We have data X = {$X_i: i={1,...,n}, X_i ~ i.i.d. F$}
All our data is i.i.d. So can check using a correlation matrix -> only checks for linear dependencies -> can plot histogram of correlations to see if there are outliers
Plot scatter plots of each X_i with each other
paired scatter plots - plot subsamples
Ideas: Compute the comparison statistic for independence for "rows" closest to each other vs. farthest away Read paper and compute the independence test
In [1]:
channel = ['Synap','Synap','VGlut1','VGlut1','VGlut2','Vglut3',
'psd','glur2','nmdar1','nr2b','gad','VGAT', 'PV','Gephyr',
'GABAR1','GABABR','CR1','5HT1A', 'NOS','TH','VACht',
channeltype = ['ex.pre','ex.pre','ex.pre','ex.pre','ex.pre','in.pre.small',
print channel
print channeltype
In [1]:
# Import Necessary Libraries
import numpy as np
import os, csv, json
import math
import random
from matplotlib import *
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
import scipy
import itertools
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
from sklearn import cluster
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# pretty charting
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# write new list_of_features to new txt file
csvfile = "../data_normalized/shortenedFeatures_normalized.txt"
# load in the feature data
list_of_features = []
with open(csvfile) as file:
for line in file:
inner_list = [float(elt.strip()) for elt in line.split(',')]
# create list of features
# conver to a numpy matrix
list_of_features = np.array(list_of_features)
In [4]:
# 01A
# read in normalized data locations
csvfile = "data_normalized/locations_normalized.txt"
# load in the feature data
list_of_locations = []
with open(csvfile) as file:
for line in file:
inner_list = [float(elt.strip()) for elt in line.split(',')]
# create list of features
# convert to a numpy matrix
list_of_locations = np.array(list_of_locations)
In [58]:
# 01B
#### this is only to run for non-normalized to see if we get the same results
csvfile = "data/synapsinR_7thA.tif.Pivots.txt"
# load in the feature data
list_of_locations = []
with open(csvfile) as file:
for line in file:
inner_list = [float(elt.strip()) for elt in line.split(',')]
# create list of features
# convert to a numpy matrix
list_of_locations = np.array(list_of_locations)
In [3]:
ten_means = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=10).fit(list_of_features)
In [4]:
true_means = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=17).fit(list_of_features)
In [5]:
thirty_means = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=30).fit(list_of_features)
In [109]:
# compute distances between each centroid
centroids = ten_means.cluster_centers_
print centroids.shape
distances = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(centroids, metric='cosine')
distances = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(distances)
true_centroids = true_means.cluster_centers_
print true_centroids.shape
true_distances = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(true_centroids, metric='cosine')
true_distances = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(true_distances)
thirty_centroids = thirty_means.cluster_centers_
print thirty_centroids.shape
thirty_distances = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(thirty_centroids, metric='cosine')
thirty_distances = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(thirty_distances)
# Plot the distances
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30,9))
im = plt.imshow(distances, cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet'), interpolation='none')
plt.title("Cosine Distance plot of all features Clusters = 10", fontsize=20)
plt.yticks(np.arange(0.5,10.5, 1),fontsize=15)
plt.xticks(np.arange(0.5,10.5, 1),fontsize=15)
vmin, vmax = plt.gci().get_clim()
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
im = plt.imshow(true_distances, cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet'), interpolation='none')
plt.title("Distance plot of all features Clusters = 17", fontsize=20)
plt.yticks(np.arange(0.5,17.5, 1),fontsize=15)
plt.xticks(np.arange(0.5,17.5, 1),fontsize=15)
vmin, vmax = plt.gci().get_clim()
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
im = plt.imshow(thirty_distances, cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet'), interpolation='none')
plt.title("Distance plot of all features Clusters = 30", fontsize=20)
plt.yticks(np.arange(0.5,30.5, 1), fontsize=15)
plt.xticks(np.arange(0.5,30.5, 1), fontsize=15)
vmin, vmax = plt.gci().get_clim()
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
In [6]:
## Running multi scale clustering
numFigs = len(range(2,18,2))
def kmeanTwo(features):
true_means = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=2).fit(features)
labels = np.unique(true_means.labels_)
# create two clusters
cluster1 = features[true_means.labels_ == labels[0]]
cluster2 = features[true_means.labels_ == labels[1]]
clusters = {}
clusters['0'] = cluster1
clusters['1'] = cluster2
return clusters
temp_features = list_of_features
# n = 5
# indices = np.arange(1, math.pow(2,(n-1))+1)
# temp_cluster1, temp_cluster2 = kmeanTwo(temp_features)
def multiScaleKMeans(clusters):
new_clusters = {}
index = 0
for key in clusters.keys():
# return the two clusters for another key
temp_clusters = kmeanTwo(clusters[key])
new_clusters[str(index)] = temp_clusters['0']
index = index+1
new_clusters[str(index)] = temp_clusters['1']
index += 1
# print "In function: "
# print clusters[key].shape
# print temp_clusters['0'].shape
# print temp_clusters['1'].shape
return new_clusters
labels = [np.arange(1,16)]
labels = [str(i) for i in labels]
new_clusters = {}
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30,18))
for i in range(0,4):
if i == 0:
# initial break up
new_clusters = kmeanTwo(temp_features)
new_clusters = multiScaleKMeans(new_clusters)
numticks = len(np.unique(new_clusters.keys()))
# get the euclidean centroids of each cluster
true_centroids = []
for key in new_clusters.keys():
true_centroids.append(np.mean(new_clusters[key], axis=0))
true_centroids = np.array(true_centroids)
true_distances = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(true_centroids, metric='cosine')
true_distances = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(true_distances)
# Plot the distances
im = plt.imshow(true_distances, cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet'), interpolation='none')
plt.title("Cosine Distance plot of all features Clusters = " + str(numticks), fontsize=15)
# plt.yticks(np.arange(0.5,numticks+0.5, 1), labels)
# plt.xticks(np.arange(0.5,numticks+0.5, 1), labels)
ax = plt.gca()
vmin, vmax = plt.gci().get_clim()
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
print sorted(new_clusters.keys())
In [7]:
# summ = 0
# for key in new_clusters.keys():
# summ += new_clusters[key].shape[0]
# print new_clusters[key].shape
# print summ
# go through each label and assign to cluster, and then PCA each cluster
cluster = {}
summ = 0
for label in np.unique(true_means.labels_):
indices = true_means.labels_ == label
cluster[str(label)] = list_of_features[indices,:]
# pca on each cluster
pca = PCA(n_components=3)
pca_clusters = {}
for label in np.unique(cluster.keys()):
X = pca.fit_transform(cluster[label])
pca_clusters[str(label)] = X
# print X.shape
In [23]:
### Create colors array
import colorsys
ClusterIdx = np.array(pca_clusters.keys())
nColors = len(np.unique(ClusterIdx))
HSV_tuples = [(x*1.0/nColors, 0.5, 0.5) for x in range(nColors)]
Colors = np.array(map(lambda x: colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*x), HSV_tuples))
ClusterIdx = [float(f) for f in ClusterIdx]
Cluster2Colors = Colors[ClusterIdx].tolist()
# Downsample random projection of each pca cluster
# downsample to 10,000 points
for key in pca_clusters.keys():
sub_pca_clusters = pca_clusters[key][np.random.choice(range(pca_clusters[key].shape[0]),
size = 500, replace=False), :]
pca_clusters[key] = sub_pca_clusters
# print pca_clusters[key].shape
# X = list_of_features[np.random.choice(range(list_of_features.shape[0]), size=10000, replace=False), :]
# print X.shape
In [27]:
# plot all centroids in 3D space
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,7))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
### Go through each cluster, and extract the pca components (top 3 eigenvectors)
index = 0
for key in pca_clusters.keys():
cluster = pca_clusters[key]
# Plot both the vectors in 3D space
label = str(key) + 'th cluster centroid'
ax.scatter3D(cluster[:,0], cluster[:,1], cluster[:,2], c=Cluster2Colors[index], label=str(label), s=80)
index += 1
# ax.set_xlim((-1.5e-13, 1.0e-13))
# ax.set_ylim((-0.5e-12, 1.1e-12))
# ax.set_zlim((-8e-13, 2e-13))
ax.set_xlabel('PCA Comp. 1')
ax.set_ylabel('PCA Comp. 2')
ax.set_zlabel('PCA Comp. 3')
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
## Uncomment to look at different views
# for ii in xrange(0,360,60):
# for jj in xrange(0, 10, 1):
# ax.view_init(elev=jj, azim=ii)
# plt.savefig("subsample_movie"+str(jj)+"_"+str(ii)+".png")
In [123]:
print pca_clusters.keys()
print pca_clusters['0'].shape
# X = list_of_features[np.random.choice(range(list_of_features.shape[0]), size=1000, replace=False), :]
# print X.shape
# true_means = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=17, affinity='euclidean').fit(X)
In [34]:
colors = np.array([x for x in 'bgrcmykbgrcmykbgrcmykbgrcmyk'])
colors = np.hstack([colors] * 20)
spectral = cluster.SpectralClustering(n_clusters=3,
test = spectral.fit_predict(distances)
# plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], color=colors[y_pred].tolist(), s=10)
plt.scatter(distances, distances, color=colors[test], s=10)
# plt.imshow(distances, s=10)
# fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
# plt.imshow(distances, cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet'))
# plt.title("Distance plot of all features Clusters")
# plt.yticks(np.arange(0.5,10.5, 1))
# plt.xticks(np.arange(0.5,10.5, 1))
# plt.colorbar()
In [38]:
true_indices = true_means.predict(list_of_features)
%reset_selective ten_means thirty_means
In [64]:
from collections import defaultdict
clusters = defaultdict(list)
location_clusters = defaultdict(list)
for i in range(0, len(true_indices)):
print clusters.keys()
print location_clusters.keys()
In [54]:
sum_clust = 0
for key in clusters.keys():
# sum_clust += len(clusters[key])
# print len(clusters[key])
sum_clust += len(location_clusters[key])
print len(location_clusters[key])
print sum_clust
print len(list_of_features)
In [61]:
#### plot of all locations <x,y,z> for all 17 clusters
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,5*17))
numrows = math.ceil(len(location_clusters.keys())/3.) # row in subplot
numrows = len(location_clusters.keys())
# plt.show()
index = 0
for i in location_clusters.keys():
locations = np.array(location_clusters[i])
x_locs = locations[:,0]
y_locs = locations[:,1]
z_locs = locations[:,2]
# plot histogram
plt.subplot(numrows, 3, index+1)
plt.subplot(numrows, 3, index+2)
plt.subplot(numrows, 3, index+3)
plt.xlabel('range of locations')
index += 3 # index for the locations
In [65]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5*17))
index = 1
for i in location_clusters.keys():
locations = np.array(location_clusters[i])
locations = np.linalg.norm(locations, axis=1)
# plot histogram
plt.subplot(numrows, 1, index)
plt.xlabel('range of locations')
index += 1 # index for the locations
# print list_of_locations
Here we are testing for independence in our various data. One thing we want to test is if all our features collected are independent from another.
Another hypothesis we would like to test is independence in data points close to others vs. far away.
03/09/16: Not working with large samples... Possibly because of the bootstrapping occuring within the test?
In [3]:
#### Set up R Independence Test
np.random.seed(12345678) # for reproducibility, set random seed
from rpy2 import robjects
from rpy2.robjects import r
#### Rejects if dependent data
f <- function(x, y, verbose=FALSE) {
if (verbose) {
cat("I am calling independence test with energy package.\n")
energy::indep.test(x, y, method="mvI", R=20)
indep_test = r['f']
X = list_of_features[np.random.choice(range(list_of_features.shape[0]), size=1000, replace=False), :]
print X.shape
In [ ]:
x = robjects.FloatVector(X[:,0])
y = robjects.FloatVector(X[:,24])
test = indep_test(x,y, True)
pval = test[4]
print test
print pval
# r('''
# x <- sin(runif(30, 0, 2*pi) * 2)
# y <- sin(runif(30, 0, 2*pi) * 4)
# test = energy::indep.test(x, y, method="mvI", R=20)
# print(test)
# ''')
In [78]:
np.random.seed(12345678) # for reproducibility, set random seed
# Need to first downsample
rand_indices = random.sample(range(0,len(list_of_locations)), 50000)
# print list_of_locations[rand_indices]
# compute distance matrix of all locations relative to another
true_distances = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(list_of_locations[rand_indices])
# downsample features and locations
list_of_features = list_of_features[rand_indices]
list_of_locations = list_of_locations[rand_indices]
print len(true_distances)
print true_distances.shape
In [ ]:
##### Testing independence for each row that is close to another vs. farthest away #####
# 01: get feature
# 02: get closest and farthest feature using euclidean norm
# 03:
n = len(list_of_features)
pvals = np.array(())
print "The new length of features is: ", n
##01: Get Features
for i in range(0, len(list_of_features)): # loop through each feature and perform step 2
feature = list_of_features[i] # get current features
##02: Get closest and farthest feature
location = list_of_locations[i] # get location
# search for closest location using euclidean norm
# search for all j's * i through pdist struct
j = range(i+1, n)
if i == 0:
indices_to_search = j
indices_to_search = np.dot(i,j)
# store the locations of the ones we have to search through for min/max
compare_locations = true_distances[indices_to_search]
close_index = list(compare_locations).index(min(compare_locations))
far_index = list(compare_locations).index(max(compare_locations))
# convert to indices in the list_of_locations/list_of_features
if i==0:
close_index = close_index
far_index = far_index
close_index = close_index/i
far_index = far_index/i
# find close and far feature
close_feature = list_of_features[close_index]
far_feature = list_of_features[far_index]
##03: compute independence test
# first convert things to R data structures
close_feature = robjects.FloatVector(close_feature)
far_feature = robjects.FloatVector(far_feature)
feature = robjects.FloatVector(feature)
test_close = indep_test(feature, close_feature)
test_far = indep_test(feature, far_feature)
pval_close = test_close[4]
pval_far = test_far[4]
pvals = np.append(pvals, (pval_close, pval_far))