In [2]:
from ipyparallel import Client

cl = Client()


[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]

In [3]:
%%px --local

# run whole cell on all engines a well as in the local IPython session

import numpy as np

import sys

sys.path.insert(0, '/home/claudius/Downloads/dadi')

import dadi

error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:0] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:1] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:2] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:3] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:4] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:5] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:6] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:7] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:8] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:9] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:10] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:11] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:12] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:13] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:14] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:15] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:16] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:17] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:18] error in importing Two Locus modules
[stdout:19] error in importing Two Locus modules

In [4]:
%%px --local

# import 1D spectrum of ery on all engines:
fs_ery = dadi.Spectrum.from_file('ERY_modified.sfs')

# import 1D spectrum of par on all engines:
fs_par = dadi.Spectrum.from_file('PAR_modified.sfs')

In [5]:
%matplotlib inline

import pylab

pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [12, 10]
pylab.rcParams['font.size'] = 14

In [5]:
pylab.plot(fs_ery, 'ro--', label='ery', markersize=12)
pylab.plot(fs_par, 'g>--', label='par', markersize=12)
pylab.xlabel('minor allele count')
pylab.title('1D spectra - Ludivics correction applied')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f2c809933d0>

In [6]:
def run_dadi(p_init): # for the function to be called with map, it needs to have one input variable
    p_init: initial parameter values to run optimisation from
    if perturb == True:
        p_init = dadi.Misc.perturb_params(p_init, fold=fold, 
                                      upper_bound=upper_bound, lower_bound=lower_bound)
        # note upper_bound and lower_bound variables are expected to be in the namespace of each engine
    # run optimisation of paramters
    popt = dadi_opt_func(p0=p_init, data=sfs, model_func=func_ex, pts=pts_l, \
                                   lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, \
                                   verbose=verbose, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output, \
    # pickle to file
    import dill
    name = outname[:] # make copy of file name stub!
    for p in p_init:
        name += "_%.4f" % (p)
    with open(name + ".dill", "w") as fh:
        dill.dump((p_init, popt), fh)
    return p_init, popt

In [7]:
from glob import glob
import dill
from utility_functions import *
import pandas as pd

In [8]:
lbview = cl.load_balanced_view()

In [9]:
from itertools import repeat

Exponential growth

In [10]:

In [7]:
%%px --local

func_ex = dadi.Numerics.make_extrap_log_func(dadi.Demographics1D.growth)

In [8]:
%%px --local

# set lower and upper bounds to nu1 and T
upper_bound = [1e4, 4]
lower_bound = [1e-4, 0]


In [9]:
%%px --local

# set up global variables on engines required for run_dadi function call

ns = fs_ery.sample_sizes # both populations have the same sample size
# setting the smallest grid size slightly larger than the largest population sample size (36)
pts_l = [40, 50, 60]
dadi_opt_func = dadi.Inference.optimize_log_fmin # uses Nelder-Mead algorithm
sfs = fs_ery
perturb = True
fold = 2 # perturb randomly up to `fold` times 2-fold
maxiter = 100 # run a maximum of 300 iterations
verbose = 0
full_output = True # need to have full output to get the warnflags (see below)
outname = "MODIFIED_SPECTRA/OUT_1D_models/expgrowth" # set file name stub for opt. result files
fixed_params = None

In [26]:
# set starting values for perturbation
p0 = [1, 1]

#ar_ery =, repeat(p0, 10))

In [27]:

[(array([ 0.52159134,  1.74938445]),
  (array([ 1.92496546,  3.99999363]), 1360.5432242843067, 53, 104, 0)),
 (array([ 1.45398757,  1.30117367]),
  (array([ 1.92587396,  3.9999491 ]), 1360.5429385643959, 49, 95, 0)),
 (array([ 2.87294249,  0.80496125]),
  (array([ 1.93321694,  3.99999797]), 1360.5515421579898, 73, 144, 0)),
 (array([ 0.61616358,  1.12137011]),
  (array([ 1.92623376,  3.99999922]), 1360.5428169646591, 84, 154, 0)),
 (array([ 0.96154366,  1.92512836]),
  (array([ 1.92638011,  3.99999236]), 1360.5428195065892, 90, 163, 0)),
 (array([ 0.89720055,  2.0181116 ]),
  (array([ 1.92640325,  3.9999859 ]), 1360.5428283098793, 68, 129, 0)),
 (array([ 2.27626898,  0.72898626]),
  (array([ 1.92640879,  3.99999571]), 1360.5428142889377, 76, 142, 0)),
 (array([ 0.72462353,  3.69678385]),
  (array([ 1.92630161,  3.99999829]), 1360.5428139422156, 71, 131, 0)),
 (array([ 1.17724551,  0.71113477]),
  (array([ 1.92620465,  3.99999854]), 1360.5428203196425, 64, 125, 0)),
 (array([ 0.84373556,  0.35177186]),
  (array([ 1.92648887,  3.99999494]), 1360.5428157518413, 83, 152, 0))]

In [28]:
# set starting values for perturbation
p0 = [0.1, 0.1]

#ar_ery =, repeat(p0, 10))

In [31]:
# set starting values for perturbation
p0 = [10, 0.1]

#ar_ery1 =, repeat(p0, 10))

In [32]:
ar_ery = []

for filename in glob("OUT_1D_models/expgrowth*dill"):

In [33]:
get_flag_count(ar_ery, NM=True)

success 26
Maximum number of function evaluations made. 0
Maximum number of iterations reached. 3
unknown flag 0

In [15]:
import pandas as pd

In [36]:
l = 2*len(p0)+1

# show all parameter combinations
returned = [flatten(out)[:l] for out in ar_ery]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=returned, \
                  columns=['nu1_0', 'T_0', 'nu1_opt', 'T_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True)

nu1_0 T_0 nu1_opt T_opt -logL
9 0.724624 3.696784 1.926302 3.999998e+00 1360.542814
5 2.276269 0.728986 1.926409 3.999996e+00 1360.542814
26 0.843736 0.351772 1.926489 3.999995e+00 1360.542816
10 0.616164 1.121370 1.926234 3.999999e+00 1360.542817
1 0.961544 1.925128 1.926380 3.999992e+00 1360.542820
2 7.627865 0.385429 1.926515 3.999993e+00 1360.542820
20 0.301447 0.332010 1.926412 3.999992e+00 1360.542820
21 1.177246 0.711135 1.926205 3.999999e+00 1360.542820
7 0.337952 0.210482 1.926483 3.999990e+00 1360.542822
22 0.897201 2.018112 1.926403 3.999986e+00 1360.542828
15 19.059184 0.181273 1.926475 3.999984e+00 1360.542831
16 0.146873 0.378796 1.926348 3.999982e+00 1360.542835
6 1.453988 1.301174 1.925874 3.999949e+00 1360.542939
8 0.521591 1.749384 1.924965 3.999994e+00 1360.543224
19 2.872942 0.804961 1.933217 3.999998e+00 1360.551542
0 13.301791 0.239931 1.918380 3.999971e+00 1360.555206
14 0.354290 0.089426 0.000100 1.716969e-07 1541.410956
25 7.440843 0.045132 0.000100 1.716995e-07 1541.410956
28 0.139428 0.037803 0.000100 1.716921e-07 1541.410956
18 8.502774 0.149842 0.000100 1.717049e-07 1541.410956
23 9.277596 0.029316 0.000100 1.717006e-07 1541.410956
13 22.669397 0.164599 0.000100 1.717115e-07 1541.410957
27 11.785702 0.113383 0.000100 1.717284e-07 1541.410957
11 20.595519 0.068628 0.736810 5.100487e-03 1543.196390
24 0.306509 0.051977 0.736791 5.100294e-03 1543.196390
3 0.192854 0.046321 0.736810 5.100386e-03 1543.196390
12 13.720191 0.078523 0.736818 5.100515e-03 1543.196390
17 0.026158 0.065682 3390.951272 1.822621e-29 1545.562733
4 0.026611 0.067883 6421.887412 1.064670e-18 1545.562733

In [ ]:
%%px --local

# set lower and upper bounds to nu1 and T
upper_bound = [1e4, 6] # increasing upper bound of time parameter
lower_bound = [1e-4, 0]

In [13]:
# set starting values for perturbation
p0 = [2, 1]

#ar_ery1 =, repeat(p0, 10))

In [11]:
ar_ery = []

for filename in glob("OUT_1D_models/expgrowth*dill"):

In [16]:
l = 2*len(p0)+1

# show all parameter combinations
returned = [flatten(out)[:l] for out in ar_ery]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=returned, \
                  columns=['nu1_0', 'T_0', 'nu1_opt', 'T_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True)

nu1_0 T_0 nu1_opt T_opt -logL
25 0.667023 1.441354 1.926420 3.999999e+00 1360.542810
19 6.772647 0.858149 1.926552 3.999999e+00 1360.542811
15 4.183154 0.473458 1.926500 3.999997e+00 1360.542813
12 0.724624 3.696784 1.926302 3.999998e+00 1360.542814
5 2.276269 0.728986 1.926409 3.999996e+00 1360.542814
20 1.396750 2.901211 1.926386 3.999996e+00 1360.542815
35 0.843736 0.351772 1.926489 3.999995e+00 1360.542816
13 0.616164 1.121370 1.926234 3.999999e+00 1360.542817
6 0.773136 0.484381 1.926645 3.999999e+00 1360.542817
1 0.961544 1.925128 1.926380 3.999992e+00 1360.542820
2 7.627865 0.385429 1.926515 3.999993e+00 1360.542820
28 0.301447 0.332010 1.926412 3.999992e+00 1360.542820
29 1.177246 0.711135 1.926205 3.999999e+00 1360.542820
8 0.337952 0.210482 1.926483 3.999990e+00 1360.542822
30 0.897201 2.018112 1.926403 3.999986e+00 1360.542828
21 19.059184 0.181273 1.926475 3.999984e+00 1360.542831
22 0.146873 0.378796 1.926348 3.999982e+00 1360.542835
10 1.015565 2.515708 1.926500 3.999955e+00 1360.542873
7 1.453988 1.301174 1.925874 3.999949e+00 1360.542939
11 7.946281 0.701955 1.925926 3.999939e+00 1360.542943
37 1.068522 1.515703 1.927667 3.999997e+00 1360.543097
9 0.521591 1.749384 1.924965 3.999994e+00 1360.543224
24 0.880842 1.714052 1.928236 4.000000e+00 1360.543419
27 2.872942 0.804961 1.933217 3.999998e+00 1360.551542
0 13.301791 0.239931 1.918380 3.999971e+00 1360.555206
34 3.971481 0.743124 1.936449 3.999997e+00 1360.561840
18 0.354290 0.089426 0.000100 1.716969e-07 1541.410956
33 7.440843 0.045132 0.000100 1.716995e-07 1541.410956
38 0.139428 0.037803 0.000100 1.716921e-07 1541.410956
26 8.502774 0.149842 0.000100 1.717049e-07 1541.410956
31 9.277596 0.029316 0.000100 1.717006e-07 1541.410956
17 22.669397 0.164599 0.000100 1.717115e-07 1541.410957
36 11.785702 0.113383 0.000100 1.717284e-07 1541.410957
14 20.595519 0.068628 0.736810 5.100487e-03 1543.196390
32 0.306509 0.051977 0.736791 5.100294e-03 1543.196390
3 0.192854 0.046321 0.736810 5.100386e-03 1543.196390
16 13.720191 0.078523 0.736818 5.100515e-03 1543.196390
23 0.026158 0.065682 3390.951272 1.822621e-29 1545.562733
4 0.026611 0.067883 6421.887412 1.064670e-18 1545.562733

In [19]:
%%px --local

# set lower and upper bounds to nu1 and T
upper_bound = [1e4, 8] # increasing upper bound of time parameter
lower_bound = [1e-4, 0]

In [20]:
# set starting values for perturbation
p0 = [2, 1]

ar_ery1 =, repeat(p0, 10))

In [21]:
ar_ery = []

for filename in glob("OUT_1D_models/expgrowth*dill"):

In [23]:
l = 2*len(p0)+1

# show all parameter combinations
returned = [flatten(out)[:l] for out in ar_ery]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=returned, \
                  columns=['nu1_0', 'T_0', 'nu1_opt', 'T_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True).head(15)

nu1_0 T_0 nu1_opt T_opt -logL
2 1.611345 0.416388 2.595470 7.999989 1358.866673
12 5.348335 0.981125 2.595507 7.999982 1358.866673
48 4.749580 0.328315 2.595214 7.999994 1358.866677
19 1.318997 1.017943 2.595547 7.999912 1358.866678
38 6.321711 2.346334 2.595702 7.999955 1358.866678
1 3.592390 3.075446 2.595296 7.999918 1358.866679
17 4.503621 3.660584 2.595587 7.999892 1358.866680
24 4.025450 2.382271 2.595861 7.999981 1358.866683
9 2.145898 0.994494 2.595144 7.999768 1358.866694
4 5.225548 0.508549 2.596269 7.999986 1358.866716
33 0.667023 1.441354 1.926420 3.999999 1360.542810
27 6.772647 0.858149 1.926552 3.999999 1360.542811
22 4.183154 0.473458 1.926500 3.999997 1360.542813
18 0.724624 3.696784 1.926302 3.999998 1360.542814
8 2.276269 0.728986 1.926409 3.999996 1360.542814

The time parameter is hitting the upper boundary that I set. The exponential growth model cannot be fit to the ery spectrum with Ludovics correction applied.


In [24]:
%%px --local

# set up global variables on engines required for run_dadi function call

ns = fs_ery.sample_sizes # both populations have the same sample size
# setting the smallest grid size slightly larger than the largest population sample size (36)
pts_l = [40, 50, 60]
dadi_opt_func = dadi.Inference.optimize_log_fmin # uses Nelder-Mead algorithm
sfs = fs_par
perturb = True
fold = 2 # perturb randomly up to `fold` times 2-fold
maxiter = 100 # run a maximum of 300 iterations
verbose = 0
full_output = True # need to have full output to get the warnflags (see below)
outname = "MODIFIED_SPECTRA/OUT_1D_models/PAR_expgrowth" # set file name stub for opt. result files
fixed_params = None

In [25]:
%%px --local

# set lower and upper bounds to nu1 and T
upper_bound = [1e4, 4]
lower_bound = [1e-4, 0]

In [26]:
# set starting values for perturbation
p0 = [1, 1]

ar_par =, repeat(p0, 10))

In [27]:
ar_par = []

for filename in glob("OUT_1D_models/PAR_expgrowth*dill"):

In [28]:
l = 2*len(p0)+1

# show all parameter combinations
returned = [flatten(out)[:l] for out in ar_par]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=returned, \
                  columns=['nu1_0', 'T_0', 'nu1_opt', 'T_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True).head(15)

nu1_0 T_0 nu1_opt T_opt -logL
5 0.684280 0.790257 5.829353 4.000000 2608.698563
9 0.325571 0.945836 5.829458 4.000000 2608.698569
4 0.443137 1.036269 5.828913 3.999999 2608.698570
6 1.789152 1.740486 5.828722 3.999999 2608.698572
0 0.593348 0.253756 5.828885 3.999999 2608.698574
7 1.160380 3.008343 5.829244 3.999998 2608.698590
3 3.994092 0.842870 5.827708 3.999999 2608.698654
2 1.154341 0.457420 5.827902 3.999996 2608.698670
1 1.286207 0.336192 5.833866 3.999998 2608.699591
8 1.410706 0.469832 5.788959 3.999998 2608.767718

In [29]:
%%px --local

# set lower and upper bounds to nu1 and T
upper_bound = [1e4, 8]
lower_bound = [1e-4, 0]

In [30]:
# set starting values for perturbation
p0 = [1, 1]

ar_par =, repeat(p0, 10))

In [31]:
ar_par = []

for filename in glob("OUT_1D_models/PAR_expgrowth*dill"):

In [32]:
l = 2*len(p0)+1

# show all parameter combinations
returned = [flatten(out)[:l] for out in ar_par]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=returned, \
                  columns=['nu1_0', 'T_0', 'nu1_opt', 'T_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True).head(15)

nu1_0 T_0 nu1_opt T_opt -logL
15 0.750830 0.604793 9.023500 8.000000 2590.605330
7 1.062531 0.633418 9.023736 7.999990 2590.605340
17 3.034756 0.655172 9.023509 7.999984 2590.605345
12 2.252187 0.250914 9.024412 7.999992 2590.605351
8 0.634126 0.414209 9.022813 7.999988 2590.605354
2 1.201925 0.450143 9.023477 7.999969 2590.605359
10 2.903700 0.658733 9.023721 7.999963 2590.605364
6 1.255426 2.350910 9.024275 7.999970 2590.605369
4 1.315136 1.224712 9.025533 7.999987 2590.605425
3 0.320648 0.729121 9.025675 7.999893 2590.605539
13 0.684280 0.790257 5.829353 4.000000 2608.698563
19 0.325571 0.945836 5.829458 4.000000 2608.698569
11 0.443137 1.036269 5.828913 3.999999 2608.698570
14 1.789152 1.740486 5.828722 3.999999 2608.698572
0 0.593348 0.253756 5.828885 3.999999 2608.698574

The time parameter is hitting the upper boundary that I set. The exponential growth model can therefore not be fit to the PAR spectrum with Ludovic's correction applied.

Two epoch model

In [33]:

In [34]:
%%px --local

func_ex = dadi.Numerics.make_extrap_log_func(dadi.Demographics1D.two_epoch)

In [35]:
%%px --local

# set lower and upper bounds to nu1 and T
upper_bound = [1e4, 4]
lower_bound = [1e-4, 0]


In [36]:
%%px --local

# set up global variables on engines required for run_dadi function call

ns = fs_ery.sample_sizes # both populations have the same sample size
# setting the smallest grid size slightly larger than the largest population sample size (36)
pts_l = [40, 50, 60]
dadi_opt_func = dadi.Inference.optimize_log_fmin # uses Nelder-Mead algorithm
sfs = fs_ery
perturb = True
fold = 2 # perturb randomly up to `fold` times 2-fold
maxiter = 100 # run a maximum of 100 iterations
verbose = 0
full_output = True # need to have full output to get the warnflags (see below)
outname = "MODIFIED_SPECTRA/OUT_1D_models/ERY_twoEpoch" # set file name stub for opt. result files
fixed_params = None

In [37]:
# set starting values for perturbation
p0 = [1, 1]

ar_ery =, repeat(p0, 10))

In [38]:
ar_ery = []

for filename in glob("OUT_1D_models/ERY_twoEpoch*dill"):

In [39]:
l = 2*len(p0)+1

# show all parameter combinations
returned = [flatten(out)[:l] for out in ar_ery]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=returned, \
                  columns=['nu1_0', 'T_0', 'nu1_opt', 'T_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True)

nu1_0 T_0 nu1_opt T_opt -logL
9 1.271687 0.453337 3.284710 3.999992 1291.080993
8 0.786023 1.982063 3.284747 3.999980 1291.080997
3 1.812256 2.827430 3.285199 3.999989 1291.081010
2 3.243301 2.375550 3.284132 3.999877 1291.081065
4 2.995061 0.753789 3.286399 3.999942 1291.081264
7 0.537143 1.961470 0.003157 0.810878 1545.562734
0 0.324370 0.296322 0.087663 3.872131 1545.562734
6 0.376569 0.538213 0.062735 3.052372 1545.562734
5 0.517336 0.775456 0.084009 3.921023 1545.562734
1 0.272599 1.006812 0.002458 1.012427 1545.562734

In [40]:
%%px --local

# set lower and upper bounds to nu1 and T
upper_bound = [1e4, 8]
lower_bound = [1e-4, 0]

In [41]:
# set starting values for perturbation
p0 = [1, 1]

ar_ery =, repeat(p0, 10))

In [42]:
ar_ery = []

for filename in glob("OUT_1D_models/ERY_twoEpoch*dill"):

In [43]:
l = 2*len(p0)+1

# show all parameter combinations
returned = [flatten(out)[:l] for out in ar_ery]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=returned, \
                  columns=['nu1_0', 'T_0', 'nu1_opt', 'T_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True)

nu1_0 T_0 nu1_opt T_opt -logL
11 1.970211 2.840472 5.763344 7.999975 1290.562871
3 1.342949 2.521405 5.763247 7.999929 1290.562871
0 0.388676 0.268685 5.762843 7.999631 1290.562882
17 0.510905 0.258831 5.762706 7.999600 1290.562883
4 0.463239 0.290241 5.762668 7.999105 1290.562907
14 1.736156 2.808300 5.761851 7.998640 1290.562927
19 1.271687 0.453337 3.284710 3.999992 1291.080993
18 0.786023 1.982063 3.284747 3.999980 1291.080997
8 1.812256 2.827430 3.285199 3.999989 1291.081010
7 3.243301 2.375550 3.284132 3.999877 1291.081065
10 2.995061 0.753789 3.286399 3.999942 1291.081264
9 0.283220 2.924844 0.063541 3.079175 1545.562734
15 0.537143 1.961470 0.003157 0.810878 1545.562734
2 0.324370 0.296322 0.087663 3.872131 1545.562734
5 0.597862 1.723578 0.172648 7.157396 1545.562734
1 0.258739 1.869890 0.035188 2.040402 1545.562734
13 0.376569 0.538213 0.062735 3.052372 1545.562734
12 0.517336 0.775456 0.084009 3.921023 1545.562734
6 0.272599 1.006812 0.002458 1.012427 1545.562734
16 0.500699 2.082982 0.241745 7.670653 1545.562734

Still hitting upper boundary on time. The two epoch model cannot be fit to the ERY spectrum with Ludovic's correction applied.


In [44]:
%%px --local

# set up global variables on engines required for run_dadi function call

ns = fs_ery.sample_sizes # both populations have the same sample size
# setting the smallest grid size slightly larger than the largest population sample size (36)
pts_l = [40, 50, 60]
dadi_opt_func = dadi.Inference.optimize_log_fmin # uses Nelder-Mead algorithm
sfs = fs_par
perturb = True
fold = 2 # perturb randomly up to `fold` times 2-fold
maxiter = 100 # run a maximum of 100 iterations
verbose = 0
full_output = True # need to have full output to get the warnflags (see below)
outname = "MODIFIED_SPECTRA/OUT_1D_models/PAR_twoEpoch" # set file name stub for opt. result files
fixed_params = None

In [45]:
p0 = [1, 1]

ar_par =, repeat(p0, 10))

In [50]:
ar_par = []

for filename in glob("OUT_1D_models/PAR_twoEpoch*dill"):

In [51]:
l = 2*len(p0)+1

# show all parameter combinations
returned = [flatten(out)[:l] for out in ar_par]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=returned, \
                  columns=['nu1_0', 'T_0', 'nu1_opt', 'T_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True)

nu1_0 T_0 nu1_opt T_opt -logL
8 1.445668 0.984384 13.467983 7.999996 2217.870101
2 0.652365 0.250479 13.468268 7.999992 2217.870108
3 3.197725 0.286029 13.468792 7.999991 2217.870123
9 1.245604 2.590266 13.468550 7.999983 2217.870123
7 0.682977 1.244737 13.467029 7.999973 2217.870140
1 1.173516 0.409266 13.469081 7.999985 2217.870141
0 0.606030 1.077327 13.468892 7.999943 2217.870180
6 0.373660 0.276853 13.466602 7.999937 2217.870195
4 0.767319 0.749924 13.470858 8.000000 2217.870275
5 0.812236 0.517151 13.544442 7.999994 2217.987144

All hitting the upper boundary on the time parameter. The two epoch model cannot be fit to the PAR spectrum with Ludovic's correction applied.


In [52]:

In [17]:
%%px --local

func_ex = dadi.Numerics.make_extrap_log_func(dadi.Demographics1D.bottlegrowth)

In [8]:
%%px --local

# set lower and upper bounds to nu1 and T
upper_bound = [1e4, 1e4, 8]
lower_bound = [1e-4, 1e-4, 0]


In [18]:
%%px --local

# set up global variables on engines required for run_dadi function call

ns = fs_ery.sample_sizes # both populations have the same sample size
# setting the smallest grid size slightly larger than the largest population sample size (36)
pts_l = [40, 50, 60]
dadi_opt_func = dadi.Inference.optimize_log_fmin # uses Nelder-Mead algorithm
sfs = fs_ery
perturb = True
fold = 2 # perturb randomly up to `fold` times 2-fold
maxiter = 100 # run a maximum of 100 iterations
verbose = 0
full_output = True # need to have full output to get the warnflags (see below)
outname = "MODIFIED_SPECTRA/OUT_1D_models/ERY_bottlegrowth" # set file name stub for opt. result files
fixed_params = None

In [12]:
# set starting values for perturbation
p0 = [1, 1, 1]

#ar_ery =, repeat(p0, 10))

In [10]:
ar_ery = []

for filename in glob("OUT_1D_models/ERY_bottlegrowth*dill"):

In [13]:
l = 2*len(p0)+1

# show all parameter combinations
returned = [flatten(out)[:l] for out in ar_ery]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=returned, \
                  columns=['nuB_0', 'nuF_0', 'T_0', 'nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'T_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True)

nuB_0 nuF_0 T_0 nuB_opt nuF_opt T_opt -logL
14 29.669740 1.509297 1.262880 55.031965 1.336215 1.564079 912.527406
17 18.901053 1.355082 0.818211 55.033539 1.336197 1.564061 912.527406
9 2.231703 2.686823 0.741806 55.034594 1.336225 1.564110 912.527406
15 1.844542 1.998676 2.121056 55.036046 1.336280 1.564204 912.527406
11 42.488349 2.416133 1.289042 55.031888 1.336344 1.564299 912.527407
3 59.246560 2.099243 4.860007 54.810303 1.333930 1.559057 912.527640
8 1.990664 0.883324 1.246274 55.219004 1.337293 1.566400 912.527722
10 2.000853 3.618119 1.370990 54.618201 1.329685 1.552250 912.528815
0 18.158202 4.370408 2.455093 54.793120 1.317301 1.533771 912.531271
4 26.624537 1.153500 1.563415 54.674932 1.317636 1.530875 912.534214
5 1.787866 3.552393 1.413749 53.737464 1.437860 1.723665 912.694566
13 112.052440 1.696228 0.507134 70.801958 1.659347 2.178637 913.301922
16 28.820277 0.361116 3.147167 0.002385 0.049185 0.481632 1358.756052
18 151.209195 0.785198 5.112409 0.036422 0.714466 6.880024 1358.756052
1 0.387345 0.390399 0.969028 0.021891 0.159115 1.021300 1358.756059
2 0.393209 2.294062 1.142148 0.029746 0.206117 1.290991 1358.756065
6 0.581634 0.636797 0.664837 0.240233 1.398682 7.971678 1358.756101
12 0.794953 0.507897 3.522859 0.644553 2.097479 7.999933 1358.824078
7 0.637433 0.529497 1.340419 0.933398 2.505960 7.999859 1358.892417

In [10]:
# set starting values for perturbation
p0 = [55, 1.3, 1.5]

#ar_ery =, repeat(p0, 10))

In [47]:
ar_ery = []

for filename in glob("OUT_1D_models/ERY_bottlegrowth*dill"):

In [48]:
l = 2*len(p0)+1

# show all parameter combinations
returned = [flatten(out)[:l] for out in ar_ery]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=returned, \
                  columns=['nuB_0', 'nuF_0', 'T_0', 'nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'T_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True)

nuB_0 nuF_0 T_0 nuB_opt nuF_opt T_opt -logL
14 29.669740 1.509297 1.262880 55.031965 1.336215 1.564079 912.527406
17 18.901053 1.355082 0.818211 55.033539 1.336197 1.564061 912.527406
9 2.231703 2.686823 0.741806 55.034594 1.336225 1.564110 912.527406
15 1.844542 1.998676 2.121056 55.036046 1.336280 1.564204 912.527406
11 42.488349 2.416133 1.289042 55.031888 1.336344 1.564299 912.527407
3 59.246560 2.099243 4.860007 54.810303 1.333930 1.559057 912.527640
8 1.990664 0.883324 1.246274 55.219004 1.337293 1.566400 912.527722
10 2.000853 3.618119 1.370990 54.618201 1.329685 1.552250 912.528815
0 18.158202 4.370408 2.455093 54.793120 1.317301 1.533771 912.531271
4 26.624537 1.153500 1.563415 54.674932 1.317636 1.530875 912.534214
5 1.787866 3.552393 1.413749 53.737464 1.437860 1.723665 912.694566
13 112.052440 1.696228 0.507134 70.801958 1.659347 2.178637 913.301922
16 28.820277 0.361116 3.147167 0.002385 0.049185 0.481632 1358.756052
18 151.209195 0.785198 5.112409 0.036422 0.714466 6.880024 1358.756052
1 0.387345 0.390399 0.969028 0.021891 0.159115 1.021300 1358.756059
2 0.393209 2.294062 1.142148 0.029746 0.206117 1.290991 1358.756065
6 0.581634 0.636797 0.664837 0.240233 1.398682 7.971678 1358.756101
12 0.794953 0.507897 3.522859 0.644553 2.097479 7.999933 1358.824078
7 0.637433 0.529497 1.340419 0.933398 2.505960 7.999859 1358.892417

This looks like convergence.


In [49]:
popt = np.array( df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True).iloc[0, 3:6] )

array([ 55.03196456,   1.33621505,   1.56407868])

In [50]:
# calculate best-fit model spectrum

model_spectrum = func_ex(popt, ns, pts_l)

In [51]:
theta = dadi.Inference.optimal_sfs_scaling(model_spectrum, fs_ery)

In [52]:
mu = 3e-9
L =
print "The optimal value of theta per site for the ancestral population is {0:.4f}.".format(theta/L)

The optimal value of theta per site for the ancestral population is 0.0031.

In [53]:
Nref = theta/L/mu/4


In [54]:
print "At time {0:,} generations ago, the ERY population size instantaneously increased by almost 55-fold (to {1:,}).".format(int(popt[2]*2*Nref), int(popt[0]*Nref))

At time 799,648 generations ago, the ERY population size instantaneously increased by almost 55-fold (to 14,067,774).

I think such a high effective population size is not realistic.


In [17]:
%%px --local

# set up global variables on engines required for run_dadi function call

ns = fs_ery.sample_sizes # both populations have the same sample size
# setting the smallest grid size slightly larger than the largest population sample size (36)
pts_l = [40, 50, 60]
dadi_opt_func = dadi.Inference.optimize_log_fmin # uses Nelder-Mead algorithm
sfs = fs_par
perturb = True
fold = 2 # perturb randomly up to `fold` times 2-fold
maxiter = 100 # run a maximum of 100 iterations
verbose = 0
full_output = True # need to have full output to get the warnflags (see below)
outname = "MODIFIED_SPECTRA/OUT_1D_models/PAR_bottlegrowth" # set file name stub for opt. result files
fixed_params = None

In [19]:
%%px --local

# set lower and upper bounds to nu1 and T
upper_bound = [1e4, 1e4, 6]
lower_bound = [1e-4, 1e-4, 0]

In [23]:
# set starting values for perturbation
p0 = [1, 1, 1]

#ar_par =, repeat(p0, 10))

In [55]:
ar_par = []

for filename in glob("OUT_1D_models/PAR_bottlegrowth*dill"):

In [56]:
l = 2*len(p0)+1

# show all parameter combinations
returned = [flatten(out)[:l] for out in ar_par]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=returned, \
                  columns=['nuB_0', 'nuF_0', 'T_0', 'nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'T_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True)

nuB_0 nuF_0 T_0 nuB_opt nuF_opt T_opt -logL
29 2.012183 1.739603 0.366812 123.733911 1.922237 1.166016 1815.317878
24 31.691919 7.505002 2.854409 123.735539 1.922273 1.166059 1815.317878
12 148.074788 4.618595 4.256231 123.730678 1.922258 1.166022 1815.317878
20 142.367838 2.027874 0.633667 123.726598 1.922244 1.166031 1815.317878
13 398.763511 1.506260 0.726992 123.739383 1.922234 1.166043 1815.317879
19 3.184464 2.810830 0.339812 123.736069 1.922271 1.166037 1815.317879
23 25.692922 3.266314 0.447187 123.737233 1.922187 1.165980 1815.317880
10 152.444728 1.162498 0.323249 123.753675 1.922245 1.166080 1815.317881
3 29.554474 1.550057 1.456636 123.698933 1.922106 1.165978 1815.317901
4 1.245392 2.567518 1.047348 123.773861 1.922197 1.166316 1815.317984
9 323.332519 1.781341 2.188889 122.417899 1.926918 1.172564 1815.324379
22 1.451782 1.472814 1.951703 121.964007 1.925287 1.169875 1815.326584
14 113.217635 3.678238 4.303175 123.287222 1.926875 1.177232 1815.344460
8 128.449857 0.964386 0.998124 124.719080 1.931119 1.178041 1815.350467
18 38.152959 4.352773 1.672151 121.350724 1.923303 1.161929 1815.351553
6 123.821465 7.493180 1.252516 124.650678 1.923704 1.174061 1815.361275
15 76.645126 0.852062 0.592330 122.399098 1.906217 1.150091 1815.402528
21 116.201645 1.815608 0.525944 124.404575 1.942102 1.193093 1815.458271
1 1.383022 0.623028 0.349071 121.981320 1.946115 1.183705 1815.458667
16 1.240864 2.843200 3.455220 113.465999 1.885579 1.106908 1816.400339
7 170.545301 3.114577 1.461595 132.709244 1.902193 1.206355 1818.151971
5 53.190726 7.882476 1.719740 195.487177 2.183441 1.508439 1833.228249
2 224.163842 3.030702 3.814141 484.815358 3.416451 2.714122 1888.388786
25 49.528827 0.631224 1.821582 2231.224043 10.334581 5.999997 2476.434614
11 132.219302 0.678724 1.979241 6988.618432 5.593033 2.512501 2551.260150
28 0.349886 0.536663 0.446059 0.031423 1.475802 2.300005 2588.161131
26 0.341801 1.167286 2.029796 0.022399 1.080826 1.695833 2588.161210
27 0.289941 2.157759 1.907239 0.058781 2.085641 3.014087 2588.162304
17 1.308690 1.460919 3.900468 0.772207 6.872046 5.999998 2595.160417
0 140.956107 7.366210 0.651799 9999.994582 3.834618 0.930510 2762.730883

In [29]:
cl[:]['maxiter'] = 100

In [30]:
# set starting values for perturbation
p0 = [100, 2, 1.2]

ar_par =, repeat(p0, 10))

In [33]:
ar_par = []

for filename in glob("OUT_1D_models/PAR_bottlegrowth*dill"):

In [34]:
l = 2*len(p0)+1

# show all parameter combinations
returned = [flatten(out)[:l] for out in ar_par]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=returned, \
                  columns=['nuB_0', 'nuF_0', 'T_0', 'nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'T_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True).head(10)

nuB_0 nuF_0 T_0 nuB_opt nuF_opt T_opt -logL
29 2.012183 1.739603 0.366812 123.733911 1.922237 1.166016 1815.317878
24 31.691919 7.505002 2.854409 123.735539 1.922273 1.166059 1815.317878
12 148.074788 4.618595 4.256231 123.730678 1.922258 1.166022 1815.317878
20 142.367838 2.027874 0.633667 123.726598 1.922244 1.166031 1815.317878
13 398.763511 1.506260 0.726992 123.739383 1.922234 1.166043 1815.317879
19 3.184464 2.810830 0.339812 123.736069 1.922271 1.166037 1815.317879
23 25.692922 3.266314 0.447187 123.737233 1.922187 1.165980 1815.317880
10 152.444728 1.162498 0.323249 123.753675 1.922245 1.166080 1815.317881
3 29.554474 1.550057 1.456636 123.698933 1.922106 1.165978 1815.317901
4 1.245392 2.567518 1.047348 123.773861 1.922197 1.166316 1815.317984

This looks like convergence.


In [57]:
popt = np.array( df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True).iloc[0, 3:6] )

array([ 123.73391112,    1.92223727,    1.1660162 ])

In [58]:
# calculate best-fit model spectrum

model_spectrum = func_ex(popt, ns, pts_l)

In [59]:
theta = dadi.Inference.optimal_sfs_scaling(model_spectrum, fs_par)

In [60]:
mu = 3e-9
L =
print "The optimal value of theta per site for the ancestral population is {0:.4f}.".format(theta/L)

The optimal value of theta per site for the ancestral population is 0.0035.

In [61]:
Nref = theta/L/mu/4


In [62]:
print "At time {0:,} generations ago, the PAR population size instantaneously increased by almost 124-fold (to {1:,}).".format(int(popt[2]*2*Nref), int(popt[0]*Nref))

At time 688,286 generations ago, the PAR population size instantaneously increased by almost 124-fold (to 36,519,373).

An effective population size of 36 million is obviously to high. I therefore cannot regard this model fitting as successful.

Three Epoch

In [66]:

In [94]:
%%px --local

func_ex = dadi.Numerics.make_extrap_log_func(dadi.Demographics1D.three_epoch)

In [95]:
%%px --local

# set lower and upper bounds to nuB, nuF, TB and TF
upper_bound = [1e4, 1e4, 6, 6]
lower_bound = [1e-4, 1e-4, 0, 0]


In [38]:
%%px --local

# set up global variables on engines required for run_dadi function call

ns = fs_ery.sample_sizes # both populations have the same sample size
# setting the smallest grid size slightly larger than the largest population sample size (36)
pts_l = [40, 50, 60]
dadi_opt_func = dadi.Inference.optimize_log_fmin # uses Nelder-Mead algorithm
sfs = fs_ery
perturb = True
fold = 2 # perturb randomly up to `fold` times 2-fold
maxiter = 100 # run a maximum of 100 iterations
verbose = 0
full_output = True # need to have full output to get the warnflags (see below)
outname = "MODIFIED_SPECTRA/OUT_1D_models/ERY_threeEpoch" # set file name stub for opt. result files
fixed_params = None

In [72]:
# set starting values for perturbation
p0 = [10, 1, 1, 1]

#ar_ery =, repeat(p0, 20))

In [73]:
ar_ery = []

for filename in glob("OUT_1D_models/ERY_threeEpoch*dill"):

In [74]:
l = 2*len(p0)+1

# show all parameter combinations
returned = [flatten(out)[:l] for out in ar_ery]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=returned, \
                  columns=['nuB_0', 'nuF_0', 'TB_0', 'TF_0', 'nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'TB_opt', 'TF_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True)

nuB_0 nuF_0 TB_0 TF_0 nuB_opt nuF_opt TB_opt TF_opt -logL
1 7.692335 3.531562 0.979571 0.396228 9.599571 1.304154 0.972872 0.248392 911.811930
15 17.488789 1.138702 0.538701 0.549140 12.238083 1.246498 0.865992 0.245749 911.850499
3 3.341131 2.858400 0.875220 0.624315 8.725210 1.279732 0.945037 0.235676 911.879285
2 4.799905 3.050462 3.998683 0.363896 6.827711 2.032831 2.599996 0.279796 912.136931
11 13.773699 2.018959 1.732350 0.696585 10.048725 1.367314 1.082374 0.269221 912.275887
16 13.690775 3.436302 0.465280 2.552182 73.679559 1.496258 1.074181 0.378665 913.202879
10 2.715713 0.859328 0.601084 0.444721 4.782054 1.289024 1.373057 0.159034 913.382628
6 4.663172 2.510614 0.374537 1.009984 20.041932 4.602748 5.848239 1.002547 917.330454
4 3.244825 2.862164 0.274699 0.921020 18.855004 4.407985 5.437143 0.982019 917.862680
18 16.988871 0.403182 1.750347 0.272639 408.208094 0.589352 0.477100 0.088871 950.199971
13 21.628835 0.538029 0.309480 0.938370 0.000556 0.681155 0.002790 1.066678 1290.336515
0 16.207471 0.901848 0.728232 2.142566 0.014434 0.655069 1.295690 1.021406 1290.348647
7 8.687936 0.563607 1.456875 0.956539 0.021375 0.573359 1.672585 0.885360 1290.363903
14 27.351098 1.544870 2.576179 3.573219 0.173121 3.899981 0.504541 5.911289 1290.386647
5 9.897744 0.755292 0.300220 2.591169 0.055097 0.507656 0.253778 4.520002 1545.311700
12 16.836086 0.681220 3.254434 3.775486 0.362370 0.491621 5.997312 5.465703 1545.554434
8 26.397387 0.254673 1.460423 1.072833 40.993997 0.011609 0.851583 1.099302 1545.562734
9 33.272322 0.347719 0.615481 1.791314 3.178716 0.041295 0.763147 4.903551 1545.562734
17 6.990614 0.305116 3.226973 3.444043 2.214443 0.180347 2.618515 5.995563 1545.562734

Reasonable convergence. Divergent parameter value combinations have the same likelihood. The optimal parameter values from the optimisation runs 16 and 10 (adjacent in the table) show that quite different demographic scenarios can have almost identical likelihood. This is not unusual.


In [78]:
popt = np.array( df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True).iloc[0, 4:8] )

array([ 9.59957083,  1.30415434,  0.97287228,  0.24839186])

In [80]:
# calculate best-fit model spectrum

model_spectrum = func_ex(popt, ns, pts_l)

In [81]:
theta = dadi.Inference.optimal_sfs_scaling(model_spectrum, fs_ery)

In [82]:
mu = 3e-9
L =
print "The optimal value of theta per site for the ancestral population is {0:.4f}.".format(theta/L)

The optimal value of theta per site for the ancestral population is 0.0035.

In [92]:
Nref = theta/L/mu/4


In [93]:
print "At time {0:,} generations ago, the ERY population size instantaneously increased by almost 10-fold (to {1:,}).".format(int((popt[2]+popt[3])*2*Nref), int(popt[0]*Nref)),
print "It then kept this population constant for {0:,} generations.".format(int(popt[2]*2*Nref)),
print "At time {0:,} generations in the past, the ERY population then decreased to 1.3 fold of the ancient population size or {1:,}.".format(int(popt[3]*2*Nref), int(popt[1]*Nref))

At time 707,368 generations ago, the ERY population size instantaneously increased by almost 10-fold (to 2,780,084). It then kept this population constant for 563,497 generations. At time 143,871 generations in the past, the ERY population then decreased to 1.3 fold of the ancient population size or 377,689.


In [100]:
%%px --local

# set up global variables on engines required for run_dadi function call

ns = fs_ery.sample_sizes # both populations have the same sample size
# setting the smallest grid size slightly larger than the largest population sample size (36)
pts_l = [40, 50, 60]
dadi_opt_func = dadi.Inference.optimize_log_fmin # uses Nelder-Mead algorithm
sfs = fs_par
perturb = True
fold = 2 # perturb randomly up to `fold` times 2-fold
maxiter = 100 # run a maximum of 100 iterations
verbose = 0
full_output = True # need to have full output to get the warnflags (see below)
outname = "MODIFIED_SPECTRA/OUT_1D_models/PAR_threeEpoch" # set file name stub for opt. result files
fixed_params = None

In [10]:
# set starting values for perturbation
p0 = [100, 2, 1, 1]

#ar_par =, repeat(p0, 20))

In [11]:
ar_par = []

for filename in glob("OUT_1D_models/PAR_threeEpoch*dill"):

In [12]:
l = 2*len(p0)+1

# show all parameter combinations
returned = [flatten(out)[:l] for out in ar_par]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=returned, \
                  columns=['nuB_0', 'nuF_0', 'TB_0', 'TF_0', 'nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'TB_opt', 'TF_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True)

nuB_0 nuF_0 TB_0 TF_0 nuB_opt nuF_opt TB_opt TF_opt -logL
6 124.683564 2.974755 0.404050 0.351105 19.503479 0.014081 0.839156 0.000960 1651.276633
9 35.363725 4.705229 0.525121 0.272845 9969.270677 0.332901 0.826734 0.031561 1660.112028
16 34.085712 2.096842 0.552990 0.304404 9983.442375 0.594194 0.808461 0.057844 1671.777503
14 37.403029 4.089801 3.364301 0.400209 85.714823 0.594082 0.777079 0.053468 1673.957020
13 40.771348 0.886514 1.544170 0.361491 175.104818 0.761458 0.795032 0.073465 1681.864876
8 110.609115 4.831672 1.992019 2.110977 136.942591 0.817721 0.867288 0.082393 1688.097401
18 266.014486 0.908496 0.263351 0.429854 6972.855613 1.145593 0.832624 0.122704 1704.927853
5 107.654434 3.012540 0.961247 1.351298 305.146251 1.541167 0.574868 0.151517 1806.457356
3 201.362630 2.460583 3.555555 0.259203 9998.591382 2.169228 1.268291 0.297116 1843.456362
4 57.092552 7.621905 2.029174 0.825026 65.036198 4.388828 1.538959 0.834314 2022.723074
2 171.830393 2.593844 3.094822 1.702632 9896.905316 5.150473 1.747706 1.158945 2063.987963
1 53.382977 6.336290 0.386432 2.189667 369.717331 18.372732 5.969853 5.989554 2154.999105
17 260.798632 1.238080 0.354189 0.629922 0.000334 1.130254 0.003905 0.764059 2210.835502
15 47.221376 1.370014 3.377328 1.628716 0.002667 5.946985 0.015289 4.028484 2210.905886
0 261.570354 7.476413 0.304828 2.476916 1352.772038 11.846016 0.812811 5.999998 2215.874440
11 84.431994 2.434602 2.937612 3.252750 246.808437 10.935570 0.250303 5.999963 2220.017420
12 53.482023 0.611040 1.749787 1.207556 119.322963 0.034157 0.005323 3.298137 5209.548996
10 57.247270 0.671345 0.978606 0.787938 0.005669 0.037763 1.101636 5.200520 5209.548996
7 50.165824 0.566701 0.814791 3.940112 3.145057 0.103269 1.131948 5.954427 5209.548996

There is no convergence. The three epoch model could not be fit to the PAR spectrum with Ludivic's correction.

In [104]:
%%px --local

fold = 1
maxiter = 300

In [105]:
# set starting values for perturbation
p0 = [20, 1e-2, 0.8, 1e-3]

ar_par =, repeat(p0, 10))

In [107]:
ar_par = []

for filename in glob("OUT_1D_models/PAR_threeEpoch*dill"):

In [109]:
l = 2*len(p0)+1

# show all parameter combinations
returned = [flatten(out)[:l] for out in ar_par]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=returned, \
                  columns=['nuB_0', 'nuF_0', 'TB_0', 'TF_0', 'nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'TB_opt', 'TF_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True).head(20)

nuB_0 nuF_0 TB_0 TF_0 nuB_opt nuF_opt TB_opt TF_opt -logL
14 10.020301 0.006326 0.876166 0.000677 278.420828 0.000145 0.819800 0.000013 1648.858350
11 19.281445 0.006036 0.960198 0.001001 4099.077596 0.000143 0.820787 0.000013 1648.864737
34 28.939408 0.008861 0.400638 0.000849 294.854471 0.000504 0.820094 0.000044 1648.868920
4 34.186517 0.005055 0.545098 0.000614 158.165217 0.000977 0.823875 0.000084 1648.896486
45 25.010919 0.005252 0.746365 0.000607 144.162787 0.001690 0.824315 0.000145 1648.924325
16 21.456470 0.019155 0.451371 0.001854 83.761744 0.000100 0.824318 0.000008 1648.932267
12 39.124887 0.010275 0.842702 0.000755 83.634512 0.000100 0.824351 0.000008 1648.932269
8 10.250160 0.019958 1.178612 0.001256 83.820608 0.000100 0.824410 0.000008 1648.932291
43 10.957971 0.007138 1.563154 0.001093 82.197932 0.000600 0.824318 0.000050 1648.946579
29 17.282547 0.014137 1.276289 0.000671 83.277078 0.000935 0.824197 0.000078 1648.955858
13 21.756886 0.007596 0.638247 0.001520 266.368670 0.004712 0.820581 0.000410 1648.986663
25 39.696104 0.005101 0.626972 0.000606 66.837072 0.001115 0.826733 0.000092 1648.993366
20 20.478760 0.005917 0.897773 0.001511 60.187861 0.000100 0.831400 0.000008 1648.995722
28 15.569733 0.005337 0.481030 0.001567 51.622052 0.003757 0.830685 0.000302 1649.168751
30 27.226000 0.009050 0.831211 0.000608 58.210222 0.007481 0.826806 0.000610 1649.221454
19 12.838580 0.019035 0.813280 0.001166 38.805248 0.000388 0.840503 0.000030 1649.248600
41 16.111858 0.006155 0.680518 0.000587 47.500853 0.005161 0.835344 0.000413 1649.264877
9 10.922170 0.007271 0.436838 0.001688 3412.558270 0.011888 0.821324 0.001073 1649.288842
0 17.689040 0.009879 0.715741 0.001054 46.655232 0.008292 0.832040 0.000662 1649.338712
47 33.841266 0.007886 0.533282 0.001716 7772.291513 0.019964 0.821853 0.001801 1649.428035

The estimate $\nu_F$ and $TF$ are very close to the lower parameter boundary. Very different demographic scenarios have almost identical likelihood. Reliable parameter estimation does not seem possible, but an ancient population size increase, which is kept constant for a long time is inferred consistently.

In [ ]: