Organizing your code with functions

Years ago I learned to make Thai red curry paste from scratch, including roasting then grinding seeds and pounding stuff in a giant mortar and pestle. It takes forever and so I generally buy curry paste ready-made from the store.

Similarly, most cookbooks provide a number of fundamental recipes, such as making sauces, that are used by other recipes. A cookbook is organized into a series of executable recipes, some of which "invoke" other recipes. To make dinner, I open a cookbook, acquire some raw ingredients, then execute one or more recipes, usually in a specific sequence.

Writing a program proceeds in the same way. Opening a cookbook is the same as importing libraries. Acquiring raw ingredients could mean loading data into the memory. The main program invokes functions (recipes) to accomplish a particular task. As part of writing a program, we will typically break out logical sections of code into functions specific to our problem, whereas the functions in libraries tend to be broadly-applicable.

The way we organize our code is important. Programs quickly become an incomprehensible rats nest if we are not strict about style and organization. Here is the general structure of the Python programs we will write:

import any libraries
define any constants, simple data values
define any functions
main program body

Functions are subprograms

A sequence of operations grouped into a single, named entity is called a function. Functions are like mini programs or subprograms that we can plan out just like full programs.

Python programs consist of zero or more functions and the so-called "main" program, consisting of a sequence of operations that gets the ball rolling.

Instead of loading data from the disk, functions operate on data given to them from the invoking program. This incoming data is analogous to a recipe's list of ingredients and is specified in the form of one or more named parameters (also called arguments). Instead of printing a result or displaying a graph, as a program would, functions return values. Functions are meant as helper routines that are generically useful.

We begin planning a function by identifying:

  1. a descriptive function name
  2. the kind of value(s) it operates on (parameter types)
  3. the kind of value it returns (return type)
  4. what the function does and the value it returns

If we can't specifying exactly what goes in and out of the function, there's no hope of determining the processing steps, let alone Python code, to implement that function.

As with a program's work plan, we then manually write out some sample function invocations to show what data goes in and what data comes out.

Once we fully understand our goal, we plan out the sequence of operations needed by the function to compute the desired result. As when designing a whole program, we start with the return value and work our way backwards, identifying operations in reverse order. Note: The operations should be purely a function of the data passed to them as parameters---functions should be completely ignorant of any other data. (More on this when we actually translate function pseudocode to Python.)

Function templates

Python functions are like black boxes that, in general, accept input data and yield (return) values. Each invocation of a function triggers the execution of the code associated with that function and returns a result value or values. For example, here is a function called pi that takes no parameters but returns value 3.14159 each time it is called:

In [1]:
def pi():
    return 3.14159

The code template for a function with no arguments is:

def funcname():
    statement 1
    statement 2
    return expression

with holes for the function name, statements associated with a function, and an expression describing the return value. Functions that have no return value skip the return statement.

The way that we associate statements with a function in Python is by indentation. So return 3.14159 is part of the function because it is indented after the function header. The first statement that begins in the same column as the def is first statement outside of the function.

In [2]:
def pi():
    return 3.14159
print("this is not part of function")

this is not part of function

The Python interpreter does not execute the code inside the function unless we directly invoke that function. Python sees the function definition as just that: a "recipe" definition that we can call if we want.

The definition of a function is different than invoking or calling a function. Calling a function requires the function name and any argument values. In this case, we don't have any arguments so we call the function as just pi():

In [3]:


In [4]:

<function __main__.pi()>

We don't need a print statement because we are executing inside a notebook, not a Python program. If this were in a regular Python program, we would need a print statement: print(pi()), but of course that also works here.

Every invocation of that function evaluates to the value 3.14159. The function returns a value but prints nothing. For example, Jupyter notebooks or the Python interactive shell does not print anything if we assign the result to variable:

In [5]:
x = pi()

We distinguish between functions and variables syntactically by always putting the parentheses next to the function name. I.e., pi is a variable reference but pi() is a function call.

Some functions don't have return values, such as a function that displays an image in a window. It has a side effect of altering the display but does not really have a return value. The return statement is omitted if the function does not return a value. Here's a contrived side-effecting example that does not need to return a value:

In [6]:
def hi():



If you try to use the value of a function that lacks a return, Python gives you the so-called None value.

In [7]:
x = hi()


Naturally, we can also return strings, not just numbers. For example here's a function called hello that does nothing but return string 'hello':

In [8]:
def hello():
    return "hello"

In [9]:
def parrt():
    return "parrt", 5707

id, phone = parrt()

print(id, phone)

parrt 5707

Turning to the more interesting cases now, here is the template for a function with one argument:

def funcname(argname):
    statement 1
    statement 2
    return expression

If there are two arguments, the function header looks like:

def funcname(argname1, argname2):

Our job as programmers is to pick a descriptive function name, argument name(s), and statements within the function as per our function workplan.

Invoking a function with arguments looks like funcname(expression) or funcname(expression1, expression2) etc... The order of the arguments matters. Python matches the first expression with the first argument name given in the function definition.

Let's take a look at some of the code snippets from Programming Patterns in Python and see if we can abstract some useful functions.

Sum function

In Model of Computation, we saw code to translate mathematical Sigma notation to python and so this code to sum the values in a list should be pretty familiar to you:

In [10]:
Quantity = [6, 49, 27, 30, 19, 21, 12, 22, 21]
sum = 0
for q in Quantity:
    sum = sum + q


This operation is accumulator and there is an associated code template, which you should memorize. Any time somebody says accumulator, you should think loop around a partial result update preceded by initialization of that result.

Summing values is very common so let's encapsulate the functionality in a function to avoid having to cut-and-paste the code template all the time. Our black box with a few sample "input-output" pairs from a function plan looks like:

(Laying out the examples like that made us realize that we need to worry about empty lists.)

We group the summing functionality into a function by indenting it and then adding a function header:

In [11]:
def sum(data):
    s = 0
    for q in data:
        s = s + q
    return s # return accumulated value s to invoker (this is not a print statement!)

Quantity = [6, 49, 27, 30, 19, 21, 12, 22, 21]
sum(Quantity) # call sum with a specific list
sum(data=Quantity) # implicit assignment here


The key benefit of this function version is that now we have some generic code that we can invoke with a simple call to sum. The argument to the function is the list of data to sum and so the for loop refers to it than the specific Quantity variable. (Notice that the variable inside the function is now s not sum to avoid confusion with the function name.)

In [12]:


You might be tempted to build a function that directly references the Quantity global list instead of a parameter:

# OMG, this is so horrible I find it difficult to type!
def sum():
    s = 0
    for q in Quantity:
        s = s + q
    return s

The problem is this function now only works with one list and is in no way generically useful. This defeats the purpose of creating the function because it's not reusable.

Since the real function accepts a list parameter, we can pass another list to the function:

In [13]:
ages = [10, 21, 13]
print(sum([ ])) # Empty list


Another thing to learn is that Python allows us to name the arguments as we passed them to a function:

In [14]:


The function call, or invocation, sum(Quantity) passes the data to the function. The function returns a value and so the function call is considered to evaluate to a value, which we can print out as shown above. Like any value, we can assign the result of calling a function to a variable:

In [15]:
x = sum(Quantity)  # call sum and save result in x


Please remember that returning a value from a function is not the same thing as printing, which is a side-effect. Only the print statement prints a value to the console when running a program. Don't confuse executing a program with the interactive Python console (or this notebook), which automatically prints out the value of each expression we type. For example:

>>> 34
>>> 34+100

The sum function has one parameter but it's also common to have functions with two parameters.


Write a function called neg that takes one number parameter x and returns the negative of x.

In [16]:
def neg(x): return -x


Write a function called add the takes 2 number parameters, x and y, and returns the addition of the two parameters.

In [17]:
def max(x,y): return x if x>y else y

#same as:
#if x>y: return x
#else: return y

# test it


Notice that once we use the argument names, the order does not matter:

In [18]:
print(max(x=10, y=99))
print(max(y=99, x=10))



Write a function called area that takes a radius r parameter and returns the area of a circle with that radius (πr2). Hint: Recall that the math package has a variable called pi.

In [19]:
import math
def area(r): return math.pi * r**2  # ** is the power operator

# test it
area(1), area(r=2)

(3.141592653589793, 12.566370614359172)


Write a Python function called words that accepts a string, doc, containing a sequence of words separated by a single space character and returns a list of words in lowercase. An argument of 'X Y z' should return a list with value ['x', 'y', 'z']. Hint: 'HI'.lower() evaluates to 'hi'.

In [20]:
def words(doc:str) -> list:
    words = doc.split(' ')
    return [w.lower() for w in words]

# OR

def words(doc):
    doc = doc.lower()
    return doc.split(' ')

# OR

def words(doc): return doc.lower().split(' ')

words('Terence Parr is the instructor of MSAN501')

['terence', 'parr', 'is', 'the', 'instructor', 'of', 'msan501']

Search function

We've seen code to search for a list element, but the specific element and specific list were hardcoded. That is to say, the code only worked with specific values and was not generic:

In [21]:
first=['Xue', 'Mary', 'Robert']     # our given input
target = 'Mary'                     # searching for Mary
index = -1
for i in range(len(first)):         # i is in range [0..n-1] or [0..n)
    if first[i]==target:
        index = i


It would be nice to have a function we can call because searching is so common. To get started, we can just wrap the logic associated with searching in a function by indenting and adding a function header. But, we should also change the name of the list so that it is more generic and make it a parameter (same with the search target).

In [22]:
def search(x, data):
    index = -1
    for i in range(len(data)):         # i is in range [0..n-1] or [0..n)
        if data[i]==x:
            index = i

first=['Xue', 'Mary', 'Robert']
search('Mary', first) # invoke search with 2 parameters


We are now passing two arguments to the function: x is the element to find and data is the list to search. Anytime we want, we can search a list for an element just by calling search:

In [23]:
search('Xue', first), search('Robert', first)

(None, None)

In [24]:
# It is a good idea to test the failure case
search('Jim', first)


It turns out we can simplify that function by replacing the break statement with a return statement. Whereas a break statement breaks out of the immediately enclosing loop, the return statement returns from the function no matter where it appears in the function. In the current version, if we find the element, the break statement breaks out of the loop and forces the processor to execute the statement following the loop, which is the return statement. Because the return statement takes an expression argument, we don't need to track the index in a separate variable. The return statement forces the processor to immediately exit the function and return the specified value. In effect, then the return breaks out of the loop first then the function.

Here is the way the cool kids would write that function:

In [25]:
def search(x, data):
    for i in range(len(data)):  # i is in range [0..n-1] or [0..n)
        if data[i]==x:
            return i            # found element, return the current index i
    return -1                   # failure case; we did not return from inside loop

print(search('Mary', first))
print(search('Xue', first))
print(search('foo', first))


Visibility of symbols

Variables created outside of a function are so-called global variables because they live in the global space (or frame). For example, let's revisit the non-function version of the sum accumulator where I have added a call to lolviz library to display three global variables inside the loop:

In [33]:
from lolviz import *

Quantity = [6, 49, 27, 30, 19, 21, 12, 22, 21]
sum = 0
for q in Quantity:
    sum = sum + q

G node4400737640 globals sum 0 Quantity     node4399267208 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 49 27 30 19 21 12 22 21 node4400737640:c->node4399267208
G node4399237384 globals sum 207 q 21 Quantity     node4399267208 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 49 27 30 19 21 12 22 21 node4399237384:c->node4399267208

There are three (global) variables here: Quantity, sum, and q. The program uses all of those to compute the result.

Let's see what the "call stack" looks like using the function version of the accumulator.

In [27]:
reset -f

In [35]:
from lolviz import *
Quantity = [6, 49, 27, 30, 19, 21, 12, 22, 21]

def sum(data):
    s = 0
    for q in data:
        s = s + q
    return s


G node4400734760 globals Quantity     node4400737640 sum s 0 data     node4399617416 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 49 27 30 19 21 12 22 21 node4400734760:c->node4399617416 node4400737640:c->node4399617416

In [ ]:

As you can see, there is a new scope for the sum function because the main program invoked a function. That function has a parameter called data and a local variable called s (from where I have called the callsviz function). Notice that both Quantity and data variables point at the same shared memory location!! It's just that the names are defined in different contexts (scopes). This is the aliasing of data we talked about in the last section. By traversing data, the sum function is actually traversing the Quantity list from the outer context.

Watch out for functions modifying data arguments

In [62]:
def badsum(data):
    #data = data.copy() # must manually make copy to avoid side-effect
    data[0] = 99
    s = 0
    for q in data:
        s = s + q
    return s

Quantity = [6, 49, 27, 30, 19, 21, 12, 22, 21]

G node140650212471832 globals Quantity     node140650230221336 badsum data     node4400838280 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 99 49 27 30 19 21 12 22 21 node140650212471832:c->node4400838280 node140650230221336:c->node4400838280
[99, 49, 27, 30, 19, 21, 12, 22, 21]

When the function returns, the frame for sum disappears, leaving only the global frame.

In [29]:
def sum(data):
    s = 0
    for q in data:
        s = s + q
    return s


G node4400734760 globals Quantity     node4397861960 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 49 27 30 19 21 12 22 21 node4400734760:c->node4397861960

In [41]:
reset -f

In [49]:
from lolviz import *
def f(x):
    q = 0
    print("back from g")
def g(y):

z = 99
print("back from f")

G node4400719816 globals z 99 node140650211574408 f x 33 q 0 node140650212456888 g y 33
back from g
G node4400719816 globals z 99 node140650211574408 f x 33 q 0
back from f
G node4400722448 globals z 99

Visibility rules

Now that you have the idea of context in mind, let's establish some rules for the visibility of variables according to context:

  • Main programs cannot see variables and arguments inside functions; just because a main program can call a function, doesn't mean it can see the inner workings. Think of functions as black boxes that take parameters and return values.
  • Functions can technically see global variables but don't do this as a general rule. Pass the global variables that you need to each function as arguments.

The latter rule is a good one because violating it generally means you're doing something "wrong". For example, if we tweak the sum accumulator function to refer directly to the global variable Quantity, we get:

Quantity = [6, 49, 27, 30, 19, 21, 12, 22, 21]
def sum(data):         # parameter not used!
    s = 0
    for q in Quantity: # uh oh!
        s = s + q
    return s

The problem is that, now, sum only works on that global data. It's not generically useful. The clue is that the function ignores the data argument. So, technically the function can see global data, but it's not a good idea. (Violating this rule to alter a global variable is also a good way to get a subtle bug that's difficult to find.)

Technically we need to see global symbols (functions)

In [51]:
def f():
def g():
    print("hi mom!")

hi mom!

Return values versus printing

Just to pound this concept into your heads...

One of the big confusion points for students is the difference between return values and printing results. We'll look at this again when we translate plans to Python code, but it's important to understand this difference right away.

Programs in the analytics world typically read data from a file and emit output or write data to another file. In other words, programs interact with the world outside of the program. The world outside of the program is usually the network, the disk, or the screen. In contrast, most functions that we write won't interact with the outside world.

Functions compute and return (give values back) to their caller. They don't print anything to the user unless explicitly asked to do so with a print statement.

In [55]:
def pi():
    print(3.14159) # This is not a return statement!
