Note: This is a very quick notebook putting together the scorelines for the USAU results after the end of semifinals. Please note that this is limited to the stats kept track of on the USAU website (which is limited to goals, assists, blocks, and turns). This is just to get a very very quick sense of how individual players have performed in general and not to say rank player performances. Obviously these stats are only one small way to look at a player's performance (versus intangibles such as shutdown defense, field visions, number of touches, being a team player, etc), but its currently the only easy means to quantitatively measure performance.

In [1]:
from usau.reports import USAUResults as Results

In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16})

style_args = {"alpha": 0.5, "markeredgewidth": 0.5}
sns_blue, sns_orange, sns_green, sns_red, *sns_pallete = sns.color_palette()

Download the information and cache to CSVs:

In [3]:
m2018 = Results.from_event("d1college", 2018, "Men")


In [4]:
w2018 = Results.from_event("d1college", 2018, "Women")


In [5]:
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display
from usau.top_n_player_stats import compute_plus_minus
import usau.markdown

def top_n_stats(report, goal_weight=1.0, assist_weight=1.0, d_weight=1.0, turn_weight=-0.5,
                sort_per_game=False, num_players=25, markdown=False):
    roster = report.rosters
    roster["PIR"] = compute_plus_minus(roster,

    # Compute the total number of games played per team, for normalization purposes
    matches = report.match_results.drop_duplicates(subset=["Team", "url"])
    matches["Team Games Played"] = 1
    matches["Team Points Played"] = matches["Score"] + matches["Opp Score"]
    matches = matches[matches["Gs"] > 0] \
        .rename(columns={"Score": "Team Score",
                         "Opp Score": "Team Opp Score",
    matches = matches.groupby("Team")[["Team Games Played", "Team Points Played",
                                       "Team Score", "Team Opp Score"]].sum()
    roster = roster.join(matches, on="Team")
    roster["PIR per Game"] = roster["PIR"] / roster["Team Games Played"]
    roster["#Games"] = roster["Team Games Played"]

    # Sort by +/-
    sort_column = "PIR per Game" if sort_per_game else "PIR"
    res = (roster.sort_values(sort_column, ascending=False)
                 [["Name", "Team",
                   "Goals", "Assists", "Ds", "Turns",
                   "PIR", "PIR per Game", "#Games"]]
                 .rename(columns={"Goals": "Gs", "Assists": "As", "Turns": "Ts",
                                  "PIR per Game": "PIR/g"})
    return res

Performance Index Rating

Displaying the top players sorted by an arbitrary formula G + A + D - 0.5T, which I have labelled as the column PIR below. There are certainly other better ways to measure performance but this one seemed reasonable enough as a quick eye test.

In [6]:
m2018stats = top_n_stats(m2018, markdown=False, num_players=150)

In [7]:
with pd.option_context('display.width', 200, 'display.max_columns', 50,
                       'display.max_rows', 200, 'display.precision', 2):
            .style \
            .bar(subset=['Gs', 'As', 'Ds', 'PIR'],
                 color='rgba(80, 200, 100, 0.5)') \
                 color='rgba(200, 80, 80, 0.5)'))

Name Team Gs As Ds Ts PIR PIR/g #Games
0 John Randolph Brown 25 10 2 8 33 5.5 6
1 Michael Ing Pittsburgh 18 9 7 5 32 5.2 6
2 Matthew Cullom Georgetown 16 13 8 13 30 6.1 5
3 Dylan Villeneuve Brown 11 9 8 6 25 4.2 6
4 Tannor Johnson Massachusetts 9 15 5 8 25 5 5
5 Steven Benaloh Washington 6 24 0 14 23 3.8 6
6 Christopher Bohr Connecticut 11 10 6 9 22 4.5 5
7 Mac Hecht Brown 5 22 2 13 22 3.8 6
8 Matthew Gouchoe-Hanas North Carolina 16 7 2 6 22 3.7 6
9 Noah Robinson Pittsburgh 12 7 3 1 22 3.6 6
10 Elijah Long North Carolina 7 12 4 5 20 3.4 6
11 Gus Norrbom William & Mary 7 20 4 21 20 4.1 5
12 Nicholas Vogt Wisconsin 17 3 3 6 20 3.3 6
13 Robert Alongi Auburn 6 7 9 5 20 3.9 5
14 Christian Boxley Georgetown 11 9 2 6 19 3.8 5
15 Wyatt Mekler Minnesota 8 12 1 4 19 3.8 5
16 Xander Cuizon Tice Oregon 13 5 3 4 19 3.2 6
17 Max Moore Northwestern 14 6 1 5 18 3.7 5
18 Jeffrey Holm Northwestern 4 18 5 17 18 3.7 5
19 Kyle Rutledge Northwestern 4 11 4 2 18 3.6 5
20 Solomon Rueschemeyer-Bailey Brown 6 11 3 4 18 3 6
21 Dylan Best Pittsburgh 5 16 2 10 18 3 6
22 Jay Valdillez Northwestern 13 6 5 12 18 3.6 5
23 Nicholas Roberts Washington 9 11 2 8 18 3 6
24 Stephen Muir Florida State 13 4 3 4 18 3.6 5
25 Leandro Marx Oregon 8 5 7 5 18 2.9 6
26 Adam Rees Oregon 5 11 5 8 17 2.8 6
27 Manny Eckert Washington 7 12 1 6 17 2.8 6
28 Anders Juengst North Carolina 6 11 1 3 16 2.8 6
29 John Walden Maryland 3 18 5 19 16 3.3 5
30 Dillon Lanier Carleton College 7 12 0 5 16 2.8 6
31 Jakob Steen Washington 15 1 0 1 16 2.6 6
32 Kevin Tsui Pittsburgh 9 4 3 1 16 2.6 6
33 Joe White Carleton College 8 9 4 11 16 2.6 6
34 Eric C Taylor Carleton College 7 6 5 5 16 2.6 6
35 Alex Olson Carleton College 6 11 1 5 16 2.6 6
36 Leo Warren Pittsburgh 3 13 3 7 16 2.6 6
37 Thomas Gallagher Wisconsin 1 13 3 3 16 2.6 6
38 Jonah Wisch Pittsburgh 6 13 4 16 15 2.5 6
39 Nick Macleod North Carolina 7 6 3 2 15 2.5 6
40 Nathaniel Dick Brown 6 9 1 3 14 2.4 6
41 Colton Clark Oregon 2 12 3 5 14 2.4 6
42 Kevin Tien Stanford 6 6 6 7 14 2.9 5
43 Brett Gramann Massachusetts 4 7 7 8 14 2.8 5
44 Michael Becich Stanford 13 1 2 4 14 2.8 5
45 Devon Thomson Victoria 13 2 2 6 14 2.8 5
46 Noah Chambers Texas 3 10 3 4 14 2.8 5
47 Craig Anderson Florida State 8 10 1 10 14 2.8 5
48 Luke Webb Carleton College 5 5 5 2 14 2.3 6
49 Eddie Scott Massachusetts 13 2 0 3 14 2.7 5

In [8]:
w2018stats = top_n_stats(w2018, markdown=False, num_players=150)

In [9]:
with pd.option_context('display.width', 200, 'display.max_columns', 50,
                       'display.max_rows', 200, 'display.precision', 2):
            .style \
            .bar(subset=['Gs', 'As', 'Ds', 'PIR'],
                 color='rgba(80, 200, 100, 0.5)') \
                 color='rgba(200, 80, 80, 0.5)'))

Name Team Gs As Ds Ts PIR PIR/g #Games
0 Qing (Jenny) Wei North Carolina 18 16 24 22 47 7.8 6
1 Claire Trop Dartmouth 19 12 15 10 41 6.8 6
2 Carolyn Normile Pittsburgh 17 27 13 45 34 5.8 6
3 Caitlyn Lee Dartmouth 16 17 10 18 34 5.7 6
4 Laura Gerencser Texas 13 16 10 13 32 6.5 5
5 Danielle Byers West Chester 18 19 12 35 32 6.3 5
6 Jaclyn Verzuh Dartmouth 15 13 7 7 32 5.2 6
7 Amy Stoddard Michigan 18 6 11 8 31 6.2 5
8 Julia Butterfield Stanford 10 13 14 15 30 4.9 6
9 Ashley Powell North Carolina State 4 33 6 27 30 5.9 5
10 Julianna Werffeli Dartmouth 6 21 6 10 28 4.7 6
11 Ella Hansen Oregon 9 27 11 40 27 4.5 6
12 Cara Sieber Ohio State 6 12 13 9 26 5.3 5
13 Sarah Russek Pittsburgh 14 10 6 10 25 4.2 6
14 Domenica Sutherland Texas 8 25 13 46 23 4.6 5
15 Caitlin Go Stanford 11 11 8 14 23 3.8 6
16 Shayla Harris Stanford 11 9 9 12 23 3.8 6
17 Bridget Mizener North Carolina 9 12 6 10 22 3.7 6
18 Hannah Crowley Tufts 20 3 2 7 22 4.3 5
19 Morgan Caldwell Oregon 14 3 6 5 20 3.4 6
20 Bridget Connor Stanford 13 6 4 5 20 3.4 6
21 Nhi Nguyen Colorado 8 5 9 4 20 2.9 7
22 Dena Elimelech California-San Diego 6 18 10 28 20 4 5
23 Hayley Wahlroos Oregon 9 12 6 16 19 3.2 6
24 Liz Hart West Chester 15 6 1 6 19 3.8 5
25 Megan Henderson Colorado 14 9 4 16 19 2.7 7
26 Katiana Hutchinson Colorado 7 5 10 7 18 2.6 7
27 Michelle McGhee Stanford 5 9 12 15 18 3.1 6
28 Lindsay McKenna West Chester 10 25 9 53 18 3.5 5
29 Saioa Lostra Colorado 7 0 10 1 16 2.4 7
30 Rachel Wilmoth Colorado 7 4 11 11 16 2.4 7
31 Naomi Morcilla British Columbia 7 8 8 14 16 2.7 6
32 Leanne Go California-San Diego 10 9 1 8 16 3.2 5
33 Phoebe Hopp Michigan 8 3 7 4 16 3.2 5
34 Jessie Sun Pittsburgh 0 2 23 19 16 2.6 6
35 Maya Powell Carleton College 2 21 4 23 16 3.1 5
36 Lily Eisner Dartmouth 1 10 6 3 16 2.6 6
37 Avery Jones California-San Diego 3 11 4 5 16 3.1 5
38 Jean Russell Colorado 7 10 7 17 16 2.2 7
39 Gabrielle Krajniak Florida 13 5 12 29 16 3.1 5
40 Kaitlyn Weaver California-Santa Barbara 6 10 10 21 16 3.1 5
41 Ellen Au-Yeung British Columbia 8 10 3 12 15 2.5 6
42 Sadie Jezierski Ohio State 5 16 8 28 15 3 5
43 Ivy Harrison Texas 8 4 7 8 15 3 5
44 Kelsey Bennett Colorado 3 28 1 34 15 2.1 7
45 Emily Barrett Ohio State 12 0 3 1 14 2.9 5
46 Anika Thomas-Toth Carleton College 10 4 3 5 14 2.9 5
47 Karen Ehrhardt Carleton College 8 7 3 7 14 2.9 5
48 Rebecca Fagan North Carolina 11 6 1 8 14 2.3 6
49 Katie Schreiber Pittsburgh 10 3 4 6 14 2.3 6

Goals vs Assists

Plotting some of these stats visually. Apologies for the textual clutter, I'll try to clean it up later. Please note that these charts are NOT normalized in any way (e.g. across number of games played, number of points played, O-line vs D-line, etc).

In [10]:
# Plot goals versus assists, labelling the top 20 performers of both genders
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 11))
ax.plot(m2018stats.Gs, m2018stats.As, "o", color=sns_blue, **style_args)
ax.plot(w2018stats.Gs, w2018stats.As, "o", color=sns_red, **style_args)
ax.set_title("Goals versus Assists")
for _, row in m2018stats.head(20).iterrows():
  adjustment = 0.2
  ax.annotate(row["Name"], xy=(row["Gs"] + adjustment, row["As"] + adjustment),
              ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=sns_blue)
for _, row in w2018stats.loc[w2018stats["Gs"] + w2018stats["As"] > 22].iterrows():
  adjustment = 0.2
  ax.annotate(row["Name"], xy=(row["Gs"] + adjustment, row["As"] + adjustment),
              ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=sns_red)

(0, 34.65)

In [11]:
m2018stats["Gender"] = "Men"
w2018stats["Gender"] = "Women"
stats2018 = pd.concat([m2018stats, w2018stats])

Assists versus turnovers:

In [12]:
# Plot As versus turns, labelling the top values of both genders
# Using the top 500 players by fantasy (at least 2 scores/assists) to prune some of the null data
g = sns.lmplot("As", "Ts", stats2018.head(500), hue="Gender", col="Gender",
               size=12, palette={"Men": sns_blue, "Women": sns_red})

# Fix annotations for men:
ax = g.axes[0, 0]
ax.set_title(u"Men: Offensive Throwing Efficiency, ▲ = more turnovers")

def shift_annotation(name, x, y):
    if name in ("John Walden",):
        return (x + 0.5, y + 2.0)
    return None

for _, row in m2018stats[(m2018stats.As > 12) | (m2018stats.Ts > 15) |
                         ((m2018stats.As == 11) & (m2018stats.Ts < 4))].iterrows():
  adj = 0.3
  x = row["As"]
  y = row["Ts"]
  # Couple of special cases for people whose names are obscured
  xytext = shift_annotation(row["Name"], x, y)
  if xytext:
    ax.annotate(row["Name"], xy=(x, y), xytext=xytext,
                  arrowprops=dict(facecolor=sns_red, headwidth=6, headlength=8, width=2.0, alpha=0.3),
                  ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=sns_blue)
    ax.annotate(row["Name"], xy=(x + adj, y + adj - 0.4),
                  ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=sns_blue)

# Fix annotations for women:
ax = g.axes[0, 1]
ax.set_title(u"Women: Offensive Throwing Efficiency, ▲ = more turnovers")
# ax.set_ylabel("Turns")

def shift_annotation(name, x, y):
    if name in ("Linnea Soo", "Julia Kwasnick", "Avery Jones"):
        return (x + 0.5, y + 2.0)
    elif name in ("Mia Letterie",):
        return (x + 0.5, y - 2.0)
    return None

for _, row in w2018stats[(w2018stats.As > 12) | (w2018stats.Ts > 17) | 
                         ((w2018stats.As > 9) & (w2018stats.Ts < 8)) 
  adj = 0.3
  x = row["As"]
  y = row["Ts"]
  # Couple of special cases for people whose names are obscured
  xytext = shift_annotation(row["Name"], x, y)
  if xytext:
    ax.annotate(row["Name"], xy=(x, y), xytext=xytext,
                  arrowprops=dict(facecolor=sns_red, headwidth=6, headlength=8, width=2.0, alpha=0.3),
                  ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=sns_red)
    ax.annotate(row["Name"], xy=(x + adj, y + adj - 0.4),
                  ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=sns_red)

In [13]:
# Plot goals+assists versus Ds, labelling the top 20 performers of both genders
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 11))
ax.plot(m2018stats.Gs + m2018stats.As, m2018stats.Ds, "o", color=sns_blue, **style_args)
ax.plot(w2018stats.Gs + w2018stats.As, w2018stats.Ds, "o", color=sns_red, **style_args)
ax.set_xlabel("Goals + Assists")
ax.set_title("Offensive versus Defensive work")
ax.set_ylim(0, 28)
for _, row in w2018stats[(w2018stats.Ds > 9) |
                         (w2018stats.Gs + w2018stats.As > 25)].iterrows():
  adjustment = 0.2
  x, y = row["Gs"] + row["As"], row["Ds"]
  color = sns_red
  ax.annotate(row["Name"], xy=(x + adjustment,y  + adjustment),
              ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=color)

def shift_annotation(name, x, y):
    if name in ("Michael Ing", "Reed Hendrickson"):
        return (x + 0.5, y + 1.0)
    return None

for _, row in m2018stats[(m2018stats.Ds > 6) |
                         (m2018stats.Gs + m2018stats.As > 20)].iterrows():
  adjustment = 0.2
  x, y = row["Gs"] + row["As"], row["Ds"]
  xytext = shift_annotation(row["Name"], x=x, y=y)
  if xytext:
    ax.annotate(row["Name"], xy=(x, y), xytext=xytext,
                arrowprops=dict(facecolor=sns_blue, headwidth=6, headlength=8, width=2.0, alpha=0.3),
                ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=sns_blue)
    ax.annotate(row["Name"], xy=(x + adjustment,y  + adjustment),
                ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=sns_blue)

In [ ]: