In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import os
import glob
import pylab
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 5)
import seaborn as sns

import matplotlib.colors
from matplotlib.dates import date2num
from datetime import datetime

from pysurvey.plot import setup_sns as setup
from pysurvey.plot import minmax, icolorbar, density, legend, text, dateticks
# histogram rather than groups SELECT subreddit, created_year as year, INTEGER(ROUND(number, 0)) AS bin, count(*) as count, sum(nauthor) as nauthor FROM ( SELECT author, subreddit, YEAR(sec_to_timestamp(created_utc)) as created_year, COUNT(*) as nauthor, integer(REGEXP_EXTRACT(author, r'(\d+)')) as number FROM TABLE_QUERY([fh-bigquery:reddit_comments], "table_id CONTAINS '20' AND LENGTH(table_id)< 8" ) WHERE (REGEXP_MATCH(author, r'\d{4}') ) GROUP BY author, subreddit, number,created_year ORDER BY nauthor DESC ) WHERE (number > 1900) and (number < 2020) GROUP BY bin, subreddit, year order by year desc, subreddit desc, bin asc

In [9]:
# Only includes up to 2014
# df = pd.read_csv('/Users/ajmendez/data/reddit/subreddit_numbers_eachyear.csv')
# includes out to 2016
df = pd.read_csv('/Users/ajmendez/data/reddit/subreddit_eachyear2_v1.csv', index_col=0)

subreddit year bin count nauthor ntotal nunique nyear ngoodyear age
0 zyzz 2016 1988 1 2 3 3 4 0 28
1 zyzz 2016 1991 1 2 3 3 4 0 25
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
511611 bugs 2007 2019 1 1 1 1 8 0 -12
511612 ads 2007 2000 1 1 1 1 10 0 7

511613 rows × 10 columns

In [292]:
df['age'] = df['year'] - df['bin']

In [244]:
# Update the unique, and totals for simple filtering.
df['ntotal'] = df['nunique'] = 0
for (subreddit, year), d in df.groupby(['subreddit', 'year']):
    isgood = (df['subreddit'] == subreddit) & (df['year'] == year)
    df.loc[isgood, ['ntotal', 'nunique']]  = np.sum(d['count']), len(d)

In [245]:
df['nyear'] = 0
for subreddit, d in df.groupby('subreddit'):
    isgood = (df['subreddit'] == subreddit)
    df.loc[isgood, 'nyear'] = len(np.unique(d['year']))

In [246]:
df['ngoodyear'] = 0
isgood = (df['ntotal'] > 10) & (df['nunique'] > 5)
for subreddit,d in df[isgood].groupby('subreddit'):
    df.loc[isgood & (df['subreddit'] == subreddit), 'ngoodyear'] = len(np.unique(d['year']))

In [293]:
# df.to_csv('/Users/ajmendez/data/reddit/subreddit_numbers_eachyear_v1.csv')

In [296]:
_ = pylab.hist(df['bin'], weights=df['count'], bins=np.arange(1940, 2020, 1), lw=0, alpha=0.7)

In [304]:
numbers = df[df['bin'] != 2000]

In [305]:
yearnorm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(2007,2016)
bins = np.arange(1960, 2007, 2)

V,L = np.histogram(numbers['bin'], bins=bins, weights=numbers['count'])
for k,(year, d) in enumerate(numbers.groupby('year'),1):
    ax = setup(subplt=(2,1,1), xlabel='Year', ylabel='Fraction', xticks=False)
    if k == 1:
        pylab.plot(L[:-1], V*1.0/np.sum(V), lw=2, color='k')

    v,l = np.histogram(d['bin'], bins=bins, weights=d['count'])
    pylab.plot(l[:-1], v*1.0/np.sum(v),  '-s', alpha=0.7,
         , label=year)
    ax2 = setup(subplt=(2,1,2), xlabel='Year', ylabel='Relative Fraction')
    if k == 1:
        pylab.axhline(0, color='k', lw=2)
    pylab.plot(l[:-1], v*1.0/np.sum(v) / (V*1.0 / np.sum(V)) - 1,  '-s', alpha=0.7, 
         , label=year)
legend(ax=ax, loc=2)

In [312]:
yearnorm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(2007,2016)
bins = np.arange(1960, 2000, 2)

V,L = np.histogram(numbers['bin'], bins=bins, weights=numbers['count'])
for k,(year, d) in enumerate(numbers.groupby('year'),1):
    color =
    ax = setup(subplt=(2,1,1), xlabel='Year', ylabel='Fraction', xticks=False)
    v,l = np.histogram(d['bin'], bins=bins, weights=d['count'])
    pylab.plot(year-l[:-1], v*1.0/np.sum(v),  '-s', alpha=0.7, color=color, label=year)
    ax2 = setup(subplt=(2,1,2), xlabel='Year', ylabel='Relative Fraction')
    pylab.plot(year-l[:-1], v*1.0/np.sum(v) / (V*1.0 / np.sum(V)) - 1,  '-s', alpha=0.7, color=color, label=year)
legend(ax=ax, loc=2)

In [303]:
## yearnorm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(2007,2016)

out = np.zeros( (3, 10) )
for k,(year, d) in enumerate(numbers.groupby('year')):
    ax = setup(subplt=(2,1,1), xlabel='Age', ylabel='Cumulative Fraction', xticks=True)
#     pylab.axhline(0.5)
    color =
    bins = np.arange(13,60,1)
    v,l = np.histogram(d['year'] - d['bin'], bins=bins, weights=d['count'])
    x = l[:-1]
    y = np.cumsum(v)*1.0/np.sum(v)
#     avg = np.average(year-d['bin'], weights=d['count'])
    avg = np.interp([0.25, 0.5, 0.75], y, x)
#     pylab.plot(avg, 0.5, 's', markersize=20, color=color)
    out[:, k] = year, avg[1], (avg[2]-avg[0])/2.0
#     pylab.axvline(avg, lw=2, alpha=0.5, color=color)
    pylab.plot(x, y,  '-s', alpha=0.7,
                   color=color, label=year)


In [290]:
ax = setup(figsize=(8,6), 
           xlabel='Year', xr=[2006.5, 2016.5], 
           ylabel='Median Age', yr=[22, 32])
pylab.plot(out[0], out[1], '-s')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x119873b90>]

In [313]:
numbers = df[(df['ngoodyear'] == 10) & (df['year'] != 2000) & (df['year'] != 2001) ]
print np.unique(numbers['subreddit']), len(np.unique(numbers['subreddit']))

['entertainment' 'politics' 'programming' 'science'] 4

In [314]:
yearnorm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(2007,2014)
for k,(subreddit, d) in enumerate(numbers.groupby('subreddit'),1):
    ax = setup(subplt=(2,2,k), title=subreddit, autoticks=True,
              xlabel='age', xr=[10,50], 
               ylabel='Fraction', yr=[0,1])
#     pylab.axvspan(-20, 20, color='0.5', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2),
    for i, (year, e) in enumerate(d.groupby('year')):
        bins = np.arange(year-1998,60, 2)
        v,l = np.histogram(e['year'] - e['bin'], bins=bins, weights=e['count'])
        y = np.cumsum(v)*1.0/v.sum()
        age = np.interp([0.5], y, l[:-1])[0]
        pylab.plot(l[:-1], y,
                   label='{}: {:0.1f}'.format(year, age))
#     break

In [315]:
yearnorm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(2007,2014)
for k,(subreddit, d) in enumerate(numbers.groupby('subreddit'),1):
    ax = setup(subplt=(1,4,k), title=subreddit, autoticks=True,
              xlabel='year', xr=[2006.5,2016.5], 
               ylabel='Fraction', yr=[20,34])
    out = np.zeros( (2, 10) )
    for i, (year, e) in enumerate(d.groupby('year')):
        bins = np.arange(year-1999,60, 1)
        v,l = np.histogram(e['year'] - e['bin'], bins=bins, weights=e['count'])
        x, y = l[:-1], np.cumsum(v)*1.0/np.sum(v)
        avg = np.interp([0.5], y, x)
        out[:, i] = year, avg
    pylab.plot(out[0], out[1], '-s', label='Average: {:0.1f}'.format(np.mean(out[1])))

In [325]:
numbers = df[df['ngoodyear'] >= 8]
print np.unique(numbers['subreddit']), len(np.unique(numbers['subreddit']))

['AskReddit' 'Christianity' 'Cooking' 'DoesAnybodyElse' 'Drugs' 'Economics'
 'Fitness' 'Frugal' 'Health' 'IAmA' 'Libertarian' 'Marijuana' 'MensRights'
 'Music' 'SuicideWatch' 'WTF' 'WeAreTheMusicMakers' 'apple' 'atheism' 'aww'
 'bestof' 'books' 'business' 'canada' 'comics' 'conspiracy' 'economy'
 'entertainment' 'environment' 'fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu' 'food' 'funny'
 'gadgets' 'gaming' 'geek' 'gonewild' 'guns' 'humor' 'linux' 'math'
 'movies' 'news' 'nsfw' 'offbeat' 'philosophy' 'photography' 'pics'
 'politics' 'programming' 'promos' 'relationship_advice' 'science' 'scifi'
 'self' 'sex' 'space' 'sports' 'technology' 'todayilearned' 'videos'
 'web_design' 'wikipedia' 'worldnews' 'worldpolitics'] 64

In [327]:
subreddit_ages = []
for k,(subreddit, d) in enumerate(numbers.groupby('subreddit')):
    out = np.zeros( (3, 10) )
    for i, (year, e) in enumerate(d.groupby('year')):
        bins = np.arange(year-1999,60, 2)
        v,l = np.histogram(e['year'] - e['bin'], bins=bins, weights=e['count'])
        x, y = l[:-1], np.cumsum(v)*1.0/np.sum(v)
        avg = np.interp([0.25, 0.5, 0.75], y, x)
        out[:, i] = year, avg[1], avg[2] - avg[0]
    tmp = np.mean(out[1][out[1] > 0])
    tmp2 = np.mean(out[2][out[2] > 0])
    subreddit_ages.append([subreddit, tmp, tmp2, len(d)])
for i,(subreddit, age, std, nobs) in enumerate(sorted(subreddit_ages, key=lambda x: -x[1])):
    print '{:15s} {: 4.1f} {:4.1f} {:8d}'.format(subreddit, age, std, nobs)

scifi            30.5 14.0      392
environment      29.6 13.2      272
offbeat          29.2 12.3      447
entertainment    29.0 11.2      375
economy          28.9 10.1      168
Cooking          28.3 11.3      342
programming      28.3 12.1      484
books            28.3 11.3      554
Frugal           28.2 10.0      410
conspiracy       27.8 11.6      431
business         27.7 11.7      394
gadgets          27.7 12.2      375
linux            27.6 11.1      308
Health           27.5 11.9      279
guns             27.4 10.7      455
nsfw             27.0 12.5      491
politics         27.0 12.2      870
web_design       27.0  8.6      260
worldpolitics    27.0 12.1      285
Economics        26.8 14.8      369
news             26.8 12.5      663
science          26.7 11.4      700
canada           26.6 10.4      411
technology       26.6 10.9      720
humor            26.5  9.3      257
geek             26.3  9.9      378
photography      26.2 10.3      332
atheism          26.2 11.7      747
food             25.9 10.4      507
space            25.9  9.1      398
worldnews        25.9 11.1      816
gonewild         25.8 11.5      606
Marijuana        25.7 10.9      217
WeAreTheMusicMakers  25.6 13.6      280
WTF              25.5 11.1      838
sports           25.4  9.2      471
pics             25.4 11.0      892
movies           25.3 10.0      685
Christianity     25.3 11.0      377
wikipedia        25.3  7.5      202
self             25.3  9.3      382
funny            25.3 10.8      873
MensRights       25.3 11.9      354
philosophy       25.2  8.9      312
Music            25.2 11.8      714
videos           25.0 10.4      773
todayilearned    24.9 10.0      721
apple            24.9 10.4      390
bestof           24.9  9.6      444
Libertarian      24.8 10.8      364
sex              24.7 11.1      572
AskReddit        24.6 11.0      908
promos           24.6 10.3      394
Fitness          24.5  9.5      527
comics           24.4  9.2      374
aww              24.3  9.7      668
IAmA             24.2 10.2      780
SuicideWatch     24.2 13.5      304
relationship_advice  24.2  9.0      430
DoesAnybodyElse  24.1  9.4      423
gaming           23.9  9.5      794
math             23.6  8.4      278
Drugs            23.6  8.8      373
fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu  22.8  8.2      464

In [11]:
numbers = df[df['nunique'] >= 20]
print len(np.unique(numbers['subreddit']))


In [13]:
subreddit_map = {}
for k,(subreddit, d) in enumerate(numbers.groupby('subreddit')):
    out = np.zeros( (3, 10) )
    for i, (year, e) in enumerate(d.groupby('year')):
        bins = np.arange(year-1999,60, 2)
        v,l = np.histogram(e['year'] - e['bin'], bins=bins, weights=e['count'])
        x, y = l[:-1], np.cumsum(v)*1.0/np.sum(v)
        avg = np.interp([0.25, 0.5, 0.75], y, x)
        out[:, i] = year, avg[1], avg[2] - avg[0]
    tmp = np.mean(out[1][out[1] > 0])
    tmp2 = np.mean(out[2][out[2] > 0])
    subreddit_map[subreddit] = [tmp, tmp2, len(d)]

In [16]:
import json
json.dump(subreddit_map, open('/Users/ajmendez/data/reddit/subreddit_ages.json', 'w'), indent=2)

In [ ]: