This is a very quick notebook putting together the scorelines for the USAU results at the start of day 3. Please note that this is limited to the stats kept track of on USAU (which is limited to goals, assists, blocks, and turns). Also since it only goes up through day 3, it only includes half of the consolation bracket matches (some of which were played in the morning on Sunday). This is just to get a very very quick sense of how individual players have performed in general and not to say rank player performances. Obviously these stats are only one small way to look at a player's performance (versus intangibles such as shutdown defense, number of touches, team player, etc), but its currently the only easy means to quantitatively measure performance.
In [1]:
from usau.reports import USAUResults as Results
In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})
style_args = {"alpha": 0.5, "markeredgewidth": 0.5}
sns_blue, sns_orange, sns_green, sns_red, *sns_pallete = sns.color_palette()
In [3]:
m2018 = Results.from_event("d1college", 2018, "Men")
In [4]:
w2018 = Results.from_event("d1college", 2018, "Women")
In [5]:
# m2018.rosters
In [6]:
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display
from usau.top_n_player_stats import compute_plus_minus
import usau.markdown
def top_n_stats(report, goal_weight=1.0, assist_weight=1.0, d_weight=1.0, turn_weight=-0.5,
sort_per_game=False, num_players=25, markdown=False):
roster = report.rosters
roster["net"] = compute_plus_minus(roster,
# Compute the total number of games played per team, for normalization purposes
matches = report.match_results.drop_duplicates(subset=["Team", "url"])
matches["Team Games Played"] = 1
matches["Team Points Played"] = matches["Score"] + matches["Opp Score"]
matches = matches[matches["Gs"] > 0] \
.rename(columns={"Score": "Team Score",
"Opp Score": "Team Opp Score",
matches = matches.groupby("Team")[["Team Games Played", "Team Points Played",
"Team Score", "Team Opp Score"]].sum()
roster = roster.join(matches, on="Team")
roster["net per Game"] = roster["net"] / roster["Team Games Played"]
roster["#Games"] = roster["Team Games Played"]
# if args.keep_teams:
# roster = roster.loc[roster["Team"].isin(args.keep_teams)].copy()
# if args.skip_teams:
# roster = roster.loc[~roster["Team"].isin(args.skip_teams)].copy()
# Sort by +/-
sort_column = "net per Game" if sort_per_game else "net"
res = (roster.sort_values(sort_column, ascending=False)
[["Name", "Team",
"Goals", "Assists", "Ds", "Turns",
"net", "net per Game", "#Games"]]
.rename(columns={"Goals": "Gs", "Assists": "As", "Turns": "Ts",
"net per Game": "net/g"})
# .style \
# .bar(subset=['Fantasy Score', 'Goals', 'Ds', '+/-'],
# color='rgba(80, 200, 100, 0.5)') \
# .bar(subset=['Assists', 'Turns'],
# color='rgba(200, 80, 80, 0.5)')
# if args.bold_teams:
# res.loc[res["Team"].isin(args.bold_teams), "Team"] = \
# res["Team"].apply(lambda x: "**" + x + "**")
print("{event} {gender} ({year})"
.format(year=report.year, event=report, gender=report.gender))
if markdown:
with pd.option_context('display.float_format', lambda x: "%.2f" % x):
with pd.option_context('display.width', 200, 'display.max_columns', 50,
'display.max_rows', 200, 'display.precision', 2):
return res
Displaying the
In [7]:
m2018stats = top_n_stats(m2018, markdown=False, num_players=150)
In [8]:
w2018stats = top_n_stats(w2018, markdown=False, num_players=150)
In [9]:
results = {}
for year in (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018):
for gender in ("Men", "Women"):
res = Results.from_event("d1college", year, gender)
if year != 2018:
results[year, gender] = res
Goals to Assists
In [10]:
# Plot goals versus assists, labelling the top 20 performers of both genders
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 11))
ax.plot(m2018stats.Gs, m2018stats.As, "o", color=sns_blue, **style_args)
ax.plot(w2018stats.Gs, w2018stats.As, "o", color=sns_red, **style_args)
ax.set_title("Goals versus Assists")
for _, row in m2018stats.head(20).iterrows():
adjustment = 0.2
ax.annotate(row["Name"], xy=(row["Gs"] + adjustment, row["As"] + adjustment),
ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=sns_blue)
for _, row in w2018stats.head(20).iterrows():
adjustment = 0.2
ax.annotate(row["Name"], xy=(row["Gs"] + adjustment, row["As"] + adjustment),
ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=sns_red)
In [11]:
m2018stats["Gender"] = "Men"
w2018stats["Gender"] = "Women"
stats2018 = pd.concat([m2018stats, w2018stats])
Assists to Turnovers
In [12]:
# Plot As versus turns, labelling the top values of both genders
# Using the top 500 players by fantasy (at least 2 scores/assists) to prune some of the null data
g = sns.lmplot("As", "Ts", stats2018.head(500), hue="Gender",
size=12, palette={"Men": sns_blue, "Women": sns_red})"Offensive Throwing Efficiency, ▲ = more turnovers")
for _, row in m2018stats[(m2018stats.As > 11) |
(m2018stats.Ts > 13)].iterrows():
adjustment = 0.3
xy = (row["As"] + adjustment, row["Ts"] + 0.8)["Name"], xy=xy,
ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=sns_blue)
for _, row in w2018stats[(w2018stats.As > 11) |
(w2018stats.Ts > 16)].iterrows():
adj = 0.3
x = row["As"]
y = row["Ts"]
# Couple of special cases for people whose names are obscured
if row["Name"] in ("Julia Kwasnick", "Kelsey Bennett", "Maya Powell", "Hannah Blizzard", "Qing (Jenny) Wei"):["Name"], xy=(x, y), xytext=(x + 1.0, y + 2.0),
arrowprops=dict(facecolor=sns_red, headwidth=6, headlength=8, width=2.0, alpha=0.3),
ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=sns_red)
elif row["Name"] in ("Elisabeth Parker",):["Name"], xy=(x, y), xytext=(x + 0.5, y + 3.5),
arrowprops=dict(facecolor=sns_red, headwidth=6, headlength=8, width=2.0, alpha=0.3),
ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=sns_red)
elif row["Name"] in ("Stephanie Williams",):["Name"], xy=(x, y), xytext=(x + 1.4, y),
arrowprops=dict(facecolor=sns_red, headwidth=6, headlength=8, width=2.0, alpha=0.3),
ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=sns_red)
elif row["Name"] in ("Caitlyn Lee",):["Name"], xy=(x, y), xytext=(x + 1.4, y - 0.5),
arrowprops=dict(facecolor=sns_red, headwidth=6, headlength=8, width=2.0, alpha=0.3),
ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=sns_red)
else:["Name"], xy=(x + adj, y + adj - 0.4),
ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=sns_red)
Goals and Assists vs Blocks
In [13]:
# Plot goals+assists versus Ds, labelling the top 20 performers of both genders
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 11))
ax.plot(m2018stats.Gs + m2018stats.As, m2018stats.Ds, "o", color=sns_blue, **style_args)
ax.plot(w2018stats.Gs + w2018stats.As, w2018stats.Ds, "o", color=sns_red, **style_args)
ax.set_xlabel("Goals + Assists")
ax.set_title("Offensive versus Defensive work")
ax.set_ylim(0, 28)
for _, row in w2018stats[(w2018stats.Ds > 8) |
(w2018stats.Gs + w2018stats.As > 25)].iterrows():
adjustment = 0.2
x, y = row["Gs"] + row["As"], row["Ds"]
color = sns_red
ax.annotate(row["Name"], xy=(x + adjustment,y + adjustment),
ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=color)
for _, row in m2018stats[(m2018stats.Ds > 6) |
(m2018stats.Gs + m2018stats.As > 20)].iterrows():
adjustment = 0.2
x, y = row["Gs"] + row["As"], row["Ds"]
color = sns_blue
ax.annotate(row["Name"], xy=(x + adjustment,y + adjustment),
ha='left', va='center', rotation=30, wrap=True, color=color)
In [ ]: