In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import nipy
from nipy.modalities.fmri import hrf, utils
from pprint import pprint
import os
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as tkr # has classes for tick-locating and -formatting
#%matplotlib inline
def numfmt(x, pos): # your custom formatter function: divide by 100.0
s = '{}'.format(x / 10.0)
return s
In [2]:
# hrf.glover is a symbolic function; get a function of time to work on arrays
hrf_func = utils.lambdify_t(hrf.glover(utils.T))
# Time array
t = np.linspace(0,25,200)
# plot BOLD as function of time
plt.plot(t, hrf_func(t))
The EV matrix is of size (n_deciseconds, n_evs). The columns are boxcar functions of the events The returned matrix X is of size (n_deciseconds, n_evs), and is the EV matrix convolved with the HRF
Note that timing can be planned to be on a more finegrained resolution than deciseconds. For computational purposes, we round everything to deciseconds.
In [3]:
def stim_to_design(pp_design, block=None):
# Check if we only need to do a subset of the design
if block is not None:
pp_design = pp_design.loc[pp_design['block'] == block]
# Get rid of null trials
pp_design = pp_design.loc[pp_design['null_trial'] == False,:]
# hrf.glover is a symbolic function; get a function of time to work on arrays
hrf_func = utils.lambdify_t(hrf.glover(utils.T))
n_conditions = len(np.unique(pp_design['cue']))
max_time = np.ceil((pp_design['stimulus_onset_time'].max()+25)*10)
if 0 in pp_design['block'].unique():
block0_trials = pp_design.loc[pp_design['block'] == 0]
# Get cue-types and response types for the first block
loc_cue_vec = np.zeros(shape=(int(max_time), 4))
response_vec = np.zeros(shape=(int(max_time), 4))
loc_cue_names = []
response_names = []
i = -1
for effector_type in block0_trials['response_modality'].unique():
for cue_type in block0_trials['cue'].unique():
subset = pp_design.loc[(pp_design['block'] == 0 ) &
(pp_design['response_modality'] == effector_type) &
(pp_design['cue'] == cue_type)]
i += 1
response_names.append('resp_%s_%s' % (effector_type, cue_type))
loc_cue_names.append('cue_%s_%s' % (effector_type, cue_type))
# Get cue onsets & durations
onsets = np.round(subset['cue_onset_time'].values*10)
durations = np.round(subset['phase_2'].values*10)
for onset, duration in zip(onsets, durations):
loc_cue_vec[np.arange(onset, onset+duration, dtype='int'), i] = 1
# Get response onsets & durations
onsets = np.round(subset['stimulus_onset_time'].values*10)
durations = np.round(subset['phase_4'].values*10)
for onset, duration in zip(onsets, durations):
response_vec[np.arange(onset, onset+duration, dtype='int'), i] = 1
# For all further EVs, make sure not to include the localizer trials.
pp_design = pp_design.loc[pp_design['block'] > 0]
# 10 types of stimuli
stim_vec = np.zeros(shape=(int(max_time), 10))
stim_names = []
# Get stimulus onsets and durations
i = -1
for stim_type in pp_design['correct_answer'].unique():
for cue_type in pp_design['cue'].unique():
i += 1
stim_names.append('stimulus_' + str(int(stim_type)) + '_' + cue_type)
subset = pp_design.loc[(pp_design['correct_answer'] == stim_type) &
(pp_design['cue'] == cue_type)]
stim_onsets = np.round(subset['stimulus_onset_time'].values*10)
stim_durations = np.round(subset['phase_4'].values*10)
for onset, duration in zip(stim_onsets, stim_durations):
stim_vec[np.arange(onset, onset+duration, dtype='int'), i] = 1
# Get cue onsets by cue type
cue_names = []
cue_vec = np.zeros(shape=(int(max_time), n_conditions)) # A column per cue type condition
i = -1
for condition in pp_design['cue'].unique():
i += 1
cue_names.append('cue_' + condition)
# Find cue onsets
onsets = np.round(pp_design.loc[pp_design['cue'] == condition, 'cue_onset_time'].values*10)
durations = np.round(pp_design.loc[pp_design['cue'] == condition, 'phase_2'].values*10)
for onset, duration in zip(onsets, durations):
cue_vec[np.arange(onset, onset+duration, dtype='int'), i] = 1
# Combine everything in a single array
ev_vec = np.hstack((loc_cue_vec, response_vec, cue_vec, stim_vec))
ev_names = loc_cue_names + response_names + cue_names + stim_names
# Create hrf to convolve with
hrf_full = hrf_func(np.linspace(0, stop=int(max_time/10), num=int(max_time)))
# Pre-allocate output. This will be an n_timepoints x n_conditions+1 matrix.
X = np.empty(shape=(int(max_time), ev_vec.shape[1]))
# Convolve everything: the stimulus first, the cues afterwards.
for i, ev_name in enumerate(ev_names):
print('Convolving %s...' % ev_name)
X[:, i] = np.convolve(hrf_full, ev_vec[:, i])[:int(max_time)]
return X, ev_names
In [4]:
def plot_participant_design(pp_design, pp_num, save_dir, block=None, X=None, ev_names=None, null_onsets=None):
if X is None:
X, ev_names = stim_to_design(pp_design, block)
n_evs = len(ev_names)
X = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=ev_names)
plot_order = ['cue_eye_LEFT', 'cue_eye_RIGHT', 'cue_hand_LEFT', 'cue_hand_RIGHT',
'resp_hand_LEFT', 'resp_hand_RIGHT', 'resp_eye_LEFT', 'resp_eye_RIGHT',
'cue_SPD', 'cue_ACC', 'cue_LEFT', 'cue_NEU', 'cue_RIGHT',
'stimulus_0_SPD', 'stimulus_0_ACC',
'stimulus_0_LEFT', 'stimulus_0_NEU', 'stimulus_0_RIGHT',
'stimulus_1_SPD', 'stimulus_1_ACC',
'stimulus_1_LEFT', 'stimulus_1_NEU', 'stimulus_1_RIGHT']
X = X[plot_order].values
# Get nulls
nulls = pp_design.loc[pp_design['null_trial'] == True]
null_onsets = np.round(nulls['trial_start_time'].values*10)
# Get block start times
block_start_times = pp_design.loc[pp_design['block_trial_ID'] == 0, 'trial_start_time'].values*10
yfmt = tkr.FuncFormatter(numfmt) # create custom formatter function (re-format y-axis for seconds instead of 1/10th secs)
# Plot
X_plot = X/np.max(X)
f = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 40))
for plot in range(n_evs):
plt.plot(X_plot[:, plot] + plot, np.arange(X.shape[0]))
# Set y-axis
plt.ylabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylim((pp_design['cue_onset_time'].min()*10, X.shape[0]))
ax = plt.gca()
# Plot null trial locations
xlims = ax.get_xlim()
for y_loc in null_onsets:
plt.axhline(y=y_loc, xmin=xlims[0], xmax=xlims[1], linewidth=1, color='k', ls='dashed')
# Plot block start locations (except for the first)
for y_loc in block_start_times[1:]:
plt.axhline(y=y_loc, xmin=xlims[0], xmax=xlims[1], linewidth=1, color='k')
# Set x-axis
plt.xticks(np.arange(len(ev_names)), plot_order, rotation=70)
f.set_size_inches(10, 40)
plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_dir, 'pp_%s_design.png' % str(pp_num).zfill(3)), bbox_inches='tight')
In [5]:
def plot_participant_matrix(X, ev_names, save_dir, pp_num, plot_order=None, block_name=''):
if plot_order is None:
plot_order = ['cue_eye_LEFT', 'cue_eye_RIGHT', 'cue_hand_LEFT', 'cue_hand_RIGHT',
'resp_hand_LEFT', 'resp_hand_RIGHT', 'resp_eye_LEFT', 'resp_eye_RIGHT',
'cue_SPD', 'cue_ACC', 'cue_LEFT', 'cue_NEU', 'cue_RIGHT',
'stimulus_0_SPD', 'stimulus_0_ACC',
'stimulus_0_LEFT', 'stimulus_0_NEU', 'stimulus_0_RIGHT',
'stimulus_1_SPD', 'stimulus_1_ACC',
'stimulus_1_LEFT', 'stimulus_1_NEU', 'stimulus_1_RIGHT']
X = np.hstack((np.ones(shape=(X.shape[0], 1)), X)) # Add column of ones to design matrix? for 'event' in general/baseline?
df = pd.DataFrame(X[:,1:], columns=ev_names)
df = df[plot_order].corr()
corr = np.abs(df)
# Plot
plt.figure(figsize = (10,10))
f = sns.heatmap(corr, vmax=1, vmin=0, center=.5, cmap='gray',
square=True, linewidths=0.00, cbar_kws={"shrink": .5}).get_figure()
f.savefig(os.path.join(save_dir, 'pp_%s_block_%s_matrix.png' % (str(pp_num).zfill(3), block_name)), bbox_inches='tight')
In [8]:
design_dirs = '/Users/steven/Sync/PhDprojects/subcortex/flashtask/designs/'
overwrite = True
pps = range(19, 21+1)
#%matplotlib auto
if overwrite:
for pp in pps:
print('Processing participant %d' % pp)
pp_num = str(pp).zfill(3)
pp_dir = os.path.join(design_dirs, 'pp_%s' % pp_num, 'all_blocks')
design_this_pp = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(pp_dir, 'trials.csv'))
design_this_pp = design_this_pp[['trial_type', 'correct_answer','response_modality', 'block_trial_ID', 'block', 'phase_2', 'phase_4', 'cue', 'cue_onset_time', 'stimulus_onset_time', 'trial_start_time', 'null_trial']]
X, ev_names = stim_to_design(design_this_pp)
plot_participant_design(design_this_pp, pp, save_dir=design_dirs, X=X, ev_names=ev_names)
plot_participant_matrix(X, ev_names, design_dirs, pp, block_name='all')
plot_participant_matrix(X, ev_names, design_dirs, pp,
plot_order=['cue_eye_LEFT', 'cue_eye_RIGHT', 'cue_hand_LEFT', 'cue_hand_RIGHT',
'resp_hand_LEFT', 'resp_hand_RIGHT', 'resp_eye_LEFT', 'resp_eye_RIGHT'],
plot_participant_matrix(X, ev_names, design_dirs, pp,
plot_order=['cue_SPD', 'cue_ACC', 'stimulus_0_SPD', 'stimulus_0_ACC', 'stimulus_1_SPD',
plot_participant_matrix(X, ev_names, design_dirs, pp,
plot_order=['cue_LEFT', 'cue_NEU', 'cue_RIGHT',
'stimulus_0_LEFT', 'stimulus_0_NEU', 'stimulus_0_RIGHT',
'stimulus_1_LEFT', 'stimulus_1_NEU', 'stimulus_1_RIGHT'],
In [ ]: