In [1]:
# fake BEPS generator
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
% matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sys
from PIL import Image
from scipy.special import erf
import pycroscopy as px
In [2]:
max_mem = 1024*8 # Maximum memory to use, in Mbs. Default = 1024
max_cores = None # Number of logical cores to use in fitting. None uses all but 2 available cores.
In [3]:
# Set-up parameters and file paths
data_type = 'BEPSData'
mode = 'DC modulation mode'
field_mode = 'in and out-of-field'
cwd = os.getcwd()
image_folder =
# Define the dimensions
binning_factor = 4 # Factor by which to downsample the images
n_steps = 64 # Number of UDVS steps per cycle
n_bins = 77 # Number of frequency bins
w1 = 250E3 # Starting frequency
w2 = 325E3 # Ending frequency
FORC_cycles = 3
FORC_repeats = 2
n_cycles = 2
# Define the loop coefficients
a = 1
b = 4
# Path to the HDF5 file that will be created
h5_path = os.path.join(cwd, 'fake.h5')
In [6]:
# Generate the data using the input parameters
fdg = px.FakeDataGenerator(max_mem)
h5_path = fdg.translate(h5_path, n_steps, n_bins, w1, w2,
n_cycles=n_cycles, FORC_cycles=FORC_cycles,
FORC_repeats=FORC_repeats, loop_a=a, loop_b=b, data_type=data_type,
mode=mode, field_mode=field_mode, image_folder=image_folder,
In [4]:
# Open the H5 file and find the Raw_Data dataset
hdf = px.ioHDF5(h5_path)
print('Working on:\n' + h5_path)
h5_main = px.hdf_utils.getDataSet(hdf.file, 'Raw_Data')[-1]
The file contents are stored in a tree structure, just like files on a conventional computer. The data is stored as a 2D matrix (position, spectroscopic value) regardless of the dimensionality of the data. Thus, the positions will be arranged as row0-col0, row0-col1.... row0-colN, row1-col0.... and the data for each position is stored as it was chronologically collected
The main dataset is always accompanied by four ancillary datasets that explain the position and spectroscopic value of any given element in the dataset.
In [5]:
print('Datasets and datagroups within the file:\n------------------------------------')
print('\nThe main dataset:\n------------------------------------')
print('\nThe ancillary datasets:\n------------------------------------')
print('\nMetadata or attributes in a datagroup\n------------------------------------')
for key in hdf.file['/Measurement_000'].attrs:
print('{} : {}'.format(key, hdf.file['/Measurement_000'].attrs[key]))
In [6]:
h5_pos_inds = px.hdf_utils.getAuxData(h5_main, auxDataName='Position_Indices')[-1]
pos_sort = px.hdf_utils.get_sort_order(np.transpose(h5_pos_inds))
pos_dims = px.hdf_utils.get_dimensionality(np.transpose(h5_pos_inds), pos_sort)
pos_labels = np.array(h5_pos_inds.attrs['labels'])[pos_sort]
print(pos_labels, pos_dims)
parm_dict = hdf.file['/Measurement_000'].attrs
is_ckpfm = hdf.file.attrs['data_type'] == 'cKPFMData'
if is_ckpfm:
num_write_steps = parm_dict['VS_num_DC_write_steps']
num_read_steps = parm_dict['VS_num_read_steps']
num_fields = 2
In [7]:
In [8]:
# Get the generated SHO guess and fit
h5_sho_gen_group = px.hdf_utils.findH5group(h5_main, 'SHO_Fit')
h5_sho_gen_guess = h5_sho_gen_group[-1]['Guess']
h5_sho_gen_fit = h5_sho_gen_group[-1]['Fit']
# Do the fit on the generated Raw_Data
sho_fitter = px.BESHOmodel(h5_main, parallel=True)
h5_sho_guess = sho_fitter.do_guess(strategy='complex_gaussian', processors=max_cores)
h5_sho_fit = sho_fitter.do_fit(processors=max_cores)
h5_sho_group = h5_sho_guess.parent
In [9]:
h5_sho_spec_inds = px.hdf_utils.getAuxData(h5_sho_fit, auxDataName='Spectroscopic_Indices')[0]
sho_spec_labels =,'labels')
if is_ckpfm:
# It turns out that the read voltage index starts from 1 instead of 0
# Also the VDC indices are NOT repeating. They are just rising monotonically
write_volt_index = np.argwhere(sho_spec_labels == 'write_bias')[0][0]
read_volt_index = np.argwhere(sho_spec_labels == 'read_bias')[0][0]
h5_sho_spec_inds[read_volt_index, :] -= 1
h5_sho_spec_inds[write_volt_index, :] = np.tile(np.repeat(np.arange(num_write_steps), num_fields), num_read_steps)
(Nd_mat, success) =
print('Reshape Success: ' + str(success))
sho_spec_sort_order = px.hdf_utils.get_sort_order(h5_sho_spec_inds)
sho_spec_labels_sorted = sho_spec_labels[sho_spec_sort_order]
nd_labels = np.hstack((pos_labels, sho_spec_labels_sorted))
In [10]:
px.be_viz_utils.jupyter_visualize_beps_sho(h5_sho_gen_fit, 'AC_Amplitude')
In [ ]:
px.be_viz_utils.jupyter_visualize_beps_sho(h5_sho_fit, 'AC_Amplitude')
In [ ]:
# Do the Loop Fitting on the SHO Fit dataset
loop_success = False
h5_loop_group = px.hdf_utils.findH5group(h5_sho_fit, 'Loop_Fit')
if len(h5_loop_group) == 0:
loop_fitter = px.BELoopModel(h5_sho_fit, parallel=True)
print('No loop fits found. Fitting now....')
h5_loop_guess = loop_fitter.do_guess(processors=max_cores, max_mem=max_mem)
h5_loop_fit = loop_fitter.do_fit(processors=max_cores, max_mem=max_mem)
loop_success = True
except ValueError:
print('Loop fitting is applicable only to DC spectroscopy datasets!')
loop_success = True
print('Taking previously computed loop fits')
h5_loop_guess = h5_loop_group[-1]['Guess']
h5_loop_fit = h5_loop_group[-1]['Fit']
In [ ]:
# Prepare some variables for plotting loops fits and guesses
# Plot the Loop Guess and Fit Results
if loop_success:
h5_projected_loops = px.analysis.utils.be_loop.projectLoop()
h5_proj_spec_inds = px.hdf_utils.getAuxData(h5_projected_loops,
h5_proj_spec_vals = px.hdf_utils.getAuxData(h5_projected_loops,
# reshape the vdc_vec into DC_step by Loop
sort_order = px.hdf_utils.get_sort_order(h5_proj_spec_inds)
dims = px.hdf_utils.get_dimensionality(h5_proj_spec_inds[()],
vdc_vec = np.reshape(h5_proj_spec_vals[h5_proj_spec_vals.attrs['DC_Offset']], dims).T
#Also reshape the projected loops to Positions-DC_Step-Loop
# Also reshape the projected loops to Positions-DC_Step-Loop
proj_nd, _ = px.hdf_utils.reshape_to_Ndims(h5_projected_loops)
proj_3d = np.reshape(proj_nd, [h5_projected_loops.shape[0],
proj_nd.shape[2], -1])
In [ ]:
use_static_plots = False
if loop_success:
if not use_static_plots:
px.be_viz_utils.jupyter_visualize_beps_loops(h5_projected_loops, h5_loop_guess, h5_loop_fit)
print('There was a problem with the interactive visualizer')
use_static_plots = True
if use_static_plots:
for iloop in range(h5_loop_guess.shape[1]):
fig, ax = px.be_viz_utils.plot_loop_guess_fit(vdc_vec[:, iloop], proj_3d[:, :, iloop],
h5_loop_guess[:, iloop], h5_loop_fit[:, iloop],
title='Loop {} - All Positions'.format(iloop))
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