Planning Observations

Planning of observations is currently a weakness in python. We have the following packages to perform this task:

  • pyephem - works well, but is not maitained anymore and a bit obsolete
  • astropy - has basic operations (i.e. compute altaz of sources) but has no high-level functionalities
  • astroplan - aims many interesting and useful features but it is at a very early stage and some features do not work (and it is slow!)

Here we will mostly review astroplan as we believe it will be adopted by astropy and possibly become a reference.

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn
from import fits
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12, 8)
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 14
plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2
plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 13
plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 13
plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 14
plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 13

In order to know the altitude and azimuth of a fixed target in the sky we will mainly need to know:

  • The location of the target (on Sky)
  • The location of the observer (on Earth)
  • The time

Let's define first the target we want to observe:

In [ ]:
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astroplan import FixedTarget

coordinates = SkyCoord('18h18m48.0s', '−13d49m0.0s', frame='icrs')
eagle_nebula = FixedTarget(name='M16', coord=coordinates)
print (eagle_nebula)

You can also search by its name if it is in CDS...

In [ ]:
eagle_nebula = FixedTarget.from_name('M16')
print (eagle_nebula)

Now we should specify where the observer will be on Earth:

In [ ]:
from astroplan import Observer
observer = Observer.at_site('lapalma')
print (observer)

But maybe we are picky and want the exact location (or specify a different location that is not present in the database...)

In [ ]:
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation
#from pytz import timezone
from astroplan import Observer

longitude = '-17d52m54s'
latitude = '28d45m38s'
elevation = 2344 * u.m
location = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(longitude, latitude, elevation)

observer = Observer(name='WHT',
                    pressure=0.615 *,
                    temperature=18 * u.deg_C,
                    description="Our beloved William Herschel Telescope")
print (observer)

Finally we need to set up the time, which by default is set in UTC.

In [ ]:
from astropy.time import Time
time = Time('2017-09-15 23:30:00')

Let's ask python if we can see the Nebula tonight from la palma:

In [ ]:
observer.target_is_up(time, eagle_nebula)

We assume that at 11.30 pm will be dark, but let's make sure...

In [ ]:

You might get an IERS warning (International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service) to update the Earth Location. For more info:

Let's do it:

In [ ]:
from astroplan import download_IERS_A

Calculate rise/set/meridian transit times

It can also provide information about all the twilight times:

In [ ]:
observer.sun_set_time(time, which='nearest').iso

By default it set's the nearest sunset but you can specify also next or previous.

In [ ]:
observer.sun_set_time(time, which='next').iso

In [ ]:
observer.twilight_evening_civil(time, which='nearest').iso

In [ ]:
observer.twilight_evening_nautical(time, which='nearest').iso

In [ ]:
observer.twilight_evening_astronomical(time, which='nearest').iso

Similarly, we can ask when the target will be raising or setting:

In [ ]:
observer.target_rise_time(time, eagle_nebula).iso

In [ ]:
observer.target_set_time(time, eagle_nebula).iso

Calculate alt/az positions for targets and Airmass

With this information we can also ask what is the Altitute and Azimuth of our target at that specific time

In [ ]:
altaz_eagle = observer.altaz(time, eagle_nebula)

With the integrated sec function we can easily get the Airmass

In [ ]:

We can now aim to make an altitude plot scanning the altitude of our target every hour

In [ ]:
from astropy.time import TimeDelta

time_list = []
airmass_list = []
current_time = observer.sun_set_time(time, which='nearest') 

while current_time < observer.sun_rise_time(time, which='nearest'):
    current_altaz = observer.altaz(current_time, eagle_nebula)
    if current_altaz.alt > 0:
    current_time += TimeDelta(3600, format='sec')    
plt.plot(time_list, airmass_list)

Fortunately, there is a function that does it (much faster) within the day around the date we provide:

In [ ]:
from astroplan.plots import plot_airmass

middle_of_the_night = Time('2017-09-16 01:00:00')


We can also give a range of dates to focus on a specific region of time (dark time)

In [ ]:
from astroplan.plots import dark_style_sheet

start_time = observer.sun_set_time(time, which='nearest') 
end_time = observer.sun_rise_time(time, which='nearest') 
delta_t = end_time - start_time
observe_time = start_time + delta_t*np.linspace(0, 1, 75)

andromeda = FixedTarget.from_name('M31')
pleiades = FixedTarget.from_name('M45')

some_nice_stuff_to_look_tonight = [eagle_nebula, andromeda, pleiades]


Making sky charts

In [ ]:
from astroplan.plots import plot_sky

plot_sky(eagle_nebula, observer, middle_of_the_night)
plot_sky(pleiades, observer, middle_of_the_night)
plot_sky(andromeda, observer, middle_of_the_night)


In [ ]:
observe_time = Time('2000-03-15 17:00:00')
observe_time = observe_time + np.linspace(-4, 5, 10)*u.hour

plot_sky(pleiades, observer, observe_time)

plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.25, 0.5))

Finder Chart Image

Astroplan also provides the option to display sky charts from a list of surveys (but it goes really slow..)

In [ ]:
from astroplan.plots import plot_finder_image

plot_finder_image(eagle_nebula, survey='DSS', log=True)

Defining constraints

If this would work we could run it here but...

Scheduling observations

If this would work we could run it here but...