Google BigQuery

  • Motivated by the structure in the OKCupid usernames, I looked at the reddit data on Google BigQuery.
  • Try to answer the questions:
    • Can we estimate the age distribution of users on reddit from just their usernames?
    • Can we find changes in the age of reddit users since 2007?

In [208]:
%matplotlib inline
import os
import glob
import pylab
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 5)
import seaborn as sns

from matplotlib.dates import date2num
from datetime import datetime

from pysurvey.plot import setup_sns as setup
from pysurvey.plot import minmax, icolorbar, density, legend, text, dateticks

Had to impose a limit so that I did not have to spin up a dataset or something with google.

SELECT author, COUNT(author) as nauthor FROM [fh-bigquery:reddit_comments.2013] GROUP EACH BY author LIMIT 10000

Decided to spin up a dataset and see how well this really works. Google -- thanks for the free trial!

SELECT author, COUNT(*) as count, SUM(ups) as ups, SUM(downs) as downs, FROM [fh-bigquery:reddit_comments.2011] GROUP EACH BY author ORDER BY count DESC

There are a few cohort tables that are a bit more detailed and would be good to use. They have been built for the following months:

  • cohorts_201505
  • cohorts_201508
  • cohorts_201510
  • cohorts_201512
SELECT author, COUNT(*) comments, MIN(created_utc) min_created_utc, MAX(created_utc) max_created_utc, SUM(score) score_sum, MIN(score) score_min, MAX(score) score_max, AVG(score) score_avg, VARIANCE(score) score_var, SUM(gilded) gilded, COUNT(DISTINCT subreddit) subreddits, GROUP_CONCAT(UNIQUE(subreddit)) subreddit_list, SUM(ups) ups, AVG(LENGTH(body)) body_length_avg, SUM(LENGTH(body)) body_length_sum, VARIANCE(LENGTH(body)) body_length_var FROM TABLE_QUERY([fh-bigquery:reddit_comments], "table_id CONTAINS '20' AND LENGTH(table_id)<8") GROUP EACH BY 1

I have some decent compute nodes at my disposal so lets do the clean up and visualization here.

In [76]:
# From:
bots = open('/Users/ajmendez/data/reddit/botlist.txt', 'r').read().splitlines()

In [20]:


In [209]:
titles = []
dfs = []

for filename in glob.glob('/Users/ajmendez/data/reddit/*.csv'):
    # make sure we are just reading the year csvs
    if '20' not in filename:
    title = int(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0])
    df = pd.read_csv(filename)
    tmp = df['author'].str.extract(u'(\d+)')
    df['year'] = title
    df['number'] = tmp.apply(lambda x: int(x) if isinstance(x, (str, unicode)) else np.nan)
    df['nlength'] = tmp.apply(lambda x: len(x) if isinstance(x, (str,unicode)) else 0)
#     df['botname'] = df['author'].str.extract(u'({})'.format('|'.join(bots))) # slow
    df['botname'] = df['author'].str.extract(u'(.*[Bb]ot$)')
    df['isbot'] = df['botname'].notnull()
print('Found Years: {}'.format(', '.join(map(str, titles))))

Found Years: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

In [180]:
reddit = pd.concat(dfs)

In [85]:
# Save it to disk.

Yearly Data

In [22]:
bins = np.arange(0, 101,1)
setup(figsize=(12, 18))

for i, (title,df) in enumerate(zip(titles,dfs)):
    ax = setup(subplt=(len(titles),1,i+1),
               xlabel='Two Digit Number', xticks=(i==len(titles)-1))
    isdigits = (df['nlength'] == 2)
    x = df.loc[isdigits, 'number'].as_matrix()
    pylab.axvline(titles[i]-2000 + 0.5, lw=2, alpha=0.8, zorder=-2, color='k')
    pylab.axvline(titles[i]-22-1900 + 0.5, lw=2, alpha=0.8, zorder=-2, color='r')
    pylab.hist(x, bins=bins, alpha=0.6, lw=0)
    v,l = np.histogram(x, bins)
    ii = np.argsort(-v)[:10]
    print title, l[ii], v[ii]


2007 [42  0 99 11 22 77 13 12  1 21] [51 49 48 47 44 42 40 40 40 35]
2008 [99 12 13 23  0 77 42 11  1 22] [209 187 172 171 163 162 159 156 145 143]
2009 [12 11  1 23  9 13 22 99  0 77] [832 664 661 626 592 591 590 559 504 498]
2010 [12 11 22 10  1  0 23 13 88 99] [1883 1575 1483 1455 1426 1354 1354 1335 1194 1162]
2011 [11 12 13 22 23 88  0  1 21 99] [4417 4310 3905 3378 3255 3154 2966 2642 2609 2595]
2012 [12 13 11 69 22 23 88 21  0 10] [11543 10012  8836  7565  7544  7509  6965  6264  5948  5609]
2013 [13 12 11 23 69 22 88 21  0 10] [17220 16398 12786 12181 12151 11529 10720  9991  9048  8931]
2014 [12 13 11 69 23 22 88 21 10  0] [21692 21337 17203 16936 16132 15426 14302 13116 12386 12346]

In [5]:
bins = np.arange(1960, 2020, 1)
setup(figsize=(12, 18))
for i, (title, df) in enumerate(zip(titles, dfs)):
    ax = setup(subplt=(len(titles),1,i+1), 
               ylabel=titles[i], #ylog=True, yr=[1, 1e4],
               xr=minmax(bins), xlabel='Four Digit Number', xticks=i==len(titles)-1)
    isdigits = (df['nlength'] == 4)
    pylab.axvline(title + 0.5, zorder=-2, lw=2, color='k')
    pylab.hist(df.loc[isdigits, 'number'].as_matrix(), bins=bins, alpha=0.6, lw=0)

In [6]:
def make_bins(xr, yr, ndigit=2):
    x,y = np.arange(xr[0],xr[1]+2), np.arange(yr[0], yr[1]+2), 
    X,Y = np.meshgrid(x*1.0,y*1.0)
    Z = np.zeros( (len(x)-1, len(y)-1) )
    for i,df in enumerate(dfs):
        isdigits = (df['nlength'] == ndigit)
        tmp = df.loc[isdigits, 'number'].as_matrix()
        Z[:, i] = np.histogram(tmp, bins=x, density=True)[0]
    return X, Y,, Z==0)

xr = [0,101]
yr = [2007, 2014]
X,Y,Z = make_bins(xr, yr)

Two Digit Numbers

  • Having a few years of comments, lets look at changes in the distribution.

In [25]:
years = np.arange(2007, 2015)

      xr=[0,100], xlabel='Two Digit Number',
      xtickv=np.arange(0,101, 10) + 0.5, xticknames=np.arange(0,101, 10),
      ylabel='Comment Year', ytickv=years+0.5, yticknames=titles,)
pcm = pylab.pcolormesh(X,Y,Z.T, label='Fraction of Users / bin',
                     vmin=0, vmax=0.04,
                     zorder=-2, alpha=0.9,
icolorbar(pcm, loc=1, borderpad=-4, tickfmt='{:.2f}', width='10%')

years = np.arange(2007, 2016)
pylab.plot(years-2000, years, lw=2, alpha=0.2)

numbers = [42, 69, 77, 33, 22, 88, 55]
for number in numbers:
    pylab.text(number+0.5, 2015, number, ha='center', va='bottom', alpha=0.5)

Two Digit Excess

  • Lets define the excess popuation relative to the mean as this change we would like to measure

In [26]:
NZ =, axis=1), Z.T==0)
      xr=[0,100], xlabel='Two Digit Number',
      xtickv=np.arange(0,101, 10) + 0.5, xticknames=np.arange(0,101, 10),
      ylabel='Comment Year', ytickv=years+0.5, yticknames=titles,)
pcm = pylab.pcolormesh(X,Y,NZ, label='Excess Users / bin',
                     vmin=0.3, vmax=1.8,
                     zorder=-2, alpha=0.9,
icolorbar(pcm, loc=1, borderpad=-4, tickfmt='{:.1f}', width='10%')

numbers = [42, 69, 77, 33, 22, 88, 55]
for number in numbers:
    pylab.text(number+0.5, 2015, number, ha='center', va='bottom', alpha=0.5)

Four Digit Numbers

In [13]:
four_xr = [1960,2021]
four_X,four_Y,four_Z = make_bins(four_xr, yr, ndigit=4)

In [15]:
years = np.arange(2007, 2015)

      xr=four_xr, xlabel='Four Digit Number',
      xtickv=np.arange(1960,2021, 10) + 0.5, xticknames=np.arange(1960,2021, 10),
      yr=yr, ylabel='Comment Year', ytickv=years+0.5, yticknames=titles,)
pcm = pylab.pcolormesh(four_X, four_Y, four_Z.T,  label='Fractional Users / bin',
                       vmin=0, vmax=0.04,
                       zorder=-2, alpha=0.9,
icolorbar(pcm, loc=1, borderpad=-4, tickfmt='{:.2f}')

years = np.arange(2007, 2016)
pylab.plot(years, years, lw=2, alpha=0.5)

# numbers = [42, 69, 77, 33, 23, 88, 55]
# for number in numbers:
#     pylab.text(number+0.5, 2015, number, ha='center', va='bottom')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x147dd7290>]

Excess Four Digit Numbers

In [16]:
years = np.arange(2007, 2015)
four_NZ =, axis=1), four_Z.T==0)
      xr=four_xr, xlabel='Four Digit Number',
      xtickv=np.arange(1960,2021, 10) + 0.5, xticknames=np.arange(1960,2021, 10),
      yr=yr, ylabel='Comment Year', ytickv=years+0.5, yticknames=titles,)
pcm = pylab.pcolormesh(four_X, four_Y, four_NZ,  label='Excess Users / bin',
                       vmin=0.2, vmax=2.8,
                       zorder=-2, alpha=0.9,
icolorbar(pcm, loc=1, borderpad=-4, tickfmt='{:.2f}')
pylab.plot(years, years, lw=4, alpha=0.9)
pylab.plot(years-25, years, lw=4, alpha=0.9, color='k')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x12b550350>]

In [17]:
df = dfs[-1]
isgood = ( (df['nlength'] == 4) & (dfs[-1]['number'] == 1960) )
df.loc[isgood, 'author']

24748           jiohdi1960
157067     elmergantry1960
6358274          yonda1960
6423791          chico1960
Name: author, dtype: object

Cohort Analysis

In [19]:
narr = np.arange(0,101)
numbers = [42, 69, 92]
setup(figsize=(12,4), subplt=(1,3,1), title='"Interesting" numbers',
      xr=yr, xlabel='Year', xtickv=np.arange(2007,2015,2), xticknames=np.arange(2007,2015,2), 
      yr=[0,0.04], ytickv=np.arange(0,0.041,0.01), ylabel='Fraction of users', )
for number in numbers:
    i = np.where(number == narr)[0]
    pylab.plot(Y[:-1,i], Z.T[:,i], lw=3, alpha=0.8, label=number)
legend(loc=1, alpha=0.8)

numbers = [1980, 1982, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992]

# people use 99 in excess of years, so disable for plot
Z99 = Z.T.view()
Z99[:,-3:] = np.nan
setup(subplt=(1,3,2), yticks=False, title='Two Digit Cohort (age)', 
      xr=yr, xlabel='Year', xtickv=np.arange(2007,2015,2), xticknames=np.arange(2007,2015,2), 
      yr=[0,0.04], ytickv=np.arange(0,0.041,0.01), ylabel='Fraction of users', )
for k,number in enumerate(numbers):
    i = np.arange(8)
    j = np.where(number-1900 == narr)[0]
    pylab.plot(Y[:-1,j], Z99[i,j+i], lw=3, alpha=0.8, 
legend(loc=2, alpha=0.8)

narr = np.arange(1960,2020)
setup(subplt=(1,3,3), yticks=False, title='Four Digit Cohort (age)',
      xr=yr, xlabel='Year', xtickv=np.arange(2007,2015,2), xticknames=np.arange(2007,2015,2), 
      yr=[0,0.04], ytickv=np.arange(0,0.041,0.01), ylabel='Fraction of users', )
for k,number in enumerate(numbers):
    i = np.arange(8)
    j = np.where(number == narr)[0]
    pylab.plot(Y[:-1,j], four_Z.T[i,j+i], lw=3, alpha=0.8, 
# legend(loc=2, alpha=0.8)


In [410]:
2015-1992, 2015-1980

(23, 35)

In [135]:
isgood = (dfall['nlength'] == 4)
setup(figsize=(16,5), ytickv=np.arange(2007,2015)+0.5, yticknames=np.arange(2007,2015))
den = density(dfall.loc[isgood, 'number'].astype(int), 
              dfall.loc[isgood, 'year'].astype(int),
              weights=np.ones(isgood.sum())*1e2, vmin=0, vmax=4,
              bins=[np.arange(1950, 2021), np.arange(2007,2015)], 
              ynorm=True, xnorm=False,, colorbar=False)

<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar instance at 0x126589950>


Wikimedia provides an XML dump of the complete revision history for all Wikipedia articles.

In [55]:
wiki = pd.read_csv('/Users/ajmendez/data/usernames/wikipedia.csv')
tmp = df['author'].str.extract(u'(\d+)')
wiki['number'] = tmp.apply(lambda x: int(x) if isinstance(x, (str, unicode)) else np.nan)
wiki['nlength'] = tmp.apply(lambda x: len(x) if isinstance(x, (str,unicode)) else 0)
print len(wiki)


In [171]:
def add_line(year, label, y=11500, color='k',offset=0, **kwargs):
    pylab.axvline(year+0.5, color=color, zorder=-1, alpha=0.2, **kwargs)
    text(year+0.6+offset, y, label, color=color, fontsize=12,
         ha='center', va='top', multialignment='right', rotation=90,
isdigit = (wiki['nlength'] == 2)
setup(figsize=(12,5), title='Wikipedia Revisions',
      ylabel='Number / bin',
      xlabel='Two digit number')
_ = pylab.hist(wiki.loc[isdigit, 'number'].as_matrix(), 
               bins=np.arange(0,101), alpha=0.7, lw=0)
add_line(13, '2013?', color='g', offset=1.5)
add_line(23, '23 years old')
add_line(69, '69', color='DarkBlue')
add_line(42, '42', color='DarkBlue')
add_line(88, '26 years old', color='r')
add_line(92, '22 years old')

Hacker News

DB from 2015?

In [132]:
hn = pd.read_csv('/Users/ajmendez/data/usernames/hackernews.csv')
tmp = df['author'].str.extract(u'(\d+)')
hn['number'] = tmp.apply(lambda x: int(x) if isinstance(x, (str, unicode)) else np.nan)
hn['nlength'] = tmp.apply(lambda x: len(x) if isinstance(x, (str,unicode)) else 0)
print len(hn)


In [175]:
isdigit = (hn['nlength'] == 2)
setup(figsize=(12,5), title='Hacker News Comments',
      ylabel='Number / bin',
      xlabel='Two digit number')
_ = pylab.hist(hn.loc[isdigit, 'number'].as_matrix(),
               bins=np.arange(0,101), alpha=0.7, lw=0)

add_line(13, '2013?', y=650, color='g', offset=1.5)
add_line(23, '23 years old', y=650, offset=1.5)
add_line(69, '69', color='DarkBlue', y=650)
add_line(42, '42', color='DarkBlue', y=650)

add_line(88, '27 years old', color='r', y=650)
add_line(92, '23 years old', y=650)

Compare Reddit / Wikipedia / Hackernews

In [178]:
isdigit = (wiki['nlength'] == 4)
setup(figsize=(12,5), title='Wikipedia Revisions',
      ylabel='Number / bin',
      xlabel='Two digit number')
_ = pylab.hist(wiki.loc[isdigit, 'number'].as_matrix(), 
               bins=np.arange(1960,2021), alpha=0.7, lw=0)
add_line(1991, '23 years old', y=1900)
add_line(2014, '2014', y=1900)

In [176]:
isdigit = (hn['nlength'] == 4)
setup(figsize=(12,5), title='Hacker News Comments',
      ylabel='Number / bin',
      xlabel='Four digit number')
_ = pylab.hist(hn.loc[isdigit, 'number'].as_matrix(), 
               bins=np.arange(1960,2021), alpha=0.7, lw=0)
add_line(1991, '24 years old', y=130)
add_line(1984, '31 years old', y=130)
add_line(2014, '2014', y=130)

In [186]:
isdigit = (reddit['nlength'] == 4)
setup(figsize=(12,5), title='Hacker News Comments',
      ylabel='Number / bin',
      xlabel='Four digit number')
_ = pylab.hist(reddit.loc[isdigit, 'number'].as_matrix(), 
               bins=np.arange(1960,2021), alpha=0.7, lw=0)
add_line(1990, '24 years old', y=y)
add_line(2014, '2014', y=y)

In [201]:
def make_hist(df, label):
    isdigit = (df['nlength'] == 4)
    color = next(pylab.gca()._get_lines.color_cycle)
    pylab.hist(df.loc[isdigit, 'number'].as_matrix(), label=label, histtype='step',
               bins=np.arange(1960,2021), alpha=0.7, lw=2, color=color, normed=True)
    pylab.hist(df.loc[isdigit, 'number'].as_matrix(),
               bins=np.arange(1960,2021), alpha=0.1, lw=0, color=color, normed=True)

      xlabel='Two digit number')
make_hist(wiki, 'Wikipedia')
make_hist(reddit, 'Reddit')
make_hist(hn, 'Hacker News')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x126d27ad0>

In [202]:
def make_hist(df, label):
    isdigit = (df['nlength'] == 2)
    color = next(pylab.gca()._get_lines.color_cycle)
    pylab.hist(df.loc[isdigit, 'number'].as_matrix(), label=label, histtype='step',
               bins=np.arange(0,101), alpha=0.7, lw=2, color=color, normed=True)
    pylab.hist(df.loc[isdigit, 'number'].as_matrix(),
               bins=np.arange(0,101), alpha=0.1, lw=0, color=color, normed=True)

      xlabel='Two digit number')
make_hist(wiki, 'Wikipedia')
make_hist(reddit, 'Reddit')
make_hist(hn, 'Hacker News')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x142deb910>