BGS Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Redshift Efficiency

The goal of this notebook is to assess the signal-to-noise ratio and redshift efficiency of BGS targets observed in "nominal" observing conditions (which are defined here and discussed here, among other places). Specifically, the nominal BGS observing conditions we adopt (note the 5-minute exposure time is with the moon down!) are:

{'AIRMASS': 1.0,
 'EXPTIME': 300,
 'SEEING': 1.1,
 'MOONALT': -60,
 'MOONFRAC': 0.0,
 'MOONSEP': 180}

During the survey itself, observations with the moon up (i.e., during bright time) will be obtained with longer exposure times according to the bright-time exposure-time model (see here).

Because we fix the observing conditions, we only consider how redshift efficiency depends on galaxy properties (apparent magnitude, redshift, 4000-A break, etc.). However, note that the code is structured such that we could (now or in the future) explore variations in seeing, exposure time, and lunar parameters.

For code to generate large numbers of spectra over significant patches of sky and to create a representative DESI dataset (with parallelism), see desitarget/bin/select_mock_targets and

Finally, note that the various python Classes instantiated here (documented in desitarget.mock.mockmaker) are easily extensible to other mock catalogs and galaxy/QSO/stellar physics.

In [1]:
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.table import Table, vstack
from import fits

/global/common/software/desi/cori/desiconda/20180130-1.2.4-spec/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/ UserWarning: 
This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the backend has already
been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot,
or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time.

The backend was *originally* set to 'module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline' by the following code:
  File "/global/common/software/desi/cori/desiconda/20180130-1.2.4-spec/conda/lib/python3.6/", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", mod_spec)
  File "/global/common/software/desi/cori/desiconda/20180130-1.2.4-spec/conda/lib/python3.6/", line 85, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "/global/common/software/desi/cori/desiconda/20180130-1.2.4-spec/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 3, in <module>
  File "/global/common/software/desi/cori/desiconda/20180130-1.2.4-spec/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/traitlets/config/", line 657, in launch_instance
  File "<decorator-gen-123>", line 2, in initialize
  File "/global/common/software/desi/cori/desiconda/20180130-1.2.4-spec/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/traitlets/config/", line 87, in catch_config_error
    return method(app, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/global/common/software/desi/cori/desiconda/20180130-1.2.4-spec/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 472, in initialize
  File "/global/common/software/desi/cori/desiconda/20180130-1.2.4-spec/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 261, in init_code
  File "/global/common/software/desi/cori/desiconda/20180130-1.2.4-spec/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 352, in _run_startup_files
  File "/global/common/software/desi/cori/desiconda/20180130-1.2.4-spec/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 323, in _exec_file
  File "/global/common/software/desi/cori/desiconda/20180130-1.2.4-spec/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 2491, in safe_execfile
    self.compile if shell_futures else None)
  File "/global/common/software/desi/cori/desiconda/20180130-1.2.4-spec/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/IPython/utils/", line 186, in execfile
    exec(compiler(, fname, 'exec'), glob, loc)
  File "/global/u2/k/kremin/.ipython/profile_default/startup/", line 6, in <module>
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  File "/global/common/software/desi/cori/desiconda/20180130-1.2.4-spec/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 72, in <module>
    from matplotlib.backends import pylab_setup
  File "/global/common/software/desi/cori/desiconda/20180130-1.2.4-spec/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/", line 14, in <module>
    line for line in traceback.format_stack()

In [2]:
from import write_bintable
from desiutil.log import get_logger, DEBUG
log = get_logger()
from desitarget.cuts import isBGS_bright, isBGS_faint
## Following not yet available in the master branch
from desitarget.mock.mockmaker import BGSMaker
from desitarget.mock.mockmaker import SKYMaker

In [3]:
import multiprocessing
nproc = multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2 

import seaborn as sns
sns.set(style='white', font_scale=1.1, palette='deep')

In [4]:
# Specify if using this from command line as a .py or as an ipynb
using_py = False

class arg:

In [5]:
simnames = ['sim46']#['sim13','sim14','sim16','sim17','sim18'] #'sim12',

In [6]:
if using_py:
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--sim', type=int, default=None, help='Simulation number (see documentation)')
    parser.add_argument('--part', type=str, default=None, help='Which part of the simulation to run. Options are all, newexp, group, zfit')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.sim is None:
    %matplotlib inline
    %load_ext autoreload
    %autoreload 2
    args = arg()
    args.sim = 1
    args.part = 'all'

Establish the I/O path, random seed, and path to the dust maps and desired healpixel.

In [7]:
simdir = os.path.join(os.getenv('DESI_ROOT'), 'spectro', 'sim', 'bgs', 'kremin', 'flat_priors')

if not os.path.exists(simdir):

In [8]:
seed = 626

All or none of the output files can be overwritten using these keywords.

In [9]:
overwrite_spectra = True
#overwrite_templates = overwrite_spectra
overwrite_redshifts = True
overwrite_results = True

Initialize random state

In [10]:
rand = np.random.RandomState(seed)

Set up the simulation parameters.

Here we use the mock to capture the correct distribution of apparent magnitudes, galaxy properties, and redshifts.

Note that if use_mock=False then rmagmin, rmagmax, zmin, and zmax are required. For example, here's another possible simulation of 1000 spectra in which the magnitude (r=19.5) and redshift (z=0.2) are held fixed while moonfrac and moonsep are varied (as well as intrinsic galaxy properties):

sim2 = dict(suffix='sim02',
            zmin=0.2, zmax=0.2,
            rmagmin=19.5, rmagmax=19.5,
            moonfracmin=0.0, moonfracmax=1.0,
            moonsepmin=0.0, moonsepmax=120.0,

In [11]:
from desistudy import get_predefined_sim_dict, get_predefined_obs_dict

all_sims = []
all_obsconds = []

for simname in simnames:


sims = np.atleast_1d(all_sims)
conditions = np.atleast_1d(all_obsconds)

[{'AIRMASS': 1.0, 'SEEING': 1.1, 'MOONALT': 90, 'MOONSEP': 20, 'EXPTIME': 300, 'MOONFRAC': 0.99}]

Generate Spectra

In [16]:
from desistudy import bgs_sim_spectra

if overwrite_spectra:
    for sim,cond in zip(sims,conditions):"\n\n\n\nNow performing sim {}".format(sim['suffix']))
        bgs_sim_spectra(sim, cond, simdir, verbose=False, overwrite=overwrite_spectra)"\n\nFinished simulating templates\n\n")


Now performing sim sim46 Reading /global/project/projectdirs/desi/spectro/templates/basis_templates/v2.5/bgs_templates_v2.1.fits metadata. Reading /global/project/projectdirs/desi/spectro/templates/basis_templates/v2.5/bgs_templates_v2.1.fits
Writing /global/project/projectdirs/desi/spectro/sim/bgs/kremin/flat_priors/sim46/bgs-sim46-simdata.fits
{'AIRMASS': 1.0, 'EXPTIME': 300.0, 'MOONALT': 90.0, 'MOONFRAC': 0.99000001, 'MOONSEP': 20.0, 'SEEING': 1.1}
Exception                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-16-068526d5d605> in <module>()
      4     for sim,cond in zip(sims,conditions):
      5"\n\n\n\nNow performing sim {}".format(sim['suffix']))
----> 6         bgs_sim_spectra(sim, cond, simdir, verbose=False, overwrite=overwrite_spectra)
      7"\n\nFinished simulating templates\n\n")

/global/u2/k/kremin/bgs_zeff_obsconds_v3/desibgsdev/Redshift_Efficiency_Study/ in bgs_sim_spectra(sim, ref_obsconditions, simdir, overwrite, verbose)
    119         obs = simdata2obsconditions(expdata)
    120         print(obs)
--> 121         raise(Exception)
    122         # Generate the rest-frame templates.  Currently not writing out the rest-frame
    123         # templates but we could.


Fit the redshifts.

This step took ~1.8 seconds per spectrum, ~3 minutes per 100 spectra, or ~30 minutes for all 1000 spectra with my 4-core laptop.

In [13]:
from desistudy import bgs_redshifts

if overwrite_redshifts:
    for sim in sims:"\n\n\n\nNow performing sim {}".format(sim['suffix']))
        bgs_redshifts(sim, simdir=simdir, overwrite=overwrite_redshifts)"\n\n\n\n\nFinished redshift fitting\n\n\n")


Now performing sim sim46
Running on a NERSC login node- reducing number of processes to 4
Running with 4 processes
Loading targets...
Read and distribution of 800 targets: 14.4 seconds
DEBUG: Using default redshift range 0.0050-1.6988 for rrtemplate-galaxy.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range 0.5000-3.9956 for rrtemplate-qso.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range -0.0020-0.0020 for rrtemplate-star-A.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range -0.0020-0.0020 for rrtemplate-star-B.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range -0.0020-0.0020 for rrtemplate-star-Carbon.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range -0.0020-0.0020 for rrtemplate-star-F.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range -0.0020-0.0020 for rrtemplate-star-G.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range -0.0020-0.0020 for rrtemplate-star-K.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range -0.0020-0.0020 for rrtemplate-star-Ldwarf.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range -0.0020-0.0020 for rrtemplate-star-M.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range -0.0020-0.0020 for rrtemplate-star-WD.fits
Read and broadcast of 11 templates: 0.1 seconds
Rebinning templates: 12.1 seconds
Computing redshifts
  Scanning redshifts for template GALAXY
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 411.5 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template QSO
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 129.2 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template STAR:::A
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 15.9 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template STAR:::B
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 16.0 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template STAR:::CARBON
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 4.9 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template STAR:::F
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 15.8 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template STAR:::G
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 16.2 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template STAR:::K
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 15.8 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template STAR:::LDWARF
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 4.9 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template STAR:::M
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 15.5 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template STAR:::WD
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 15.7 seconds
  Finding best fits for template GALAXY
    Finished in: 75.5 seconds
  Finding best fits for template QSO
    Finished in: 17.8 seconds
  Finding best fits for template STAR:::A
    Finished in: 19.4 seconds
  Finding best fits for template STAR:::B
    Finished in: 18.9 seconds
  Finding best fits for template STAR:::CARBON
    Finished in: 4.4 seconds
  Finding best fits for template STAR:::F
    Finished in: 19.4 seconds
  Finding best fits for template STAR:::G
    Finished in: 19.4 seconds
  Finding best fits for template STAR:::K
    Finished in: 18.6 seconds
  Finding best fits for template STAR:::LDWARF
    Finished in: 4.4 seconds
  Finding best fits for template STAR:::M
    Finished in: 19.1 seconds
  Finding best fits for template STAR:::WD
    Finished in: 20.6 seconds
Computing redshifts took: 921.1 seconds
Writing zbest data took: 0.1 seconds
Total run time: 947.8 seconds
Running on a NERSC login node- reducing number of processes to 4
Running with 4 processes
Loading targets...
Read and distribution of 800 targets: 14.9 seconds
DEBUG: Using default redshift range 0.0050-1.6988 for rrtemplate-galaxy.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range 0.5000-3.9956 for rrtemplate-qso.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range -0.0020-0.0020 for rrtemplate-star-A.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range -0.0020-0.0020 for rrtemplate-star-B.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range -0.0020-0.0020 for rrtemplate-star-Carbon.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range -0.0020-0.0020 for rrtemplate-star-F.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range -0.0020-0.0020 for rrtemplate-star-G.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range -0.0020-0.0020 for rrtemplate-star-K.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range -0.0020-0.0020 for rrtemplate-star-Ldwarf.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range -0.0020-0.0020 for rrtemplate-star-M.fits
DEBUG: Using default redshift range -0.0020-0.0020 for rrtemplate-star-WD.fits
Read and broadcast of 11 templates: 0.1 seconds
Rebinning templates: 12.6 seconds
Computing redshifts
  Scanning redshifts for template GALAXY
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 410.7 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template QSO
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 133.6 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template STAR:::A
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 15.3 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template STAR:::B
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 15.2 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template STAR:::CARBON
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 4.9 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template STAR:::F
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 15.4 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template STAR:::G
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 15.5 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template STAR:::K
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 15.5 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template STAR:::LDWARF
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 4.9 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template STAR:::M
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 15.5 seconds
  Scanning redshifts for template STAR:::WD
    Progress:   0 %
    Progress:  10 %
    Progress:  20 %
    Progress:  30 %
    Progress:  40 %
    Progress:  50 %
    Progress:  60 %
    Progress:  70 %
    Progress:  80 %
    Progress:  90 %
    Progress: 100 %
    Finished in: 15.4 seconds
  Finding best fits for template GALAXY
    Finished in: 72.8 seconds
  Finding best fits for template QSO
    Finished in: 18.0 seconds
  Finding best fits for template STAR:::A
    Finished in: 20.9 seconds
  Finding best fits for template STAR:::B
    Finished in: 19.5 seconds
  Finding best fits for template STAR:::CARBON
    Finished in: 4.5 seconds
  Finding best fits for template STAR:::F
    Finished in: 20.7 seconds
  Finding best fits for template STAR:::G
    Finished in: 21.3 seconds
  Finding best fits for template STAR:::K
    Finished in: 20.7 seconds
  Finding best fits for template STAR:::LDWARF
    Finished in: 5.1 seconds
  Finding best fits for template STAR:::M
    Finished in: 19.3 seconds
  Finding best fits for template STAR:::WD
    Finished in: 21.0 seconds
Computing redshifts took: 928.4 seconds
Writing zbest data took: 0.1 seconds
Total run time: 956.1 seconds

Finished redshift fitting

Gather the results.

In [14]:
from desistudy import bgs_gather_results

if overwrite_results:
    for sim in sims:"\n\n\n\nNow performing sim {}".format(sim['suffix']))
        bgs_gather_results(sim, simdir=simdir, overwrite=overwrite_results)"Finished gathering results")


Now performing sim sim46 Reading /global/project/projectdirs/desi/spectro/sim/bgs/kremin/flat_priors/sim46/bgs-sim46-000-true.fits Reading /global/project/projectdirs/desi/spectro/sim/bgs/kremin/flat_priors/sim46/bgs-sim46-000-zbest.fits Reading /global/project/projectdirs/desi/spectro/sim/bgs/kremin/flat_priors/sim46/bgs-sim46-000.fits
WARNING: UnitsWarning: 'nanomaggies' did not parse as fits unit: At col 0, Unit 'nanomaggies' not supported by the FITS standard.  [astropy.units.core] Reading /global/project/projectdirs/desi/spectro/sim/bgs/kremin/flat_priors/sim46/bgs-sim46-001-true.fits Reading /global/project/projectdirs/desi/spectro/sim/bgs/kremin/flat_priors/sim46/bgs-sim46-001-zbest.fits Reading /global/project/projectdirs/desi/spectro/sim/bgs/kremin/flat_priors/sim46/bgs-sim46-001.fits Writing /global/project/projectdirs/desi/spectro/sim/bgs/kremin/flat_priors/sim46/bgs-sim46-results.fits
INFO:<ipython-input-14-299839a56a8e>:7:<module>: Finished gathering results

Do everything in one cell

In [15]:
# from desistudy import bgs_sim_spectra
# from desistudy import bgs_redshifts
# from desistudy import bgs_gather_results

# for sim,cond in zip(sims,conditions):
#"\n\n\n\nNow performing sim {}".format(sim['suffix']))
#     if overwrite_spectra:
#         bgs_sim_spectra(sim, cond, simdir, verbose=False, overwrite=overwrite_spectra)
#"Finished simulating templates")
#     if overwrite_redshifts:
#         bgs_redshifts(sim, simdir=simdir, overwrite=overwrite_redshifts)
#"Finished redshift fitting")
#     if overwrite_results:
#         bgs_gather_results(sim, simdir=simdir, overwrite=overwrite_results)
#"Finished gathering results")