This notebook provides an example how to use the module gridex to read ASCII or binary Nanonis data. Fits of IZ and KPFM curves on a grid are demonstrated and the results are plotted in interactive graphs.
Get the file "" and put it into your working directory or the python import path.
Uses: numpy, scipy, matplotlib, seaborn, IPython, ipywidgets
Tested with Python 3.4 and 3.5, numpy 1.10.1, scipy 0.16.0, matplotlib 1.5.0, seaborn (0.6 gives some warnings, but works as well), IPython 4.0.1, ipywidgets 4.1.0
Alex Riss, 2017
In [1]:
# Import modules and initial setup.
# The "imp.realod" just reloads the module and is convenient for testing (the line can be left out).
%matplotlib notebook
import gridex
import ipywidgets
import IPython
In [2]:
# load binary data
fname = 'data/name.3ds'
datasets[fname] = gridex.GridData()
# fit IZ
In [3]:
# plot the results
# check out the keyboard shortcuts for the plot:
# "m", "M" for markers, arrow keys to move the selected point, "i" to toggle legend, "g" to toggle grid
fname = 'data/name.3ds' # repeat for testing
channels = ['phi_(ev)','fit_r2','fit_sse','z_(m)','amplitude_mean_(m)','amplitude_stddev_(m)']
plots[fname] = gridex.PlotData(datasets[fname])
fig = plots[fname].plot_channels(channels, cmap="Blues_r")
In [4]:
# load ASCII data
fname = 'data/KPFM_dimer_constz_grid2_*.dat'
datasets[fname] = gridex.GridData()
datasets[fname].load_spectroscopy(fname, long_output=False)
datasets[fname].fit_KPFM(x_limit=[-0.8,0.2]) # we can set a x_limit for the fit
In [5]:
# fit KPFM and plot the results
channels = ['v*_(v)','df*_(hz)','fit_r2','fit_sse','amplitude_mean_(m)','amplitude_stddev_(m)']
plots[fname] = gridex.PlotData(datasets[fname])
fig = plots[fname].plot_channels(channels, num_rows=3, cmap='Blues_r') # cmap='Blues'