In [3]:
from __future__ import division
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import re
import copy
from pprint import pprint
from glob import glob

In [4]:
def create_localizer_block_single_effector(n_trials, response_modality='eye', 
                                           block_number=None, pseudorandomize=True, 
                                           add_timing=True, null_trials=0, TR=2, feedback=False):
    # Only two trial types here: 'left' is correct, or 'right' is correct
    trial_types = np.repeat([0, 1], repeats=n_trials/2)  # left/right
#     trial_types = np.hstack((np.repeat([0, 1], repeats=n_trials / 4),   # Pro-saccadic cue, left/right corr
#                              np.repeat([2, 3], repeats=n_trials / 4)))  # Anti-saccadic cue, left/right corr
    # Initialize arrays
    cue_by_trial = np.zeros(n_trials, dtype='<U5')
    correct_answers = np.zeros(n_trials, dtype=np.int8)

    # Define the cues for every trial
    cue_by_trial[(trial_types == 0)] = 'LEFT'
    cue_by_trial[(trial_types == 1)] = 'RIGHT'
#     cue_by_trial[(trial_types == 2) | (trial_types == 3)] = 'anti'

    # Define the responses ('correct answers')/directions for every trial
    correct_answers[trial_types == 0] = 0
    correct_answers[trial_types == 1] = 1
#     correct_answers[(trial_types == 0) | (trial_types == 2)] = 0  # 0 = respond LEFT
#     correct_answers[(trial_types == 1) | (trial_types == 3)] = 1  # 1 = respond RIGHT
    # Create dataframe for easier handling
    trial_data = pd.DataFrame({'correct_answer': correct_answers,
                               'cue': cue_by_trial,
                               'trial_type': trial_types})
    # Should we pseudorandomize?
    if pseudorandomize:
        trial_data = Pseudorandomizer(trial_data, max_identical_iters={'correct_answer': 2,
                                                                       'cue': 2}).run()
    trial_data['null_trial'] = False
    if null_trials > 0:
        trial_data = add_pseudorandom_null_trials(trial_data, n_null_trials=null_trials)
    # Add block number for completeness
    if block_number is not None:
        trial_data['block'] = block_number
        trial_data['block_type'] = 'localizer'

    # Usually, we also want to add the duration of all the 'trial phases'
    if add_timing:
        # Set phase_3 and phase_0 to 0 (no post-cue fixcross, no feedback)
        if feedback:
            phase_6 = 1
            phase_6 = None
        trial_data = get_localizer_timing(trial_data, phase_6=phase_6, TR=TR)
    trial_data['response_modality'] = response_modality.lower()
    return trial_data

In [5]:
def create_cognitive_block(n_trials, block_number=None, response_modality=None, 
                           add_timing=True, pseudorandomize=True, n_null_trials=0, TR=2, cue=None, **kwargs):
    Creates a block of SAT-trials; mixing speed and accuracy trials
    trial_types = np.hstack((np.repeat([0, 1], repeats=n_trials / 4),   # SPEED cue, left/right corr
                             np.repeat([2, 3], repeats=n_trials / 4)))  # ACCURACY cue, left/right corr

    if trial_types.shape[0] != n_trials:
        raise(ValueError('The provided n_trials (%d) could not be split into the correct number of trial types. '
                         'Closest option is %d trials' % (n_trials, trial_types.shape[0])))

    cue_by_trial = np.zeros(n_trials, dtype='<U5')
    correct_answers = np.zeros(n_trials, dtype=np.int8)

    cue_by_trial[(trial_types == 0) | (trial_types == 1)] = 'SPD'
    cue_by_trial[(trial_types == 2) | (trial_types == 3)] = 'ACC'

    correct_answers[(trial_types == 0) | (trial_types == 2)] = 0  # 0 = left is correct
    correct_answers[(trial_types == 1) | (trial_types == 3)] = 1  # 1 = right is correct

    # Create dataframe for easier handling
    trial_data = pd.DataFrame({'correct_answer': correct_answers,
                               'cue': cue_by_trial,
                               'trial_type': trial_types})
    if pseudorandomize:
        trial_data = Pseudorandomizer(trial_data, 
                                      max_identical_iters={'cue': 4, 'correct_answer': 4}).run()
    if n_null_trials > 0:
        trial_data['null_trial'] = False
        trial_data = add_pseudorandom_null_trials(trial_data, 

    if block_number is not None:
        trial_data['block'] = block_number
    if response_modality is not None:
        trial_data['response_modality'] = response_modality
        trial_data['block_type'] = 'cognitive_%s' % response_modality 

    if add_timing:
        trial_data = get_block_timing(trial_data, TR=TR, **kwargs)  # Add default timing
    if cue is not None:
        trial_data['cue'] = cue
    return trial_data

In [34]:
def create_limbic_block(n_trials, subject_number=1, block_number=None, 
                        response_modality=None, add_timing=True, pseudorandomize=True,
                        n_null_trials=0, TR=2, **kwargs):
    trial_types = np.hstack((np.repeat([0, 1], repeats=n_trials/4),    # Neutral cue, left/right corr
                             np.repeat([2, 3], repeats=n_trials/8),    # Left cue, left/right corr
                             np.repeat([4, 5], repeats=n_trials/8)))   # Right cue, left/right corr

    if 'random_sample_trials' in kwargs:
        # Randomly sample some trials from the created array.
        trial_types = trial_types[np.random.choice(a=[0, 2, 5, 4], size=kwargs['random_sample_trials'])]
        n_trials = trial_types.shape[0]
        if trial_types.shape[0] != n_trials:
            raise(ValueError('The provided n_trials (%d) could not be split into the correct number of trial types. '
                         'Closest option is %d trials' % (n_trials, trial_types.shape[0])))

    cue_by_trial = np.zeros(n_trials, dtype='<U5')
    correct_answers = np.zeros(n_trials, dtype=np.int8)

    cue_by_trial[(trial_types == 0) | (trial_types == 1)] = 'NEU'
    cue_by_trial[(trial_types == 2) | (trial_types == 3)] = 'LEFT'
    cue_by_trial[(trial_types == 4) | (trial_types == 5)] = 'RIGHT'

    correct_answers[(trial_types == 0) |
                    (trial_types == 2) |
                    (trial_types == 4)] = 0  # 0 = left is correct
    correct_answers[(trial_types == 1) |
                    (trial_types == 3) |
                    (trial_types == 5)] = 1  # 1 = right is correct

    # Create dataframe for easier handling
    trial_data = pd.DataFrame({'correct_answer': correct_answers,
                               'cue': cue_by_trial,
                               'trial_type': trial_types})

    if pseudorandomize:
        trial_data = Pseudorandomizer(trial_data, 
                                      max_identical_iters={'cue': 4, 'correct_answer': 4}).run()
    if n_null_trials > 0:
        trial_data['null_trial'] = False
        trial_data = add_pseudorandom_null_trials(trial_data, 
    if block_number is not None:
        trial_data['block'] = block_number
    if response_modality is not None:
        trial_data['response_modality'] = response_modality
        trial_data['block_type'] = 'limbic_%s' % response_modality 

    if add_timing:
        trial_data = get_block_timing(trial_data, TR=TR, **kwargs)  # Add default timing

    return trial_data

Function that creates timing columns for a block of trials

In [35]:
def get_localizer_timing(trial_data, phase_0=None, phase_1=None, phase_2=None, phase_3=None, phase_4=None, phase_5=None, phase_6=None, TR=2):
    Each localizer trial consists of 7 phases.
    In phase_0, we wait for the scanner pulse. Note that phase_0 of trial n is the ITI after trial n-1. Set this timing always to 0: it is the `minimum` time to wait for the pulse
    In phase_1, we show the pre-cue fixation cross. By default, timing is jittered (0s, 0.5s, 1s, 1.5s if TR=2 -- 0, .75, 1.5, 2.25 if TR=3).
    In phase_2, we show the cue. Defaults to 1.5 second.
    In phase_3, we show the post-cue fixation cross. Defaults to 0s.
    In phase_4, we assume the participant responds, and wait a bit until we show the fix cross. Defaults to 0.6s
    In phase_5 and phase_6, we do nothing (exist for compatibility with the experimental blocks)
    Phase_7 is ITI
    if TR == 2:
        trial_data['phase_0'] = 0 if phase_0 is None else phase_0
        trial_data['phase_1'] = np.random.choice([0.2, .7, 1.2, 1.7], size=trial_data.shape[0]) if phase_1 is None else phase_1
        trial_data['phase_2'] = 0.8 if phase_2 is None else phase_2
        trial_data['phase_3'] = 0 if phase_3 is None else phase_3
        trial_data['phase_4'] = 0.6 if phase_4 is None else phase_4
        trial_data['phase_5'] = 0 if phase_5 is None else phase_5
        trial_data['phase_6'] = 0 if phase_6 is None else phase_6
    elif TR == 3:
        trial_data['phase_0'] = 0 if phase_0 is None else phase_0
        trial_data['phase_1'] = np.random.choice([0, .750, 1.500, 2.250], size=trial_data.shape[0]) if phase_1 is None else phase_1
        trial_data['phase_2'] = np.round(np.random.exponential(scale=1/6, size=trial_data.shape[0])+.7, 3) if phase_2 is None else phase_2
        trial_data['phase_3'] = 0 if phase_3 is None else phase_3
        trial_data['phase_4'] = 0.8 if phase_4 is None else phase_4
        trial_data['phase_5'] = 0 if phase_5 is None else phase_5
        trial_data['phase_6'] = 0 if phase_6 is None else phase_6

    # Calculate duration of trial (depends on random, jittered durations of the fix cross)
    trial_data['trial_duration'] = trial_data[['phase_' + str(x) for x in range(7)]].sum(axis=1)

    # Because of TR = 2s, some trials can last 8 seconds, but most will last 10. Find trials with total time < 8 seconds
    # We calculate the ITI as the difference between the minimum number of pulses necessary for all phases to show.
    # [same applies to TR = 3]
#     min_TRs = np.ceil(trial_data['trial_duration'].values / TR)
#     trial_data['phase_7'] = min_TRs*TR - trial_data['trial_duration'].values
    trial_data['phase_7'] = 6 - trial_data['trial_duration'].values

    # Recalculate trial duration so it includes the ITI
    trial_data['trial_duration'] = trial_data[['phase_' + str(x) for x in range(8)]].sum(axis=1)

    # Add trial start times relative to start of block
    trial_data['trial_start_time_block'] = trial_data['trial_duration'].shift(1).cumsum()
    trial_data.loc[0, 'trial_start_time_block'] = 0

    # Add cue onset times relative to start of block
    trial_data['cue_onset_time_block'] = trial_data['trial_start_time_block'] + \

    # Add stimulus onset times relative to start of block
    trial_data['stimulus_onset_time_block'] = trial_data['trial_start_time_block'] + \
                                              trial_data['phase_1'] + \
                                              trial_data['phase_2'] + \
    return trial_data

In [36]:
def get_block_timing(trial_data, phase_0=None, phase_1=None, phase_2=None, phase_3=None, phase_4=None, phase_5=None, phase_6=None, TR=2):
    Each trial consists of 7 phases.
    In phase_0, we wait for the scanner pulse. Note that phase_0 of trial n is the ITI after trial n-1. Set this timing always to 0: it is the `minimum` time to wait for the pulse
    In phase_1, we show the pre-cue fixation cross. By default, timing is jittered (0s, 0.5s, 1s, 1.5s)
    In phase_2, we show the cue. In decision-making trials, this is 4.8 seconds.
    In phase_3, we show the post-cue fixation cross. Timing is jittered (0s, 0.5s, 1s, 1.5s)
    In phase_4, we show the stimulus. Default is 1.5s.
    Phase 5 is defined as the period of stimulus presentation, after the participant made a response. The duration is determined by the participant RT, so not set here.
    In phase_6, we show feedback. Default is 0.35s.
    if TR == 2:
        trial_data['phase_0'] = 0 if phase_0 is None else phase_0
        trial_data['phase_1'] = np.random.choice([0, .5, 1, 1.5], size=trial_data.shape[0]) if phase_1 is None else phase_1
        trial_data['phase_2'] = 4.8 if phase_2 is None else phase_2
        trial_data['phase_3'] = np.random.choice([0, .5, 1, 1.5], size=trial_data.shape[0]) if phase_3 is None else phase_3
        trial_data['phase_4'] = 1.5 if phase_4 is None else phase_4
        trial_data['phase_5'] = 0 if phase_5 is None else phase_5
        trial_data['phase_6'] = 0.35 if phase_6 is None else phase_6
    elif TR == 3:
        trial_data['phase_0'] = 0 if phase_0 is None else phase_0
        trial_data['phase_1'] = np.random.choice([0, .750, 1.500, 2.250], size=trial_data.shape[0]) if phase_1 is None else phase_1
        trial_data['phase_2'] = 1 if phase_2 is None else phase_2
        trial_data['phase_3'] = np.random.choice([.75, 1.50, 2.250, 3.000], size=trial_data.shape[0]) if phase_3 is None else phase_3
        trial_data['phase_4'] = 2. if phase_4 is None else phase_4
        trial_data['phase_5'] = 0 if phase_5 is None else phase_5
        trial_data['phase_6'] = 0.5 if phase_6 is None else phase_6
    elif TR == 0:
        trial_data['phase_0'] = 0 if phase_0 is None else phase_0
        trial_data['phase_1'] = np.random.choice([.750, 1.500, 2.250], size=trial_data.shape[0]) if phase_1 is None else phase_1
        trial_data['phase_2'] = 1 if phase_2 is None else phase_2
        trial_data['phase_3'] = np.random.choice([.750, 1.500, 2.250, 3.000], size=trial_data.shape[0]) if phase_3 is None else phase_3
        trial_data['phase_4'] = 2. if phase_4 is None else phase_4
        trial_data['phase_5'] = 0 if phase_5 is None else phase_5
        trial_data['phase_6'] = 0.5 if phase_6 is None else phase_6

    # Calculate duration of trial (depends on random, jittered durations of the fix cross)
    trial_data['trial_duration'] = trial_data[['phase_' + str(x) for x in range(7)]].sum(axis=1)

    if TR == 2:
        # Because of TR = 2s, some trials can last 8 seconds, but most will last 10. Find trials with total time < 8 seconds
        # We calculate the ITI as the difference between the minimum number of pulses necessary for all phases to show.
        min_TRs = np.ceil(trial_data['trial_duration'].values / TR)
        trial_data['phase_7'] = min_TRs*TR - trial_data['trial_duration'].values
    elif TR == 3:
        # In this case, fill all trials until 9s have passed.
        trial_data['phase_7'] = 9 - trial_data['trial_duration'].values
    elif TR == 0:
        trial_data['phase_7'] = 0

    # Recalculate trial duration so it includes the ITI
    trial_data['trial_duration'] = trial_data[['phase_' + str(x) for x in range(8)]].sum(axis=1)

    # Add trial start times relative to start of block
    trial_data['trial_start_time_block'] = trial_data['trial_duration'].shift(1).cumsum()
    trial_data.loc[0, 'trial_start_time_block'] = 0

    # Add cue onset times relative to start of block
    trial_data['cue_onset_time_block'] = trial_data['trial_start_time_block'] + \

    # Add stimulus onset times relative to start of block
    trial_data['stimulus_onset_time_block'] = trial_data['trial_start_time_block'] + \
                                              trial_data['phase_1'] + \
                                              trial_data['phase_2'] + \
    return trial_data

In [37]:
class Pseudorandomizer(object):
    def __init__(self, data, max_identical_iters={'cue': 4, 'correct_answer': 4}):  = data
        self.max_identical_iters = {x: y+1 for x, y in max_identical_iters.items()}
                                    # add 1: if 4 rows is allowed, only give an error after 5 identical rows
    def check_trial_rows(self, data, row_n): 
        Returns True if any of the conditions for pseudorandomization are violated for the given rows, 
        False if they are fine.
        # First, check for the maximum iterations
        for column, max_iter in self.max_identical_iters.items():
            if row_n - max_iter < 0:

            # Select rows [max_iter-1 - row_n] we're going to check. Never select any row with index < 0
            row_selection = [x for x in np.arange(row_n, row_n-max_iter, -1)]

            # Next, we check if the selected rows only contain *1* trial type. 
            # If so, this means we have max_iter rows of the same trials, and we need to change something.
            if data.iloc[row_selection][column].nunique() == 1:
                return True

        return False

    def run(self, debug=False):
        Pseudorandomizes: makes sure that it is not possible to have more than x iterations for every type of column, specified in columns.
        # Start by copying from original data, and shuffle =, 
                                     random_state=np.random.randint(0, 1e7, dtype='int')).reset_index(drop=True) 
        if debug:
            outer_while_i = 0
            debug_print_after_i = 100

        good_set = False
        while not good_set:
            if debug:
                outer_while_i += 1

            reshuffle = False  # Assume the dataset does not need reshuffling.
            for row_n in range(0,[0]):

                # Select rows [max_iter-1 - row_n] we're going to check

                # Check if the current row, and the (max_iters-1) rows before, are the same value (number of unique values = 1).
                # If so, then move the current row number to the bottom of the dataframe. However, we need to re-check the same four rows again
                # after moving a row to the bottom: therefore, a while loop is necessary.
                checked_row = False
                n_attempts_at_moving = 0
                if debug:
                    inner_while_i = 0
                while not checked_row:
                    if debug:
                        inner_while_i += 1
                        if inner_while_i > debug_print_after_i:
                            print('New inner loop started for current row')

                    if self.check_trial_rows(, row_n):
                        if debug and inner_while_i > debug_print_after_i:
                            print('Found too many consecutively identical rows.')

                        # If there are too many consecutively identical rows at the bottom of the dataframe, 
                        # break and start over/shuffle
                        if row_n >= ([0] - self.max_identical_iters[self.max_identical_iters.keys()[0]]):
                            if debug and inner_while_i > debug_print_after_i:
                                print('These occurred at row_n %d, which is at the bottom of the DF.' % row_n)

                            checked_row = True
                            reshuffle = True

                        # Too many consecutive identical rows? Move row_n to the bottom, and check again with the new row_n.
                            if debug and inner_while_i > debug_print_after_i:
                                print('These occurred at row_n %d. Checking the remainder of the DF.' % row_n)

                            # Check if moving to the bottom even makes sense: if all remaining values are identical, it doesn't.
                            if ([row_n:][self.max_identical_iters.keys()].nunique().values < 2).any():
                                if debug and inner_while_i > debug_print_after_i:
                                    print('All remaining values are identical. I should stop the for-loop, and start over.')

                                checked_row = True
                                reshuffle = True
                                if n_attempts_at_moving < 50:
                                    n_attempts_at_moving += 1

                                    if debug and inner_while_i > debug_print_after_i:
                                        print('Not all remaining values are identical. I should move the final part to the bottom.')

                                    # If not, move the current row to the bottom
                                    row_to_move =[row_n,:]

                                    # Delete row from df
                          , axis=0, inplace=True)

                                    # Append original row to end. Make sure to reset index

                                # If we already tried moving the current row to the bottom for 50 times, let's forget about it and restart
                                    checked_row = True
                                    reshuffle = True
                        if debug and inner_while_i > debug_print_after_i:
                            print('Checked row, but the row is fine. Next row.')
                        checked_row = True

                if reshuffle:
                    good_set = False
                    break  # out of the for loop

                # Reached the bottom of the dataframe, but no reshuffle call? Then we're set.
                if row_n ==[0]-1:
                    good_set = True

            if reshuffle:
                # Shuffle, reset index to ensure trial_data.drop(row_n) rows
       =, random_state=np.random.randint(0, 1e7, dtype='int')).reset_index(drop=True)
def add_pseudorandom_null_trials(data, min_row=4, max_row=4, min_n_rows_separate=7, 
                                n_null_trials=10, null_column_name=''):
    Adds null trials interspersed at pseudorandom locations. You can determine the minimum
    number of trials at the start before a null trial, the minimum number of trials at the end in which no
    nulls are shown, and the minimum number of trials that the null trials have to be separated 
    good_idx = False
    while not good_idx:
        indx = np.random.choice(np.arange(min_row, data.shape[0]-max_row), 
                                replace=False, size=n_null_trials)
        diffs = np.diff(np.sort(indx))
        if (diffs >= min_n_rows_separate).all():
            good_idx = True
    data.index = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(data.shape[0] + n_null_trials), indx)
    new_rows = pd.DataFrame({null_column_name: [True]*n_null_trials}, columns=data.columns, index=indx)
    data = data.append(new_rows).sort_index()
    return data

In [38]:
n_trials_per_localizer_block = 6
n_trials_limbic = 8
n_trials_cognitive = 8
TR = 3

# Empty DataFrame
practice_design = pd.DataFrame()

# Start with localizer: 5 trials manual first?
loc_block = create_localizer_block_single_effector(n_trials=n_trials_per_localizer_block, 
                                                   pseudorandomize=True, TR=TR, feedback=True)
practice_design = practice_design.append(loc_block)

# Then 5 trials without feedback
loc_block = create_localizer_block_single_effector(n_trials=n_trials_per_localizer_block, 
                                                   pseudorandomize=True, TR=TR)
practice_design = practice_design.append(loc_block)

# Then 5 trials with eyes
loc_block = create_localizer_block_single_effector(n_trials=n_trials_per_localizer_block, 
                                                   pseudorandomize=True, TR=TR)
practice_design = practice_design.append(loc_block)

# Localizer done?

# Flashtask: start with SAT, hand. In this first block, ignore cue; and speed-up everything
block_data = create_cognitive_block(n_trials=8,
                                    TR=0, phase_2=0, phase_3=0, cue='ACC')
practice_design = practice_design.append(block_data)

# Now, introduce SAT-cue
block_data = create_cognitive_block(n_trials=n_trials_cognitive,
practice_design = practice_design.append(block_data)

# Then use eye. Respond with mouse in practice session. No feedback
block_data = create_cognitive_block(n_trials=4, 
                                    TR=TR, phase_6=0)
practice_design = practice_design.append(block_data)

# Next, limbic block?
block_data = create_limbic_block(n_trials=n_trials_limbic, 
practice_design = practice_design.append(block_data)

# Finally, limbic with eye. No feedback
block_data = create_limbic_block(n_trials=8, 
                                    TR=TR, phase_6=0,
practice_design = practice_design.append(block_data)

# Set indices = 'block_trial_ID'
practice_design.reset_index(inplace=True) = 'trial_ID'

# Add trial start times (relative to start of experiment)
practice_design['trial_start_time'] = practice_design['trial_duration'].shift(1).cumsum()
practice_design.loc[0, 'trial_start_time'] = 0

# Add cue onset times (relative to start of experiment)
practice_design['cue_onset_time'] = practice_design['trial_start_time'] + \

# Add stimulus onset times (relative to start of experiment)
practice_design['stimulus_onset_time'] = practice_design['trial_start_time'] + \
                                         practice_design['phase_1'] + \
                                         practice_design['phase_2'] + \

# Re-order column order for nicety
practice_design = practice_design[['block_trial_ID', 'block', 'block_type', 'null_trial', 'correct_answer', 'cue', 'response_modality', 'trial_type', 
                                   'phase_0', 'phase_1', 'phase_2', 'phase_3', 'phase_4', 'phase_5', 'phase_6', 'phase_7', 'trial_duration', 
                                   'trial_start_time', 'cue_onset_time', 'stimulus_onset_time',
                                   'trial_start_time_block', 'cue_onset_time_block', 'stimulus_onset_time_block']]

practice_design['null_trial'] = False

# Save full data
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('practice', 'all_blocks')):
    os.makedirs(os.path.join('practice', 'all_blocks'))
practice_design.to_csv(os.path.join('practice', 'all_blocks', 'trials.csv'), index=True)

# Save individual blocks
for block_num in practice_design['block'].unique():
    block_type = practice_design.loc[practice_design['block'] == block_num, 'block_type'].values[0]
    block = practice_design.loc[practice_design['block'] == block_num]

    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('practice', 'block_%d_type_%s' % (block_num, block_type))):
        os.makedirs(os.path.join('practice', 'block_%d_type_%s' % (block_num, block_type)))

    block.to_csv(os.path.join('practice', 'block_%d_type_%s' % (block_num, block_type), 'trials.csv'), index=True)

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