In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import cos, exp, pi, sin, sqrt

Constant Acceleration

Define the Dynamical System

In [2]:
m = 1.00
k = 4*pi*pi
wn = 2*pi
T = 1.0
z = 0.02
wd = wn*sqrt(1-z*z)
c = 2*z*wn*m

Define the Loading

Our load is

$$p(t) = 1 \text{N} \times \begin{cases}\sin^2\frac{\omega_n}2t&0 \le t \le 5\\0&\text{otherwise}\end{cases}$$

In [3]:
NSTEPS = 200 # steps per second
h = 1.0 / NSTEPS

def load(t):
    return np.where(t<0, 0, np.where(t<5, sin(0.5*wn*t)**2, 0))
t = np.linspace(-1, 6, 7*NSTEPS+1)
plt.plot(t, load(t))
plt.ylim((-0.05, 1.05));

Numerical Constants

We want to compute, for each step

$$\Delta x = \frac{\Delta p + a^\star a_0 + v^\star v_0}{k^\star}$$

where we see the constants

$$a^\star = 2m, \quad v^\star = 2c + \frac{4m}{h},$$$$ k^\star = k + \frac{2c}{h} + \frac{4m}{h^2}.$$

In [4]:
kstar = k + 2*c/h + 4*m/h/h
astar = 2*m
vstar = 2*c + 4*m/h

Vectorize the time and the load

We want to compute the response up to 8 seconds

In [5]:
t  = np.linspace(0, 8+h, NSTEPS*8+1)
P = load(t)


  1. Prepare containers
  2. write initial conditions
  3. loop on load and load increments
    • save initial conditions (x0, v0, a0),
    • compute the _corrected_load increment,
    • compute dx and dy,
    • compute the vaues of x0 and y0 for the beginning of the next step
    • compute a0 at the beginning of the next step.
  4. save the results for the last step (they are usually saved at the beginning of the loop, but here we need to special case, why?) and vectorize the whole of the results

In [6]:
x, v, a = [], [], []

x0, v0 = 0.0, 0.0
a0 =(P[0]-k*x0-c*v0)/m

for p0, p1 in zip(P[:-1], P[+1:]):
    x.append(x0), v.append(v0), a.append(a0)
    dx = ((p1-p0) + astar*a0 + vstar*v0)/kstar
    dv = 2*(dx/h-v0)
    x0, v0 = x0+dx, v0+dv
    a0 = (p1 - k*x0 - c*v0)/m

x.append(x0), v.append(v0), a.append(a0)
x, v = np.array(x), np.array(v)


The response

In [7]:
plt.plot(t, x);


Using black magic it is possible to divine the analytical expression of the response during the forced phase,

$$x(t) = \frac1{2k}\left(\left(\frac{1-2\zeta^2}{2\zeta\sqrt{1-\zeta^2}}\sin\omega_Dt-\cos\omega_Dt\right)\exp(-\zeta\omega_nt)+1-\frac{1}{2\zeta}\sin\omega_nt\right), \qquad 0\le t \le 5.$$

and hence plot a comparison within the exact response and the (downsampled) numerical approximation, in the range of validity of the exact response.

In [8]:
xe = (((1 - 2*z**2)*sin(wd*t) / (2*z*sqrt(1-z*z)) - cos(wd*t)) *exp(-z*wn*t) + 1. - sin(wn*t)/(2*z))/2/k

plt.plot(t[:1001], xe[:1001], lw=2)
plt.plot(t[:1001:10], x[:1001:10], 'ko');

Eventually we plot the difference between exact and approximate response,

In [9]:
plt.plot(t[:1001], x[:1001]-xe[:1001]);