Day 4

  • Computational Physics (PHYS 202)
  • Cal Poly, Spring 2015
  • Brian E. Granger

In class

  • Help turning in assignment01:

      nbgrader submit assignment01 phys202-2015
  • Review of Git/GitHub workflow:

      # Make changes to files!
      git status
      git add <file>
      git commit
      git push origin master
      # Repeat!!!
  • Fetch today's material:

      nbgrader fetch phys202-2015 day04
      nbgrader fetch phys202-2015 assignment02
      nbgrader fetch phys202-2015 syllabus

    • Copy this file into the top level of your phys202-2015-work repo.
    • Edit to add your name and date.
    • Git add/commit/push
  • Writing code in the Jupyter Notebook
    • Overview of the UI
    • Keyboard shortcuts
    • Stopping and restarting the kernel
    • How to check CPU/RAM usage using top
  • Work on assignment02

Out of class

  • Complete assignment02 by next Monday (Day 5)