly larger spectrum has a few additional lines that are not silicon lines, and possibly at a different Doppler shift.

In [10]:
print("lower bin edge: " + str(data_small["bin_lo"].min()))
print("upper bin edge: " + str(data_small["bin_hi"].max()))
print("Total width of spectrum: " + str(data_small["bin_hi"].max() - data_small["bin_lo"].min()))

lower bin edge: 6.04999975757
upper bin edge: 7.10000009779
Total width of spectrum: 1.05000034021

That's not much smaller, but a little bit. Before we plot both, let's make another column with the bin centre:

In [11]:
data["bin_mid"] = data["bin_lo"] + (data["bin_hi"]-data["bin_lo"])/2.0

In [12]:
data_small["bin_mid"] = data_small["bin_lo"] + (data_small["bin_hi"]-data_small["bin_lo"])/2.0

We also want to load the lines:

In [13]:
lines = np.loadtxt("../data/si_lines.txt")

In [14]:
plt.errorbar(data["bin_mid"], data["counts"], yerr=data["counts_err"], fmt="o-")
plt.errorbar(data_small["bin_mid"], data_small["counts"], 
             yerr=data_small["counts_err"], fmt="o-", alpha=0.7)

for l in lines:
    plt.vlines(l, 0.04, 0.12, lw=3, color="black")

Great! That looks not bad. Let's look at the grating spectra.

Looking at the Grating spectra

We're going to have to use sherpa or astropy to look at the grating spectra, because response files and so on. Let's first explore the data structure using

In [15]:
rmf ="../data/cyg_daniela/heg_m1.rmf")

Filename: ../data/cyg_daniela/heg_m1.rmf
No.    Name         Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
  0  PRIMARY     PrimaryHDU      24   ()      
  1  MATRIX      BinTableHDU    144   8192R x 6C   [E, E, I, PI(1), PI(1), PD(103)]   
  2  EBOUNDS     BinTableHDU     47   8192R x 3C   [I, E, E]   

In [16]:
rmf_data = rmf[1]

In [17]:

    name = 'ENERG_LO'; format = 'E'; unit = 'keV'
    name = 'ENERG_HI'; format = 'E'; unit = 'keV'
    name = 'N_GRP'; format = 'I'
    name = 'F_CHAN'; format = 'PI(1)'
    name = 'N_CHAN'; format = 'PI(1)'
    name = 'MATRIX'; format = 'PD(103)'

In [18]:
import sherpa.astro.ui

WARNING: imaging routines will not be available, 
failed to import sherpa.image.ds9_backend due to 
'RuntimeErr: DS9Win unusable: Could not find ds9 on your PATH'
WARNING: failed to import WCS module; WCS routines will not be available
WARNING: failed to import sherpa.astro.xspec; XSPEC models will not be available

In [19]:
sherpa.astro.ui.load_data(id="heg_p1", filename="../data/cyg_daniela/heg_p1.pha")
sherpa.astro.ui.load_data(id="heg_m1", filename="../data/cyg_daniela/heg_m1.pha")
sherpa.astro.ui.load_data(id="meg_p1", filename="../data/cyg_daniela/meg_p1.pha")
sherpa.astro.ui.load_data(id="meg_m1", filename="../data/cyg_daniela/meg_m1.pha")

read ARF file ../data/cyg_daniela/heg_p1.arf
read RMF file ../data/cyg_daniela/heg_p1.rmf
read ARF file ../data/cyg_daniela/heg_m1.arf
read RMF file ../data/cyg_daniela/heg_m1.rmf
read ARF file ../data/cyg_daniela/meg_p1.arf
read RMF file ../data/cyg_daniela/meg_p1.rmf
read ARF file ../data/cyg_daniela/meg_m1.arf
read RMF file ../data/cyg_daniela/meg_m1.rmf

In [20]:
d_hp1 = sherpa.astro.ui.get_data("heg_p1")
d_hm1 = sherpa.astro.ui.get_data("heg_m1")

d_mp1 = sherpa.astro.ui.get_data("meg_p1")
d_mm1 = sherpa.astro.ui.get_data("meg_m1")

In [21]:
plt.plot(d_hp1.bin_lo, d_hp1.counts, label="HEG P1", alpha=0.9,
         c=sns.hls_palette(8, l=.3, s=.5)[0], linestyle="steps-mid")
plt.plot(d_hm1.bin_lo, d_hm1.counts, label="HEG M1", alpha=0.9,
         c=sns.hls_palette(8, l=.5, s=.5)[0], linestyle="steps-mid")
plt.plot(d_mp1.bin_lo, d_mp1.counts, label="MEG P1", alpha=0.9,
         c=sns.hls_palette(8, l=.3, s=.5)[4], linestyle="steps-mid")
plt.plot(d_mm1.bin_lo, d_mm1.counts, label="MEG M1", alpha=0.9,
         c=sns.hls_palette(8, l=.5, s=.5)[4], linestyle="steps-mid")

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1174c9908>

We are going to cut out the part that has the lines:

In [25]:
d_idx_heg = d_hp1.bin_lo.argsort()

d_idx_meg = d_mp1.bin_lo.argsort()

In [26]:
bls_hp1 = d_hp1.bin_lo[d_idx_heg]
bhs_hp1 = d_hp1.bin_hi[d_idx_heg]
cs_hp1 = d_hp1.counts[d_idx_heg]

bls_hm1 = d_hm1.bin_lo[d_idx_heg]
bhs_hm1 = d_hm1.bin_hi[d_idx_heg]
cs_hm1 = d_hm1.counts[d_idx_heg]

bls_mp1 = d_mp1.bin_lo[d_idx_meg]
bhs_mp1 = d_mp1.bin_hi[d_idx_meg]
cs_mp1 = d_mp1.counts[d_idx_meg]

bls_mm1 = d_mm1.bin_lo[d_idx_meg]
bhs_mm1 = d_mm1.bin_hi[d_idx_meg]
cs_mm1 = d_mm1.counts[d_idx_meg]

In [27]:
min_idx_heg = bls_hp1.searchsorted(data_small["bin_lo"].min())
max_idx_heg = bhs_hp1.searchsorted(data_small["bin_hi"].max())

min_idx_meg = bls_mp1.searchsorted(data_small["bin_lo"].min())
max_idx_meg = bhs_mp1.searchsorted(data_small["bin_hi"].max())

In [28]:
bls_hp1_small = bls_hp1[min_idx_heg:max_idx_heg]
cs_hp1_small = cs_hp1[min_idx_heg:max_idx_heg]

bls_hm1_small = bls_hm1[min_idx_heg:max_idx_heg]
cs_hm1_small = cs_hm1[min_idx_heg:max_idx_heg]

bls_mp1_small = bls_mp1[min_idx_meg:max_idx_meg]
cs_mp1_small = cs_mp1[min_idx_meg:max_idx_meg]

bls_mm1_small = bls_mm1[min_idx_meg:max_idx_meg]
cs_mm1_small = cs_mm1[min_idx_meg:max_idx_meg]

Now let's plot only the part that we're currently interested in modelling:

In [29]:
plt.plot(bls_hp1_small, cs_hp1_small, c=sns.hls_palette(8, l=.3, s=.5)[0],
         linestyle="steps-mid", label="HEG P1")
plt.plot(bls_hm1_small, cs_hm1_small, c=sns.hls_palette(8, l=.5, s=.5)[0],
        linestyle="steps-mid", label="HEG M1")
plt.plot(bls_mp1_small, cs_mp1_small, c=sns.hls_palette(8, l=.3, s=.5)[4],
        linestyle="steps-mid", label="MEG P1")
plt.plot(bls_mm1_small, cs_mm1_small, c=sns.hls_palette(8, l=.5, s=.5)[4],
        linestyle="steps-mid", label="MEG M1")

plt.xlim(bls_hp1_small[0], bls_hp1_small[-1])
plt.ylim(0, 200)

(0, 200)

How many bins are there in the HEG spectra?

In [30]:


How many bins are there in the MEG spectra?

In [31]:


How many data points are there in the small spectra?

In [32]:


In [33]:


Loading Posterior Samples

Let's start with just loading samples.txt, because this code is slow, so we'll prototype there.

In [48]:
#samples = np.loadtxt("../data/cyg_daniela/heg_p1.pha_posterior_sample.txt")
samples = np.loadtxt("../data/cyg_daniela/cygx1_firstattempt_posterior_sample.txt")

In [49]:
print("There are %i posterior samples."%samples.shape[0])

There are 801 posterior samples.

We also want the line positions:

In [50]:
lines = np.loadtxt("../data/si_lines.txt")

In [51]:

array([ 6.574     ,  6.64794778,  6.18222707,  6.71993761,  6.78432364,
        6.85605389,  6.92815553,  6.99681113,  7.05787013])

Now we're going to have to remember what the different parameters are:

  • 0: background parameter
  • 1: scaling for HEG M1 spectrum
  • 2: scaling for MEG P1 spectrum
  • 3: scaling for MEG M1 spectrum
  • 4: OU time scale
  • 5: OU amplitude
  • 6: total number of parameters in model
  • 7: number of possible Doppler shifts
  • 8: log-amplitude hyper mean
  • 9: log-amplitude hyper sigma
  • 10: width hyper mean
  • 11: width hyper sigma
  • 12: threshold parameter
  • 13: number of Doppler shifts
  • 14,15,16,17: Doppler shift
  • 18-XX: parameters for the lines, one per Doppler shift and per line
  • XX-end: posterior sample spectrum

In [63]:
s = pd.Series(samples[-50:, 13]).value_counts()
sns.barplot(s.index, s.values )

4.0    24
3.0    14
1.0     7
2.0     5
dtype: int64
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x120eb7320>

In [64]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(8,8))
axes[0,0].hist(samples[:,14], bins=30, histtype="stepfilled")
axes[0,1].hist(samples[:,15], bins=30, histtype="stepfilled")
axes[1,0].hist(samples[:,16], bins=30, histtype="stepfilled")
axes[1,1].hist(samples[:,17], bins=30, histtype="stepfilled")

(array([   4.,    3.,    0.,    0.,    2.,    9.,    0.,    0.,    5.,
           0.,    3.,    1.,    0.,    0.,  548.,    6.,    1.,    0.,
           3.,   11.,    0.,   35.,    9.,    2.,   19.,   10.,   89.,
          14.,    5.,   22.]),
 array([-0.0967687 , -0.09022735, -0.08368599, -0.07714464, -0.07060329,
        -0.06406193, -0.05752058, -0.05097923, -0.04443787, -0.03789652,
        -0.03135517, -0.02481381, -0.01827246, -0.01173111, -0.00518975,
         0.0013516 ,  0.00789295,  0.01443431,  0.02097566,  0.02751701,
         0.03405837,  0.04059972,  0.04714107,  0.05368243,  0.06022378,
         0.06676513,  0.07330649,  0.07984784,  0.08638919,  0.09293055,
         0.0994719 ]),
 <a list of 1 Patch objects>)

In [65]:
lines_shifted = lines*(1.0 + 0.036)

In [46]:


In [67]:
# make a figure
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12,8))

# plot the data
ax1.plot(bls_hp1_small, cs_hp1_small, color="black", lw=2,
ax2.plot(bls_hm1_small, cs_hm1_small, color="black", lw=2,

ax3.plot(bls_mp1_small, cs_mp1_small, color="black", lw=2,
ax4.plot(bls_mm1_small, cs_mm1_small, color="black", lw=2,

# get edges for the plot
x_min = fake_data["bin_lo"].min()
x_max = fake_data["bin_hi"].max()

y_min = 0.0
y_max = 60.0
nmodels= len(bls_hp1)+len(bls_hm1)

for s in samples[-100:]:

    mhp = s[-(len(bls_hp1)+len(bls_hm1)+len(bls_mp1)+len(bls_mm1)):-(len(bls_hm1)+len(bls_mp1)+len(bls_mm1))]
    mhm = s[-(len(bls_hm1)+len(bls_mp1)+len(bls_mm1)):-(len(bls_mp1)+len(bls_mm1))]
    mmp = s[-(len(bls_mp1)+len(bls_mm1)):-len(bls_mm1)]
    mmm = s[-len(bls_mm1):]

    m_hpsort = mhp[d_idx_heg]
    m_hmsort = mhm[d_idx_heg]
    m_mpsort = mmp[d_idx_meg]
    m_mmsort = mmm[d_idx_meg]

    mhp_small = m_hpsort[min_idx_heg:max_idx_heg]
    mhm_small = m_hmsort[min_idx_heg:max_idx_heg]
    mmp_small = m_mpsort[min_idx_meg:max_idx_meg]
    mmm_small = m_mmsort[min_idx_meg:max_idx_meg]
    ax1.plot(bls_hp1_small, mhp_small, c=sns.color_palette()[0], alpha=0.3)
    ax2.plot(bls_hm1_small, mhm_small, c=sns.color_palette()[0], alpha=0.3)
    ax3.plot(bls_mp1, m_mpsort, c=sns.color_palette()[0], alpha=0.3)
    ax4.plot(bls_mm1, m_mmsort, c=sns.color_palette()[0], alpha=0.3)
    ax1.set_ylim(y_min, y_max)
    ax2.set_ylim(y_min, y_max)
    ax3.set_ylim(y_min, y_max)
    ax4.set_ylim(y_min, y_max)
    ax1.set_xlim(x_min, x_max)
    ax2.set_xlim(x_min, x_max)
    ax3.set_xlim(x_min, x_max)
    ax4.set_xlim(x_min, x_max)

#ax1.set_xlabel("Wavelength in Angstrom")
#ax2.set_xlabel("Wavelength in Angstrom")
ax3.set_xlabel("Wavelength in Angstrom")
ax4.set_xlabel("Wavelength in Angstrom")

ax1.set_ylabel("Flux in counts")
ax3.set_ylabel("Flux in counts")

for l in lines:
    ax1.vlines(l, y_min, 0.8*y_max, lw=4, color=sns.color_palette()[2])
    ax2.vlines(l, y_min, 0.8*y_max, lw=4, color=sns.color_palette()[2])
    ax3.vlines(l, 50, 150, lw=4, color=sns.color_palette()[2])
    ax4.vlines(l, 50, 150, lw=4, color=sns.color_palette()[2])

#for l in lines_shifted:
#    ax1.vlines(l, y_min, 0.8*y_max, lw=4, color=sns.color_palette()[3])
#    ax2.vlines(l, y_min, 0.8*y_max, lw=4, color=sns.color_palette()[3])
#    ax3.vlines(l, 50, 150, lw=4, color=sns.color_palette()[3])
#    ax4.vlines(l, 50, 150, lw=4, color=sns.color_palette()[3])

ax1.set_ylim(0, 80)
ax2.set_ylim(0, 80)
ax3.set_ylim(50, 200)
ax4.set_ylim(50, 200)

ax1.set_title("HEG P1")
ax2.set_title("HEG M1")
ax3.set_title("MEG P1")
ax4.set_title("MEG M1")

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-67-ab0876544335> in <module>()
     39 #    mmm_small = m_mmsort[min_idx_meg:max_idx_meg]
---> 41     ax1.plot(bls_hp1_small, mhp_small, c=sns.color_palette()[0], alpha=0.3)
     42     ax2.plot(bls_hm1_small, mhm_small, c=sns.color_palette()[0], alpha=0.3)
     43     ax3.plot(bls_mp1, m_mpsort, c=sns.color_palette()[0], alpha=0.3)

/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ in inner(ax, *args, **kwargs)
   1890                     warnings.warn(msg % (label_namer, func.__name__),
   1891                                   RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
-> 1892             return func(ax, *args, **kwargs)
   1893         pre_doc = inner.__doc__
   1894         if pre_doc is None:

/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ in plot(self, *args, **kwargs)
   1404         kwargs = cbook.normalize_kwargs(kwargs, _alias_map)
-> 1406         for line in self._get_lines(*args, **kwargs):
   1407             self.add_line(line)
   1408             lines.append(line)

/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ in _grab_next_args(self, *args, **kwargs)
    405                 return
    406             if len(remaining) <= 3:
--> 407                 for seg in self._plot_args(remaining, kwargs):
    408                     yield seg
    409                 return

/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ in _plot_args(self, tup, kwargs)
    383             x, y = index_of(tup[-1])
--> 385         x, y = self._xy_from_xy(x, y)
    387         if self.command == 'plot':

/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ in _xy_from_xy(self, x, y)
    242         if x.shape[0] != y.shape[0]:
    243             raise ValueError("x and y must have same first dimension, but "
--> 244                              "have shapes {} and {}".format(x.shape, y.shape))
    245         if x.ndim > 2 or y.ndim > 2:
    246             raise ValueError("x and y can be no greater than 2-D, but have "

ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension, but have shapes (420,) and (0,)

In [ ]: