In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import pytz
from astroplan import Observer, FixedTarget
In [ ]:
my_date1 = Time("2017-11-06 13:40:15", format='iso')
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
my_date2 = Time("2017-11-06", format='iso')
In [ ]:
current_time = # Current UTC Time
In [ ]:
print("The current time is {0}".format(current_time))
In [ ]:
print("The current Julian Date is {0:.2f}".format(current_time.jd))
print("The current Modified Julian Date is {0:.2f}".format(current_time.mjd))
print("The current unix Epoch is {0:.2f}".format(current_time.unix)) # Seconds since (Jan 01, 1970 00:00:00 UTC)
print("The current fraction of a year is {0:.2f}".format(current_time.decimalyear))
In [ ]:
print("In 1 hour and 25 minutes it will be {0} UTC".format(current_time + 1*u.h + 25*u.min))
In [ ]:
Christmas = Time("2017-12-25 00:00:00", format='iso')
delta_xmas = Christmas - current_time
print("It is {0:.2f} days until christmas, which is {1:.2f} fortnights, or {2:.2f} seconds"
is used to try to deal with local timezones
In [ ]:
my_timezone = pytz.timezone('US/Pacific')
local_now = current_time.to_datetime(my_timezone)
In [ ]:
print("The current local time is {0}".format(local_now))
In [ ]:
# Nepal is in a strange timezone!
everest_timezone = pytz.timezone('Asia/Kathmandu')
everest_local_now = current_time.to_datetime(everest_timezone)
In [ ]:
print("The current local time on Mt. Everest is {0}".format(everest_local_now))
calculates the times of events to a very high accuracy. To do this, is has to account for the fact that Earth's rotation period is constantly changing due to tidal forces and changes in the Earth's moment of inertia.
To do this, AstroPy
uses a time convention called UT1
. This system is tied to the rotation of the Earth with repect to the positions of distant quasars. Since the Earth's rotation is constantly changing, the time system UT1
is constanly changing with repect to UTC
The orientation of the Earth, which must be measured continuously to keep UT1
accurate. This measurement is logged by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS). They publish a "bulletin" with the most recent measurements of the Earth's orientation. This bulletin is constantly being updated.
You will run into occasions when you will get a warning that your dates are out of range of the IERS bulletin. To update the bulletin, run the follow block of code:
In [ ]:
from astroplan import download_IERS_A
In [ ]:
astrolab = Observer(longitude = -122.311473 * u.deg,
latitude = 47 * u.deg + 39 * u.arcmin + 15 * u.arcsec,
elevation = 63.4 * u.m,
timezone = 'US/Pacific',
name = "Astrolab"
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
sunset_here = astrolab.sun_set_time(current_time, which='nearest')
print("Sunset will be at {0.iso} UTC".format(sunset_here))
In [ ]:
print("Sunset will be at {0} local time".format(sunset_here.to_datetime(my_timezone)))
The Manastash Ridge Observatory (MRO) is operated by the Astronomy Department of the University of Washington, for the training of graduate and undergraduate students, as well as for astronomical research.
In [ ]:
mro = Observer.at_site('mro') # many observatories are built-in to astroplan
In [ ]:
sunset_mro = mro.sun_set_time(current_time, which='nearest')
print("Sunset at MRO will be at {0} local time".format(sunset_mro.to_datetime(my_timezone)))
In [ ]:
(sunset_here - sunset_mro).to(u.min)
In [ ]:
midnight_mro = mro.midnight(current_time, which='next')
In [ ]:
astro_set = mro.twilight_evening_astronomical(current_time, which='nearest')
astro_rise = mro.twilight_morning_astronomical(current_time, which='next')
print("Astronomical Evening Twilight starts at {0.iso} UTC".format(astro_set))
print("Astronomical Midnight is at {0.iso} UTC".format(midnight_mro))
print("Astronomical Morning Twilight starts at {0.iso} UTC".format(astro_rise))
In [ ]:
observing_length = (astro_rise - astro_set).to(u.h)
print("You can observe for {0:.1f} at MRO tonight".format(observing_length))
In [ ]:
# Local Times
print("Tonight's observing at MRO starts at {0},\n peaks at {1} and,\n ends at {2} local time"
In [ ]:
coords = SkyCoord('02h19m00.0s', '+57d07m042s', frame='icrs')
ngc869 = FixedTarget(name='NGC869', coord=coords)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
mro.target_is_up(midnight_mro, ngc869)
In [ ]:
where_to_look = mro.altaz(midnight_mro, ngc869)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
my_target = FixedTarget.from_name("m31")
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
from astropy.coordinates import get_sun, get_body, get_moon
from astroplan import moon_illumination
In [ ]:
sun_now = get_body('sun',current_time)
In [ ]:
sun_location = astrolab.altaz(current_time, sun_now)
In [ ]:
moon_now = get_body('moon',current_time)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
moon_midnight = FixedTarget(name='Moon', coord=get_body('moon',midnight_mro))
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
my_target = FixedTarget.from_name("m31")
In [ ]:
mro.target_is_up(midnight_mro, my_target)
In [ ]:
altaz_my_target = astrolab.altaz(midnight_mro, my_target)
In [ ]:
# You can find the airmass by using the .secz method
In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astroplan import time_grid_from_range
from astroplan.plots import plot_sky, plot_airmass
In [ ]:
plot_sky(my_target, mro, midnight_mro);
In [ ]:
start_time = astro_set
end_time = astro_rise
observing_range = [astro_set, astro_rise]
time_grid = time_grid_from_range(observing_range)
plot_sky(my_target, mro, time_grid);
In [ ]:
plot_airmass(my_target, mro, time_grid);
In [ ]:
low_target = FixedTarget.from_name("Diphda")
In [ ]:
mro.target_is_up(midnight_mro, low_target)
In [ ]:
plot_sky(low_target, mro, time_grid);
In [ ]:
plot_airmass(low_target, mro, time_grid);
In [ ]:
# astroplan sets the default limits of the airmass plot to [3,0].
# If you want to see a target at a higher airmass you have to set the limits yourself.
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
plot_airmass(low_target, mro, time_grid)
As you can see, this is bad target for observation at MRO.
In [ ]:
from astroplan.plots import plot_finder_image
from astroquery.skyview import SkyView
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
# plot_finder_image defaults to a field of view of 10 u*arcmin
# You can specify a different fov
plot_finder_image(ngc869, fov_radius= 1.3 *
In [ ]:
plot_finder_image(my_target, fov_radius= 120 * u.arcmin)