Day 7

  • Computational Physics (PHYS 202)
  • Cal Poly, Spring 2015
  • Brian E. Granger

In class

  • Changed office hours: Tuesday 9-10am, Thursday 9-10am, Friday 4-5pm.
  • Pair programming

    • One person is the driver and will write/explain code.
    • The other person is the passenger and will observe, provide feedback, discuss, etc.
    • Learn how to use np.meshgrid in an empty notebook, explain how it works and why you would use it.
  • Turn in assignment04:

      nbgrader submit assignment04 phys202-2015
  • Go over some of assignment04

  • Fetch today's material:

      nbgrader fetch phys202-2015 day07
      nbgrader fetch phys202-2015 assignment05

Out of class

  • Complete assignment05 by next Wednesday (Day 8).

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