Extending Ibis Part 2: Adding a New Reduction Expression

This notebook will show you how to add a new reduction operation (bitwise_and) to an existing backend (PostgreSQL).

A reduction operation is a function that maps $N$ rows to 1 row, for example the sum function.


We're going to add a bitwise_and function to ibis. bitwise_and computes the logical AND of the individual bits of an integer.

For example,

& 1101

Step 1: Define the Operation

Let's define the bitwise_and operation as a function that takes any integer typed column as input and returns an integer

bitwise_and :: Column Int -> Int

In [ ]:
import ibis.expr.datatypes as dt
import ibis.expr.rules as rlz

from ibis.expr.operations import Reduction, Arg

class BitwiseAnd(Reduction):
    arg = Arg(rlz.column(rlz.integer))
    where = Arg(rlz.boolean, default=None)
    output_type = rlz.scalar_like('arg')

We just defined a BitwiseAnd class that takes one integer column as input, and returns a scalar output of the same type as the input. This matches both the requirements of a reduction and the spepcifics of the function that we want to implement.

Note: It is very important that you write the correct argument rules and output type here. The expression will not work otherwise.

Step 2: Define the API

Because every reduction in ibis has the ability to filter out values during aggregation (a typical feature in databases and analytics tools), to make an expression out of BitwiseAnd we need to pass an additional argument: where to our BitwiseAnd constructor.

In [ ]:
from ibis.expr.types import IntegerColumn  # not IntegerValue! reductions are only valid on columns

def bitwise_and(integer_column, where=None):
    return BitwiseAnd(integer_column, where=where).to_expr()

IntegerColumn.bitwise_and = bitwise_and

Interlude: Create some expressions using bitwise_and

In [ ]:
import ibis

In [ ]:
t = ibis.table([('bigint_col', 'int64'), ('string_col', 'string')], name='t')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
t.bigint_col.bitwise_and(t.string_col == '1')

Step 3: Turn the Expression into SQL

In [ ]:
import sqlalchemy as sa

def compile_sha1(translator, expr):
    # pull out the arguments to the expression
    arg, where = expr.op().args
    # compile the argument
    compiled_arg = translator.translate(arg)
    # call the appropriate postgres function
    agg = sa.func.bit_and(compiled_arg)
    # handle a non-None filter clause
    if where is not None:
        return agg.filter(translator.translate(where))
    return agg

Step 4: Putting it all Together

Connect to the ibis_testing database


To be able to execute the rest of this notebook you need to run the following command from your ibis clone:


In [ ]:
con = ibis.postgres.connect(

Create and execute a bitwise_and expression

In [ ]:
t = con.table('functional_alltypes')

In [ ]:
expr = t.bigint_col.bitwise_and()

In [ ]:
sql_expr = expr.compile()

In [ ]:

Let's see what a bitwise_and call looks like with a where argument

In [ ]:
expr = t.bigint_col.bitwise_and(where=(t.bigint_col == 10) | (t.bigint_col == 40))

In [ ]:
result = expr.execute()

Let's confirm that taking bitwise AND of 10 and 40 is in fact 8

In [ ]:
10 & 40

In [ ]:
print('  {:0>8b}'.format(10))
print('& {:0>8b}'.format(40))
print('-' * 10)
print('  {:0>8b}'.format(10 & 40))