The goal of this notebook is to assess the signal-to-noise ratio and redshift efficiency of BGS targets observed in "nominal" observing conditions (which are defined here and discussed here, among other places). Specifically, the nominal BGS observing conditions we adopt (note the 5-minute exposure time is with the moon down!) are:
{'AIRMASS': 1.0,
'EXPTIME': 300,
'SEEING': 1.1,
'MOONALT': -60,
'MOONFRAC': 0.0,
'MOONSEP': 180}
During the survey itself, observations with the moon up (i.e., during bright time) will be obtained with longer exposure times according to the bright-time exposure-time model (see here).
Because we fix the observing conditions, we only consider how redshift efficiency depends on galaxy properties (apparent magnitude, redshift, 4000-A break, etc.). However, note that the code is structured such that we could (now or in the future) explore variations in seeing, exposure time, and lunar parameters.
In [1]:
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.table import Table
from import fits
import seaborn as sns
In [2]:
import multiprocessing
nproc = multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2
In [3]:
from import write_bintable
from desiutil.log import get_logger
log = get_logger()
In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
In [5]:
sns.set(style='ticks', font_scale=1.4, palette='Set2')
col = sns.color_palette()
In [6]:
simdir = os.path.join(os.getenv('DESI_ROOT'), 'spectro', 'sim', 'bgs')
In [7]:
simseed = 555
simrand = np.random.RandomState(simseed)
In [8]:
overwrite_spectra = False
overwrite_redshifts = False
overwrite_results = False
This mock provides the correct redshift distribution and correlation between redshift and apparent magnitude for the BGS sample. In particular, we will use the magnitude distribution to reweight the redshift efficiencies we derive.
Note that we set the velocity dispersion of every mock galaxy to a fiducial value of 100 km/s.
In [9]:
def read_bgs_mock():
import as mockio
mockfile = os.path.join(os.getenv('DESI_ROOT'), 'mocks', 'bgs', 'MXXL',
'desi_footprint', 'v0.0.4', 'BGS_r20.6.hdf5')
mockdata = mockio.read_durham_mxxl_hdf5(mockfile, rand=simrand, nside=32, nproc=nproc,
mockdata['VDISP'] = np.repeat(100.0, len(mockdata['RA'])) # [km/s]
return mockdata
In [10]:
mockdata = read_bgs_mock()
In [11]:
def qa_radec():
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(mockdata['RA'], mockdata['DEC'], s=1)
In [12]:
In [13]:
def qa_zmag(redshift, mag, maglabel='r (AB mag)', faintmag=20.0):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 4))
_ = ax[0].hist(redshift, bins=100)
ax[0].set_ylabel('Number of Galaxies')
_ = ax[1].hist(mag, bins=100)
ax[1].axvline(x=faintmag, ls='--', color='k')
ax[1].set_ylabel('Number of Galaxies')
ax[2].scatter(redshift, mag, s=3, alpha=0.75)
ax[2].axhline(y=faintmag, ls='--', color='k')
In [14]:
qa_zmag(mockdata['Z'], mockdata['MAG'], maglabel=r'$r_{SDSS}$ (AB mag)', faintmag=20.6)
To assign a (continuum) template we use the algorithm developed for the Data Challenge, which uses a simple KD tree constructed from the rest-frame color, magnitude, and redshift of each mock galaxy. See desitarget.mock.spectra for more details.
[Note that we don't use this for the baseline redshift efficiencies but I'm keeping it here because the code may be useful in other contexts.]
In [15]:
class BGStree(object):
"""Build a KD Tree."""
def __init__(self):
from speclite import filters
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree
from import read_basis_templates
self.bgs_meta = read_basis_templates(objtype='BGS', onlymeta=True)
self.bgs_tree = KDTree(self._bgs())
def _bgs(self):
"""Quantities we care about: redshift (z), M_0.1r, and 0.1(g-r).
zobj = self.bgs_meta['Z'].data
mabs = self.bgs_meta['SDSS_UGRIZ_ABSMAG_Z01'].data
rmabs = mabs[:, 2]
gr = mabs[:, 1] - mabs[:, 2]
return np.vstack((zobj, rmabs, gr)).T
def query(self, objtype, matrix, subtype=''):
"""Return the nearest template number based on the KD Tree.
objtype (str): object type
matrix (numpy.ndarray): (M,N) array (M=number of properties,
N=number of objects) in the same format as the corresponding
function for each object type (e.g., self.bgs).
subtype (str, optional): subtype (only for white dwarfs)
dist: distance to nearest template
indx: index of nearest template
if objtype.upper() == 'BGS':
dist, indx = self.bgs_tree.query(matrix)
log.warning('Unrecognized SUBTYPE {}!'.format(subtype))
raise ValueError
return dist, indx
In [16]:
class BGStemplates(object):
"""Generate spectra.
def __init__(self, wavemin=None, wavemax=None, dw=0.2,
rand=None, verbose=False):
from import load_throughput
self.tree = BGStree()
# Build a default (buffered) wavelength vector.
if wavemin is None:
wavemin = load_throughput('b').wavemin - 10.0
if wavemax is None:
wavemax = load_throughput('z').wavemax + 10.0
self.wavemin = wavemin
self.wavemax = wavemax
self.dw = dw
self.wave = np.arange(round(wavemin, 1), wavemax, dw)
self.rand = rand
self.verbose = verbose
# Initialize the templates once:
from desisim.templates import BGS
self.bgs_templates = BGS(wave=self.wave, normfilter='sdss2010-r') # Need to generalize this!
self.bgs_templates.normline = None # no emission lines!
def bgs(self, data, index=None, mockformat='durham_mxxl_hdf5'):
"""Generate spectra for BGS.
Currently only the MXXL (durham_mxxl_hdf5) mock is supported. DATA
needs to have Z, SDSS_absmag_r01, SDSS_01gr, VDISP, and SEED, which are
assigned in See also BGSKDTree.bgs().
from import empty_metatable
objtype = 'BGS'
if index is None:
index = np.arange(len(data['Z']))
input_meta = empty_metatable(nmodel=len(index), objtype=objtype)
for inkey, datakey in zip(('SEED', 'MAG', 'REDSHIFT', 'VDISP'),
('SEED', 'MAG', 'Z', 'VDISP')):
input_meta[inkey] = data[datakey][index]
if mockformat.lower() == 'durham_mxxl_hdf5':
alldata = np.vstack((data['Z'][index],
_, templateid = self.tree.query(objtype, alldata)
raise ValueError('Unrecognized mockformat {}!'.format(mockformat))
input_meta['TEMPLATEID'] = templateid
flux, _, meta = self.bgs_templates.make_templates(input_meta=input_meta,
nocolorcuts=True, novdisp=False,
return flux, meta
In [17]:
# Vary galaxy properties with nominal observing conditions but split
# the sample into nsim chunks to avoid memory issues.
sim1 = dict(suffix='sim01',
Note that if use_mock=False
then rmagmin, rmagmax, zmin, and zmax are required. For example, here's another possible simulation of 1000 spectra in which the magnitude (r=19.5) and redshift (z=0.2) are held fixed while moonfrac and moonsep are varied (as well as intrinsic galaxy properties):
sim2 = dict(suffix='sim02',
zmin=0.2, zmax=0.2,
rmagmin=19.5, rmagmax=19.5,
moonfracmin=0.0, moonfracmax=1.0,
moonsepmin=0.0, moonsepmax=120.0,
In [18]:
#from desisim.simexp import reference_conditions
#ref_obsconditions = reference_conditions['BGS']
ref_obsconditions = {'AIRMASS': 1.0, 'EXPTIME': 300, 'SEEING': 1.1, 'MOONALT': -60, 'MOONFRAC': 0.0, 'MOONSEP': 180}
In [19]:
def bgs_write_simdata(sim, rand, overwrite=False):
"""Build and write a metadata table with the simulation inputs.
Currently, the only quantities that can be varied are moonfrac,
moonsep, and exptime, but more choices can be added as needed.
from import makepath
simdatafile = os.path.join(simdir, sim['suffix'], 'bgs-{}-simdata.fits'.format(sim['suffix']))
cols = [
('SEED', 'S20'),
('NSPEC', 'i4'),
('EXPTIME', 'f4'),
('AIRMASS', 'f4'),
('SEEING', 'f4'),
('MOONFRAC', 'f4'),
('MOONSEP', 'f4'),
('MOONALT', 'f4')]
simdata = Table(np.zeros(sim['nsim'], dtype=cols))
simdata['EXPTIME'].unit = 's'
simdata['SEEING'].unit = 'arcsec'
simdata['MOONSEP'].unit = 'deg'
simdata['MOONALT'].unit = 'deg'
simdata['SEED'] = sim['seed']
simdata['NSPEC'] = sim['nspec']
simdata['AIRMASS'] = ref_obsconditions['AIRMASS']
simdata['SEEING'] = ref_obsconditions['SEEING']
simdata['MOONALT'] = ref_obsconditions['MOONALT']
if 'moonfracmin' in sim.keys():
simdata['MOONFRAC'] = rand.uniform(sim['moonfracmin'], sim['moonfracmax'], sim['nsim'])
simdata['MOONFRAC'] = ref_obsconditions['MOONFRAC']
if 'moonsepmin' in sim.keys():
simdata['MOONSEP'] = rand.uniform(sim['moonsepmin'], sim['moonsepmax'], sim['nsim'])
simdata['MOONSEP'] = ref_obsconditions['MOONSEP']
if 'exptime' in sim.keys():
simdata['EXPTIME'] = rand.uniform(sim['exptimemin'], sim['exptimemax'], sim['nsim'])
simdata['EXPTIME'] = ref_obsconditions['EXPTIME']
if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(simdatafile):
print('Writing {}'.format(simdatafile))
write_bintable(simdatafile, simdata, extname='SIMDATA', clobber=True)
return simdata
In [20]:
def simdata2obsconditions(simdata):
obs = dict(AIRMASS=simdata['AIRMASS'],
return obs
In [21]:
def write_templates(outfile, flux, wave, meta):
import astropy.units as u
from import fits
hx = fits.HDUList()
hdu_wave = fits.PrimaryHDU(wave)
hdu_wave.header['EXTNAME'] = 'WAVE'
hdu_wave.header['BUNIT'] = 'Angstrom'
hdu_wave.header['AIRORVAC'] = ('vac', 'Vacuum wavelengths')
fluxunits = 1e-17 * u.erg / (u.s ***2 * u.Angstrom)
hdu_flux = fits.ImageHDU(flux)
hdu_flux.header['EXTNAME'] = 'FLUX'
hdu_flux.header['BUNIT'] = str(fluxunits)
hdu_meta = fits.table_to_hdu(meta)
hdu_meta.header['EXTNAME'] = 'METADATA'
print('Writing {}'.format(outfile))
hx.writeto(outfile, clobber=True)
In [22]:
def bgs_make_templates(sim, rand, BGSmaker):
"""Generate the actual templates. If using the mock data then iterate
until we build the desired number of models after applying targeting cuts,
otherwise use specified priors on magnitude and redshift.
from desitarget.cuts import isBGS_bright, isBGS_faint
from astropy.table import vstack
if sim['use_mock']:
natatime = np.min( (50, sim['nspec']) )
ngood = 0
flux, meta = [], []
while ngood < sim['nspec']:
these = rand.choice(len(mockdata['RA']), natatime)
flux1, meta1 = BGSmaker.bgs(mockdata, index=these)
keep = np.logical_or( isBGS_bright(rflux=meta1['FLUX_R'].data),
isBGS_faint(rflux=meta1['FLUX_R'].data) )
ngood1 = np.count_nonzero(keep)
if ngood1 > 0:
ngood += ngood1
flux.append(flux1[keep, :])
meta = vstack(meta)[:sim['nspec']]
flux = np.vstack(flux)[:sim['nspec'], :]
wave = BGSmaker.wave
redshift = rand.uniform(sim['zmin'], sim['zmax'], size=sim['nspec'])
rmag = rand.uniform(sim['rmagmin'], sim['rmagmax'], size=sim['nspec'])
flux, wave, meta = BGSmaker.bgs_templates.make_templates(
nmodel=sim['nspec'], redshift=redshift, mag=rmag, seed=sim['seed'])
return flux, wave, meta
In [23]:
def bgs_sim_spectra(sim, overwrite=False, verbose=False):
"""Generate spectra for a given set of simulation parameters with
the option of overwriting files.
from desisim.scripts.quickspectra import sim_spectra
rand = np.random.RandomState(sim['seed'])
BGSmaker = BGStemplates(rand=rand, verbose=verbose)
# Generate the observing conditions table.
simdata = bgs_write_simdata(sim, rand, overwrite=overwrite)
for ii, simdata1 in enumerate(simdata):
# Generate the observing conditions dictionary.
obs = simdata2obsconditions(simdata1)
# Generate the rest-frame templates. Currently not writing out the rest-frame
# templates but we could.
flux, wave, meta = bgs_make_templates(sim, rand, BGSmaker)
truefile = os.path.join(simdir, sim['suffix'], 'bgs-{}-{:03}-true.fits'.format(sim['suffix'], ii))
if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(truefile):
write_templates(truefile, flux, wave, meta)
spectrafile = os.path.join(simdir, sim['suffix'], 'bgs-{}-{:03}.fits'.format(sim['suffix'], ii))
if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(spectrafile):
sim_spectra(wave, flux, 'bgs', spectrafile, obsconditions=obs,
sourcetype='bgs', seed=sim['seed'], expid=ii)
print('File {} exists...skipping.'.format(spectrafile))
In [24]:
for sim in np.atleast_1d(sim1):
bgs_sim_spectra(sim, verbose=False, overwrite=overwrite_spectra)
In [25]:
def bgs_redshifts(sim, overwrite=False):
"""Fit for the redshifts.
from import rrdesi
for ii in range(sim['nsim']):
zbestfile = os.path.join(simdir, sim['suffix'], 'bgs-{}-{:03}-zbest.fits'.format(sim['suffix'], ii))
spectrafile = os.path.join(simdir, sim['suffix'], 'bgs-{}-{:03}.fits'.format(sim['suffix'], ii))
if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(zbestfile):
rrdesi(options=['--zbest', zbestfile, '--ncpu', str(nproc), spectrafile])
print('File {} exists...skipping.'.format(zbestfile))
In [26]:
for sim in np.atleast_1d(sim1):
bgs_redshifts(sim, overwrite=overwrite_redshifts)
In [27]:
def bgs_gather_results(sim, overwrite=False):
"""Gather all the pieces so we can make plots.
from import read_spectra
from import read_zbest
nspec = sim['nspec']
nall = nspec * sim['nsim']
resultfile = os.path.join(simdir, sim['suffix'], 'bgs-{}-results.fits'.format(sim['suffix']))
if not os.path.isfile(resultfile) or overwrite:
else:'File {} exists...skipping.'.format(resultfile))
cols = [
('EXPTIME', 'f4'),
('AIRMASS', 'f4'),
('MOONFRAC', 'f4'),
('MOONSEP', 'f4'),
('MOONALT', 'f4'),
('SNR_B', 'f4'),
('SNR_R', 'f4'),
('SNR_Z', 'f4'),
('TARGETID', 'i8'),
('TEMPLATEID', 'i4'),
('RMAG', 'f4'),
('GR', 'f4'),
('D4000', 'f4'),
('EWHBETA', 'f4'),
('ZTRUE', 'f4'),
('Z', 'f4'),
('ZERR', 'f4'),
('ZWARN', 'f4')]
result = Table(np.zeros(nall, dtype=cols))
result['EXPTIME'].unit = 's'
result['MOONSEP'].unit = 'deg'
result['MOONALT'].unit = 'deg'
# Read the simulation parameters data table.
simdatafile = os.path.join(simdir, sim['suffix'], 'bgs-{}-simdata.fits'.format(sim['suffix']))
simdata =
for ii, simdata1 in enumerate(simdata):
# Copy over some data.
result['EXPTIME'][nspec*ii:nspec*(ii+1)] = simdata1['EXPTIME']
result['AIRMASS'][nspec*ii:nspec*(ii+1)] = simdata1['AIRMASS']
result['MOONFRAC'][nspec*ii:nspec*(ii+1)] = simdata1['MOONFRAC']
result['MOONSEP'][nspec*ii:nspec*(ii+1)] = simdata1['MOONSEP']
result['MOONALT'][nspec*ii:nspec*(ii+1)] = simdata1['MOONALT']
# Read the metadata table.
truefile = os.path.join(simdir, sim['suffix'], 'bgs-{}-{:03}-true.fits'.format(sim['suffix'], ii))
if os.path.isfile(truefile):'Reading {}'.format(truefile))
meta =
#result['TARGETID'][nspec*ib:nspec*(ii+1)] = truth['TARGETID']
result['TEMPLATEID'][nspec*ii:nspec*(ii+1)] = meta['TEMPLATEID']
result['RMAG'][nspec*ii:nspec*(ii+1)] = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(meta['FLUX_R'])
result['GR'][nspec*ii:nspec*(ii+1)] = -2.5 * np.log10(meta['FLUX_G'] / meta['FLUX_R'])
result['D4000'][nspec*ii:nspec*(ii+1)] = meta['D4000']
result['EWHBETA'][nspec*ii:nspec*(ii+1)] = meta['EWHBETA']
result['ZTRUE'][nspec*ii:nspec*(ii+1)] = meta['REDSHIFT']
# Read the zbest file.
zbestfile = os.path.join(simdir, sim['suffix'], 'bgs-{}-{:03}-zbest.fits'.format(sim['suffix'], ii))
if os.path.isfile(zbestfile):'Reading {}'.format(zbestfile))
zbest = read_zbest(zbestfile)
# Assume the tables are row-ordered!
result['Z'][nspec*ii:nspec*(ii+1)] = zbest.z
result['ZERR'][nspec*ii:nspec*(ii+1)] = zbest.zerr
result['ZWARN'][nspec*ii:nspec*(ii+1)] = zbest.zwarn
# Finally, read the spectra to get the S/N.
spectrafile = os.path.join(simdir, sim['suffix'], 'bgs-{}-{:03}.fits'.format(sim['suffix'], ii))
if os.path.isfile(spectrafile):'Reading {}'.format(spectrafile))
spec = read_spectra(spectrafile)
for band in ('b','r','z'):
for iobj in range(nspec):
these = np.where((spec.wave[band] > np.mean(spec.wave[band])-50) *
(spec.wave[band] < np.mean(spec.wave[band])+50) *
(spec.flux[band][iobj, :] > 0))[0]
result['SNR_{}'.format(band.upper())][nspec*ii+iobj] = (
np.median( spec.flux[band][iobj, these] * np.sqrt(spec.ivar[band][iobj, these]) )
)'Writing {}'.format(resultfile))
write_bintable(resultfile, result, extname='RESULTS', clobber=True)
In [28]:
for sim in np.atleast_1d(sim1):
bgs_gather_results(sim, overwrite=overwrite_results)
In [29]:
sim = sim1
resultfile = os.path.join(simdir, sim['suffix'], 'bgs-{}-results.fits'.format(sim['suffix']))'Reading {}'.format(resultfile))
result =
In [30]:
qa_zmag(result['ZTRUE'], result['RMAG'], maglabel=r'$r_{\rm DECaLS}$ (AB mag)', faintmag=20.0)
In [31]:
def qa_snr(res):
rmag, snr_b, snr_r = res['RMAG'], res['SNR_B'], res['SNR_R']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(7, 6), sharex=True)
ax[0].scatter(rmag, snr_b, s=40, alpha=0.95, edgecolor='k')
ax[0].set_ylabel(r'S/N [$b$ channel]')
ax[1].scatter(rmag, snr_r, s=40, alpha=0.95, edgecolor='k')
ax[1].set_xlabel(r'$r_{DECaLS}$ (AB mag)')
ax[1].set_ylabel(r'S/N [$r$ channel]')
In [32]:
In [33]:
def zstats(res):
z = res['ZTRUE']
dz = (res['Z'] - z)
dzr = dz / (1 + z)
s1 = (res['ZWARN'] == 0)
s2 = (res['ZWARN'] == 0) & (np.abs(dzr) < 0.003)
s3 = (res['ZWARN'] == 0) & (np.abs(dzr) >= 0.003)
s4 = (res['ZWARN'] != 0)
s5 = np.logical_and( np.logical_or( (res['ZWARN'] == 0), (res['ZWARN'] == 4) ), (np.abs(dzr) < 0.003) )
return z, dz, dzr, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5
In [34]:
def gethist(quantity, res, range=None):
"""Generate the histogram (and Poisson uncertainty) for various
sample cuts. See zstats() for details.
var = res[quantity]
z, dz, dzr, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 = zstats(res)
h0, bins = np.histogram(var, bins=100, range=range)
hv, _ = np.histogram(var, bins=bins, weights=var)
h1, _ = np.histogram(var[s1], bins=bins)
h2, _ = np.histogram(var[s2], bins=bins)
h3, _ = np.histogram(var[s3], bins=bins)
h4, _ = np.histogram(var[s4], bins=bins)
h5, _ = np.histogram(var[s5], bins=bins)
good = h0 > 2
hv = hv[good]
h0 = h0[good]
h1 = h1[good]
h2 = h2[good]
h3 = h3[good]
h4 = h4[good]
h5 = h5[good]
vv = hv / h0
def _eff(k, n):
eff = k / (n + (n==0))
efferr = np.sqrt(eff * (1 - eff)) / np.sqrt(n + (n == 0))
return eff, efferr
e1, ee1 = _eff(h1, h0)
e2, ee2 = _eff(h2, h0)
e3, ee3 = _eff(h3, h0)
e4, ee4 = _eff(h4, h0)
e5, ee5 = _eff(h5, h0)
return vv, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, ee1, ee2, ee3, ee4, ee5
In [35]:
def qa_efficiency(res, pngfile=None):
"""Redshift efficiency vs S/N, rmag, g-r color, redshift,
and D(4000).
from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(10, 12), sharey=True)
xlabel = (r'$r_{DECaLS}$ (AB mag)', 'True Redshift $z$', r'S/N [$r$ channel]',
r'S/N [$b$ channel]', r'Apparent $g - r$', '$D_{n}(4000)$')
for thisax, xx, dolog, label in zip(ax.flat, ('RMAG', 'ZTRUE', 'SNR_R', 'SNR_B', 'GR', 'D4000'),
(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), xlabel):
mm, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, ee1, ee2, ee3, ee4, ee5 = gethist(xx, res)
thisax.errorbar(mm, e1, ee1, fmt='o', label='ZWARN=0')
thisax.errorbar(mm, e2, ee2, fmt='o', label='ZWARN=0, $dz/(1+z)<0.003$')
thisax.errorbar(mm, e3, ee3, fmt='o', label='ZWARN=0, $dz/(1+z)\geq 0.003$')
#thisax.errorbar(mm, e4, ee4, fmt='o', label='ZWARN>0')
if dolog:
thisax.axhline(y=1, ls='--', color='k')
thisax.set_ylim([0, 1.1])
ax[0][0].set_ylabel('Redshift Efficiency')
ax[1][0].set_ylabel('Redshift Efficiency')
ax[2][0].set_ylabel('Redshift Efficiency')
ax[0][0].legend(loc='lower left', fontsize=12)
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.3)
if pngfile:
In [36]:
In [39]:
def qa_zwarn4(res):
mm, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, ee1, ee2, ee3, ee4, ee5 = gethist('RMAG', res)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.errorbar(mm, e1, ee1, fmt='o', label='ZWARN=0, $dz/(1+z)<0.003$')
ax.errorbar(mm, e5, ee5, fmt='o', label='ZWARN=0 or ZWARN=4, $dz/(1+z)<0.003$')
ax.axhline(y=1, ls='--', color='k')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$r_{DECaLS}$ (AB mag)')
ax.set_ylabel('Redshift Efficiency')
ax.legend(loc='lower left')
ax.set_ylim([0, 1.1])
In [40]:
In [ ]: