BGS Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Redshift Efficiency

The goal of this notebook is to assess the signal-to-noise ratio and redshift efficiency of BGS targets observed in "nominal" observing conditions (which are defined here and discussed here, among other places). Specifically, the nominal BGS observing conditions we adopt (note the 5-minute exposure time is with the moon down!) are:

{'AIRMASS': 1.0,
 'EXPTIME': 300,
 'SEEING': 1.1,
 'MOONALT': -60,
 'MOONFRAC': 0.0,
 'MOONSEP': 180}

During the survey itself, observations with the moon up (i.e., during bright time) will be obtained with longer exposure times according to the bright-time exposure-time model (see here).

Because we fix the observing conditions, we only consider how redshift efficiency depends on galaxy properties (apparent magnitude, redshift, 4000-A break, etc.). However, note that the code is structured such that we could (now or in the future) explore variations in seeing, exposure time, and lunar parameters.

For code to generate large numbers of spectra over significant patches of sky and to create a representative DESI dataset (with parallelism), see desitarget/bin/select_mock_targets and

Finally, note that the various python Classes instantiated here (documented in desitarget.mock.mockmaker) are easily extensible to other mock catalogs and galaxy/QSO/stellar physics.

In [1]:
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.table import Table, vstack
from import fits

In [ ]:
import multiprocessing
nproc = multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2

In [2]:
from import write_bintable
from desitarget
from desiutil.log import get_logger, DEBUG
log = get_logger()

In [ ]:
if 'HOSTNAME' in os.environ.keys() and os.environ['HOSTNAME'] == 'cori19':
    #import desitarget_fix_densities as desitarget
    from desitarget_fix_densities.cuts import isBGS_bright, isBGS_faint
    from desitarget_fix_densities.mock.mockmaker import BGSMaker
    from desitarget_fix_densities.mock.mockmaker import SKYMaker
    os.environ['DESITARGET'] == os.path.join(os.curdir,'desitarget_fix_densities')
    from desitarget.cuts import isBGS_bright, isBGS_faint
    from desitarget.mock.mockmaker import BGSMaker
    from desitarget.mock.mockmaker import SKYMaker

In [3]:
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(style='white', font_scale=1.1, palette='deep')

In [4]:
%matplotlib inline

Establish the I/O path, random seed, and path to the dust maps and desired healpixel.

In [5]:
simdir = os.path.join(os.getenv('DESI_ROOT'), 'spectro', 'sim', 'bgs')
dust_dir = '/Users/ioannis/research/data/sfd_dustmaps/maps'

In [6]:
healpixel = 26030
nside = 64

In [7]:
seed = 555
rand = np.random.RandomState(seed)

All or none of the output files can be overwritten using these keywords.

In [ ]:
overwrite_spectra = False
overwrite_redshifts = False
overwrite_results = False

Set up the simulation parameters.

Here we use the mock to capture the correct distribution of apparent magnitudes, galaxy properties, and redshifts.

Note that if use_mock=False then rmagmin, rmagmax, zmin, and zmax are required. For example, here's another possible simulation of 1000 spectra in which the magnitude (r=19.5) and redshift (z=0.2) are held fixed while moonfrac and moonsep are varied (as well as intrinsic galaxy properties):

sim2 = dict(suffix='sim02',
            zmin=0.2, zmax=0.2,
            rmagmin=19.5, rmagmax=19.5,
            moonfracmin=0.0, moonfracmax=1.0,
            moonsepmin=0.0, moonsepmax=120.0,

In [ ]:
# Vary galaxy properties with nominal observing conditions but split 
# the sample into nsim chunks to avoid memory issues.
sim1 = dict(suffix='sim01',

In [ ]:
#from desisim.simexp import reference_conditions
#ref_obsconditions = reference_conditions['BGS']
ref_obsconditions = {'AIRMASS': 1.0, 'EXPTIME': 300, 'SEEING': 1.1, 'MOONALT': -60, 'MOONFRAC': 0.0, 'MOONSEP': 180}

Generate Spectra

In [ ]:
from desistudy import bgs_sim_spectra

for sim in np.atleast_1d(sim1):
    bgs_sim_spectra(sim, verbose=False, overwrite=overwrite_spectra)

Fit the redshifts.

This step took ~1.8 seconds per spectrum, ~3 minutes per 100 spectra, or ~30 minutes for all 1000 spectra with my 4-core laptop.

In [ ]:
from desistudy import bgs_redshifts

for sim in np.atleast_1d(sim1):
    bgs_redshifts(sim, overwrite=overwrite_redshifts)

Gather the results.

In [ ]:
from desistudy import bgs_gather_results

for sim in np.atleast_1d(sim1):
    bgs_gather_results(sim, overwrite=overwrite_results)

Analyze the outputs.

We only have one simulation so the code below is hard-coded to sim1, although it would be trivial to generalize.

In [ ]:
sim = sim1
resultfile = os.path.join(simdir, sim['suffix'], 'bgs-{}-results.fits'.format(sim['suffix']))'Reading {}'.format(resultfile))
result =

In [ ]:
from desistudy import qa_zmag, qa_efficiency, qa_zwarn4, qa_radec

In [ ]:
qa_zmag(result['ZTRUE'], result['RMAG'], maglabel=r'$r_{\rm DECaLS}$ (AB mag)', faintmag=20.0)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:


NOTE must be in branch 'fix-densities' of desitarget for the mocktarget things

data is a dictionary of lists: data = {'TARGET_NAME': target_name_list, 'MOCKFORMAT': 'gaussianfield', 'OBJID': objid_list, 'MOCKID': mockid_list, 'BRICKNAME': brickname_list, 'RA': ra_list, 'DEC': dec_list, 'Z': zz_list,'FILES': files_list, 'N_PER_FILE': n_per_file}

but data has to be run through:

_prepare_spectra(data, nside_chunk=128):

which adds the following to data with appropriate defaults

        'SEED': seed, 'VDISP': vdisp, 
        'SHAPEEXP_R': gmm['exp_r'], 'SHAPEEXP_E1': gmm['exp_e1'], 'SHAPEEXP_E2': gmm['exp_e2'], 
        'SHAPEDEV_R': gmm['dev_r'], 'SHAPEDEV_E1': gmm['dev_e1'], 'SHAPEDEV_E2': gmm['dev_e2'],

indx is an optional list of inde=indices to use corresponding to the indices of the above list

Once data (and optionally indx) are defined we're ready to make the spectra;

bgsmaker.make_spectra(self, data=data, indx=None) 

make_spectra returns:

    flux : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Target spectra.
    wave : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Corresponding wavelength array.
    meta : :class:`astropy.table.Table`
        Spectral metadata table.
    targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table`
        Target catalog.
    truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table`
        Corresponding truth table.

In [32]:
#bgsmaker = BGSMaker(seed=seed)'Reading the mock catalog for {}s'.format(bgsmaker.objtype))

#data = {'TARGET_NAME': target_name_list, 'MOCKFORMAT': 'gaussianfield',
#               'OBJID': objid_list, 'MOCKID': mockid_list, 'BRICKNAME': brickname_list,
#               'RA': ra_list, 'DEC': dec_list, 'Z': zz_list,'FILES': files_list, 'N_PER_FILE': n_per_file}

## If you want to start from an existing default dictionary, you could use:
##    tdata =, nside=nside, dust_dir=dust_dir)
## then either overwrite the relevant details (e.g. z, mag, ra, dec, ids) 
## or actually use the defaults for your analysis

## but first we have to prepare the spectra. this internal function adds required fields 
## to the data dictionary that we don't want to deal with ourselves
#data = bgsmaker._prepare_spectra(data, nside_chunk=nside_chunk)

## Finally we can make the spectra
#flux, wave, meta, targets, truth = bgsmaker.make_spectra(data) Reading /Users/ioannis/work/desi/spectro/templates/basis_templates/v2.4/bgs_templates_v2.1.fits metadata.
INFO:<ipython-input-9-288e41354821>:5:demo_mockmaker: Reading the mock catalog for BGSs Assigning healpix pixels with nside = 64 Trimmed to 2338 BGSs in healpixels 26030 Reading /Users/ioannis/work/desi/spectro/templates/basis_templates/v2.4/bgs_templates_v2.1.fits
INFO:<ipython-input-9-288e41354821>:8:demo_mockmaker: Generating 16 random spectra.
INFO:<ipython-input-9-288e41354821>:12:demo_mockmaker: Selecting targets
CPU times: user 14.7 s, sys: 2.63 s, total: 17.3 s
Wall time: 16.9 s

In [ ]:
from desistudy import write_templates
write_templates(outfile, flux, wave, meta)

In [ ]:
from desisim.scripts.quickspectra import sim_spectra

In [ ]:
simdata = bgs_write_simdata(sim,rand,overwrite=overwrite_spectra)

for ii, simdata1 in enumerate(simdata):

    # Generate the observing conditions dictionary.  
    obs = simdata2obsconditions(simdata1)

    # Generate the rest-frame templates.  Currently not writing out the rest-frame 
    # templates but we could.
    flux, wave, meta = bgs_make_templates(sim, rand, BGSmaker)

    truefile = os.path.join(simdir, sim['suffix'], 'bgs-{}-{:03}-true.fits'.format(sim['suffix'], ii))
    if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(truefile):    
        write_templates(truefile, flux, wave, meta)

    spectrafile = os.path.join(simdir, sim['suffix'], 'bgs-{}-{:03}.fits'.format(sim['suffix'], ii))
    if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(spectrafile):
        sim_spectra(wave, flux, 'bgs', spectrafile, obsconditions=obs, 
                    sourcetype='bgs', seed=sim['seed'], expid=ii)
        print('File {} exists...skipping.'.format(spectrafile))

Finally demonstrate how to generate (empyt) SKY spectra.

In [41]:
#SKY = SKYMaker(seed=seed)
#skydata =, nside=nside, dust_dir=dust_dir)
#skyflux, skywave, skymeta, skytargets, skytruth = SKY.make_spectra(skydata)
#SKY.select_targets(skytargets, skytruth) Reading /Users/ioannis/work/desi/mocks/GaussianRandomField/v0.0.1/2048/random.fits Assigning healpix pixels with nside = 64 Trimmed to 1659 SKYs in healpixel(s) 26030