
I am going to use the same parallel framework as used for the bottlegrowth model, i. e. using the subprocess module to spawn different processes for different optimisations and using pgrep together with kill to abort jobs that run too long. For smaller optimisations, I am going to use ipyparallel.

I have written a python script called, which can take many command line arguments and in the following parallel framework is the replacement for the run_dadi function used previously.

In [1]:

In [2]:
! ./ -h

usage: [-h] [-p PATH_TO_SPECTRUM_FILE] [-m DADI_MODEL] [-u UPPER]
                   [-l LOWER] [-i P_INIT] [-d DADI_OPT_FUNC] [-s STUB]
                   [--maxiter MAXITER]

runs dadi optimisation of parameters for given model

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PATH_TO_SPECTRUM_FILE, --path_to_spectrum_file PATH_TO_SPECTRUM_FILE
                        file path to site frequency data
  -m DADI_MODEL, --dadi_model DADI_MODEL
                        model function to use
  -u UPPER, --upper UPPER
                        upper parameter bound
  -l LOWER, --lower LOWER
                        lower parameter bound
  -i P_INIT, --p_init P_INIT
                        initial parameter values
  -d DADI_OPT_FUNC, --dadi_opt_func DADI_OPT_FUNC
                        dadi optimisation function to use
  -s STUB, --stub STUB  file name stub for output files
  --maxiter MAXITER     maximum number of iterations allowed

In [1]:
import multiprocessing
import subprocess32 as subprocess
import time, signal, os, pickle
import numpy as np

In [4]:


In [2]:
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, '/home/claudius/Downloads/dadi')

import dadi

In [55]:

The built-in three_epoch model specifies a piecewise history (with only instantaneous population size changes instead of gradual changes). At time $TF+TB$ the ancient population underwent a size change, stayed at this size for $TB \times 2N_{ref}$ generations and then underwent a second size size change $TF \times 2N_{ref}$ generations in the past to the contemporary population size. The model has therefore two population size parameters, $\nu_B$ and $\nu_F$ as well as two time parameters, $TB$ and $TF$.

In [5]:
# set lower and upper bounds to nuB, nuF and T
upper_bound = [1e4, 1e4, 4, 4]
lower_bound = [1e-4, 1e-4, 0, 0]

In [6]:
# create range of starting values evenly distributed in log space
p0_nuB = np.logspace(-3, 3, base=10.0, num=6)
p0_nuF = np.logspace(-3, 3, base=10.0, num=6)
p0_TF = np.logspace(-4, np.log10(4), base=10, num=6)
p0_TB = np.logspace(-4, np.log10(4), base=10, num=6)

In [7]:
print "There are %d starting parameter values" % (6**4)

There are 1296 starting parameter values

These are already an enormous amount of parameter combinations. I think I will need to keep maxiter low so that optimisations that do not converge early end more quickly when they hit the maximum number of iterations. I will also frequently have to prune the available cores of optimisation runs that have already taken a considerable amount of time. This can be done with the following command:

pgrep -of "python ./" | xargs kill

The following variables will be passed as string values to

In [8]:
path_to_spectrum_file = "dadiExercises/ERY.FOLDED.sfs.dadi_format"
dadi_model = "dadi.Demographics1D.three_epoch"
upper = str(upper_bound)
lower = str(lower_bound)
dadi_opt_func = "dadi.Inference.optimize_log_fmin" # Nelder-Mead
stub = "ERY_three_epoch_NM"
maxiter = 10 # keep maxiter low, but not too low to allow convergence of some optimisations

In [11]:
%run -h

usage: [-h] [-p PATH_TO_SPECTRUM_FILE] [-m DADI_MODEL] [-u UPPER]
                   [-l LOWER] [-i P_INIT] [-d DADI_OPT_FUNC] [-s STUB]
                   [--maxiter MAXITER]

runs dadi optimisation of parameters for given model

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PATH_TO_SPECTRUM_FILE, --path_to_spectrum_file PATH_TO_SPECTRUM_FILE
                        file path to site frequency data
  -m DADI_MODEL, --dadi_model DADI_MODEL
                        model function to use
  -u UPPER, --upper UPPER
                        upper parameter bound
  -l LOWER, --lower LOWER
                        lower parameter bound
  -i P_INIT, --p_init P_INIT
                        initial parameter values
  -d DADI_OPT_FUNC, --dadi_opt_func DADI_OPT_FUNC
                        dadi optimisation function to use
  -s STUB, --stub STUB  file name stub for output files
  --maxiter MAXITER     maximum number of iterations allowed

In [9]:
from itertools import product

In [10]:
# check creation of command line

for i, p_init in enumerate(product(p0_nuB, p0_nuF, p0_TF, p0_TB)):
    cmd = "./ -p %s -m %s -u '%s' -l '%s' -d %s -s %s --maxiter %s -i '%s'" \
                % (path_to_spectrum_file, dadi_model, upper, lower, dadi_opt_func, stub, str(maxiter), str(p_init))
    print cmd
    if i >= 0: break

./ -p dadiExercises/ERY.FOLDED.sfs.dadi_format -m dadi.Demographics1D.three_epoch -u '[10000.0, 10000.0, 4, 4]' -l '[0.0001, 0.0001, 0, 0]' -d dadi.Inference.optimize_log_fmin -s ERY_three_epoch_NM --maxiter 10 -i '(0.001, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.0001)'

Next, I need to define an executor class that takes care of submiting jobs as slots become available. This is taken from Tiago Antao's Cookbook:

In [12]:
class executor:
    def __init__(self, limit):
        self.limit = limit
        self.ncores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
        self.running = []
        self.finished = 0

    def submit(self, cmd, p_init):
        if hasattr(self, 'out'):
            out = self.out
            out = '/dev/null'
        if hasattr(self, 'err'):
            err = self.err
            err = '/dev/null'
        if err == 'stderr':
            errSt = ''
            errSt = '2> ' + err
        # this is where the magic happens:
        proc = subprocess.Popen('%s > %s %s' % (cmd, out, errSt), shell=True)
        if hasattr(self, 'out'):
            del self.out
        if hasattr(self, 'err'):
            del self.err
    def wait(self, for_all=False):
        #numWaits = 0
        if self.limit > 0 and type(self.limit) == int:
            cond = 'len(self.running) >= self.ncores - self.limit'
        elif self.limit < 0:
            cond = 'len(self.running) >= - self.limit'
            cond = 'len(self.running) >= self.ncores * self.limit'
        while eval(cond) or (for_all and len(self.running) > 0):
            self.clean_done() # updates self.running, removes finished jobs from the running queue
            #numWaits += 1
    def clean_done(self):
        terminated = []
        for i, p in enumerate(self.running):
            if p.poll() is not None: # None means it's still running
        for idx in reversed(terminated):
            del self.running[idx]
            self.finished += 1
    def progress(self):
        print self.finished

In [ ]:
E = executor(limit=-18) # use up to 18 cores

# this will block
for i, p_init in enumerate(product(p0_nuB, p0_nuF, p0_TF, p0_TB)):
    cmd = "./ -p %s -m %s -u '%s' -l '%s' -d %s -s %s --maxiter %s -i '%s'" \
                % (path_to_spectrum_file, dadi_model, upper, lower, dadi_opt_func, stub, str(maxiter), str(p_init))
    E.err = "stderr"
    E.submit(cmd, p_init)

After 191 output file had been created, I loaded those pickle files into another notebook (because the upper command blocks the current session). A check of the returned optimisation flags showed that all 191 optimisations had reached the maximum number of iterations, i. e. none had converged.

After 414 optimisations without a single successful optimisation, I have decided to abort this sweep through the parameter space. Due to the size of the parameter space, even with just 6 samples per parameter, increasing the maximum number of allowed iterations per optimisation is not an option due to prohibitive running time given this is still an exploratory analysis.

I think my only option of finding optimal parameter values for this model is to start at some reasonable combination of parameters, perturb them and run optimisations with those slightly perturbed initial parameter values.

Let's first try to do this with ipyparallel.

In [1]:
from ipyparallel import Client

cl = Client()


[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]

In [2]:
%%px --local

# run whole cell on all engines a well as in the local IPython session

import numpy as np

import sys

sys.path.insert(0, '/home/claudius/Downloads/dadi')

import dadi

In [5]:

total 2300
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius 671626 Apr 22 08:22 01_dadi_1D_exp_growth.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius 248481 Apr 22 11:27 02_dadi_1D_two_epoch.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius 148443 Apr 22 12:25 03_1D_bottlegrowth.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius  97634 Apr 22 15:54 04_1D_three_epoch.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius 297053 Apr 22 15:51 05_1D_model_synthesis.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius 118564 Apr 20 16:47 05_2D.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius 444729 Apr 21 10:05 1D_models.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius  33125 Apr  8 18:15 1D_two_epoch_opt_res_ERY.dill
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius  16613 Apr  8 19:18 1D_two_epoch_opt_res_PAR.dill
drwxrwxr-x 4 claudius   4096 Apr 20 10:19 dadiExercises/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius  36308 Apr  3 20:33 ery_fold_comp.png
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius   3560 Mar 25 08:40 EryPar.FOLDED.2dsfs
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius    433 Mar 24 20:15 ERY.unfolded.sfs
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius    421 Mar 24 20:14 ERY.unfolded.sfs~
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius  13913 Apr  6 15:03 exp_growth_optim_res_ERY.pickle
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius  13913 Apr  6 19:21 exp_growth_optim_res_PAR.pickle
drwxrwxr-x 2 claudius   4096 Apr 22 11:55 OUT_bottlegrowth/
drwxrwxr-x 2 claudius  24576 Apr 21 20:19 OUT_exp_growth_model/
drwxrwxr-x 2 claudius  73728 Apr 19 17:00 OUT_run_dadi/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius  37242 Apr  3 20:35 par_fold_comp.png
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius    421 Mar 24 20:16 PAR.unfolded.sfs
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius    409 Mar 24 20:15 PAR.unfolded.sfs~
-rwxrwxr-x 1 claudius   2790 Apr 17 22:18*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 claudius   2790 Apr 17 22:05*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius  12387 Apr 19 16:57 test.ipynb

In [6]:
! cat ERY.unfolded.sfs

37 unfolded
1592046.636125 7148.627587 6831.828430 3473.268669 3417.591990 2249.932322 1980.824357 1011.763357 2262.489617 557.169754 1049.858226 1159.694611 768.373223 1125.393799 448.462048 544.635916 1014.348661 147.731786 975.251801 233.415985 851.137519 12.642136 803.134099 0.128476 567.179523 446.009983 158.967094 484.096759 372.705620 540.860079 95.276852 808.290844 234.084809 614.920896 625.008059 890.804592 2515.454396 

In [3]:
%%px --local

# import 1D spectrum of ery on all engines:
fs_ery = dadi.Spectrum.from_file('ERY.unfolded.sfs').fold()

# import 1D spectrum of ery on all engines:
fs_par = dadi.Spectrum.from_file('PAR.unfolded.sfs').fold()

In [4]:
%%px --local

ns = fs_ery.sample_sizes # both populations have the same sample size

fs_ery.pop_ids = ['ery']
fs_par.pop_ids = ['par']

# setting the smallest grid size slightly larger than the largest population sample size (36)
pts_l = [50, 60, 70]

In [5]:
%%px --local

# create link to function that specifies the model
func = dadi.Demographics1D.three_epoch

# create extrapolating version of the model function
func_ex = dadi.Numerics.make_extrap_log_func(func)

In [6]:

# set lower and upper bounds to nuB, nuF and T
upper_bound = [1e4, 1e4, 4, 4]
lower_bound = [1e-4, 1e-4, 0, 0]

In [7]:
# create load balanced view of engines

lbview = cl.load_balanced_view()

In [12]:
def run_dadi(p_init): # for the function to be called with map, it needs to have one input variable
    p_init: initial parameter values to run optimisation from
    if perturb == True:
        p_init = dadi.Misc.perturb_params(p_init, fold=fold, 
                                      upper_bound=upper_bound, lower_bound=lower_bound)
        # note upper_bound and lower_bound variables are expected to be in the namespace of each engine
    # run optimisation of paramters
    popt = dadi_opt_func(p0=p_init, data=sfs, model_func=func_ex, pts=pts_l, \
                                   lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, \
                                   verbose=verbose, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output)
    return p_init, popt

In [26]:

# set up global variables on engines required for run_dadi function call

dadi_opt_func = dadi.Inference.optimize_log_fmin # uses Nelder-Mead algorithm
sfs = fs_ery # use ERY spectrum
perturb = True
fold = 2
maxiter = 20 # run a maximum of 20 iterations
verbose = 0
full_output = True # need to have full output to get the warnflags (see below)

In [8]:
from itertools import repeat

In [27]:
# specify the initial parameter values, they will be randomly perturbed by up to a factor of 2
p0 = [1, 1, 1, 1]
# these parameters indicate no size changes at times 1 and 2 (x 2N) generations in the past

ar_ery =, repeat([1, 1, 1, 1], 40), block=False, order=True)

In [28]:


In [9]:
def get_flag_count(out, NM=True):
    out: list of tuples, each containing p_init and popt + additional info, including warnflags
    as produced by
    from collections import defaultdict
    if NM: # if ar from Nelder-Mead
        i = 4 # the warnflag is reported at index position 4 in the output array
    else: # ar from BFGS optimisation
        i = 6
    warnflag = defaultdict(int)

    for res in out:
        if res[1][i] == 1: # notice the change in indexing
            warnflag[1] +=1
        elif res[1][i] == 2:
            warnflag[2] += 1
        elif res[1][i] == 0:
            warnflag[0] += 1
            warnflag[999] +=1
    if NM:
        print "success", warnflag[0]
        print "Maximum number of function evaluations made.", warnflag[1]
        print "Maximum number of iterations reached.", warnflag[2]
        print "unknown flag", warnflag[999]
        print "success", warnflag[0]
        print "Maximum number of iterations exceeded.", warnflag[1]
        print "Gradient and/or function calls not changing.", warnflag[2]
        print "unknown flag", warnflag[999]

In [30]:
get_flag_count(ar_ery, NM=True)

success 0
Maximum number of function evaluations made. 0
Maximum number of iterations reached. 40
unknown flag 0

OK, I obviously need to increase the number of iterations. Since the upper run was extremely fast, I am bold enough to increase maxiter to 100.

In [31]:

maxiter = 100

In [32]:


In [33]:
# run 40 optimisations with perturbed p0 and maxiter=100

ar_ery =, repeat(p0, 40), block=False, order=False)

In [36]:


In [37]:
get_flag_count(ar_ery, NM=True)

success 7
Maximum number of function evaluations made. 0
Maximum number of iterations reached. 33
unknown flag 0

In [38]:
for out in ar_ery:
    if out[1][4] == 0:
        print out[1][0], out[1][1]

[ 1.85654414  0.24992367  2.21238517  1.25368939] 2168.11186438
[ 1.55644243  0.26882739  0.18443449  1.18648075] 2168.11186793
[ 5.54171522  0.85587957  2.14281429  3.38509467] 2168.11188321
[ 0.32211174  0.22622996  0.15448801  0.94006958] 2168.11186656
[ 0.95664403  0.33589903  0.15976201  1.34434968] 2168.11187225
[ 2.41036662  0.21918639  0.16579024  1.03361692] 2168.11186581
[ 0.03328397  0.11515687  3.99449464  3.37126089] 2173.46212955

In [11]:
import dill

In [141]:
# save optimisation results to file

dill.dump(list(ar_ery.get()), open("OUT_three_epoch/ERY_perturb_ar_ery.dill", "w"))

In [10]:
def flatten(array):
        Returns a list of flattened elements of every inner lists (or tuples)
    import numpy
    res = []
    for el in array:
        if isinstance(el, (list, tuple, numpy.ndarray)):
    return list( res )

In [42]:
successfull_popt = [flatten(out)[:9] for out in ar_ery if out[1][4] == 0]

In [12]:
import pandas as pd

In [44]:
df = pd.DataFrame(data=successfull_popt, \
                  columns=['nuB_0', 'nuF_0', 'TB_0', 'TF_0', 'nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'TB_opt', 'TF_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True) # smaller is better

nuB_0 nuF_0 TB_0 TF_0 nuB_opt nuF_opt TB_opt TF_opt -logL
0 1.555383 0.293791 1.935427 0.293656 1.856544 0.249924 2.212385 1.253689 2168.111864
5 2.361740 0.396505 0.305203 0.715585 2.410367 0.219186 0.165790 1.033617 2168.111866
3 0.308729 2.380386 0.499412 0.948869 0.322112 0.226230 0.154488 0.940070 2168.111867
1 1.374368 0.309479 0.322377 0.356217 1.556442 0.268827 0.184434 1.186481 2168.111868
4 0.973349 0.396776 0.298970 0.582019 0.956644 0.335899 0.159762 1.344350 2168.111872
2 0.583930 0.930936 1.184826 3.432361 5.541715 0.855880 2.142814 3.385095 2168.111883
6 0.259739 3.858553 3.172399 3.006089 0.033284 0.115157 3.994495 3.371261 2173.462130

Fairly different parameter combinations have practically identical likelihood. A reduction of the contemporary population size to 1/4 of the ancient population size is quite conistently inferred ($\nu_F$). The ancient population size change is not inferred consistently.

I am going to try one more p0. In the two epoch model fitting, erythropus had shown an ancient increase in population size.

In [45]:
# specify the initial parameter values, they will be randomly perturbed by up to a factor of 2
p0 = [40, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5]

ar_ery_1 =, repeat(p0, 40), block=False, order=True)

In [46]:


In [49]:
get_flag_count(ar_ery_1, NM=True)

success 15
Maximum number of function evaluations made. 0
Maximum number of iterations reached. 25
unknown flag 0


In [48]:
successfull_popt = [flatten(out)[:9] for out in ar_ery_1 if out[1][4] == 0]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=successfull_popt, \
                  columns=['nuB_0', 'nuF_0', 'TB_0', 'TF_0', 'nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'TB_opt', 'TF_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True) # smaller is better

nuB_0 nuF_0 TB_0 TF_0 nuB_opt nuF_opt TB_opt TF_opt -logL
0 18.392331 0.101597 1.702540 0.215492 17.358511 0.054665 1.751921 0.391672 2168.111862
14 71.979569 0.113046 0.331147 0.319804 82.969982 0.071288 0.298778 0.440360 2168.111863
1 15.252442 0.138945 0.363293 0.315070 17.776575 0.080865 0.317333 0.488813 2168.111863
3 51.352276 0.157910 0.181752 0.367491 65.505369 0.094434 0.146645 0.542281 2168.111863
4 11.983834 0.246236 1.010640 0.540040 14.930735 0.130152 1.010041 0.774382 2168.111863
5 22.335137 0.174836 0.340843 0.434766 27.042723 0.106110 0.296612 0.609153 2168.111863
13 15.267625 0.147428 0.620736 0.681960 13.975804 0.118970 0.608653 0.692754 2168.111863
6 56.452932 0.144727 0.249397 0.135380 180.518767 0.116126 0.170522 0.643191 2168.111863
12 121.895028 0.256218 0.553528 0.512424 186.363472 0.136292 0.505059 0.768389 2168.111863
2 21.193921 0.330266 1.077031 0.456888 25.926112 0.192458 1.111311 1.077319 2168.111864
11 14.459448 0.243839 0.890411 0.261546 34.999661 0.200264 0.845499 1.084962 2168.111864
8 82.102430 0.268245 0.328126 0.716259 101.661654 0.161491 0.273926 0.849436 2168.111864
9 36.580333 0.240737 0.852438 0.266042 116.171135 0.200126 0.792436 1.080803 2168.111864
10 10.867122 0.147365 0.946355 1.228667 15.668847 0.235957 0.942984 1.240931 2168.111864
7 42.524388 0.168468 0.943558 1.667497 92.763715 0.356487 0.935848 1.714824 2168.111867

Ok, this looks like several quite different population histories are equally likely. These parameter values seem to suggest that erythropus first underwent a population increase to a $\nu_B$ fold of the ancient population size (ranging from 23$\times$ to $\gt$7000$\times$!) and stayed at this size for $TB$ (x2N) generations upon which it dramatically reduced its population size to a fraction $\nu_F$ of the ancient size and stayed at this size the remaining TF (x2N) generations.

In [140]:
dill.dump(list(ar_ery_1.get()), open("OUT_three_epoch/ERY_perturb_ar_ery_1.dill", "w"))

I would be good to visualise these different scenarios.

Combine both data frames:

In [124]:
successfull_popt = [flatten(out)[:9] for out in ar_ery if out[1][4] == 0]

df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=successfull_popt, \
                  columns=['nuB_0', 'nuF_0', 'TB_0', 'TF_0', 'nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'TB_opt', 'TF_opt', '-logL'])

successfull_popt = [flatten(out)[:9] for out in ar_ery_1 if out[1][4] == 0]

df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=successfull_popt, \
                  columns=['nuB_0', 'nuF_0', 'TB_0', 'TF_0', 'nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'TB_opt', 'TF_opt', '-logL'])

df = df_1.append(df_2)

nuB_0 nuF_0 TB_0 TF_0 nuB_opt nuF_opt TB_opt TF_opt -logL
0 18.392331 0.101597 1.702540 0.215492 17.358511 0.054665 1.751921 0.391672 2168.111862
14 71.979569 0.113046 0.331147 0.319804 82.969982 0.071288 0.298778 0.440360 2168.111863
1 15.252442 0.138945 0.363293 0.315070 17.776575 0.080865 0.317333 0.488813 2168.111863
3 51.352276 0.157910 0.181752 0.367491 65.505369 0.094434 0.146645 0.542281 2168.111863
4 11.983834 0.246236 1.010640 0.540040 14.930735 0.130152 1.010041 0.774382 2168.111863
5 22.335137 0.174836 0.340843 0.434766 27.042723 0.106110 0.296612 0.609153 2168.111863
13 15.267625 0.147428 0.620736 0.681960 13.975804 0.118970 0.608653 0.692754 2168.111863
6 56.452932 0.144727 0.249397 0.135380 180.518767 0.116126 0.170522 0.643191 2168.111863
12 121.895028 0.256218 0.553528 0.512424 186.363472 0.136292 0.505059 0.768389 2168.111863
2 21.193921 0.330266 1.077031 0.456888 25.926112 0.192458 1.111311 1.077319 2168.111864
11 14.459448 0.243839 0.890411 0.261546 34.999661 0.200264 0.845499 1.084962 2168.111864
8 82.102430 0.268245 0.328126 0.716259 101.661654 0.161491 0.273926 0.849436 2168.111864
9 36.580333 0.240737 0.852438 0.266042 116.171135 0.200126 0.792436 1.080803 2168.111864
0 1.555383 0.293791 1.935427 0.293656 1.856544 0.249924 2.212385 1.253689 2168.111864
10 10.867122 0.147365 0.946355 1.228667 15.668847 0.235957 0.942984 1.240931 2168.111864
5 2.361740 0.396505 0.305203 0.715585 2.410367 0.219186 0.165790 1.033617 2168.111866
3 0.308729 2.380386 0.499412 0.948869 0.322112 0.226230 0.154488 0.940070 2168.111867
7 42.524388 0.168468 0.943558 1.667497 92.763715 0.356487 0.935848 1.714824 2168.111867
1 1.374368 0.309479 0.322377 0.356217 1.556442 0.268827 0.184434 1.186481 2168.111868
4 0.973349 0.396776 0.298970 0.582019 0.956644 0.335899 0.159762 1.344350 2168.111872
2 0.583930 0.930936 1.184826 3.432361 5.541715 0.855880 2.142814 3.385095 2168.111883
6 0.259739 3.858553 3.172399 3.006089 0.033284 0.115157 3.994495 3.371261 2173.462130

In [126]:
# remove one parameter combination with slightly lower logL than the others

df = df.sort_values(by='-logL').head(-1)

In [127]:
df['TB+TF'] = pd.Series(df['TB_opt']+df['TF_opt'])

In [128]:

nuB_0 nuF_0 TB_0 TF_0 nuB_opt nuF_opt TB_opt TF_opt -logL TB+TF
0 18.392331 0.101597 1.70254 0.215492 17.358511 0.054665 1.751921 0.391672 2168.111862 2.143593

In [129]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [130]:
%matplotlib inline

In [131]:
# extract columns from table
nuB = df.loc[:,'nuB_opt']
nuF = df.loc[:, 'nuF_opt']
Tb_Tf = df.loc[:, 'TB+TF']
TF = df.loc[:, 'TF_opt']

In [132]:
# calculate reference (ancient) population size from theta estimate (derived elsewhere by fitting a neutral spectrum)

theta_ery = 10617.328085456724
mu = 3e-9
L = # this sums over all entries in the spectrum, including masked ones, i. e. also contains invariable sites
print "The total sequence length for the ery spectrum is {0:,}.".format(int(L))
N_ref_ery = theta_ery/L/mu/4

The total sequence length for the ery spectrum is 1,638,467.

In [133]:
# turn nu into absolute Ne and T into generations

nuB_n = nuB*N_ref_ery
nuF_n = nuF*N_ref_ery
Tb_Tf_g = Tb_Tf*2*N_ref_ery
TF_g = TF*2*N_ref_ery

In [137]:
anc = [N_ref_ery] * len(nuB)
pres = [1] * len(nuB)
past = [max(Tb_Tf_g)+1000] * len(nuB)

In [139]:
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [12.0, 10.0]

for run in zip(past, Tb_Tf_g, Tb_Tf_g, TF_g, TF_g, pres, anc, anc, nuB_n, nuB_n, nuF_n, nuF_n):
    plt.semilogy(run[:6], run[6:])
plt.xlabel('generations in the past')
plt.ylabel('effective population size')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fedb3ede2d0>


In [14]:

# set up global variables on engines required for run_dadi function call

dadi_opt_func = dadi.Inference.optimize_log_fmin # uses Nelder-Mead algorithm
sfs = fs_par # use PAR spectrum
perturb = True
fold = 3 # perturb randomly up to 6-fold
maxiter = 100 # run a maximum of 100 iterations
verbose = 0
full_output = True # need to have full output to get the warnflags (see below)
outname = "OUT_three_epoch/PAR_perturb" # set file name stub for opt. result files

In [103]:
def run_dadi(p_init): # for the function to be called with map, it needs to have one input variable
    p_init: initial parameter values to run optimisation from
    if perturb == True:
        p_init = dadi.Misc.perturb_params(p_init, fold=fold, 
                                      upper_bound=upper_bound, lower_bound=lower_bound)
        # note upper_bound and lower_bound variables are expected to be in the namespace of each engine
    # run optimisation of paramters
    popt = dadi_opt_func(p0=p_init, data=sfs, model_func=func_ex, pts=pts_l, \
                                   lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, \
                                   verbose=verbose, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output)
    # pickle to file
    import dill
    name = outname[:] # make copy of file name stub!
    for p in p_init:
        name += "_%.4f" % (p)
    with open(name + ".dill", "w") as fh:
        dill.dump((p_init, popt), fh)
    return p_init, popt

In [16]:
# specify the initial parameter values, they will be randomly perturbed by up to a factor of 2 times `fold`
p0 = [1, 1, 1, 1]

ar_par =, repeat(p0, 20), block=False, order=True)

In [23]:


In [25]:


I had to kill the last two long running jobs.

In [28]:
import glob

In [30]:
ar_par = []

for filename in glob.glob("OUT_three_epoch/PAR_perturb*.dill"):

In [31]:
get_flag_count(ar_par, NM=True)

success 6
Maximum number of function evaluations made. 0
Maximum number of iterations reached. 12
unknown flag 0

Six optimisation converged.

In [34]:
i = 4 # index of flag with NM algorithm

successfull_popt = [flatten(out)[:9] for out in ar_par if out[1][i] == 0]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=successfull_popt, \
                  columns=['nuB_0', 'nuF_0', 'TB_0', 'TF_0', 'nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'TB_opt', 'TF_opt', 'logL'])

df.sort_values(by='logL', ascending=True)

nuB_0 nuF_0 TB_0 TF_0 nuB_opt nuF_opt TB_opt TF_opt logL
2 2.433394 0.438042 0.462081 2.612107 1.907850 0.038445 1.426696 2.480729 6925.673757
0 0.638494 0.283054 3.960000 1.212381 0.473253 0.027032 0.663347 1.317327 6925.673757
1 2.473569 0.361162 3.960000 0.920803 0.036822 0.001763 0.021552 0.781917 6925.673757
5 0.204874 0.193839 0.141559 1.090908 0.039256 0.007885 2.189611 1.059457 6925.673757
4 2.186779 0.569927 2.567862 2.802733 0.641334 0.104038 0.190060 3.830696 6925.673757
3 2.548660 0.202542 0.135508 3.459914 2.507626 0.091869 0.155196 3.829503 6925.673757

It would be nice to get a few more replicates for these results. I am going to use these optimal parameter combinations, perturb them randomly and use them as starting values for new optimisations.

In [35]:
df.loc[:, ['nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'TB_opt', 'TF_opt']]

nuB_opt nuF_opt TB_opt TF_opt
0 0.473253 0.027032 0.663347 1.317327
1 0.036822 0.001763 0.021552 0.781917
2 1.907850 0.038445 1.426696 2.480729
3 2.507626 0.091869 0.155196 3.829503
4 0.641334 0.104038 0.190060 3.830696
5 0.039256 0.007885 2.189611 1.059457

In [40]:
# specify new set initial parameter values (the optimal sets repeated 3 times)

p0 = []

for _ in range(3):
    p0.extend(np.array(df.loc[:, ['nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'TB_opt', 'TF_opt']]))


[array([ 0.47325277,  0.0270319 ,  0.66334729,  1.31732675]),
 array([ 0.03682158,  0.00176323,  0.02155165,  0.78191672]),
 array([ 1.90784959,  0.03844487,  1.42669581,  2.48072912]),
 array([ 2.50762601,  0.09186928,  0.15519576,  3.82950266]),
 array([ 0.64133354,  0.10403757,  0.19006035,  3.83069627]),
 array([ 0.03925564,  0.00788456,  2.18961142,  1.05945703]),
 array([ 0.47325277,  0.0270319 ,  0.66334729,  1.31732675]),
 array([ 0.03682158,  0.00176323,  0.02155165,  0.78191672]),
 array([ 1.90784959,  0.03844487,  1.42669581,  2.48072912]),
 array([ 2.50762601,  0.09186928,  0.15519576,  3.82950266]),
 array([ 0.64133354,  0.10403757,  0.19006035,  3.83069627]),
 array([ 0.03925564,  0.00788456,  2.18961142,  1.05945703]),
 array([ 0.47325277,  0.0270319 ,  0.66334729,  1.31732675]),
 array([ 0.03682158,  0.00176323,  0.02155165,  0.78191672]),
 array([ 1.90784959,  0.03844487,  1.42669581,  2.48072912]),
 array([ 2.50762601,  0.09186928,  0.15519576,  3.82950266]),
 array([ 0.64133354,  0.10403757,  0.19006035,  3.83069627]),
 array([ 0.03925564,  0.00788456,  2.18961142,  1.05945703])]

In [41]:

fold = 2 # perturb up to 4 times

In [42]:
# run optimisations

ar_par_2 =, p0, block=False, order=True)

In [48]:


In [49]:
get_flag_count(ar_par_2, NM=True)

success 18
Maximum number of function evaluations made. 0
Maximum number of iterations reached. 0
unknown flag 0

Wow! All 18 runs were successful?!

In [87]:
# add new output to previous output
successfull_popt.extend( [flatten(out)[:9] for out in ar_par_2 if out[1][4] == 0] )

# create data frame
df = pd.DataFrame(data=successfull_popt, \
                  columns=['nuB_0', 'nuF_0', 'TB_0', 'TF_0', 'nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'TB_opt', 'TF_opt', 'logL'])

# sort data frame by negative log likelihood
df.sort_values(by='nuF_opt', ascending=True)

nuB_0 nuF_0 TB_0 TF_0 nuB_opt nuF_opt TB_opt TF_opt logL
25 0.034798 0.000622 0.034582 0.378960 0.032141 0.001058 0.032899 0.358150 6925.673757
7 0.034798 0.000622 0.034582 0.378960 0.032141 0.001058 0.032899 0.358150 6925.673757
31 0.021137 0.001603 0.035116 0.201532 0.021004 0.001120 0.036850 0.197136 6925.673757
13 0.021137 0.001603 0.035116 0.201532 0.021004 0.001120 0.036850 0.197136 6925.673757
1 2.473569 0.361162 3.960000 0.920803 0.036822 0.001763 0.021552 0.781917 6925.673757
11 0.046882 0.005830 3.960000 3.341567 0.047762 0.004537 3.913243 3.408379 6925.673757
29 0.046882 0.005830 3.960000 3.341567 0.047762 0.004537 3.913243 3.408379 6925.673757
19 0.029536 0.006689 0.029136 0.560299 0.026678 0.006358 0.028909 0.558054 6925.673757
37 0.029536 0.006689 0.029136 0.560299 0.026678 0.006358 0.028909 0.558054 6925.673757
23 0.010834 0.006921 0.784781 1.005371 0.010929 0.006721 0.784020 1.005448 6925.673757
41 0.010834 0.006921 0.784781 1.005371 0.010929 0.006721 0.784020 1.005448 6925.673757
5 0.204874 0.193839 0.141559 1.090908 0.039256 0.007885 2.189611 1.059457 6925.673757
24 0.317086 0.007937 2.038538 1.510296 0.315879 0.007967 2.043365 1.535930 6925.673757
6 0.317086 0.007937 2.038538 1.510296 0.315879 0.007967 2.043365 1.535930 6925.673757
35 0.024233 0.009914 1.835750 3.960000 0.019881 0.008062 1.856716 3.578219 6925.673757
17 0.024233 0.009914 1.835750 3.960000 0.019881 0.008062 1.856716 3.578219 6925.673757
18 0.307762 0.021357 1.046228 0.472231 0.302127 0.014132 1.046629 0.492002 6925.673757
36 0.307762 0.021357 1.046228 0.472231 0.302127 0.014132 1.046629 0.492002 6925.673757
8 1.334913 0.025802 0.809057 2.734837 1.347579 0.022027 0.803359 2.492352 6925.673757
26 1.334913 0.025802 0.809057 2.734837 1.347579 0.022027 0.803359 2.492352 6925.673757
0 0.638494 0.283054 3.960000 1.212381 0.473253 0.027032 0.663347 1.317327 6925.673757
16 0.769572 0.033210 0.247868 3.960000 0.764877 0.027528 0.252798 3.601468 6925.673757
34 0.769572 0.033210 0.247868 3.960000 0.764877 0.027528 0.252798 3.601468 6925.673757
2 2.433394 0.438042 0.462081 2.612107 1.907850 0.038445 1.426696 2.480729 6925.673757
22 0.193470 0.050057 0.224928 3.960000 0.200351 0.040437 0.227508 3.677640 6925.673757
40 0.193470 0.050057 0.224928 3.960000 0.200351 0.040437 0.227508 3.677640 6925.673757
12 0.166914 0.048545 1.474589 1.333131 0.157016 0.041328 1.446743 1.347389 6925.673757
30 0.166914 0.048545 1.474589 1.333131 0.157016 0.041328 1.446743 1.347389 6925.673757
21 2.423076 0.059729 0.419554 3.960000 2.435674 0.059927 0.417425 3.938768 6925.673757
39 2.423076 0.059729 0.419554 3.960000 2.435674 0.059927 0.417425 3.938768 6925.673757
38 1.853563 0.115368 3.325237 2.930335 1.770115 0.084648 2.855704 3.272462 6925.673757
20 1.853563 0.115368 3.325237 2.930335 1.770115 0.084648 2.855704 3.272462 6925.673757
3 2.548660 0.202542 0.135508 3.459914 2.507626 0.091869 0.155196 3.829503 6925.673757
27 1.329169 0.204441 0.152604 3.960000 1.245161 0.096600 0.201465 3.859701 6925.673757
9 1.329169 0.204441 0.152604 3.960000 1.245161 0.096600 0.201465 3.859701 6925.673757
4 2.186779 0.569927 2.567862 2.802733 0.641334 0.104038 0.190060 3.830696 6925.673757
33 3.056074 0.139525 0.083480 3.960000 3.082088 0.113243 0.073635 3.827661 6925.673757
15 3.056074 0.139525 0.083480 3.960000 3.082088 0.113243 0.073635 3.827661 6925.673757
28 1.316761 0.306616 0.135113 2.202856 1.209182 0.114317 0.179460 3.781351 6925.673757
10 1.316761 0.306616 0.135113 2.202856 1.209182 0.114317 0.179460 3.781351 6925.673757
32 1.649948 0.116610 3.532943 3.960000 1.671203 0.119777 3.654009 3.865415 6925.673757
14 1.649948 0.116610 3.532943 3.960000 1.671203 0.119777 3.654009 3.865415 6925.673757

I am going to visualise these population size histories.

In [57]:
# add time for ancient size change

df['TB+TF'] = pd.Series(df['TB_opt']+df['TF_opt'])

In [58]:
# extract columns from table
nuB = df.loc[:,'nuB_opt']
nuF = df.loc[:, 'nuF_opt']
Tb_Tf = df.loc[:, 'TB+TF']
TF = df.loc[:, 'TF_opt']

In [59]:
# calculate reference (ancient) population size from theta estimate (derived elsewhere by fitting a neutral spectrum)

theta_par = 10632.738922047551
mu = 3e-9
L = # this sums over all entries in the spectrum, including masked ones, i. e. also contains invariable sites
print "The total sequence length for the ery spectrum is {0:,}.".format(int(L))
N_ref_par = theta_par/L/mu/4

The total sequence length for the ery spectrum is 1,214,938.

In [60]:
# turn nu into absolute Ne and T into generations

nuB_n = nuB*N_ref_par
nuF_n = nuF*N_ref_par
Tb_Tf_g = Tb_Tf*2*N_ref_par
TF_g = TF*2*N_ref_par

In [61]:
anc = [N_ref_par] * len(nuB)
pres = [1] * len(nuB)
past = [max(Tb_Tf_g)+1000] * len(nuB)

In [62]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [12.0, 10.0]

for run in zip(past, Tb_Tf_g, Tb_Tf_g, TF_g, TF_g, pres, anc, anc, nuB_n, nuB_n, nuF_n, nuF_n):
    plt.semilogy(run[:6], run[6:])
plt.xlabel('generations in the past')
plt.ylabel('effective population size')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fac72f3c290>

The ancient size change is generally inferred to be more than 1 million generations ago (even up to 10 million)?!

Are the strength of the first population size change, $(\frac{1}{\nu_B})^{TB}$, and the strength of the second population size change, $(\frac{1}{\nu_F})^{TF}$, correlated with each other?

In [90]:
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 12.0

plt.plot((1.0/df['nuB_opt'])**df['TB_opt'], (1.0/df['nuF_opt'])**df['TF_opt'], 'bo')
plt.xlabel('strength of first size change')
plt.ylabel('strength of second size change')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fac6e91f650>

There is no correlation between the strength of the two size changes.

In [54]:
import dill

dump_this = ar_par

dill.dump(dump_this, open("OUT_three_epoch/PAR_perturb_ar_par.dill", "w"))

In [55]:
p0 = [100, 1e-2, 1, 2] # start from more extreme initial parameter values

ar_par_3 =, repeat(p0, 10), block = False, order=False)

In [67]:


In [68]:
get_flag_count(ar_par_3, NM=True)

success 10
Maximum number of function evaluations made. 0
Maximum number of iterations reached. 0
unknown flag 0

In [93]:
dill.dump(list(ar_par_3.get()), open("OUT_three_epoch/PAR_perturb_extreme_ar_par.dill", "w"))

In [70]:
# add new output to previous output
successfull_popt_3 =  [flatten(out)[:9] for out in ar_par_3 if out[1][4] == 0]

# create data frame
df_3 = pd.DataFrame(data=successfull_popt_3, \
                  columns=['nuB_0', 'nuF_0', 'TB_0', 'TF_0', 'nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'TB_opt', 'TF_opt', 'logL'])

# sort data frame by negative log likelihood
df_3.sort_values(by='logL', ascending=True)

nuB_0 nuF_0 TB_0 TF_0 nuB_opt nuF_opt TB_opt TF_opt logL
4 268.347228 0.036617 3.495306 2.235183 225.289543 0.032213 3.451690 2.183728 6925.673757
3 38.559230 0.005461 1.235253 3.883301 41.390244 0.005079 1.240099 3.769861 6925.673757
2 67.498147 0.015576 1.088031 3.551166 63.945996 0.014691 1.088717 3.584231 6925.673757
5 48.901243 0.028192 1.874433 1.116714 56.580841 0.030822 1.919122 1.112101 6925.673757
1 27.733009 0.003506 3.201122 1.346019 30.203574 0.003972 3.091384 1.362643 6925.673757
9 155.267088 0.002844 1.982512 0.713019 155.438528 0.002252 1.990211 0.713649 6925.673757
6 53.472143 0.007924 3.721429 3.367482 59.768349 0.007426 3.747301 3.356914 6925.673757
8 261.612644 0.005875 0.776384 3.960000 290.395553 0.004657 0.779946 3.904082 6925.673757
0 41.386654 0.004065 1.411848 1.871907 44.738775 0.005076 1.414354 1.917174 6925.673757
7 316.920444 0.007079 0.612435 3.960000 315.270535 0.005561 0.615180 3.948950 6925.673757

In [92]:
plt.plot(df_3['nuB_opt']**df_3['TB_opt'], (1.0/df_3['nuF_opt'])**df_3['TF_opt'], 'bo')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fac6e7c94d0>]

I cannot see a correlation here either.

All optimisations consistently show a reduction in the contemporary population size with respect to the ancient population size ($\nu_F$). The ancient population size change is much less clear and ranges from a reduction by one half to a doubling. Also this event is inferred to have occurred quite distant in the past, at $(T_F + T_B) \times 2N_{ref}$ generations in the past. This makes me think that this ancient size change cannot reliably be inferred. There only seems to be evidence for one size change.

My attempts to fit a two epoch model (i. e. a single size change) to the parallelus 1D SFS had previously failed due to inferred parameter values hitting ever more extreme parameter limits. Given that I was able to reasonably fit a 4 parameter model to the 1D SFS of parallelus (that does not show strong evidence for two size changes), I would be surprised if it wasn't possible to fit the two epoch model to the parallelus spectrum.

retry two_epoch model with PAR spectrum

In [1]:

Interactive namespace is empty.

In [2]:
from ipyparallel import Client

cl = Client()


[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]

In [3]:
%%px --local

# run whole cell on all engines a well as in the local IPython session

import numpy as np

import sys

sys.path.insert(0, '/home/claudius/Downloads/dadi')

import dadi

In [4]:
%%px --local

# create link to function that specifies the model
func = dadi.Demographics1D.two_epoch

# create extrapolating version of the model function
func_ex = dadi.Numerics.make_extrap_log_func(func)

In [5]:
%%px --local

# import 1D spectrum of ery on all engines:
fs_ery = dadi.Spectrum.from_file('ERY.unfolded.sfs').fold()

# import 1D spectrum of ery on all engines:
fs_par = dadi.Spectrum.from_file('PAR.unfolded.sfs').fold()

In [6]:

# set up global variables on engines required for run_dadi function call

dadi_opt_func = dadi.Inference.optimize_log_fmin # uses Nelder-Mead algorithm
sfs = fs_par # use PAR spectrum
perturb = True
fold = 2 # perturb randomly up to 6-fold
maxiter = 100 # run a maximum of 100 iterations
verbose = 0
full_output = True # need to have full output to get the warnflags (see below)
outname = "OUT_two_epoch/PAR_perturb" # set file name stub for opt. result files

# set lower and upper bounds to nu and T
upper_bound = [1e4, 5]
lower_bound = [1e-4, 0]

ns = fs_ery.sample_sizes # both populations have the same sample size

fs_ery.pop_ids = ['ery']
fs_par.pop_ids = ['par']

# setting the smallest grid size slightly larger than the largest population sample size (36)
pts_l = [50, 60, 70]

In [7]:
lbview = cl.load_balanced_view()

In [32]:
def run_dadi(p_init): # for the function to be called with map, it needs to have one input variable
    p_init: initial parameter values to run optimisation from
    if perturb == True:
        p_init = dadi.Misc.perturb_params(p_init, fold=fold, 
                                      upper_bound=upper_bound, lower_bound=lower_bound)
        # note upper_bound and lower_bound variables are expected to be in the namespace of each engine
    # run optimisation of paramters
    popt = dadi_opt_func(p0=p_init, data=sfs, model_func=func_ex, pts=pts_l, \
                                   lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, \
                                   verbose=verbose, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output)
    # pickle to file
    import dill
    name = outname[:] # make copy of file name stub!
    for p in p_init:
        name += "_%.4f" % (p)
    with open(name + ".dill", "w") as fh:
        dill.dump((p_init, popt), fh)
    return p_init, popt

In [9]:
from itertools import repeat

In [10]:
# specify the initial parameter values, they will be randomly perturbed by up to a factor of 4
p0 = [0.1, 2.5]

ar_par_te =, repeat(p0, 20), block=False, order=True)

In [14]:


In [13]:
def get_flag_count(out, NM=True):
    out: list of tuples, each containing p_init and popt + additional info, including warnflags
    as produced by
    from collections import defaultdict
    if NM: # if ar from Nelder-Mead
        i = 4 # the warnflag is reported at index position 4 in the output array
    else: # ar from BFGS optimisation
        i = 6
    warnflag = defaultdict(int)

    for res in out:
        if res[1][i] == 1: # notice the change in indexing
            warnflag[1] +=1
        elif res[1][i] == 2:
            warnflag[2] += 1
        elif res[1][i] == 0:
            warnflag[0] += 1
            warnflag[999] +=1
    if NM:
        print "success", warnflag[0]
        print "Maximum number of function evaluations made.", warnflag[1]
        print "Maximum number of iterations reached.", warnflag[2]
        print "unknown flag", warnflag[999]
        print "success", warnflag[0]
        print "Maximum number of iterations exceeded.", warnflag[1]
        print "Gradient and/or function calls not changing.", warnflag[2]
        print "unknown flag", warnflag[999]

In [16]:
ar_par_te = []

import glob, dill

for filename in glob.glob("OUT_two_epoch/PAR_perturb*dill"):
    ar_par_te.append( dill.load(open(filename)) )

In [17]:
get_flag_count(ar_par_te, NM=True)

success 21
Maximum number of function evaluations made. 0
Maximum number of iterations reached. 0
unknown flag 0

In [18]:
def flatten(array):
        Returns a list of flattened elements of every inner lists (or tuples)
    import numpy
    res = []
    for el in array:
        if isinstance(el, (list, tuple, numpy.ndarray)):
    return list( res )

In [19]:
import pandas as pd

In [20]:
i = 4 # index of flag with NM algorithm

successfull_popt = [flatten(out)[:5] for out in ar_par_te if out[1][i] == 0]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=successfull_popt, \
                  columns=['nu_0','T_0', 'nu_opt', 'T_opt', 'logL'])

df.sort_values(by='logL', ascending=True)

nu_0 T_0 nu_opt T_opt logL
10 0.043733 0.843860 0.015968 0.884924 6925.673757
7 0.031110 4.950000 0.021988 4.615473 6925.673757
3 0.027317 3.411201 0.015919 3.747210 6925.673757
12 0.339826 3.022905 0.111238 4.938315 6925.673757
9 0.225660 2.139018 0.017545 2.814009 6925.673757
17 0.046077 2.321844 0.039505 2.421725 6925.673757
16 0.043962 2.319764 0.060086 2.464394 6925.673757
4 0.035152 1.289873 0.032329 1.289937 6925.673757
13 0.227686 1.491931 0.007004 1.933539 6925.673757
18 0.042434 4.950000 0.033626 4.175495 6925.673757
11 0.129524 4.950000 0.113594 4.525529 6925.673757
0 0.034942 0.704100 0.007971 0.830649 6925.673757
1 0.049946 3.078650 0.043235 2.919133 6925.673757
19 0.041984 1.046781 0.014843 1.047991 6925.673757
6 0.209367 1.415120 0.039470 1.536937 6925.673757
14 0.166116 4.950000 0.138820 4.797762 6925.673757
20 0.056907 1.690728 0.037020 1.637142 6925.673757
5 0.211545 1.509448 0.011912 1.745096 6925.673757
8 0.235730 4.950000 0.120247 4.572422 6925.673757
15 0.052986 4.950000 0.046463 4.722051 6925.673757
2 0.043338 2.200729 0.040116 2.216722 6925.673757

Note that these two epoch models have the same likelihood as the three epoch models above.

In [21]:
# specify the initial parameter values, they will be randomly perturbed by up to a factor of 4
p0 = [10, 0.5]

ar_par_te =, repeat(p0, 20), block=False, order=True)

In [22]:


In [24]:
get_flag_count(ar_par_te, NM=True)

success 20
Maximum number of function evaluations made. 0
Maximum number of iterations reached. 0
unknown flag 0

In [25]:
i = 4 # index of flag with NM algorithm

successfull_popt = [flatten(out)[:5] for out in ar_par_te if out[1][i] == 0]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=successfull_popt, \
                  columns=['nu_0','T_0', 'nu_opt', 'T_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True)

nu_0 T_0 nu_opt T_opt logL
1 6.987489 1.642464 6.645270 5.000000 5504.381047
18 24.561703 0.229637 6.645150 4.999997 5504.381050
16 3.503846 0.197141 6.644959 4.999996 5504.381051
4 3.107369 0.694274 6.644691 4.999998 5504.381051
12 4.198500 1.480943 6.644962 4.999994 5504.381056
15 14.315275 0.361328 6.644621 4.999997 5504.381058
7 4.502252 0.168670 6.644580 4.999996 5504.381061
6 4.123402 1.026289 6.645491 4.999999 5504.381061
13 11.232949 0.650673 6.644530 4.999996 5504.381063
10 12.362184 1.272441 6.644494 4.999996 5504.381067
19 7.763644 1.765466 6.644866 4.999990 5504.381068
17 14.562575 0.518519 6.645172 4.999990 5504.381069
8 20.091669 1.067884 6.645485 4.999994 5504.381073
5 3.846975 0.467682 6.645270 4.999989 5504.381076
11 35.777280 0.347957 6.645409 4.999990 5504.381078
2 4.145003 0.305677 6.644878 4.999985 5504.381081
0 7.309461 1.853374 6.645314 4.999986 5504.381084
3 2.848887 1.544497 6.645521 4.999982 5504.381106
14 20.577249 1.832976 6.646996 4.999997 5504.381300
9 4.226149 0.208820 6.650487 4.999987 5504.382564

The likelihood of these parameter values is much higher than the the ones above. However, the time parameter is hitting the upper boundary.

In [35]:

upper_bound = [1e4, 6]

In [36]:
# specify the initial parameter values, they will be randomly perturbed by up to a factor of 4
p0 = [1, 1]

ar_par_te =, repeat(p0, 10), block=False, order=True)

In [28]:
#ar_par_te = []

#import glob, dill

#for filename in glob.glob("OUT_two_epoch/PAR_perturb*dill"):
#    ar_par_te.append( dill.load(open(filename)) )

In [37]:
get_flag_count(ar_par_te, NM=True)

success 10
Maximum number of function evaluations made. 0
Maximum number of iterations reached. 0
unknown flag 0

In [38]:
i = 4 # index of flag with NM algorithm

successfull_popt = [flatten(out)[:5] for out in ar_par_te if out[1][i] == 0]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=successfull_popt, \
                  columns=['nu_0','T_0', 'nu_opt', 'T_opt', 'logL'])

df.sort_values(by='logL', ascending=True)

nu_0 T_0 nu_opt T_opt logL
7 3.809859 0.880742 7.723638 5.999997 5502.338651
6 3.960114 0.730363 7.723791 5.999995 5502.338651
3 0.946438 3.628840 7.724187 5.999994 5502.338653
1 1.099448 1.424327 7.723607 5.999982 5502.338675
8 1.268052 0.301753 7.724743 5.999970 5502.338719
5 0.478007 0.297796 7.731477 5.999997 5502.341217
2 1.163708 3.434724 7.690900 5.999987 5502.388130
0 0.426545 2.386989 0.146739 5.883732 6925.673757
4 0.291222 0.328804 0.124747 5.466190 6925.673757
9 0.322324 0.444581 0.046371 3.658299 6925.673757

In [40]:
dill.dump(list(ar_par_te.get()), open("OUT_two_epoch/PAR_perturb_ar_par.dill", "w"))

It is very hard for me to believe that the log likelihood of all parameter combinations is almost exactly the same AND also the same as the likelihood for all parameter combinations of the three epoch model above!

In [92]:
[get_ll(out[1][0]) for out in ar_par_te if out[1][4] == 0]


In [93]:

[(array([ 0.05486992,  1.99860381]),
  (array([ 0.03180292,  1.95648193]), 9825.1799565799647, 24, 62, 0)),
 (array([ 0.07135217,  3.50371679]),
  (array([ 0.06243178,  3.50071502]), 9825.1799565806832, 19, 52, 0)),
 (array([ 0.05054308,  2.05085516]),
  (array([ 0.04690783,  2.05099452]), 9825.1799565812507, 14, 45, 0)),
 (array([ 0.08349208,  3.96      ]),
  (array([ 0.08365293,  3.82117106]), 9825.1799565812271, 25, 59, 0)),
 (array([ 0.08232057,  3.2093796 ]),
  (array([ 0.09182442,  3.43965861]), 9825.1799565805759, 20, 58, 0)),
 (array([ 0.06735758,  2.9487646 ]),
  (array([ 0.07978079,  3.09333988]), 9825.1799565808014, 21, 54, 0)),
 (array([ 0.0727572,  3.96     ]),
  (array([ 0.07595359,  3.85083138]), 9825.1799565800939, 18, 53, 0)),
 (array([ 0.14681914,  3.76597664]),
  (array([ 0.10123876,  3.87681382]), 9825.1799565815054, 23, 65, 0)),
 (array([ 0.07298845,  3.60220333]),
  (array([ 0.04928812,  3.3752426 ]), 9825.1799565804031, 18, 55, 0)),
 (array([ 0.06802161,  3.29320753]),
  (array([ 0.05946744,  3.29320753]), 9825.1799565808542, 19, 56, 0)),
 (array([ 0.10640165,  3.92341386]),
  (array([ 0.10904132,  3.51473602]), 9825.1799565807978, 22, 64, 0)),
 (array([ 0.07170782,  2.83808626]),
  (array([ 0.07665994,  3.02473366]), 9825.1799565798756, 23, 64, 0)),
 (array([ 0.16242966,  3.96      ]),
  (array([ 0.09350813,  3.87135071]), 9825.1799565810798, 25, 66, 0)),
 (array([ 0.17283649,  1.90122883]),
  (array([ 0.03226069,  2.05199881]), 9825.179956580927, 31, 73, 0)),
 (array([ 0.07760091,  1.62901564]),
  (array([ 0.03653264,  1.73395085]), 9825.179956580072, 23, 63, 0)),
 (array([ 0.06801678,  3.49657783]),
  (array([ 0.06175374,  3.55519529]), 9825.1799565812707, 21, 58, 0)),
 (array([ 0.0550631 ,  2.90503535]),
  (array([ 0.07358251,  3.31929116]), 9825.1799565804686, 23, 61, 0)),
 (array([ 0.07382876,  1.97189719]),
  (array([ 0.05617572,  2.10243668]), 9825.1799565797955, 24, 61, 0)),
 (array([ 0.11070839,  3.49673412]),
  (array([ 0.09857047,  3.56629877]), 9825.1799565801703, 25, 65, 0)),
 (array([ 0.10834875,  3.42092569]),
  (array([ 0.10107928,  3.70848747]), 9825.1799565808396, 20, 60, 0))]

In [94]:
from scipy.optimize import fmin

In [95]:

fopt is the likelihood of the otimal parameter combination. I therefore don't need to calculate the likelihood with get_ll. It's already returned by the optimisation function.

OK. it may be that the likelihood values are correct and that there is a ridge in the likelihood surface.

retry two_epoch model with ery spectrum

I previously also wasn't able to find reasonable optimal parameter values for the two epoch model with the erythropus spectrum. I want to make another attempt here, given the apparently successful optimisation for the three epoch model above.

In [99]:

# set up global variables on engines required for run_dadi function call

dadi_opt_func = dadi.Inference.optimize_log_fmin # uses Nelder-Mead algorithm
sfs = fs_ery # use ERY spectrum
perturb = True
fold = 1
maxiter = 100 # run a maximum of 100 iterations
verbose = 0
full_output = True # need to have full output to get the warnflags (see below)

In [100]:
# specify the initial parameter values, they will be randomly perturbed by up to a factor of 2
p0 = [1, 1]

ar_ery_te =, repeat(p0, 20), block=False, order=True)

In [101]:


In [102]:
get_flag_count(ar_ery_te, NM=True)

success 5
Maximum number of function evaluations made. 0
Maximum number of iterations reached. 15
unknown flag 0

In [103]:

(array([ 1.79926927,  1.68949312]),
 (array([  1.00492187e-04,   2.17110737e-06]),

In [105]:
successfull_popt_ery_te = [flatten(out)[:5] for out in ar_ery_te if out[1][4] == 0]
df = pd.DataFrame(data=successfull_popt_ery_te, \
                  columns=['nuB_0', 'T_0', 'nuB_opt', 'T_opt', 'logL'])
df.sort_values(by='logL', ascending=False)

nuB_0 T_0 nuB_opt T_opt logL
0 1.008790 1.448122 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492674
4 0.863051 0.745958 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492674
3 0.974539 0.509961 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492674
2 0.973070 1.668159 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492674
1 1.289495 0.638957 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492674

These parameters are hitting the parameter limits set above and therefore cannot be regarded as converged.

In [106]:
# specify the initial parameter values, they will be randomly perturbed by up to a factor of 2
p0 = [0.1, 0.001]

ar_ery_te =, repeat(p0, 20), block=False, order=True)

In [107]:
get_flag_count(ar_ery_te, NM=True)

success 20
Maximum number of function evaluations made. 0
Maximum number of iterations reached. 0
unknown flag 0


In [108]:
successfull_popt_ery_te = [flatten(out)[:5] for out in ar_ery_te if out[1][4] == 0]
df = pd.DataFrame(data=successfull_popt_ery_te, \
                  columns=['nuB_0', 'T_0', 'nuB_opt', 'T_opt', 'logL'])
df.sort_values(by='logL', ascending=False)

nuB_0 T_0 nuB_opt T_opt logL
15 0.123444 0.000651 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492742
4 0.156333 0.001206 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492681
16 0.125851 0.000929 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492674
19 0.062718 0.001864 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492674
0 0.132941 0.000502 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492674
1 0.166737 0.001820 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492674
10 0.096480 0.000572 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492674
18 0.064284 0.000917 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492674
9 0.124843 0.000887 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492674
13 0.058069 0.000997 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492674
5 0.059941 0.000673 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492674
2 0.069211 0.001097 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492674
17 0.106875 0.001976 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492674
14 0.129957 0.001470 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492673
6 0.150734 0.001445 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492673
12 0.098506 0.001029 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492673
11 0.169902 0.000518 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492673
8 0.052018 0.001412 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492673
7 0.130409 0.001819 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492673
3 0.055873 0.000996 0.0001 0.000002 2040.492673

Still no luck. It really looks as though the two epoch model cannot be fit to the erythropus spectrum.

In [ ]: