Causal discovery with TIGRAMITE

TIGRAMITE is a time series analysis python module. It allows to reconstruct graphical models (conditional independence graphs) from discrete or continuously-valued time series based on the PCMCI framework and create high-quality plots of the results. This tutorial explains the main features in walk-through examples. It covers:

  1. Basic usage
  2. Plotting
  3. Nonlinear conditional independence tests
  4. Symbolic time series

PCMCI is described here: J. Runge, P. Nowack, M. Kretschmer, S. Flaxman, D. Sejdinovic, Detecting and quantifying causal associations in large nonlinear time series datasets. Sci. Adv. 5, eaau4996 (2019)

For further versions of PCMCI (e.g., PCMCI+, LPCMCI, etc.), see the corresponding tutorials.

See the following paper for theoretical background: Runge, Jakob. 2018. “Causal Network Reconstruction from Time Series: From Theoretical Assumptions to Practical Estimation.” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 28 (7): 075310.

Last, the following Nature Communications Perspective paper provides an overview of causal inference methods in general, identifies promising applications, and discusses methodological challenges (exemplified in Earth system sciences):

1. Basic usage

In [1]:
# Imports

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline     
## use `%matplotlib notebook` for interactive figures
import sklearn

import tigramite
from tigramite import data_processing as pp
from tigramite import plotting as tp
from tigramite.pcmci import PCMCI
from tigramite.independence_tests import ParCorr, GPDC, CMIknn, CMIsymb

Consider time series coming from a data generating process

\begin{align*} X^0_t &= 0.7 X^0_{t-1} - 0.8 X^1_{t-1} + \eta^0_t\\ X^1_t &= 0.8 X^1_{t-1} + 0.8 X^3_{t-1} + \eta^1_t\\ X^2_t &= 0.5 X^2_{t-1} + 0.5 X^1_{t-2} + 0.6 X^3_{t-3} + \eta^2_t\\ X^3_t &= 0.7 X^3_{t-1} + \eta^3_t\\ \end{align*}

where $\eta$ are independent zero-mean unit variance random variables. Our goal is to reconstruct the drivers of each variable. In Tigramite such a process can be generated with the function pp.var_process.

In [2]:
np.random.seed(42)     # Fix random seed
links_coeffs = {0: [((0, -1), 0.7), ((1, -1), -0.8)],
                1: [((1, -1), 0.8), ((3, -1), 0.8)],
                2: [((2, -1), 0.5), ((1, -2), 0.5), ((3, -3), 0.6)],
                3: [((3, -1), 0.4)],
T = 1000     # time series length
data, true_parents_neighbors = pp.var_process(links_coeffs, T=T)
T, N = data.shape

# Initialize dataframe object, specify time axis and variable names
var_names = [r'$X^0$', r'$X^1$', r'$X^2$', r'$X^3$']
dataframe = pp.DataFrame(data, 
                         datatime = np.arange(len(data)), 

First, we plot the time series. This can be done with the function tp.plot_timeseries

In [3]:

It's stationary and doesn't contain missing values (covered in other tutorial). Next, we choose a conditional independence test, here we start with ParCorr implementing linear partial correlation. With significance='analytic' the null distribution is assumed to be Student's $t$. Then we initialize the PCMCI method with dataframe, and cond_ind_test:

In [4]:
parcorr = ParCorr(significance='analytic')
pcmci = PCMCI(

Before running the causal algorithm, it's a good idea to plot the lagged unconditional dependencies, e.g., the lagged correlations. This can help to identify which maximal time lag tau_max to choose in the causal algorithm.

In [5]:
correlations = pcmci.get_lagged_dependencies(tau_max=20, val_only=True)['val_matrix']
lag_func_matrix = tp.plot_lagfuncs(val_matrix=correlations, setup_args={'var_names':var_names, 
                                    'x_base':5, 'y_base':.5});

## Estimating lagged dependencies 


independence test = par_corr
tau_min = 0
tau_max = 20

Since the dependencies decay beyond a maximum lag of around 8, we choose tau_max=8 for PCMCI. The other main parameter is pc_alpha which sets the significance level in the condition-selection step. Here we let PCMCI choose the optimal value by setting it to pc_alpha=None. Then PCMCI will optimize this parameter in the ParCorr case by the Akaike Information criterion among a reasonable default list of values (e.g., pc_alpha = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]).

In [6]:
pcmci.verbosity = 1
results = pcmci.run_pcmci(tau_max=8, pc_alpha=None)

## Step 1: PC1 algorithm with lagged conditions

independence test = par_corr
tau_min = 1
tau_max = 8
pc_alpha = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]
max_conds_dim = None
max_combinations = 1

## Resulting lagged parent (super)sets:

    Variable $X^0$ has 7 link(s):
    [pc_alpha = 0.3]
        ($X^0$ -1): max_pval = 0.00000, min_val =  0.796
        ($X^1$ -1): max_pval = 0.00000, min_val = -0.748
        ($X^3$ -2): max_pval = 0.13715, min_val =  0.048
        ($X^3$ -1): max_pval = 0.19326, min_val = -0.042
        ($X^2$ -1): max_pval = 0.20477, min_val = -0.041
        ($X^3$ -7): max_pval = 0.25822, min_val =  0.036
        ($X^1$ -4): max_pval = 0.26548, min_val =  0.036

    Variable $X^1$ has 4 link(s):
    [pc_alpha = 0.3]
        ($X^1$ -1): max_pval = 0.00000, min_val =  0.695
        ($X^3$ -1): max_pval = 0.00000, min_val =  0.484
        ($X^3$ -7): max_pval = 0.14660, min_val =  0.046
        ($X^2$ -1): max_pval = 0.22144, min_val = -0.039

    Variable $X^2$ has 4 link(s):
    [pc_alpha = 0.2]
        ($X^2$ -1): max_pval = 0.00000, min_val =  0.450
        ($X^1$ -2): max_pval = 0.00000, min_val =  0.447
        ($X^3$ -3): max_pval = 0.00000, min_val =  0.183
        ($X^3$ -1): max_pval = 0.12516, min_val =  0.049

    Variable $X^3$ has 1 link(s):
    [pc_alpha = 0.05]
        ($X^3$ -1): max_pval = 0.00000, min_val =  0.372

## Step 2: MCI algorithm


independence test = par_corr
tau_min = 0
tau_max = 8
max_conds_py = None
max_conds_px = None

## Significant links at alpha = 0.05:

    Variable $X^0$ has 7 link(s):
        ($X^1$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | val = -0.653
        ($X^0$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | val =  0.566
        ($X^1$ -5): pval = 0.00496 | val = -0.090
        ($X^3$ -2): pval = 0.02086 | val =  0.074
        ($X^3$ -1): pval = 0.03017 | val = -0.069
        ($X^0$ -5): pval = 0.03358 | val =  0.068
        ($X^1$ -4): pval = 0.04107 | val =  0.065

    Variable $X^1$ has 3 link(s):
        ($X^3$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | val =  0.663
        ($X^1$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | val =  0.622
        ($X^3$ -7): pval = 0.01579 | val =  0.077

    Variable $X^2$ has 4 link(s):
        ($X^3$ -3): pval = 0.00000 | val =  0.451
        ($X^1$ -2): pval = 0.00000 | val =  0.446
        ($X^2$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | val =  0.425
        ($X^0$ -3): pval = 0.01086 | val =  0.082

    Variable $X^3$ has 1 link(s):
        ($X^3$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | val =  0.372

As you can see from the output, PCMCI selected different pc_alpha for each variable. The result of run_pcmci is a dictionary containing the matrix of p-values, the matrix of test statistic values (here MCI partial correlations), and optionally its confidence bounds (can be specified upon initializing ParCorr). p_matrix and val_matrix are of shape (N, N, tau_max+1) with entry (i, j, \tau) denoting the test for the link $X^i_{t-\tau} \to X^j_t$. The MCI values for $\tau=0$ do not exclude other contemporaneous effects, only past variables are conditioned upon.

In [7]:
print (results['p_matrix'].round(3))
print("MCI partial correlations")
print (results['val_matrix'].round(2))

[[[1.    0.    0.262 0.894 0.886 0.034 0.417 0.255 0.877]
  [0.067 0.296 0.095 0.765 0.502 0.242 0.234 0.899 0.951]
  [0.832 0.657 0.453 0.011 0.359 0.48  0.901 0.243 0.375]
  [0.827 0.656 0.495 0.592 0.643 0.976 0.775 0.931 0.759]]

 [[0.067 0.    0.15  0.51  0.041 0.005 0.559 0.533 0.392]
  [1.    0.    0.911 0.07  0.576 0.556 0.175 0.732 0.741]
  [0.651 0.764 0.    0.231 0.495 0.43  0.423 0.944 0.238]
  [0.153 0.171 0.088 0.989 0.965 0.859 0.915 0.43  0.671]]

 [[0.832 0.1   0.182 0.443 0.37  0.265 0.998 0.89  0.65 ]
  [0.651 0.072 0.594 0.387 0.883 0.765 0.696 0.44  0.69 ]
  [1.    0.    0.074 0.942 0.956 0.626 0.818 0.526 0.942]
  [0.788 0.575 0.332 0.658 0.603 0.65  0.816 0.055 0.851]]

 [[0.827 0.03  0.021 0.597 0.635 0.2   0.392 0.081 0.85 ]
  [0.153 0.    0.558 0.534 0.72  0.284 0.798 0.016 0.162]
  [0.788 0.114 0.781 0.    0.975 0.098 0.265 0.161 0.642]
  [1.    0.    0.937 0.85  0.503 0.657 0.394 0.795 0.567]]]
MCI partial correlations
[[[ 0.    0.57  0.04  0.   -0.    0.07  0.03 -0.04 -0.  ]
  [-0.06 -0.03  0.05  0.01  0.02 -0.04  0.04  0.   -0.  ]
  [ 0.01 -0.01  0.02  0.08 -0.03 -0.02 -0.   -0.04  0.03]
  [ 0.01  0.01  0.02  0.02  0.01 -0.   -0.01 -0.   -0.01]]

 [[-0.06 -0.65  0.05  0.02  0.07 -0.09  0.02  0.02  0.03]
  [ 0.    0.62  0.   -0.06 -0.02 -0.02  0.04 -0.01  0.01]
  [ 0.01 -0.01  0.45  0.04  0.02  0.03 -0.03 -0.   -0.04]
  [-0.05 -0.04 -0.05  0.   -0.   -0.01 -0.   -0.03  0.01]]

 [[ 0.01 -0.05 -0.04  0.02  0.03  0.04 -0.    0.   -0.01]
  [ 0.01  0.06  0.02 -0.03 -0.   -0.01 -0.01 -0.02 -0.01]
  [ 0.    0.43 -0.06  0.   -0.    0.02  0.01  0.02  0.  ]
  [-0.01 -0.02  0.03 -0.01 -0.02 -0.01  0.01  0.06  0.01]]

 [[ 0.01 -0.07  0.07 -0.02  0.02  0.04 -0.03  0.06 -0.01]
  [-0.05  0.66  0.02 -0.02 -0.01  0.03  0.01  0.08 -0.04]
  [-0.01  0.05 -0.01  0.45 -0.   -0.05  0.04  0.04 -0.01]
  [ 0.    0.37 -0.   -0.01 -0.02 -0.01  0.03 -0.01  0.02]]]

If we want to control for the $N^2 \tau_\max$ tests conducted here, we can further correct the p-values, e.g., by False Discovery Rate (FDR) control yielding the q_matrix. At a chosen significance level the detected parents of each variable can then be printed:

In [8]:
q_matrix = pcmci.get_corrected_pvalues(p_matrix=results['p_matrix'], tau_max=8, fdr_method='fdr_bh')
        p_matrix = results['p_matrix'], 
        q_matrix = q_matrix,
        val_matrix = results['val_matrix'],
        alpha_level = 0.01)

## Significant links at alpha = 0.01:

    Variable $X^0$ has 2 link(s):
        ($X^1$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | qval = 0.00000 | val = -0.653
        ($X^0$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | qval = 0.00000 | val =  0.566

    Variable $X^1$ has 2 link(s):
        ($X^3$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | qval = 0.00000 | val =  0.663
        ($X^1$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | qval = 0.00000 | val =  0.622

    Variable $X^2$ has 3 link(s):
        ($X^3$ -3): pval = 0.00000 | qval = 0.00000 | val =  0.451
        ($X^1$ -2): pval = 0.00000 | qval = 0.00000 | val =  0.446
        ($X^2$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | qval = 0.00000 | val =  0.425

    Variable $X^3$ has 1 link(s):
        ($X^3$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | qval = 0.00000 | val =  0.372

2. Plotting

Tigramite offers several plotting options: The lag function matrix (as shown above), the time series graph, and the process graph which aggregates the information in the time series graph. Both take as arguments the boolean link_matrix which denotes significant links by 1. This boolean matrix has to be created from the p-/q-matrix by choosing some alpha_level.

In [9]:
link_matrix = pcmci.return_significant_links(pq_matrix=q_matrix,
                        val_matrix=results['val_matrix'], alpha_level=0.01)['link_matrix']

In the process graph, the node color denotes the auto-MCI value and the link colors the cross-MCI value. If links occur at multiple lags between two variables, the link color denotes the strongest one and the label lists all significant lags in order of their strength.

In [10]:

In [11]:
# Plot time series graph    
    figsize=(6, 4),

While the process graph is nicer to look at, the time series graph better represents the spatio-temporal dependency structure from which causal pathways can be read off. You can adjust the size and aspect ratio of nodes with node_size and node_aspect parameters, and also modify many other properties, see the parameters of plot_graph and plot_time_series_graph.

3. Nonlinear conditional independence tests

If nonlinear dependencies are present, it is advisable to use a nonparametric test. Consider the following model:

\begin{align*} X^0_t &= 0.2 (X^1_{t-1})^2 + \eta^0_t\\ X^1_t &= \eta^1_t \\ X^2_t &= 0.3 (X^1_{t-2})^2 + \eta^2_t \end{align*}

In [12]:
data = np.random.randn(500, 3)
for t in range(1, 500):
    data[t, 0] += 0.4*data[t-1, 1]**2
    data[t, 2] += 0.3*data[t-2, 1]**2
dataframe = pp.DataFrame(data, var_names=var_names)

In [13]:
pcmci_parcorr = PCMCI(
results = pcmci_parcorr.run_pcmci(tau_max=2, pc_alpha=0.2)
        p_matrix = results['p_matrix'], 
        val_matrix = results['val_matrix'],
        alpha_level = 0.01)

## Significant links at alpha = 0.01:

    Variable $X^0$ has 0 link(s):

    Variable $X^1$ has 0 link(s):

    Variable $X^2$ has 1 link(s):
        ($X^0$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | val =  0.234

ParCorr here fails in two ways: (1) It cannot detect the two nonlinear links, (2) it wrongly detects a link $X^0_{t-1} \to X^2_t$ because it also cannot condition out a nonlinear dependency.


Tigramite covers nonlinear additive dependencies with a test based on Gaussian process regression and a distance correlation (GPDC) on the residuals. For GPDC no analytical null distribution of the distance correlation (DC) is available. For significance testing, Tigramite with the parameter significance = 'analytic' pre-computes the distribution for each sample size (stored in memory), thereby avoiding computationally expensive permutation tests for each conditional independence test (significance = 'shuffle_test'). GP regression is performed with sklearn default parameters, except for the kernel which here defaults to the radial basis function + a white kernel (both hyperparameters are internally optimized) and the assumed noise level alpha which is set to zero since we added a white kernel. These and other parameters can be set via the gp_params dictionary. See the documentation in sklearn for further discussion. There also exists a module ( which exploits gpytorch for faster computations on GPUs.

In [14]:
gpdc = GPDC(significance='analytic', gp_params=None)
pcmci_gpdc = PCMCI(

In contrast to ParCorr, the nonlinear links are correctly detected with GPDC:

In [15]:
results = pcmci_gpdc.run_pcmci(tau_max=2, pc_alpha=0.1)
        p_matrix = results['p_matrix'], 
        val_matrix = results['val_matrix'],
        alpha_level = 0.01)

## Significant links at alpha = 0.01:

    Variable $X^0$ has 1 link(s):
        ($X^1$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | val =  0.173

    Variable $X^1$ has 0 link(s):

    Variable $X^2$ has 1 link(s):
        ($X^1$ -2): pval = 0.00000 | val =  0.166

As a short excursion, we can see how GPDC works looking at the scatter plots:

In [16]:
array, dymmy, dummy = gpdc._get_array(X=[(0, -1)], Y=[(2, 0)], Z=[(1, -2)], tau_max=2)
x, meanx = gpdc._get_single_residuals(array, target_var=0, return_means=True)
y, meany = gpdc._get_single_residuals(array, target_var=1, return_means=True)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(8,3))
axes[0].scatter(array[2], array[0], color='grey')
axes[0].scatter(array[2], meanx, color='black')
axes[0].set_title("GP of %s on %s" % (var_names[0], var_names[1]) )
axes[0].set_xlabel(var_names[1]); axes[0].set_ylabel(var_names[0])
axes[1].scatter(array[2], array[1], color='grey')
axes[1].scatter(array[2], meany, color='black')
axes[1].set_title("GP of %s on %s" % (var_names[2], var_names[1]) )
axes[1].set_xlabel(var_names[1]); axes[1].set_ylabel(var_names[2])
axes[2].scatter(x, y, color='red')
axes[2].set_title("DC of residuals:" "\n val=%.3f / p-val=%.3f" % (gpdc.run_test(
            X=[(0, -1)], Y=[(2, 0)], Z=[(1, -2)], tau_max=2)) )
axes[2].set_xlabel("resid. "+var_names[0]); axes[2].set_ylabel("resid. "+var_names[2])

Let's look at some even more nonlinear dependencies in a model with multiplicative noise:

In [17]:
data = np.random.randn(500, 3)
for t in range(1, 500):
    data[t, 0] *= 0.2*data[t-1, 1]
    data[t, 2] *= 0.3*data[t-2, 1]
dataframe = pp.DataFrame(data, var_names=var_names)

Since multiplicative noise violates the assumption of additive dependencies underlying GPDC, the spurious link $X^0_{t-1} \to X^2_t$ is wrongly detected because it cannot be conditioned out. In contrast to ParCorr, however, the two true links are detected because DC detects any kind of dependency:

In [18]:
pcmci_gpdc = PCMCI(
results = pcmci_gpdc.run_pcmci(tau_max=2, pc_alpha=0.1)
        p_matrix = results['p_matrix'], 
        val_matrix = results['val_matrix'],
        alpha_level = 0.01)

/home/rung_ja/anaconda3/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/gaussian_process/ ConvergenceWarning: The optimal value found for dimension 0 of parameter k2__noise_level is close to the specified lower bound 1e-05. Decreasing the bound and calling fit again may find a better value.
/home/rung_ja/anaconda3/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/gaussian_process/ ConvergenceWarning: The optimal value found for dimension 0 of parameter k2__noise_level is close to the specified lower bound 1e-05. Decreasing the bound and calling fit again may find a better value.
## Significant links at alpha = 0.01:

    Variable $X^0$ has 1 link(s):
        ($X^1$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | val =  0.183

    Variable $X^1$ has 0 link(s):

    Variable $X^2$ has 2 link(s):
        ($X^1$ -2): pval = 0.00000 | val =  0.160
        ($X^0$ -1): pval = 0.00800 | val =  0.136

Here we can see in the scatter plot, that the Gaussian Process cannot fit the dependencies and the residuals are, thus, not independent.

In [19]:
array, dymmy, dummy = gpdc._get_array(X=[(0, -1)], Y=[(2, 0)], Z=[(1, -2)], tau_max=2)
x, meanx = gpdc._get_single_residuals(array, target_var=0, return_means=True)
y, meany = gpdc._get_single_residuals(array, target_var=1, return_means=True)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(8,3))
axes[0].scatter(array[2], array[0], color='grey')
axes[0].scatter(array[2], meanx, color='black')
axes[0].set_title("GP of %s on %s" % (var_names[0], var_names[1]) )
axes[0].set_xlabel(var_names[1]); axes[0].set_ylabel(var_names[0])
axes[1].scatter(array[2], array[1], color='grey')
axes[1].scatter(array[2], meany, color='black')
axes[1].set_title("GP of %s on %s" % (var_names[2], var_names[1]) )
axes[1].set_xlabel(var_names[1]); axes[1].set_ylabel(var_names[2])
axes[2].scatter(x, y, color='red', alpha=0.3)
axes[2].set_title("DC of residuals:" "\n val=%.3f / p-val=%.3f" % (gpdc.run_test(
            X=[(0, -1)], Y=[(2, 0)], Z=[(1, -2)], tau_max=2)) )
axes[2].set_xlabel("resid. "+var_names[0]); axes[2].set_ylabel("resid. "+var_names[2])


The most general conditional independence test implemented in Tigramite is CMIknn based on conditional mutual information estimated with a k-nearest neighbor estimator. This test is described in the paper

Runge, Jakob. 2018. “Conditional Independence Testing Based on a Nearest-Neighbor Estimator of Conditional Mutual Information.” In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics.

CMIknn involves no assumptions about the dependencies. The parameter knn determines the size of hypercubes, ie., the (data-adaptive) local length-scale. Now we cannot even pre-compute the null distribution because CMIknn is not residual-based like GPDC and the nulldistribution depends on many more factors. We, therefore, use significance='shuffle_test' to generate it in each individual test. The shuffle test for testing $I(X;Y|Z)=0$ shuffles $X$ values locally: Each sample point $i$’s $x$-value is mapped randomly to one of its nearest neigbors (shuffle_neighbors parameter) in subspace $Z$. Another free parameter is transform which specifies whether data is transformed before CMI estimation. The new default is transform=ranks which works better than the old transform=standardize. The following cell may take some minutes.

In [20]:
cmi_knn = CMIknn(significance='shuffle_test', knn=0.1, shuffle_neighbors=5, transform='ranks')
pcmci_cmi_knn = PCMCI(
results = pcmci_cmi_knn.run_pcmci(tau_max=2, pc_alpha=0.05)
        p_matrix = results['p_matrix'], 
        val_matrix = results['val_matrix'],
        alpha_level = 0.01)

## Step 1: PC1 algorithm with lagged conditions

independence test = cmi_knn
tau_min = 1
tau_max = 2
pc_alpha = [0.05]
max_conds_dim = None
max_combinations = 1

## Variable $X^0$

Iterating through pc_alpha = [0.05]:

# pc_alpha = 0.05 (1/1):

Testing condition sets of dimension 0:

    Link ($X^0$ -1) --> $X^0$ (1/6):
    Subset 0: () gives pval = 0.52100 / val =  0.006
    Non-significance detected.

    Link ($X^0$ -2) --> $X^0$ (2/6):
    Subset 0: () gives pval = 0.98900 / val = -0.004
    Non-significance detected.

    Link ($X^1$ -1) --> $X^0$ (3/6):
    Subset 0: () gives pval = 0.00000 / val =  0.284
    No conditions of dimension 0 left.

    Link ($X^1$ -2) --> $X^0$ (4/6):
    Subset 0: () gives pval = 0.78600 / val =  0.002
    Non-significance detected.

    Link ($X^2$ -1) --> $X^0$ (5/6):
    Subset 0: () gives pval = 0.55100 / val =  0.006
    Non-significance detected.

    Link ($X^2$ -2) --> $X^0$ (6/6):
    Subset 0: () gives pval = 0.27700 / val =  0.011
    Non-significance detected.

    Sorting parents in decreasing order with 
    weight(i-tau->j) = min_{iterations} |val_{ij}(tau)| 

Updating parents:

    Variable $X^0$ has 1 link(s):
        ($X^1$ -1): max_pval = 0.00000, min_val =  0.284

Algorithm converged for variable $X^0$

## Variable $X^1$

Iterating through pc_alpha = [0.05]:

# pc_alpha = 0.05 (1/1):

Testing condition sets of dimension 0:

    Link ($X^0$ -1) --> $X^1$ (1/6):
    Subset 0: () gives pval = 0.44300 / val =  0.008
    Non-significance detected.

    Link ($X^0$ -2) --> $X^1$ (2/6):
    Subset 0: () gives pval = 0.07000 / val =  0.018
    Non-significance detected.

    Link ($X^1$ -1) --> $X^1$ (3/6):
    Subset 0: () gives pval = 0.37700 / val =  0.009
    Non-significance detected.

    Link ($X^1$ -2) --> $X^1$ (4/6):
    Subset 0: () gives pval = 0.50900 / val =  0.007
    Non-significance detected.

    Link ($X^2$ -1) --> $X^1$ (5/6):
    Subset 0: () gives pval = 0.66400 / val =  0.004
    Non-significance detected.

    Link ($X^2$ -2) --> $X^1$ (6/6):
    Subset 0: () gives pval = 0.26700 / val =  0.011
    Non-significance detected.

    Sorting parents in decreasing order with 
    weight(i-tau->j) = min_{iterations} |val_{ij}(tau)| 

Updating parents:

    Variable $X^1$ has 0 link(s):

Algorithm converged for variable $X^1$

## Variable $X^2$

Iterating through pc_alpha = [0.05]:

# pc_alpha = 0.05 (1/1):

Testing condition sets of dimension 0:

    Link ($X^0$ -1) --> $X^2$ (1/6):
    Subset 0: () gives pval = 0.00000 / val =  0.149
    No conditions of dimension 0 left.

    Link ($X^0$ -2) --> $X^2$ (2/6):
    Subset 0: () gives pval = 0.26200 / val =  0.011
    Non-significance detected.

    Link ($X^1$ -1) --> $X^2$ (3/6):
    Subset 0: () gives pval = 0.67700 / val =  0.004
    Non-significance detected.

    Link ($X^1$ -2) --> $X^2$ (4/6):
    Subset 0: () gives pval = 0.00000 / val =  0.242
    No conditions of dimension 0 left.

    Link ($X^2$ -1) --> $X^2$ (5/6):
    Subset 0: () gives pval = 0.11400 / val =  0.016
    Non-significance detected.

    Link ($X^2$ -2) --> $X^2$ (6/6):
    Subset 0: () gives pval = 0.14500 / val =  0.015
    Non-significance detected.

    Sorting parents in decreasing order with 
    weight(i-tau->j) = min_{iterations} |val_{ij}(tau)| 

Updating parents:

    Variable $X^2$ has 2 link(s):
        ($X^1$ -2): max_pval = 0.00000, min_val =  0.242
        ($X^0$ -1): max_pval = 0.00000, min_val =  0.149

Testing condition sets of dimension 1:

    Link ($X^1$ -2) --> $X^2$ (1/2):
    Subset 0: ($X^0$ -1)  gives pval = 0.00000 / val =  0.070
    No conditions of dimension 1 left.

    Link ($X^0$ -1) --> $X^2$ (2/2):
    Subset 0: ($X^1$ -2)  gives pval = 0.14900 / val =  0.022
    Non-significance detected.

    Sorting parents in decreasing order with 
    weight(i-tau->j) = min_{iterations} |val_{ij}(tau)| 

Updating parents:

    Variable $X^2$ has 1 link(s):
        ($X^1$ -2): max_pval = 0.00000, min_val =  0.070

Algorithm converged for variable $X^2$

## Resulting lagged parent (super)sets:

    Variable $X^0$ has 1 link(s):
        ($X^1$ -1): max_pval = 0.00000, min_val =  0.284

    Variable $X^1$ has 0 link(s):

    Variable $X^2$ has 1 link(s):
        ($X^1$ -2): max_pval = 0.00000, min_val =  0.242

## Step 2: MCI algorithm


independence test = cmi_knn
tau_min = 0
tau_max = 2
max_conds_py = None
max_conds_px = None

        link ($X^0$ -1) --> $X^0$ (1/8):
        with conds_y = [ ($X^1$ -1) ]
        with conds_x = [ ($X^1$ -2) ]

        link ($X^0$ -2) --> $X^0$ (2/8):
        with conds_y = [ ($X^1$ -1) ]
        with conds_x = [ ($X^1$ -3) ]

        link ($X^1$  0) --> $X^0$ (3/8):
        with conds_y = [ ($X^1$ -1) ]
        with conds_x = [ ]

        link ($X^1$ -1) --> $X^0$ (4/8):
        with conds_y = [ ]
        with conds_x = [ ]

        link ($X^1$ -2) --> $X^0$ (5/8):
        with conds_y = [ ($X^1$ -1) ]
        with conds_x = [ ]

        link ($X^2$  0) --> $X^0$ (6/8):
        with conds_y = [ ($X^1$ -1) ]
        with conds_x = [ ($X^1$ -2) ]

        link ($X^2$ -1) --> $X^0$ (7/8):
        with conds_y = [ ($X^1$ -1) ]
        with conds_x = [ ($X^1$ -3) ]

        link ($X^2$ -2) --> $X^0$ (8/8):
        with conds_y = [ ($X^1$ -1) ]
        with conds_x = [ ($X^1$ -4) ]

        link ($X^0$  0) --> $X^1$ (1/8):
        with conds_y = [ ]
        with conds_x = [ ($X^1$ -1) ]

        link ($X^0$ -1) --> $X^1$ (2/8):
        with conds_y = [ ]
        with conds_x = [ ($X^1$ -2) ]

        link ($X^0$ -2) --> $X^1$ (3/8):
        with conds_y = [ ]
        with conds_x = [ ($X^1$ -3) ]

        link ($X^1$ -1) --> $X^1$ (4/8):
        with conds_y = [ ]
        with conds_x = [ ]

        link ($X^1$ -2) --> $X^1$ (5/8):
        with conds_y = [ ]
        with conds_x = [ ]

        link ($X^2$  0) --> $X^1$ (6/8):
        with conds_y = [ ]
        with conds_x = [ ($X^1$ -2) ]

        link ($X^2$ -1) --> $X^1$ (7/8):
        with conds_y = [ ]
        with conds_x = [ ($X^1$ -3) ]

        link ($X^2$ -2) --> $X^1$ (8/8):
        with conds_y = [ ]
        with conds_x = [ ($X^1$ -4) ]

        link ($X^0$  0) --> $X^2$ (1/8):
        with conds_y = [ ($X^1$ -2) ]
        with conds_x = [ ($X^1$ -1) ]

        link ($X^0$ -1) --> $X^2$ (2/8):
        with conds_y = [ ($X^1$ -2) ]
        with conds_x = [ ($X^1$ -2) ]

        link ($X^0$ -2) --> $X^2$ (3/8):
        with conds_y = [ ($X^1$ -2) ]
        with conds_x = [ ($X^1$ -3) ]

        link ($X^1$  0) --> $X^2$ (4/8):
        with conds_y = [ ($X^1$ -2) ]
        with conds_x = [ ]

        link ($X^1$ -1) --> $X^2$ (5/8):
        with conds_y = [ ($X^1$ -2) ]
        with conds_x = [ ]

        link ($X^1$ -2) --> $X^2$ (6/8):
        with conds_y = [ ]
        with conds_x = [ ]

        link ($X^2$ -1) --> $X^2$ (7/8):
        with conds_y = [ ($X^1$ -2) ]
        with conds_x = [ ($X^1$ -3) ]

        link ($X^2$ -2) --> $X^2$ (8/8):
        with conds_y = [ ($X^1$ -2) ]
        with conds_x = [ ($X^1$ -4) ]

## Significant links at alpha = 0.05:

    Variable $X^0$ has 1 link(s):
        ($X^1$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | val =  0.284

    Variable $X^1$ has 0 link(s):

    Variable $X^2$ has 1 link(s):
        ($X^1$ -2): pval = 0.00000 | val =  0.242

## Significant links at alpha = 0.01:

    Variable $X^0$ has 1 link(s):
        ($X^1$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | val =  0.284

    Variable $X^1$ has 0 link(s):

    Variable $X^2$ has 1 link(s):
        ($X^1$ -2): pval = 0.00000 | val =  0.242

In [21]:
## Significant links at alpha = 0.01:

#     Variable $X^0$ has 1 link(s):
#         ($X^1$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | val = 0.284

#     Variable $X^1$ has 0 link(s):

#     Variable $X^2$ has 1 link(s):
#         ($X^1$ -2): pval = 0.00000 | val = 0.242

In [22]:
link_matrix = pcmci_cmi_knn.return_significant_links(pq_matrix=results['p_matrix'],
                        val_matrix=results['val_matrix'], alpha_level=0.01)['link_matrix']
    vmax_edges = 0.3,

Here CMIknn correctly detects the true links and also unveils the spurious link. While CMIknn may now seem as the best independence test choice, we have to note that the generality comes at the cost of much lower power for the case that the dependencies actually follow some parametric form. Then ParCorr or GPDC are much more powerful measures. Of course, ParCorr also detects linear links better than GPDC.

4. Symbolic time series

Symbolic (or discrete) data may arise naturally or continuously-valued time series can be converted to symbolic data. To accommodate such time series, Tigramite includes the CMIsymb conditional independence test based on conditional mutual information estimated directly from the histogram of discrete values. Usually a (quantile-)binning applied to continuous data in order to use a discrete CMI estimator is not recommended (rather use CMIknn), but here we do it anyway to get some symbolic data. We again consider the nonlinear time series example and convert to a symbolic series with 4 bins.

In [23]:
data = np.random.randn(2000, 3)
for t in range(1, 2000):
    data[t, 0] += 0.4*data[t-1, 1]**2
    data[t, 2] += 0.3*data[t-2, 1]**2
data = pp.quantile_bin_array(data, bins=4)
dataframe = pp.DataFrame(data, var_names=var_names)
tp.plot_timeseries(dataframe, figsize=(10,4));

CMIsymb is initialized with n_symbs=None implying that the number of symbols is determined as n_symbs=data.max()+1. Again, we have to use a shuffle test. Symbolic CMI works not very well here, only for 2000 samples was the correct graph reliably detected.

In [24]:
# cmi_symb = CMIsymb(significance='shuffle_test', n_symbs=None)
# pcmci_cmi_symb = PCMCI(
#     dataframe=dataframe, 
#     cond_ind_test=cmi_symb)
# results = pcmci_cmi_symb.run_pcmci(tau_max=2, pc_alpha=0.2)
# pcmci_cmi_symb.print_significant_links(
#         p_matrix = results['p_matrix'], 
#         val_matrix = results['val_matrix'],
#         alpha_level = 0.01)

In [25]:
## Significant links at alpha = 0.01:

#     Variable $X^0$ has 1 link(s):
#         ($X^1$ -1): pval = 0.00000 | val = 0.040

#     Variable $X^1$ has 0 link(s):

#     Variable $X^2$ has 1 link(s):
#         ($X^1$ -2): pval = 0.00000 | val = 0.065

In [ ]:

In [ ]: