A data project at NYU's Stern School of Business.
Written by Sagar Panchal (spp302@nyu.edu) under direction of David Backus, Spencer Lyon and Brian LeBlanc, May 2016.
Over Twitter a few months ago, ESPN's Tom Haberstroh described the variability of NBA players’ scoring averages (points per game). As Charlotte’s Kemba Walker and San Antonio’s Kawhi Leonard both averaged 21.0 points per game, their corresponding game logs provide two vastly different box plots, suggesting that each arrived at their averages in truly different fashions, whether because of shot selection, efficiency, or merely obeying the hot hand fallacy. Expanding this idea of plotting individual game-by-game scoring distributions could demonstrate how scoring varies at different levels in basketball (with respect to other stats as well) and provide a basic look at extracting/cleaning/shaping basketball-reference data, as well as utilizing a few tools in the Bokeh package for enhanced visual capabilities.
Packages Imported
For this project, it'll be best to introduce Bokeh's functions later, so for now, we import the packages below.
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd #data manipulation, management
import seaborn as sns #complex plotting methods, used concurrently w/ Bokeh plots & charts
import numpy as np #mathematical foundation for pandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #basic plotting
We first define a function that allows us to gather game logs, over and over again, then using a few small steps to drop missing values, clean out unnecessary columns and add important identifiers so each player's log can be used correctly. Using Seaborn, we can actually graph both points & game score distributions to give a more accurate comparison on player contributions by game. Game Score, or GmSc, is an aggregation of a player's basic-level NBA stats in one game; the formula can be found here.
In [2]:
def get_reg_season_basic(name, year):
url = "http://www.basketball-reference.com/players/{0}/gamelog/{1}/".format(name, year)
dfs = pd.read_html(url) # 0 is player name; 1 is year
return dfs[8] # out of around 20 dataframes on this page, dfs[8] returns a basic statistic game log
df_Kobe_grab = get_reg_season_basic("b/bryanko01", 2013) # Kobe Bryant, 2012-13 game log (avg. 27.3 ppg)
Kobebasicpoints = df_Kobe_grab[["PTS", "Date", "G", "Opp", "GmSc"]] # points, date, game number, opponent, game score
Kobe_basic = Kobebasicpoints.drop(Kobebasicpoints.index[[20, 41, 62, 83]]) # drops non-number caption columns
Kobe_basic = Kobe_basic.dropna() # drops missing values
# kobe data is clean
Kobe_basic["PlayerName"] = "Kobe" # adds unique player column to use w/ other players later
Kobe_basic = Kobe_basic.set_index('G') #sets index as game so merging is possible
print(Kobe_basic.head()) # prints first five rows, head function
print("Dimensions of new dataframe are:", Kobe_basic.shape) # dimensions
Altering Data Types, Setting Up Stat Identifiers
In order to graph both GmSc and PTS as y-axes to PlayerName, our x-axis, we have to actually manipulate the data so we can distinguish between GmSc and PTS as separate y inputs. In short, we need to duplicate our dataframe so that each input could be graphed as either an entry for PTS in one game or GmSc of that game.
In [3]:
Kobe_pts_y1 = Kobe_basic.drop(["GmSc"], axis=1) # first, create new dataframes where only one input is present
Kobe_GmSc_y2 = Kobe_basic.drop(["PTS"], axis=1) # do the same here for Game Score by dropping Points
Kobe_pts_y1["StatType"] = "PTS" # this new column, like PlayerName, identifies the stat illustrated here as Points
Kobe_GmSc_y2["StatType"] = "GmSc" # ditto for Game Score
Kobecombine = [Kobe_pts_y1, Kobe_GmSc_y2]
Kobe_total = pd.concat(Kobecombine) #now we have everything in one plot, but with double the entries (that's okay!)
print(Kobe_total.head()) #shows the first set, merged
print(Kobe_total.tail()) #shorts the second set, merged
print("Dimensions of new dataframe are:", Kobe_total.shape) # dimensions
Next comes taking out these NaN values (filling with zeroes) by adding the present PTS/GmSc column together to create a new column to graph, numpull.
In [4]:
# first we should fillna wtih zero
trial = Kobe_total.fillna(0)
# crap, forgot to convert columns' dtypes to float64, doing now
Kobecopy = trial.copy() #making a copy helps here
Kobecopy['PTS'] = Kobecopy['PTS'].astype(float) #converting one column
Kobecopy['GmSc'] = Kobecopy['GmSc'].astype(float) #converting the other ones
trial = Kobecopy
Kobe_total = trial #this assigns the work we just did back to the updated dataframe above
Kobe_total["numpull"] = Kobe_total["GmSc"] + Kobe_total["PTS"]
# now we can add the two columns together to create something we can graph, since either GmSc or PTS will be zero
print(Kobe_total.head()) # first five rows
print(Kobe_total.tail()) # last five rows
print("Dimensions of new dataframe are:", Kobe_total.shape)
Finding a Comparison Player
The purpose of the project was to compare player's contributions at similar scoring levels. LeBron James averaged 27.1 points per game in 2011-12, so he'll be adequate here. Given Kobe and LeBron's differing playing styles, there should be a difference in Game Score clusters once we graph. The code here is the same as above, so we'll breeze by it here.
In [5]:
df_LBJ_grab = get_reg_season_basic("j/jamesle01", 2012) #function here
LBJtestpoints = df_LBJ_grab[["PTS", "Date", "G", "Opp", "GmSc"]]
LBJ_basic = LBJtestpoints.drop(LBJtestpoints.index[[20, 41, 62]])
LBJ_basic["PlayerName"] = "LeBron" #add player identifier pre-merge
LBJ_basic = LBJ_basic.set_index('G')
# y1 and y2, LBJ
LBJ_pts_y1 = LBJ_basic.drop(["GmSc"], axis=1)
LBJ_GmSc_y2 = LBJ_basic.drop(["PTS"], axis=1)
LBJ_pts_y1["StatType"] = "PTS"
LBJ_GmSc_y2["StatType"] = "GmSc"
LBJcombine = [LBJ_pts_y1, LBJ_GmSc_y2]
LBJ_total = pd.concat(LBJcombine)
# fillna, create copy for float64
LBJtrial = LBJ_total.fillna(0)
LBJcopy = LBJtrial.copy()
LBJcopy['PTS'] = LBJcopy['PTS'].astype(float)
LBJcopy['GmSc'] = LBJcopy['GmSc'].astype(float)
LBJtrial = LBJcopy #reassign copy back to trial
LBJ_total = LBJtrial #reassign trial back to main
# column add, LBJ
LBJ_total["numpull"] = LBJ_total["GmSc"] + LBJ_total["PTS"]
print(LBJ_total.head()) # first five rows
print(LBJ_total.tail()) # last five rows
print("Dimensions of new dataframe are:", LBJ_total.shape)
# note dimensions will be less since LBJ only played 62 games in the lockout year
In [6]:
KobeLBJ = [Kobe_total, LBJ_total] # combine the dataframes
KobeLBJdata = pd.concat(KobeLBJ) # concatenate method accomplishes this
print("Dimensions of new dataframe are:", KobeLBJdata.shape) # display, note the dimensions
The Swarm Plot
From here, we can see that it's relatively easy to create a plot. Here's a swarmplot for the data, built with Seaborn.
In [7]:
sns.swarmplot(x="PlayerName", y="numpull", hue="StatType",data=KobeLBJdata)
The scatterplot in the last section is a decent representation of Kobe and LeBron's variabilities, but it confirms inferences. Kobe's a volume scorer so his data is more widespread, while LeBron is more of a consistent scorer. On another note, we can see that Kobe's points are consistently higher than his corresponding game scores, suggesting that Kobe's less efficient than LeBron. But the visual isn't aesthetically pretty and that's where Bokeh, a pure visualization package, helps us. In its high-level interface, 'bokeh.charts', we'll be able to create beautiful plots expediently while having tools to closely inspect our data as well.
We'll first start with importing packages.
In [8]:
from bokeh.charts import Histogram, show, hplot, output_file
from bokeh.io import output_notebook
# this imports a histogram plot package from Bokeh's interface, along with content to save and show the file
Several of Bokeh's basics are here. We can create a Bokeh histogram immediately, save the file as an HTML for our uses and show the file below on this iPython Notebook. Check it out:
In [9]:
histKobeLBJ = Histogram(KobeLBJdata, values='GmSc', label='PlayerName', color='PlayerName', legend='top_right',
title="Sample Game Score Histogram", plot_width=400)
#output_file("histKobe.html", title='histogram Kobe example') # this would docu. output file, would open in new tab
output_notebook() # this technicality allows us to put the Bokeh data display directly below us
show(histKobeLBJ) # this puts the output both below us and opens a new tab with the same thing
Ignoring the erreneous front data (a high amount of the GmSc column, as you may recall, are filled with zeroes), we can see that Kobe's game scores are significantly worse on average than LeBron's, even as they averaged the same amount of points.
Notice the tabs up top: each allows us to toy around with the graph in different ways. We can resize the graph, zoom in on certain sections with either a box or lasso, and if you'd like, you can even save this to your own computer without having to run the code, as a spectator. These are the fundamental features of the Bokeh display. For different types of graphs in bokeh.charts, we'd need to import different things, but the premise is similar.
Adding a Hovertool to our Visuals
In Bokeh, it's easy to create charts that can help us compare stats between players with 'bokeh.charts'. We can also create an inspector that illustrates each point's opponent, date and stats with something called a hovertool. Let's work on it below.
First, we'll create a scatter with no hovertool to start: it requires cleaning so it's a separate step.
In [10]:
from bokeh.charts import Scatter, output_file, show # creating scatterplot visual over bokeh.charts
from bokeh.io import output_notebook #output_notebook to show our work below
KobeLBJ2 = [Kobe_basic, LBJ_basic] #merging pre-modified box scores from first Kobe cell, corres. LBJ cell
KobeLBJscatter = pd.concat(KobeLBJ2) #concatenate, like above
KobeLBJscatter['PTS'] = KobeLBJscatter['PTS'].astype(float) # converting to float64 to clean coordinates
KobeLBJscatter['GmSc'] = KobeLBJscatter['GmSc'].astype(float)
scatter = Scatter(KobeLBJscatter, x='PTS', y='GmSc', color='PlayerName', #this is from Bokeh, not mpl or sns
title='Scatter Sample', xlabel='PTS', ylabel='Game Score', legend='top_right')
output_notebook() #output
show(scatter) #show
This graph is rather static, so now we'll add hovertool to it to make the visual more interactive. We'll import hover from 'bokeh.models', a deep-level development portion of the Bokeh interface and then work from there.
To use the Hovertool, just scroll onto the plot below.
In [11]:
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource
# imports the ability for us to put columns (opp., etc) as data sources on hover
source = ColumnDataSource(KobeLBJscatter)
TOOLS = "resize, save, pan, hover, box_zoom, wheel_zoom" # adds hovertool to standard list of tools above plot
scatter = Scatter(KobeLBJscatter, x='PTS', y='GmSc', color='PlayerName', #this is from Bokeh, not mpl or sns
title='Kobe vs. LBJ identifier', xlabel='PTS', ylabel='Game Score',
legend='top_right', plot_width=500, plot_height=500, tools=TOOLS)
# note how tools=TOOLS sets the list of tools above to our scatter
hover = scatter.select(dict(type=HoverTool)) # what kind of tool is hovertool?
hover.tooltips = [('PTS', '$x'),('GmSc', '$y')]
# tooltips tells us what info comes up when our mouse hovers over it
output_notebook() # output
show(scatter) # show
As you can see above, the HoverTool is helpful with giving us an approximate PTS/GmSc for every coordinate when we scroll across the data. Plus, Bokeh's resizing tools really come in hand here: you can make the graph itself bigger or smaller and, if you feel like making it more concise, you can zoom in on the x-axis to create a techincal limit at 0 PTS. But additional info would be desired: maybe the opponent each player was playing at the time, perhaps.
I found a reference function that puts scatter plots with appropriate hovertools by Robin Wilson, a wonderful blogger/affacionado/coder/PhD student from the UK, and will be using it here. If you would like to see the explanation for the function and the purpose of its existence, you can find it here.
In [12]:
from bokeh.plotting import figure, ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
from bokeh.io import hplot # hplot allows us to showcase the two plots horizontally, next to one another
def scatter_with_hover(df, x, y, # reference fct begins here, explanation at link
fig=None, cols=None, name=None,
marker='square', fig_width=500, fig_height=500, **kwargs): # changed marker from 'x'
if fig is None:
fig = figure(width=fig_width, height=fig_height, tools=['box_zoom', 'reset'])
source = ColumnDataSource(data=df) # establishes ColumnDataSource as df
if name is None:
name = 'main'
fig.scatter(df[x], df[y], source=source, name=name, marker=marker, **kwargs)
hover = HoverTool(names=[name])
if cols is None:
hover.tooltips = [(c, '@' + c) for c in df.columns] # these important rules set up our columns for return
hover.tooltips = [(c, '@' + c) for c in cols] # same here
hover.tooltips.append(('index', '$index')) # this plugs the index into our hover
fig.add_tools(hover) # this adds hovertool to our list of tools
return fig
fig = scatter_with_hover(KobeLBJscatter, 'PTS', 'GmSc', # using KobeLBJscatter, as told earlier
cols=['PlayerName','Date','Opp','PTS','GmSc']) # execution of the fct w/ all columns
# SIDE NOTE: in Bokeh, you can alter graphs by simply tab completing methods onto existing figures b/c your content
# is already set up as a figure objects, as the importing process shows above
fig.xaxis.axis_label = "PTS" # set x-axis label
fig.yaxis.axis_label = 'Game Score' # set y-axis label
fig.title = 'Kobe vs. LeBron Hover' # set graph title
fig.title_text_font_size = '14pt' # text font size
p = hplot(fig, scatter) # hplot will show both plots next to one another
output_notebook() # output to notebook
show(p) # show
So, thanks to Robin's function, we notice two changes. We lose our colors from the first plot but, since Bokeh allows the user to horizontally (or vertically) position plots next to one another, we can utilize Robin's function and display our previous, manually-created plot right next to it. It is, admittedly, a bit redundant, but still gets our data the way we want it.
Where Do We Go From Here?
Comparing a player's Points to their Game Score, unless there's an actual rationale behind it, is a decently futile exercise for NBA players that are good at maintaining their averages night to night, without many changes: it's known that the more supplementary stats the player has besides points (rebounds, assists, etc.), the better their Game Score will be.
However, the lower an NBA player's point averages are, the less likely they are to be the cornerstone of the scoring/passing for their team offensively, meaning that there could be more variability in their contributions, night to night. I think this would stand true for players who score maybe 10-12 points less each night than Kobe/LeBron. It'd especially be interesting if we could see whether efficiency-targeted playing styles in present-day ball (i.e., analytics) drastically affect Game Score given the amount of shots taken in a certain game: Game Score accounts for FGA (field-goal attempts) but doesn't account for 3PA (three-point attempts) in its calculations.
Given the Golden State Warriors' record-breaking season, it would be easiest to compare Draymond Green to the player he's most compared to in league circles, the Bulls' Scottie Pippen. Here's the raw stats I'd be working with:
Scottie Pippen, age 27, 1992-93: 18.6 PPG, 6.3 APG, 7.7 RPG, 2.1 SPG, 0.9 BPG, .473 FG%, .237 3P%, .663 FT%, 81 games played.
Draymond Green, age 25, 2015-16: 14.0 PPG, 7.4 APG, 9.5 RPG, 1.5 SPG, 1.4 BPG, .490 FG%, .388 3P%, .696 FT%, 81 games played.
Given just how close these two players are statistically, I'd like to grab their game logs and run the same type of graphs. This time, things will be abbreviated since all the coding was shown earlier.
In [13]:
df_Dray_grab = get_reg_season_basic("g/greendr01", 2016) #function here
Draytestpoints = df_Dray_grab[["PTS", "Date", "G", "Opp", "GmSc"]]
Dray_basic = Draytestpoints.drop(Draytestpoints.index[[20, 39, 41, 62, 83]])
Dray_basic["PlayerName"] = "Draymond" #add player identifier pre-merge
Dray_basic = Dray_basic.set_index('G')
# y1 and y2, Draymond
Dray_pts_y1 = Dray_basic.drop(["GmSc"], axis=1)
Dray_GmSc_y2 = Dray_basic.drop(["PTS"], axis=1)
Dray_pts_y1["StatType"] = "PTS"
Dray_GmSc_y2["StatType"] = "GmSc"
Draycombine = [Dray_pts_y1, Dray_GmSc_y2]
Dray_total = pd.concat(Draycombine)
# fillna, create copy for float64
Draytrial = Dray_total.fillna(0)
Draycopy = Draytrial.copy()
Draycopy['PTS'] = Draycopy['PTS'].astype(float)
Draycopy['GmSc'] = Draycopy['GmSc'].astype(float)
Draytrial = Draycopy #reassign copy back to trial
Dray_total = Draytrial #reassign trial back to main
# column add, Draymond
Dray_total["numpull"] = Dray_total["GmSc"] + Dray_total["PTS"] # checked, this runs
In [14]:
df_Pip_grab = get_reg_season_basic("p/pippesc01", 1993) #function here
Piptestpoints = df_Pip_grab[["PTS", "Date", "G", "Opp", "GmSc"]]
Pip_basic = Piptestpoints.drop(Piptestpoints.index[[20, 41, 62, 83]])
Pip_basic["PlayerName"] = "Scottie" #add player identifier pre-merge
Pip_basic = Pip_basic.set_index('G')
# y1 and y2, Scottie
Pip_pts_y1 = Pip_basic.drop(["GmSc"], axis=1)
Pip_GmSc_y2 = Pip_basic.drop(["PTS"], axis=1)
Pip_pts_y1["StatType"] = "PTS"
Pip_GmSc_y2["StatType"] = "GmSc"
Pipcombine = [Pip_pts_y1, Pip_GmSc_y2]
Pip_total = pd.concat(Pipcombine)
# fillna, create copy for float64
Piptrial = Pip_total.fillna(0)
Pipcopy = Piptrial.copy()
Pipcopy['PTS'] = Pipcopy['PTS'].astype(float)
Pipcopy['GmSc'] = Pipcopy['GmSc'].astype(float)
Piptrial = Pipcopy #reassign copy back to trial
Pip_total = Piptrial #reassign trial back to main
# column add, Scottie
Pip_total["numpull"] = Pip_total["GmSc"] + Pip_total["PTS"] # checked, it runs
In [15]:
DrayPip = [Dray_total, Pip_total] # combine the dataframes
DrayPipdata = pd.concat(DrayPip)
print("Dimensions of new dataframe are:", DrayPipdata.shape)# concatenate method accomplishes this, checked, this runs as well
In [16]:
sns.swarmplot(x="PlayerName", y="numpull", hue="StatType",data=DrayPipdata)
In [17]:
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource
# imports the ability for us to put columns (opp., etc) as data sources on hover
DrayPip2 = [Dray_basic, Pip_basic] #merging pre-modified box scores
DrayPipscatter = pd.concat(DrayPip2) #concatenate, like above
DrayPipscatter['PTS'] = DrayPipscatter['PTS'].astype(float) # converting to float64 to clean coordinates
DrayPipscatter['GmSc'] = DrayPipscatter['GmSc'].astype(float)
source = ColumnDataSource(KobeLBJscatter)
TOOLS = "resize, save, pan, hover, box_zoom, wheel_zoom" # adds hovertool to standard list of tools above plot
scatter = Scatter(DrayPipscatter, x='PTS', y='GmSc', color='PlayerName', #this is from Bokeh, not mpl or sns
title='Draymond vs. Pippen identifier', xlabel='PTS', ylabel='Game Score',
legend='bottom_right', plot_width=500, plot_height=500, tools=TOOLS)
# note how tools=TOOLS sets the list of tools above to our scatter
hover = scatter.select(dict(type=HoverTool)) # what kind of tool is hovertool?
hover.tooltips = [('PTS', '$x'),('GmSc', '$y')]
# tooltips tells us what info comes up when our mouse hovers over it
In [18]:
fig = scatter_with_hover(DrayPipscatter, 'PTS', 'GmSc', # using DrayPipscatter
cols=['PlayerName','Date','Opp','PTS','GmSc']) # execution of the fct w/ all columns
fig.xaxis.axis_label = "PTS" # set x-axis label
fig.yaxis.axis_label = 'Game Score' # set y-axis label
fig.title = 'Draymond vs. Pippen Hover' # set graph title
fig.title_text_font_size = '14pt' # text font size
p = hplot(fig, scatter) # hplot will show both plots next to one another
output_notebook() # output to notebook
show(p) # show
A basic glimpse of our graphs show observations about efficiency and to an extent, usage. Draymond definitely scores less points to arrive at the same Game Scores as Scottie, but at the same time, Scottie's Game Scores are still noticeably more present than Draymond's if we move past say, game scores of 9 or above, including a huge cluster of Scottie's scores around what would be coordinate (16, 10) on the graph.
After using both Seaborn and Bokeh to examine individual NBA player game logs to determine how scoring distributions, we can infer several conclusions about the data from our distributions and general knowledge of each player's playing style (i.e., how they received their scoring opportunities). For instance, it would be wise to infer that if a player receives more of their scoring opportunities through isolation scoring (Kobe comes to mind), their corresponding Game Score becomes both more varied (less consistent) and more reliant on the pure number of points they score. In a vacuum, this makes sense: Scottie Pippen's distribution has quite a few more outliers than Draymond's or even LeBron's, simply because he most likely received more isolation play calls in a pre-analytic heavy basketball scheme in the early-90's, as compared to now.
The conundrum to actually amaking quantitative conclusions on this data falls, ironically, with data itself: stats that track how shot types, player tracking and spatial efficiency (i.e., SportsVU) only were released to the public two years ago, so most of these comparisons can't utilize evidence from these standards. However, a library of old footage exists on YouTube and other platforms and moreover, I believe that using basic stats to examine distributions over years could definitely help better understand long-view consequences of players' stats in the analytics movement. This may seem basic, but at its core, it opens up a beneficial question that could direct a new perspective of examining stats in the future.
A Short Note On Sources
For this project, most of the intuition came from my own head. I'm very into basketball, once wrote about it and still keep up with it as a daily passion to this day. All data, though, is from Basketball Reference and their data libraries.