In [1]:
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from myhdl import Signal, intbv, always_seq
from support import vcd

from test_02_mex import test

%matplotlib inline

Greatest Common Divisor

The goal of this exercise is to implement a module that calculates the greatest common divisor.

Exercise Description

Two input signals: a and b are presented to the module, the start strobe starts the calculation, the values present on a and b when start is active are the values used to calculate the GCD. See the above link for various methods (algorithms) to calculate the GCD.


The number of clock cycles required to compute the GCD is not specified for this module. Because the clock cycles are not defined or indented to be static another mechanism is needed

In [2]:
def gcd(clock, reset, a, b, c, start, finished):
    # example of handshaking, the finished is toggled 
    # after the start strobe.
    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def beh():
        if start:
   = False
        elif not finished:
   = True 
    return beh

In [3]:

Test Error
Last 5 clock cycles
 sim step | a         | b         | c         | start     | finish    | 
 5        |        0  |        0  |        0  |        0  |        1  | 
 15       |        0  |        0  |        0  |        0  |        1  | 
 25       | 11699589  | 11773656  |        0  |        1  |        1  | 
 35       | 11699589  | 11773656  |        0  |        0  |        0  | 
 45       | 11699589  | 11773656  |        0  |        0  |        1  | 

In [4]:
# VCD notebook plot is experimental ... 

(<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x727af60>,
 <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x73f7c88>)

In [ ]: