Day 18

  • Computational Physics (PHYS 202)
  • Cal Poly, Spring 2015
  • Brian E. Granger

In class

  • Progress Reports due today

    • Don't push to GitHub yet.
    • Make sure you have all of you project in a single directory, named phys202-project.
    • That directory should not be in another git repo.
    • Turn in my midnight tonight - doesnt have to be perfect, the main purpose of this is for me to give you feedback.
  • Submit your Progress Report:

      nbgrader submit phys202-project phys202-2015
  • Small new homework on optimization is due on Monday.

  • Extended office hours on Thursday:

    • 9-11 am
    • 1-3 pm
  • I am traveling this weekend, but will have extended office hours on Saturday and Sunday of the weekend before finals.

  • Fetch today's material:

      nbgrader fetch phys202-2015 day18
      nbgrader fetch phys202-2015 assignment11

Out of class

  • Complete assignment11 by Monday (Day 19).