Day 10: Midterm

  • Computational Physics (PHYS 202)
  • Cal Poly, Spring 2015
  • Brian E. Granger

In class

  • Midterm today!!!

    • Make sure you have pushed all of your days and assignments to GitHub by then.
    • You can use any link in the "Help" menu of the notebook.
    • You can use your past assignments and the course material.
    • Each problem worth 10 points.
    • Budget 40 minutes for each.
  • Turn in assignment07:

      nbgrader submit assignment07 phys202-2015
  • Fetch the midterm:

      nbgrader fetch phys202-2015 midterm
  • Submit when you are done:

      nbgrader submit midterm phys202-2015

Out of class

  • Rest until Monday!
  • Finish any unfinished homework.