In [1]:
# load dadi module

import sys

sys.path.insert(0, '/home/claudius/Downloads/dadi')

import dadi

error in importing Two Locus modules

In [2]:

total 2672
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius 671626 Apr 23 09:37 01_dadi_1D_exp_growth.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius 248481 Apr 22 11:27 02_dadi_1D_two_epoch.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius 148443 Apr 22 12:25 03_1D_bottlegrowth.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius  43387 Apr 24 13:15 04_1D_expGrowth_bottleneck.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius 236336 Apr 23 15:14 04_1D_three_epoch.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius 467067 Apr 25 09:38 05_1D_model_synthesis.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius 118564 Apr 20 16:47 05_2D.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius 444729 Apr 21 10:05 1D_models.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius  33125 Apr  8 18:15 1D_two_epoch_opt_res_ERY.dill
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius  16613 Apr  8 19:18 1D_two_epoch_opt_res_PAR.dill
drwxrwxr-x 4 claudius   4096 Apr 20 10:19 dadiExercises/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius  36308 Apr  3 20:33 ery_fold_comp.png
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius   3560 Mar 25 08:40 EryPar.FOLDED.2dsfs
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius    433 Mar 24 20:15 ERY.unfolded.sfs
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius    421 Mar 24 20:14 ERY.unfolded.sfs~
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius  13913 Apr  6 15:03 exp_growth_optim_res_ERY.pickle
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius  13913 Apr  6 19:21 exp_growth_optim_res_PAR.pickle
drwxrwxr-x 2 claudius   4096 Apr 22 11:55 OUT_bottlegrowth/
drwxrwxr-x 2 claudius  12288 Apr 24 12:55 OUT_expGrowth_bottleneck/
drwxrwxr-x 2 claudius  24576 Apr 21 20:19 OUT_exp_growth_model/
drwxrwxr-x 2 claudius  73728 Apr 19 17:00 OUT_run_dadi/
drwxrwxr-x 2 claudius   4096 Apr 23 12:23 OUT_three_epoch/
drwxrwxr-x 2 claudius   4096 Apr 23 15:01 OUT_two_epoch/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius  37242 Apr  3 20:35 par_fold_comp.png
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius    421 Mar 24 20:16 PAR.unfolded.sfs
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius    409 Mar 24 20:15 PAR.unfolded.sfs~
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius    265 Apr 25 08:16 rsync-filters
-rwxrwxr-x 1 claudius   2790 Apr 17 22:18*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 claudius   2790 Apr 17 22:05*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius  12387 Apr 19 16:57 test.ipynb

In [3]:
%ll dadiExercises

total 33676
lrwxrwxrwx 1 claudius       53 Feb 17 15:37 ERY.FOLDED.sfs -> /data3/claudius/Big_Data/ANGSD/SFS/ERY/ERY.FOLDED.sfs
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius      499 Mar 24 14:04 ERY.FOLDED.sfs.dadi_format
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius      499 Mar 24 14:02 ERY.FOLDED.sfs.dadi_format~
lrwxrwxrwx 1 claudius       37 Feb 18 17:46 EryPar.unfolded.2dsfs -> ../../ANGSD/FST/EryPar.unfolded.2dsfs
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius    13051 Feb 18 19:00 EryPar.unfolded.2dsfs.dadi_format
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius    13051 Feb 18 18:31 EryPar.unfolded.2dsfs.dadi_format~
drwxrwxr-x 5 claudius     4096 Feb 17 13:45 examples/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius   155251 Mar 22 12:37 example_YRI_CEU.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius   619699 Apr 20 10:19 First_Steps_with_dadi.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius     1012 Mar 16 09:54 new.bib
lrwxrwxrwx 1 claudius       53 Feb 17 15:37 PAR.FOLDED.sfs -> /data3/claudius/Big_Data/ANGSD/SFS/PAR/PAR.FOLDED.sfs
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius      486 Mar 24 20:08 PAR.FOLDED.sfs.dadi_format
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius      450 Mar 24 20:08 PAR.FOLDED.sfs.dadi_format~
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius       18 Mar 19 11:20 seedms
-rw-rw-r-- 1 claudius 33643874 Mar 19 11:20 test.msout

In [2]:
# import 1D spectrum of ery
fs_ery = dadi.Spectrum.from_file('dadiExercises/ERY.FOLDED.sfs.dadi_format')

# import 1D spectrum of ery
fs_par = dadi.Spectrum.from_file('dadiExercises/PAR.FOLDED.sfs.dadi_format')

Plot the data

In [3]:
import pylab

In [4]:
%matplotlib inline

In [5]:
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [12.0, 10.0]

In [6]:
pylab.plot(fs_par, 'go-', label='par')
pylab.plot(fs_ery, 'rs-', label='ery')
pylab.xlabel('minor allele frequency')
pylab.ylabel('SNP count')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fbebf25da10>

To fold or not to fold by ANGSD

Does estimating an unfolded spectrum with ANGSD and then folding yield a sensible folded SFS when the sites are not polarised with respect to an ancestral allele but with respect to the reference allele? Matteo Fumagalli thinks that this is sensible.

In [9]:
! cat ERY.unfolded.sfs

37 unfolded
1592046.636125 7148.627587 6831.828430 3473.268669 3417.591990 2249.932322 1980.824357 1011.763357 2262.489617 557.169754 1049.858226 1159.694611 768.373223 1125.393799 448.462048 544.635916 1014.348661 147.731786 975.251801 233.415985 851.137519 12.642136 803.134099 0.128476 567.179523 446.009983 158.967094 484.096759 372.705620 540.860079 95.276852 808.290844 234.084809 614.920896 625.008059 890.804592 2515.454396 

In [10]:
! cat PAR.unfolded.sfs

37 unfolded
1168479.553637 8087.149285 11597.805791 5078.201104 2731.611410 2396.961010 1119.052124 218.045915 2585.701112 363.773630 255.690616 605.580566 1343.351541 0.000009 420.034144 0.035997 1150.501914 0.791354 31.079364 966.640187 6.753017 244.419730 81.604358 674.760980 299.526650 0.000000 340.309236 491.216107 0.085920 264.513993 517.818215 516.871489 279.498804 328.332291 581.014402 390.905752 2489.808345 

In [2]:
# import 1D unfolded spectrum of ery
fs_ery_unfolded = dadi.Spectrum.from_file('ERY.unfolded.sfs')

# import 1D unfolded spectrum of par
fs_par_unfolded = dadi.Spectrum.from_file('PAR.unfolded.sfs')

In [12]:
pylab.plot(fs_ery, 'ro-', label='folded by ANGSD')
pylab.plot(fs_ery_unfolded.fold(), 'bs-', label='folded by ' + r'$\delta$a$\delta$i')
pylab.xlabel('minor allele frequency')
pylab.ylabel('SNP count')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fb5a393efd0>

In [13]:
pylab.plot(fs_par, 'go-', label='folded by ANGSD')
pylab.plot(fs_par_unfolded.fold(), 'bs-', label='folded by ' + r'$\delta$a$\delta$i')
pylab.xlabel('minor allele frequency')
pylab.ylabel('SNP count')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fb59c077e90>

For parallelus, the spectrum folded by dadi looks better than the spectrum folded by ANGSD. I am therefore going to use spectra folded in dadi.

In [3]:
fs_ery = fs_ery_unfolded.fold()
fs_par = fs_par_unfolded.fold()

$\theta$ and implied $N_{ref}$

standard neutral model

In [15]:
# create link to built-in model function

func = dadi.Demographics1D.snm

# make the extrapolating version of the demographic model function

func_ex = dadi.Numerics.make_extrap_log_func(func)

In [16]:
# setting the smallest grid size slightly larger than the largest population sample size

pts_l = [40, 50, 60]

ns = fs_ery.sample_sizes


In [17]:
# calculate unfolded AFS under standard neutral model (up to a scaling factor theta)

neutral_model = func_ex(0, ns, pts_l)

Spectrum([-- 0.9956799394019464 0.4981564278703058 0.3321898574986928
 0.24919667744224816 0.19939790258679638 0.1661970878062821
 0.14248104377018878 0.1246930658790548 0.11085717946547267
 0.09978779124736985 0.09073040723382213 0.08318202250611753
 0.07679443263533685 0.0713189249265068 0.06657306836113545
 0.06242002970483825 0.0587552149564719 0.055497288680948074
 0.052582000282866075 0.04995792826310336 0.04758347287343962
 0.04542461915254542 0.0434532518907827 0.04164592443914579
 0.03998294873211848 0.03844767650121102 0.03702592302757683
 0.03570552430576448 0.03447599502439583 0.03332824999581658
 0.032254375802771754 0.031247447500913152 0.0303013796010043
 0.029410802565291765 0.02857096039285141 --], folded=False, pop_ids=None)

In [18]:
theta_ery = dadi.Inference.optimal_sfs_scaling(neutral_model, fs_ery)


In [19]:
theta_par = dadi.Inference.optimal_sfs_scaling(neutral_model, fs_par)


What effective ancestral population size would that imply?

According to section 5.2 in the dadi manual:

$$ \theta = 4 N_{ref} \mu_{L} \qquad \text{L: sequence length} $$


$$ \mu_{L} = \mu_{site} \times L $$


$$ \theta = 4 N_{ref} \mu_{site} \times L $$


$$ N_{ref} = \frac{\theta}{4 \mu_{site} L} $$

Let's assume the mutation rate per nucleotide site per generation is $3\times 10^{-9}$ (see e. g. Liu2017).

In [20]:
mu = 3e-9
L = # this sums over all entries in the spectrum, including masked ones, i. e. also contains invariable sites
print "The total sequence length for the ery spectrum is {0:,}.".format(int(L))
N_ref_ery = theta_ery/L/mu/4
print "The effective ancestral population size of ery (in number of diploid individuals) implied by this theta is: {0:,}.".format(int(N_ref_ery))

The total sequence length for the ery spectrum is 1,638,467.
The effective ancestral population size of ery (in number of diploid individuals) implied by this theta is: 540,002.

In [21]:
mu = 3e-9
L = # this sums over all entries in the spectrum, including masked ones, i. e. also contains invariable sites
print "The total sequence length for par spectrum is {0:,}.".format(int(L))
N_ref_par = theta_par/L/mu/4
print "The effective ancestral population size of par (in number of diploid individuals) implied by this theta is: {0:,}.".format(int(N_ref_par))

The total sequence length for par spectrum is 1,214,938.
The effective ancestral population size of par (in number of diploid individuals) implied by this theta is: 729,305.

These effective population sizes are consistent with those reported for other insect species (Lynch2016, fig. 3b).

In dadi, times are given in units of $2N_{ref}$ generations.

reducing noise and bias

In [22]:
# compare neutral model prediction with ery spectrum

dadi.Plotting.plot_1d_comp_multinom(neutral_model.fold()[:19], fs_ery[:19], residual='linear')

In [23]:
# compare neutral model prediction with par spectrum

dadi.Plotting.plot_1d_comp_multinom(neutral_model.fold()[:19], fs_par[:19], residual='linear')

The lower plot (green line) is for the scaled Poisson residuals.

$$ residuals = (model - data)/\sqrt{model} $$

The model is the expected counts in each frequency class. If these counts are Poisson distributed, then their variance is equal to their expectation. The differences between model and data are therefore scaled by the expected standard deviation of the model counts.

Although a standard neutral model is unrealistic for either population, the observed counts deviate by up to 90 standard deviations from this model!

What could be done about this?

The greatest deviations are seen for the first two frequency classes, the ones that should provide the greatest amount of information for theta (Fu1994) and therefore probably also other parameters. I think masking out just one of the first two frequency classes will lead to highly biased inferences. Masking both frequency classes will reduce a lot of the power to infer the demographic history. I therefore think that masking will most likely not lead to better estimates.

Toni has suggested that the doubleton class is inflated due to "miscalling" heterozygotes as homozygotes. When they contain a singleton they will be "called" as homozygote and therefore contribute to the doubleton count. This is aggravated by the fact that the sequenced individuals are all male which only possess one X chromosome. The X chromosome is the fourth largest of the 9 chromosomes of these grasshoppers (8 autosomes + X) (see Gosalvez1988, fig. 2). That is, about 1/9th of the sequenced RAD loci are haploid but ANGSD assumes all loci to be diploid. The genotype likelihoods it calculates are all referring to diploid genotypes.

I think one potential reason for the extreme deviations is that the genotype likelihoods are generally biased toward homozygote genotypes (i. e. also for autosomal loci) due to PCR duplicates (see eq. 1 in Nielsen2012). So, one potential improvement would be to remove PCR duplicates.

Another potential improvement could be found by subsampling 8/9th to 8/10th of the contigs in the SAF files and estimating an SFS from these. Given enough subsamples, one should eventually be found that maximally excludes loci from the X chromosome. This subsample is expected to produce the least squared deviations from an expected SFS under the standard neutral model. However, one could argue that this attempt to exclude problematic loci could also inadvertently remove loci that strongly deviate from neutral expectations due to non-neutral evolution, again reducing power to detect deviations from the standard neutral model. I think one could also just apply the selection criterion of the second MAF class to be lower than the first and just save all contig subsamples and SFS's that fulfill that criterioin, since that should be true for all demographic scenarios. This approach, however, is compute intensive and difficult to implement.

Ludovic has suggested optimising for a fraction $p$ of all SNP's that lie on the X chromosome. SNP's on the X chromosome are counted twice in the SFS. This fraction $p$ should therefore be subtracted from even frequency classes and added to the respective frequency class that contains SNP's that are 1/2 as frequent, e. g. from class 2 --> 1 or from 8 --> 4. One could optimise for the minimum deviation from a neutral spectrum.

Finally, it may be possible to acquire the the Locusta genome contigs scaffolded or annotated by linkage group (see Wang2014). One could then blast-annotate the RAD contigs with the homologous Locusta linkage group and create subsets of RAD contigs for each linkage group that exclude that linkage group. There may be a subset (presumably the one that excluded RAD contigs from the X chromosome) that has markedly reduced residuals when compared to a neutral spectrum.

exponential growth model

This model assumes that exponential growth (or decline) started some time $T$ in the past and the current effective population size is a multiple $\nu$ of the ancient populations size, i. e. before exponential growth began. So this model just estimates two parameters. If $\nu$ is estimated to be 1, this indicates that the population size hasn't changed (although see Myers2008). If it is below one, this indicates exponential population decline (how realistic is that?). If it is above 1, this indicates exponential population growth.


In [24]:
import dill

# loading optimisation results from previous analysis

growth_ery = dill.load(open('OUT_exp_growth_model/ERY_perturb_ar_ery.dill'))

In [25]:
def flatten(array):
        Returns a list of flattened elements of every inner lists (or tuples)
    import numpy
    res = []
    for el in array:
        if isinstance(el, (list, tuple, numpy.ndarray)):
    return list( res )

In [26]:
import pandas as pd

In [27]:
i = 4 # where to find flag, 6 for BFGS, 4 for Nelder-Mead

successfull_popt_ery = [flatten(out)[:5] for out in growth_ery if out[1][i] == 0]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=successfull_popt_ery, \
                  columns=['nu_0', 'T_0', 'nu_opt', 'T_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True) # smaller is better

nu_0 T_0 nu_opt T_opt -logL
17 0.780521 0.022607 0.149288 0.007689 1833.629142
5 0.808178 0.057064 0.149282 0.007688 1833.629142
14 0.071850 0.008328 0.149282 0.007689 1833.629142
16 0.752359 0.002897 0.149289 0.007689 1833.629142
15 0.406271 0.001194 0.149279 0.007688 1833.629143
13 0.187497 0.007036 0.149282 0.007688 1833.629143
7 0.340431 0.002261 0.149281 0.007688 1833.629143
4 0.688106 0.002398 0.149291 0.007689 1833.629143
11 0.206299 0.001830 0.149276 0.007688 1833.629143
8 0.027257 0.001609 0.000100 0.000002 1845.162845
19 0.031108 0.001273 0.000100 0.000002 1845.162845
1 0.119740 0.001195 0.000100 0.000002 1845.162846
6 0.020200 0.001229 0.000100 0.000002 1845.162846
10 0.065260 0.001312 0.000100 0.000002 1845.162846
18 0.052127 0.003564 0.000100 0.000002 1845.162846
9 0.020520 0.001354 0.000100 0.000002 1845.162846
12 0.030152 0.008015 0.000100 0.000002 1845.162846
0 0.027786 0.001974 0.000100 0.000002 1845.162846
3 0.070763 0.002464 0.000100 0.000002 1845.162847
2 0.156152 0.002152 0.000100 0.000002 1845.162981

In [28]:
print "The most likely parameter combination for this model suggests that the ery population size started to exponentially shrink at {0:,} generations ago to a current population size of {1:,}.".format(int(0.00769*2*N_ref_ery), int(0.14929*N_ref_ery))

The most likely parameter combination for this model suggests that the ery population size started to exponentially shrink at 8,305 generations ago to a current population size of 80,617.

This optimal parameter set was difficult to find. It can only be found from parameter values that are already quite close to the optimal values. The model enforces exponential population decline. This may not be very realistic.


A sweep through the parameter space did not lead to convergence of parameters for the parallelus spectrum. Optimisations starting from up to 6-fold randomly perturbed neutral parameter values (1, 1) also did not lead to successful optimisations. The exponential growth/decline model could therefore not be fit to the par spectrum.

two epoch model


The built-in two epoch model defines a piecewise history, where at some time $T$ in the past the ancestral population instantaneously changed in size to the contemporary population size, which has ratio of $\nu$ to the ancestral population size.

The parameters values with the highest likelihood ($\nu=0.0001$ and $T=0.000002$) are hitting the lower bound of parameter space that I've set. The time parameter $T$ that dadi infers with the highest likelihood corresponds to 3 generations and therefore does not make sense. The two epoch model could therefore not be fit to the erythropus spectrum.


In [29]:
ar_par_te = dill.load(open("OUT_two_epoch/PAR_perturb_ar_par.dill"))

In [30]:
i = 4 # index of flag with NM algorithm

successfull_popt = [flatten(out)[:5] for out in ar_par_te if out[1][i] == 0]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=successfull_popt, \
                  columns=['nu_0','T_0', 'nu_opt', 'T_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True)

nu_0 T_0 nu_opt T_opt -logL
7 3.809859 0.880742 7.723638 5.999997 5502.338651
6 3.960114 0.730363 7.723791 5.999995 5502.338651
3 0.946438 3.628840 7.724187 5.999994 5502.338653
1 1.099448 1.424327 7.723607 5.999982 5502.338675
8 1.268052 0.301753 7.724743 5.999970 5502.338719
5 0.478007 0.297796 7.731477 5.999997 5502.341217
2 1.163708 3.434724 7.690900 5.999987 5502.388130
0 0.426545 2.386989 0.146739 5.883732 6925.673757
4 0.291222 0.328804 0.124747 5.466190 6925.673757
9 0.322324 0.444581 0.046371 3.658299 6925.673757

Very different population size histories have the same likelihood. The most likely parameter combinations are hitting the upper parameter bound for the time parameter (6).

In [31]:
print "A T of 6 corresponds to {0:,} generations.".format(6*2*N_ref_par)

A T of 6 corresponds to 8,751,664.83425 generations.

From the dadi manual:

If your fits often push the bounds of your parameter space (i.e., results are often at the bounds of one or more parameters), this indicates a problem. It may be that your bounds are too conservative, so try widening them. It may also be that your model is misspecified or that there are unaccounted biases in your data.

Ryan Gutenkunst in a dadi forum thread on parameters hitting the boundary:

This indicates that dadi is having trouble fitting your data. One possibility is that the history of the population includes important events that aren’t in your models. Another possibility is that your data is biased in ways that aren’t in your models. For example, maybe your missing calls for rare alleles.

I am not sure whether an even higher $T$ can reasonably be assumed. The expected time to the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) in a neutral genealogy is:

$$ E\big[T_{MRCA}\big] = 2 \Big(1-\frac{1}{n}\Big) $$

measured in $N_e$ generations (for coalescent time unit see p. 66, 92 in Wakeley2009). Note, that $T_{MRCA}$ is close to its large sample size limit of 2 already for moderate sample sizes. In order to put dadi's time parameter on the coalescent time scale it needs to be multiplied by 2! A T of 6 from dadi therefore corresponds to a T of 12 on the coalescent time scale, which should be completely beyond the possible $T_{MRCA}$ of any genealogy.

See figure 3.4, p. 79, in Wakeley2009 for the distribution of the $T_{MRCA}$. For $n=36$ it has a mode close to 1.2 and an expected value of 1.94. Values for $T_{MRCA}$ greater than 4 are very unlikely given a standard coalescent model, but may be more likely under models including population expansion or gene flow from another population.

I think a two epoch model cannot be fit to the parallelus spectrum.

bottleneck then exponential growth model

The built-in bottlegrowth model specifies an instantaneous size change $T \times 2N_{ref}$ generations in the past immediately followed by the start of exponential growth (or decline) toward the contemporary population size. The model has three parameters:

  • ratio of population size ($\nu_B$) after instantaneous size change with respect to the ancient population size ($N_{ref}$)
  • time of instantaneous size change ($T$) in $2N_{ref}$ generations in the past
  • ratio of contemporary to ancient population size ($\nu_F$)


In [32]:
ar_ery = dill.load(open("OUT_bottlegrowth/ERY_perturb_ar_ery.dill"))

In [33]:
successfull_popt = [flatten(out)[:7] for out in ar_ery if out[1][4] == 0]

In [34]:
df = pd.DataFrame(data=successfull_popt, columns=['nuB_0', 'nuF_0', 'T_0', 'nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'T_opt', '-logL'])

In [35]:
df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=False)

nuB_0 nuF_0 T_0 nuB_opt nuF_opt T_opt -logL
2 21.414656 0.210739 0.462369 39.201407 0.457600 0.367940 1649.971308
11 57.883309 0.529949 0.622005 39.200694 0.457599 0.367948 1649.971308
5 94.196807 0.468070 0.791146 39.198693 0.457602 0.367938 1649.971308
8 87.446500 0.433059 0.404938 39.200026 0.457600 0.367938 1649.971308
3 17.826734 0.392610 0.263240 39.199184 0.457598 0.367939 1649.971308
6 17.409909 0.205299 0.388550 39.200632 0.457606 0.367954 1649.971308
10 18.640592 0.431983 0.578988 39.202016 0.457603 0.367948 1649.971308
0 47.216687 0.187491 0.435927 39.200419 0.457606 0.367950 1649.971308
7 21.995217 0.219187 0.151084 39.200011 0.457600 0.367943 1649.971308
1 34.143955 0.349659 0.461401 39.202789 0.457604 0.367953 1649.971308
9 20.071761 0.202917 0.740089 39.200109 0.457601 0.367945 1649.971308
4 72.107587 0.413951 0.580664 39.200635 0.457605 0.367949 1649.971308
12 18.843908 0.240474 0.187678 39.200723 0.457602 0.367947 1649.971308

These optimal parameter values were found by a broad sweep across the parameter space (data not shown).

The optimal parameters suggest the following:

In [36]:
print "At time {0:,} generations ago, the ery population size instantaneously increased by almost 40-fold (to {1:,}).".format(int(0.36794*2*N_ref_ery), int(39.2*N_ref_ery))

At time 397,377 generations ago, the ery population size instantaneously increased by almost 40-fold (to 21,168,110).

Can a shortterm effective population size of 21 million reasonably be assumed?

In [37]:
print "This was followed by exponential decline towards a current population size of {0:,}.".format(int(0.4576*N_ref_ery))

This was followed by exponential decline towards a current population size of 247,105.


There was no convergence on a set of optimal parameter values.

three epoch model

The built-in three_epoch model specifies a piecewise history (with only instantaneous population size changes instead of gradual changes). At time $TF+TB$ the ancient population underwent a size change, stayed at this size ($\nu_B \times N_{ref}$) for $TB \times 2N_{ref}$ generations and then underwent a second size size change $TF \times 2N_{ref}$ generations in the past to the contemporary population size ($\nu_F \times N_{ref}$). The model has therefore two population size parameters, $\nu_B$ and $\nu_F$ as well as two time parameters, $TB$ and $TF$.

With 4 parameters, this model is already so complex that a sweep through the parameter space (i. e. starting optimisations from many different positions) is prohibitively time-consuming. I have therefore started optimisations with initial parameter values that were generated by randomly perturbing a neutral parameter combination, $\nu_B = \nu_F = TB = TF = 1$, by up to 4-fold. I can therefore not be certain whether the optimal parameter combinations thus found correspond to the global or a just a local optimum of the likelihood function.


In [38]:
# load optimisation results from file

ar_ery = []

import glob

for filename in glob.glob("OUT_three_epoch/ERY_perturb_ar_ery*.dill"):

In [39]:
# extract successful (i. e. converged) optimisation
successfull_popt = [flatten(out)[:9] for out in ar_ery if out[1][4] == 0]

# create data frame
df = pd.DataFrame(data=successfull_popt, \
                  columns=['nuB_0', 'nuF_0', 'TB_0', 'TF_0', 'nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'TB_opt', 'TF_opt', '-logL'])

# sort data frame by negative log likelihood
df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True) # smaller is better

nuB_0 nuF_0 TB_0 TF_0 nuB_opt nuF_opt TB_opt TF_opt -logL
7 18.392331 0.101597 1.702540 0.215492 17.358511 0.054665 1.751921 0.391672 2168.111862
21 71.979569 0.113046 0.331147 0.319804 82.969982 0.071288 0.298778 0.440360 2168.111863
8 15.252442 0.138945 0.363293 0.315070 17.776575 0.080865 0.317333 0.488813 2168.111863
10 51.352276 0.157910 0.181752 0.367491 65.505369 0.094434 0.146645 0.542281 2168.111863
11 11.983834 0.246236 1.010640 0.540040 14.930735 0.130152 1.010041 0.774382 2168.111863
12 22.335137 0.174836 0.340843 0.434766 27.042723 0.106110 0.296612 0.609153 2168.111863
20 15.267625 0.147428 0.620736 0.681960 13.975804 0.118970 0.608653 0.692754 2168.111863
13 56.452932 0.144727 0.249397 0.135380 180.518767 0.116126 0.170522 0.643191 2168.111863
19 121.895028 0.256218 0.553528 0.512424 186.363472 0.136292 0.505059 0.768389 2168.111863
9 21.193921 0.330266 1.077031 0.456888 25.926112 0.192458 1.111311 1.077319 2168.111864
18 14.459448 0.243839 0.890411 0.261546 34.999661 0.200264 0.845499 1.084962 2168.111864
15 82.102430 0.268245 0.328126 0.716259 101.661654 0.161491 0.273926 0.849436 2168.111864
16 36.580333 0.240737 0.852438 0.266042 116.171135 0.200126 0.792436 1.080803 2168.111864
0 1.555383 0.293791 1.935427 0.293656 1.856544 0.249924 2.212385 1.253689 2168.111864
17 10.867122 0.147365 0.946355 1.228667 15.668847 0.235957 0.942984 1.240931 2168.111864
5 2.361740 0.396505 0.305203 0.715585 2.410367 0.219186 0.165790 1.033617 2168.111866
3 0.308729 2.380386 0.499412 0.948869 0.322112 0.226230 0.154488 0.940070 2168.111867
14 42.524388 0.168468 0.943558 1.667497 92.763715 0.356487 0.935848 1.714824 2168.111867
1 1.374368 0.309479 0.322377 0.356217 1.556442 0.268827 0.184434 1.186481 2168.111868
4 0.973349 0.396776 0.298970 0.582019 0.956644 0.335899 0.159762 1.344350 2168.111872
2 0.583930 0.930936 1.184826 3.432361 5.541715 0.855880 2.142814 3.385095 2168.111883
6 0.259739 3.858553 3.172399 3.006089 0.033284 0.115157 3.994495 3.371261 2173.462130

Note, all but the last parameter combination have the same likelihood. Fairly different parameter combinations have practically identical likelihood. A reduction of the contemporary population size to 1/4 of the ancient population size is quite conistently inferred ($\nu_F$). The ancient population size change ($\nu_B$) is not inferred consistently. It ranges from a 186-fold increase to a reduction to 1/3 of the ancient population size.

In [40]:
# remove one parameter combination with slightly lower logL than the others

df = df.sort_values(by='-logL').head(-1)

In [41]:
# the time of the ancient pop size change is TB+TF

df['TB+TF'] = pd.Series(df['TB_opt']+df['TF_opt'])

In [42]:
# extract columns from table
nuB = df.loc[:,'nuB_opt']
nuF = df.loc[:, 'nuF_opt']
Tb_Tf = df.loc[:, 'TB+TF']
TF = df.loc[:, 'TF_opt']

In [43]:
# turn nu (a ratio) into absolute Ne and T into generations

nuB_n = nuB*N_ref_ery
nuF_n = nuF*N_ref_ery
Tb_Tf_g = Tb_Tf*2*N_ref_ery
TF_g = TF*2*N_ref_ery

In [44]:
anc = [N_ref_ery] * len(nuB) # ancestral pop size
pres = [1] * len(nuB) # 1 generation in the past
past = [max(Tb_Tf_g)+1000] * len(nuB) # furthest time point in the past

In [45]:
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [12.0, 10.0]
pylab.rcParams['font.size'] = 12.0

# plot the best 21 parameter combinations

for x, y in zip(zip(past, Tb_Tf_g, Tb_Tf_g, TF_g, TF_g, pres), zip(anc, anc, nuB_n, nuB_n, nuF_n, nuF_n)):
    pylab.semilogy(x, y)
pylab.xlabel('generations in the past')
pylab.ylabel('effective population size')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fb59b873390>

This plot visualises the range of stepwise population size histories that the above parameter combinations imply (all with likelihood equal to 2168.11186). Most parameter combinations infer an ancient population size increase followed by a drastic population size collapse to less than 1/3 of the ancient population size that happened more than 400,000 generations ago.

Are the strength of population size expansion, $(\nu_B)^{TB}$, and the strength population size reduction, $(\frac{1}{\nu_F})^{TF}$, correlated with each other?

In [46]:
pylab.plot(df['nuB_opt']**df['TB_opt'], (1.0/df['nuF_opt'])**df['TF_opt'], 'bo')
pylab.xlabel('strength of first size change')
pylab.ylabel('strength of second size change')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fb599b9b690>

If a long period of increased population size would be correlated with a long period of decreased population size, this plot should show a positive correlation. This does not seem to be the case.


In [47]:
import dill

ar_par = dill.load(open("OUT_three_epoch/PAR_perturb_ar_par.dill"))
ar_par_extreme = dill.load(open("OUT_three_epoch/PAR_perturb_extreme_ar_par.dill"))

In [48]:
# add new output to previous output
successfull_popt = [flatten(out)[:9] for out in ar_par if out[1][4] == 0]
successfull_popt.extend([flatten(out)[:9] for out in ar_par_extreme if out[1][4] == 0])

# create data frame
df = pd.DataFrame(data=successfull_popt, \
                  columns=['nuB_0', 'nuF_0', 'TB_0', 'TF_0', 'nuB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'TB_opt', 'TF_opt', '-logL'])

# sort data frame by negative log likelihood
df.sort_values(by='nuB_opt', ascending=True)

nuB_0 nuF_0 TB_0 TF_0 nuB_opt nuF_opt TB_opt TF_opt -logL
23 0.010834 0.006921 0.784781 1.005371 0.010929 0.006721 0.784020 1.005448 6925.673757
17 0.024233 0.009914 1.835750 3.960000 0.019881 0.008062 1.856716 3.578219 6925.673757
13 0.021137 0.001603 0.035116 0.201532 0.021004 0.001120 0.036850 0.197136 6925.673757
19 0.029536 0.006689 0.029136 0.560299 0.026678 0.006358 0.028909 0.558054 6925.673757
7 0.034798 0.000622 0.034582 0.378960 0.032141 0.001058 0.032899 0.358150 6925.673757
1 2.473569 0.361162 3.960000 0.920803 0.036822 0.001763 0.021552 0.781917 6925.673757
5 0.204874 0.193839 0.141559 1.090908 0.039256 0.007885 2.189611 1.059457 6925.673757
11 0.046882 0.005830 3.960000 3.341567 0.047762 0.004537 3.913243 3.408379 6925.673757
12 0.166914 0.048545 1.474589 1.333131 0.157016 0.041328 1.446743 1.347389 6925.673757
22 0.193470 0.050057 0.224928 3.960000 0.200351 0.040437 0.227508 3.677640 6925.673757
18 0.307762 0.021357 1.046228 0.472231 0.302127 0.014132 1.046629 0.492002 6925.673757
6 0.317086 0.007937 2.038538 1.510296 0.315879 0.007967 2.043365 1.535930 6925.673757
0 0.638494 0.283054 3.960000 1.212381 0.473253 0.027032 0.663347 1.317327 6925.673757
4 2.186779 0.569927 2.567862 2.802733 0.641334 0.104038 0.190060 3.830696 6925.673757
16 0.769572 0.033210 0.247868 3.960000 0.764877 0.027528 0.252798 3.601468 6925.673757
10 1.316761 0.306616 0.135113 2.202856 1.209182 0.114317 0.179460 3.781351 6925.673757
9 1.329169 0.204441 0.152604 3.960000 1.245161 0.096600 0.201465 3.859701 6925.673757
8 1.334913 0.025802 0.809057 2.734837 1.347579 0.022027 0.803359 2.492352 6925.673757
14 1.649948 0.116610 3.532943 3.960000 1.671203 0.119777 3.654009 3.865415 6925.673757
20 1.853563 0.115368 3.325237 2.930335 1.770115 0.084648 2.855704 3.272462 6925.673757
2 2.433394 0.438042 0.462081 2.612107 1.907850 0.038445 1.426696 2.480729 6925.673757
21 2.423076 0.059729 0.419554 3.960000 2.435674 0.059927 0.417425 3.938768 6925.673757
3 2.548660 0.202542 0.135508 3.459914 2.507626 0.091869 0.155196 3.829503 6925.673757
15 3.056074 0.139525 0.083480 3.960000 3.082088 0.113243 0.073635 3.827661 6925.673757
25 27.733009 0.003506 3.201122 1.346019 30.203574 0.003972 3.091384 1.362643 6925.673757
27 38.559230 0.005461 1.235253 3.883301 41.390244 0.005079 1.240099 3.769861 6925.673757
24 41.386654 0.004065 1.411848 1.871907 44.738775 0.005076 1.414354 1.917174 6925.673757
29 48.901243 0.028192 1.874433 1.116714 56.580841 0.030822 1.919122 1.112101 6925.673757
30 53.472143 0.007924 3.721429 3.367482 59.768349 0.007426 3.747301 3.356914 6925.673757
26 67.498147 0.015576 1.088031 3.551166 63.945996 0.014691 1.088717 3.584231 6925.673757
33 155.267088 0.002844 1.982512 0.713019 155.438528 0.002252 1.990211 0.713649 6925.673757
28 268.347228 0.036617 3.495306 2.235183 225.289543 0.032213 3.451690 2.183728 6925.673757
32 261.612644 0.005875 0.776384 3.960000 290.395553 0.004657 0.779946 3.904082 6925.673757
31 316.920444 0.007079 0.612435 3.960000 315.270535 0.005561 0.615180 3.948950 6925.673757

As can be seen, extremely different population size histories have the same likelihood.

In [49]:
# add time for ancient size change
df['TB+TF'] = pd.Series(df['TB_opt']+df['TF_opt'])

# extract columns from table
nuB = df.loc[:,'nuB_opt']
nuF = df.loc[:, 'nuF_opt']
Tb_Tf = df.loc[:, 'TB+TF']
TF = df.loc[:, 'TF_opt']

# turn nu into absolute Ne and T into generations
nuB_n = nuB*N_ref_par
nuF_n = nuF*N_ref_par
Tb_Tf_g = Tb_Tf*2*N_ref_par
TF_g = TF*2*N_ref_par

# auxilliary
anc = [N_ref_par] * len(nuB)
pres = [1] * len(nuB)
past = [max(Tb_Tf_g)+1000] * len(nuB)

pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [12.0, 10.0]
pylab.rcParams['font.size'] = 12.0

for x, y in zip(zip(past, Tb_Tf_g, Tb_Tf_g, TF_g, TF_g, pres), zip(anc, anc, nuB_n, nuB_n, nuF_n, nuF_n)):
    pylab.semilogy(x, y)
pylab.xlabel('generations in the past')
pylab.ylabel('effective population size')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fb599b5e090>

All parameter combinations consistently show a reduction in the contemporary population size with respect to the ancient population size ($\nu_F$). The ancient population size change is much less clear and ranges from a 300-fold increase to 100-fold reduction. Also this event is inferred to have occurred quite distant in the past, generally much more than 1 million generations ago.

exponential growth then bottleneck model

This model specifies exponential growth/decline toward $\nu_B \times N_{ref}$ during a time period of $TB \times 2N_{ref}$ generations, after which (at time $TF \times 2N_{ref}$) the population size undergoes an instantaneous size change to the contemporary size ($\nu_F \times N_{ref}$).


In [50]:
ar_ery = dill.load(open("OUT_expGrowth_bottleneck/ERY_perturb_ar_ery.dill"))

In [51]:
success = [flatten(out)[:9] for out in ar_ery if out[1][4] == 0]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=success, \
                  columns=['nuB_0','TB_0', 'nuF_0', 'TF_0', 'nuB_opt', 'TB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'TF_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True)

nuB_0 TB_0 nuF_0 TF_0 nuB_opt TB_opt nuF_opt TF_opt -logL
9 0.007491 0.000671 0.073788 0.316113 0.005604 0.000627 0.059733 0.358750 2167.753189
3 1.382766 0.241601 0.077028 0.342455 1.386752 0.220245 0.063039 0.384148 2167.753189
0 1.059698 0.929504 0.091952 0.788598 1.063068 0.927393 0.149945 0.767699 2167.753192
2 0.990318 0.428491 0.242318 0.779877 0.990106 0.434801 0.161338 0.807679 2167.753193
6 288.897957 0.006640 0.293071 0.649314 452.463434 0.003161 0.165810 0.825642 2167.753193
5 33.888463 0.009623 0.053050 0.887303 49.583040 0.007919 0.176998 0.868265 2167.753193
7 78.930914 0.004743 0.076432 1.054879 194.383486 0.002071 0.232022 1.057746 2167.753197
8 0.003391 0.014814 14.217875 1.071744 0.015980 0.000869 0.260179 1.127289 2167.753199
4 286.169004 0.009809 0.041980 1.157481 589.244354 0.003207 0.267345 1.168653 2167.753200
10 0.012323 0.001271 0.084668 3.136494 0.012072 0.001157 0.085324 3.244760 2172.825525
1 0.563572 2.015404 0.102770 3.277319 0.565273 2.002220 0.089449 3.131931 2172.825525

Except for the last two, all optimal parameter combinations have the same likelihood and they do not deviate much from their respective initial values. In all successful optimisations above, $\nu_F$, the ratio of contemporary population size to ancient population size, converges to a value below 1/3. I think an ancient size increase or decrease cannot be inferred.

In [52]:
F = df[df['-logL'] < 2172].loc[:,['nuF_opt', 'TF_opt']]

pylab.plot(F['TF_opt']*2*N_ref_ery, F['nuF_opt']*N_ref_ery, 'bo')
pylab.ylabel('contemporary pop. size')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fb598f98610>

There is a clear linear correlation between the size of the inferred contemporary population size ($\nu_F \times N_{ref}$) and the time ($TF$) for which the population has been at this size.


In [155]:
ar_par = dill.load(open("OUT_expGrowth_bottleneck/PAR_perturb_ar_ery.dill"))

In [156]:
success = [flatten(out)[:9] for out in ar_par if out[1][4] == 0]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=success, \
                  columns=['nuB_0','TB_0', 'nuF_0', 'TF_0', 'nuB_opt', 'TB_opt', 'nuF_opt', 'TF_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True)

nuB_0 TB_0 nuF_0 TF_0 nuB_opt TB_opt nuF_opt TF_opt -logL
5 0.472403 0.070881 0.011387 1.288252 0.469248 0.072113 0.008440 1.280387 6929.444306
8 1.768930 0.036260 0.042468 0.370434 1.776229 0.035834 0.007350 0.503654 6929.444306
1 3.709310 0.265380 0.289571 0.800686 0.614397 0.052903 0.018110 1.197595 6929.444306
2 0.218420 0.156013 0.020085 0.364053 0.229155 0.156113 0.006889 0.410683 6929.444306
6 1.358809 0.154517 0.008247 2.280554 1.385853 0.144384 0.011778 2.240702 6929.444306
9 0.732430 0.016699 0.033366 0.677204 0.728324 0.018477 0.016094 0.702511 6929.444306
3 0.218059 0.181408 0.026684 1.834435 0.213655 0.184490 0.022174 1.819735 6929.444306
4 0.459281 0.034909 0.015712 0.441546 0.479841 0.037059 0.010306 0.448867 6929.444306
7 1.197897 0.020329 0.023638 2.330702 1.199745 0.018330 0.018651 2.246834 6929.444306
11 1.903343 0.019700 0.034356 0.722134 1.901370 0.018326 0.017947 0.745342 6929.444306
10 1.316753 0.098304 0.017726 0.607624 1.316912 0.097550 0.014601 0.608083 6929.444306
0 0.830906 0.406732 0.314983 2.854260 0.844383 0.541158 0.151917 4.945685 6929.444306

Often, but not always are optimal parameter values close to their respective initial values. All optimal parameter combinations have the same likelihood. Only a recent (stepwise) population decrease is consistently inferred ($\nu_F$).

In [161]:
F = df[df['TF_opt'] < 3].loc[:,['nuF_opt', 'TF_opt']]

pylab.plot(F['TF_opt']*2*N_ref_par, F['nuF_opt']*N_ref_par, 'bo')
pylab.xlabel('TF generations')
pylab.ylabel('contemporary pop. size')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f5fc64df3d0>

There could be a linear correlation between the duration of population size reduction and the size of the reduction, but it's weaker than for erythropus.


Not much can be inferred from the 1D spectra of both erythropus and parallelus. However, the dadi optimisations have consistently suggested a population size reduction more than 400,000 generations ago to less than 1/3 of the ancient population size. The reduction seems to have been much stronger in parallelus than in erythropus.

Can gene flow explain the difficulty of fitting 1D models?

The fitting of 2D models was substantially easier than fitting 1D models and led to conistent and robust parameter estimates.

Could it be that the inability to model gene flow from an external source is responsible for the issues with fitting 1D models?

I have saved to files the results of each optimisation run (i. e. for each combination of starting parameter values).

In [4]:
# load results of fitting isolation with migration model to 2D sepctrum

import dill, glob

split_mig_res = []

for filename in glob.glob("OUT_2D_models/split_mig*dill"):

In [5]:
from utility_functions import *

In [6]:
import pandas as pd

In [8]:
success = [flatten(out)[:9] for out in split_mig_res if out[1][4] == 0]

df = pd.DataFrame(data=success, \
                  columns=['nu1_0','nu2_0', 'T_0', 'm_0', 'nu1_opt', 'nu2_opt', 'T_opt', 'm_opt', '-logL'])

df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True)

nu1_0 nu2_0 T_0 m_0 nu1_opt nu2_opt T_opt m_opt -logL
8 2.059032 0.360002 0.682463 0.192790 0.994185 1.766127 0.922632 2.506880e-01 18574.119915
31 0.620927 0.849787 1.980000 1.827165 0.994247 1.766242 0.922690 2.507990e-01 18574.120405
2 2.894370 11.363772 1.980000 0.272765 0.993365 1.764405 0.921871 2.509119e-01 18574.121486
28 0.631049 2.924698 0.247732 0.205392 0.993307 1.765318 0.921817 2.509740e-01 18574.122241
17 0.837500 2.063526 0.058201 0.000110 0.996572 1.771058 0.928727 2.508888e-01 18574.138486
18 5.535163 3.398472 0.309525 0.169667 0.993863 1.767477 0.925657 2.517209e-01 18574.159471
15 0.318463 0.315764 0.587406 1.138654 0.989922 1.761280 0.914716 2.507331e-01 18574.164848
1 0.277233 8.221059 0.976626 0.051974 1.001148 1.776879 0.937823 2.505879e-01 18574.226541
0 5.653430 3.362330 1.980000 0.101259 0.995994 1.769480 0.927834 2.507786e-01 18574.341908
33 0.208178 2.525835 0.609693 0.000767 0.997653 1.771560 0.931469 2.510613e-01 18574.373801
34 0.683625 3.770899 0.327624 0.960373 0.986428 1.750484 0.899651 2.503218e-01 18574.507709
7 1.009844 1.115355 0.012909 0.000309 0.992355 1.760054 0.901086 2.470464e-01 18574.974381
5 2.556454 1.352414 1.569898 0.135823 1.194640 2.112713 1.324262 2.303226e-01 18613.113722
26 0.156669 0.773484 1.980000 0.217233 1.412143 2.455870 1.850644 2.074998e-01 18670.013487
9 6.348379 0.230012 1.457648 0.117155 1.464282 2.548749 1.990301 2.024862e-01 18681.403063
24 0.409099 0.405881 0.168447 0.000052 0.637198 1.230384 0.290581 6.497219e-08 20387.225419
23 2.175460 0.556770 0.086338 0.000014 0.637198 1.230385 0.290581 1.748376e-20 20387.226053
12 0.265271 0.129476 0.157514 0.000045 0.637196 1.230384 0.290580 2.583554e-12 20387.226053
25 0.085281 0.402881 0.364705 0.000042 0.637198 1.230385 0.290581 3.044384e-18 20387.226053
16 0.115098 0.103779 0.172020 0.000113 0.637162 1.230734 0.290565 4.850122e-15 20387.226666
27 3.731189 0.119188 0.015205 0.000017 0.637549 1.230015 0.290740 9.454649e-15 20387.229881
19 1.308999 0.089865 0.482895 0.000052 0.636599 1.228599 0.290307 4.483462e-10 20387.232239
32 2.699647 0.315091 0.058909 0.000035 0.636512 1.227689 0.290267 8.437228e-12 20387.240897
20 0.063430 0.646475 0.030202 0.000377 0.640787 1.227274 0.289655 3.001320e-06 20387.309598
14 0.109039 1.752206 0.068154 0.000323 0.637666 1.229887 0.290450 1.278566e-07 20387.434569
11 0.355181 0.212621 0.029912 0.000157 0.637670 1.229889 0.290449 2.826076e-08 20387.435537
21 0.199078 0.146460 0.338920 0.000173 0.637674 1.229910 0.290452 2.509801e-08 20387.435569
30 0.450847 0.463437 0.108087 0.000060 0.637667 1.229892 0.290450 1.971549e-08 20387.435620
13 0.318447 0.199418 0.790081 0.000020 0.637670 1.229881 0.290451 3.715424e-09 20387.435776
6 0.211271 0.683610 0.135427 0.000021 0.637667 1.229884 0.290449 3.917260e-13 20387.435812
4 0.670075 0.343239 1.980000 0.080259 0.632513 1.349728 2.000000 4.635045e-01 21059.797882
29 0.239562 0.556576 1.980000 0.031463 0.329749 0.596793 2.000000 1.044005e+00 23734.741735
10 5.874411 4.471090 1.980000 1.041556 6.145361 3.497838 1.999943 1.044327e+00 68992.522571
22 6.807827 3.585435 0.328641 1.217099 9.899311 1.285312 0.766758 1.552602e+00 71150.567474
3 2.157397 13.379040 1.980000 1.878685 1.662449 13.064076 1.999990 2.253679e+00 79308.735709

These are the successful parameter optimisations I have for the model that specifies a split at time $T$ in the past into two daughter populations with population size ratios (relative to $N_{ref}$) of $\nu_1$ for ery and $\nu_2$ for par. $m$ is the rate of migration, which is assumed to be symmetrical. The migration rate is the fraction of individuals from the other population times $2N_{ref}$, i. e. number of immigrant alleles.

The best paramter combination, that I got from these optimisation runs is:

In [9]:
popt = df.sort_values(by='-logL', ascending=True).iloc[0, 4:8]

nu1_opt    0.994185
nu2_opt    1.766127
T_opt      0.922632
m_opt      0.250688
Name: 8, dtype: float64

In [10]:
import numpy as np

In [11]:
popt = np.array(popt)

In [12]:
func = dadi.Demographics2D.split_mig # divergence-with-gene-flow model function (built-in)

func_ex = dadi.Numerics.make_extrap_log_func(func)

In [14]:
ns = np.array([36, 36])

pts_l = [40, 50, 60]

In [15]:
# get optimal model spectrum from 2D model 'divergence-with-migration' model

split_mig_2D_best_fit_model_spectrum = func_ex(popt, ns, pts_l)

In [19]:

Spectrum([[-- 1.669365014467574 0.7734874049327598 ..., 0.0019068801840534282
  0.0016880833117661582 0.0016122396405866017]
 [0.9712514882123541 0.03155908682239198 0.021669589309692913 ...,
  0.0009113814098617752 0.0008563735147444584 0.0008884336124080406]
 [0.4610339967769263 0.021569819163756013 0.01301800729447351 ...,
  0.0007106325391605071 0.0006889362760500843 0.0007540492634461669]
 [0.00268390298752646 0.0018688497803961584 0.0015332872379591224 ...,
  0.0008110659281631959 0.0008634428154679998 0.0031097843237676967]
 [0.0026737093037348847 0.0019828540108596106 0.0016882767826340212 ...,
  0.0009928372708933927 0.000994905117700027 0.003381004089041213]
 [0.0038833015865230294 0.003158380596738628 0.0028678276250815433 ...,
  0.009695441304315065 0.010254651212319863 --]], folded=False, pop_ids=None)

In [22]:
# import 2D unfolded spectrum
sfs2d_unfolded = dadi.Spectrum.from_file('dadiExercises/EryPar.unfolded.2dsfs.dadi_format')

# add population labels
sfs2d_unfolded.pop_ids = ["ery", "par"]

# fold the spectrum
sfs2d = sfs2d_unfolded.fold()

In [23]:
# need to scale model spectrum by optimal theta, which depends on the number of sites in the data

model_spectrum = dadi.Inference.optimally_scaled_sfs(split_mig_2D_best_fit_model_spectrum, sfs2d)

Spectrum([[-- 10607.885768245429 4915.082060300772 ..., 12.117162508417056
  10.726830131999671 10.244885803980013]
 [6171.76276602456 200.54043607044605 137.69818227281397 ...,
  5.79132173211359 5.4417771671448385 5.645501248329408]
 [2929.614512525931 137.06419851131926 82.72219263802181 ...,
  4.515674363175221 4.377806683741094 4.791563487280638]
 [17.054710059209967 11.875500454749753 9.743187217426168 ...,
  5.153872665299141 5.4866986396129915 19.760948974319632]
 [16.989934870870982 12.599933903020343 10.728059531710333 ...,
  6.3089284038054965 6.322068419632415 21.48439966555711]
 [24.67622076446882 20.06975124822048 18.22344878815268 ...,
  61.60913457366601 65.16260237320408 --]], folded=False, pop_ids=None)

In [25]:
import pylab

%matplotlib inline

pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [12, 10]
pylab.rcParams['font.size'] = 14

model_spectrum.pop_ids = sfs2d.pop_ids

dadi.Plotting.plot_single_2d_sfs(model_spectrum.fold(), vmin=1,

<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f9b0ab78b50>

In [26]:
# get the marginal model spectra for ery and par from the optimal 2D model spectrum

fs_ery_model = model_spectrum.marginalize([1])

fs_par_model = model_spectrum.marginalize([0])

In [27]:
pylab.plot(fs_par_model.fold(), 'go-', label='par')
pylab.plot(fs_ery_model.fold(), 'rs-', label='ery')
pylab.xlabel('minor allele frequency')
pylab.ylabel('SNP count')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f9b0aaaaad0>

In [29]:
# import 1D unfolded spectrum of ery
fs_ery_unfolded = dadi.Spectrum.from_file('ERY.unfolded.sfs')

# import 1D unfolded spectrum of par
fs_par_unfolded = dadi.Spectrum.from_file('PAR.unfolded.sfs')

In [31]:
fs_ery = fs_ery_unfolded.fold()
fs_par = fs_par_unfolded.fold()

In [34]:
dadi.Plotting.plot_1d_comp_multinom(fs_ery_model.fold()[:19], fs_ery[:19])

In [35]:
dadi.Plotting.plot_1d_comp_multinom(fs_par_model.fold()[:19], fs_par[:19])

In [36]:
# log likelihoods

ll_model_ery = dadi.Inference.ll_multinom(fs_ery_model.fold(), fs_ery)


In [37]:
ll_model_par = dadi.Inference.ll_multinom(fs_par_model.fold(), fs_par)

model ERY PAR
exponential growth 1833.6 ?
two epoch 5502.3 5502.3
bottlegrowth 1649.9 ?
three epoch 2168.1 6925.6
exp growth+bottleneck 2167.7 6929.4
divergence-with-migration 2243.4 5605.2

The upper table shows the negative log likelihoods for the best parameter combination found for 5 1D models (see above sections) as well as the likelihood of 1D model spectra derived from a 2D model of divergence with migration.

The simple divergence with symmetrical gene flow model from which the marginal 1D best-fit model spectra were derived is most similar to the two_epoch model among the 1D models used for fitting. This is because the population split coincides with an instantaneous change in population size but then stays the same until present. When viewed from one of the two populations, the divergence with gene flow model is therefore identical to the two_epoch model with the addition of gene flow from the other diverging population.

For ery the addition of gene flow provides an extreme improvement compared to the two_epoch model. For par the fit is even worse. So, the lack of gene flow in the 1D models is at best only one of several factors that could explain the problems with fitting 1D models to 1D spectra.

It should be noted that the three 1D models that included 2 population size changes, bottlegrowth. three_epoch and exp growth+bottleneck, all get better fits to the data than the marginal 1D model spectrum from the best-fit divergence with gene flow model.

In [ ]: