In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi, cos, sin, sqrt, exp

Piecewise Exact Integration

The Dynamical System

We want to study a damped SDOF system, so characterized

In [2]:
T=1.0                  # Natural period of the oscillator
w=2*pi                 # circular frequency of the oscillator

m=1000.0               # oscillator's mass, in kg
k=m*w*w                # oscillator stifness, in N/m
z=0.05                 # damping ratio over critical
c=2*z*m*w              # damping

wd=w*sqrt(1-z*z)       # damped circular frequency
ratio=sqrt(1-z*z)      # ratio damped/undamped frequencies

The excitation is given by a force such that the static displacement is 5 mm, modulated by a sine in resonance with the dynamic sistem, i.e., $\omega=\omega_n$.

In [3]:
D=0.005                # static displacement, 5mm
P=D*k                  # force amplitude

For such a system, we know exactly the response. The particular integral is

$$\xi(t)=-\frac{\cos\omega t}{2\zeta}$$

(why?) and imposing initial rest conditions the system response is

$$x(t) = \frac{\Delta_{st}}{2\zeta} ((\frac{\zeta}{\sqrt{1-\zeta^2}}\sin\omega_Dt + \cos\omega_Dt)\exp(-\zeta\omega t) - \cos\omega t),\qquad \omega=\omega_n. $$

In [4]:
def exact(t):
    return D*((z*sin(wd*t)/ratio+cos(wd*t))*exp(-z*w*t)-cos(w*t))/(2*z)
t = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0, 1001)
plt.plot(t, exact(t)); plt.grid()

Numerical integration

We define a function that, given the initial conditions and the load, returns the displacement and the velocity at the end of the step.

In [5]:
def step(x0,v0,p0,p1,h,cdh,sdh):
    B = x0 - dst + ((2*z)/w)*(ddst/h)
    A = (v0 + z*w*B - ddst/h)/wd
    x1 = A*sdh + B*cdh + dst + ddst - ddst/h * 2*z/w
    v1 = A*(wd*cdh-z*w*sdh) - B*(z*w*cdh+wd*sdh) + ddst/h
    return x1, v1

With those pieces in place, we can define a function that, for a given number of steps per period computes the response on the interval $0 \le t \le 2.0$.

In [6]:
def resp(nstep):
    T = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0, 2*nstep + 1)
    X = np.zeros(2*nstep + 1)

    x1=0. ; v1=0. ; p1=0
    for i, t in enumerate(T):
        X[i] = x1
        x0=x1 ; v0=v1 ; p0=p1 ; p1=P*sin(w*(t+h))
        x1,v1=step(x0,v0,p0,p1,h, cdh, sdh)
    return T, X

Let's compute the responses for different numbers of steps, and store them away too...

In [7]:
t_x = {n:resp(n) for n in (4, 8, 16)}

Eventually we can plot the numerical responses along with the exact response

In [8]:
plt.plot(t, exact(t), label='Analytical Response', lw=1.3)
for np in sorted(t_x.keys()):
    plt.plot(*t_x[np], label='Npoints/period = %2d'%np)
plt.xlabel('Time t/s')
plt.ylabel('Displacement x/m');

But... there are only two numerical curves and I've plotted three of them.

Let's plot the difference between the exact response and the response computed at 16 samples per period...

In [9]:
t16, x16 = t_x[16]
plt.plot(t16, exact(t16)-x16)

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f84f48bbeb8>]

As you can see, the max difference is about 0.3 mm, to be compared with a max response of almost 25 mm, hence an error in the order of 1.2% that in the previous plot led to the apparent disappearance of the NSTEP=16 curve.

Just for fun, how could you compute a smooth curve that interplates the results of the numerical analysis? Easy if you know the answer... smooth16 is, technically speaking, a class instance (it has methods and data) but it is also a callable (a function of sorts)...

In [10]:
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as spline
smooth16 = spline(*t_x[16])
plt.plot(t, exact(t), label='Analytical')
plt.plot(t, smooth16(t), label='Numerical, 16 ppc, smoothed')