Make Sense of Deep Neural Networks using TensorBoard

Arpan Chakraborty


Getting Started

Note: This notebook is written in Python 3. You'll need Jupyter/iPython to run it.

Local installation

Fetch the repo:

git clone
cd tensorboard_demos/

Option A: Conda install

conda env create
source activate tensorflow
jupyter notebook tensorboard_basics.ipynb

Option B: Pip install

pip3 install numpy matplotlib scikit-learn
pip3 install --upgrade <binary URL for your system>
jupyter notebook tensorboard_basics.ipynb

See TensorFlow instructions to pick the correct binary URL for your system.


If you have trouble getting TensorFlow to work, hit the launch binder badge to run in the cloud. Note that this is an experimental feature.

Neural Networks Primer

A brief introduction to neural networks, with an eye on data structures.

Simple linear model

Express output ($y$) as a linear combination of inputs ($x$):

$$\large{y = x_0 w_0 + x_1 w_1 + \ldots + x_n w_n + b}$$

Learning goal: Given enough examples of $x$ and $y$, find $w$ and $b$ that best capture the mapping.

Linear model: Vector notation

$$\large{y = \begin{bmatrix}x_0 & x_1 & \ldots & x_n\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}w_0 \\ w_1 \\ \vdots \\ w_n\end{bmatrix} + b}$$

Linear model: Graphical representation

Single neuron model

Neuron model: Vector notation

$$\large{y = f(\begin{bmatrix}x_0 & x_1 & \ldots & x_n\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}w_0 \\ w_1 \\ \vdots \\ w_n\end{bmatrix} + b)}$$

Here $f()$ is a non-linear activation function, that maps real-valued output $y$ to some target space, e.g. the sigmoid function maps to $[0, 1]$.

Multiple neurons

Instead of a single neuron, now we have $m$ of them.

$$\begin{bmatrix}y_0 & y_1 & \ldots & y_m\end{bmatrix} = f(\begin{bmatrix}x_0 & x_1 & \ldots & x_n\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}w_{00} & w_{01} & \ldots & w_{0m} \\ w_{10} & w_{11} & \ldots & w_{1m} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ w_{n0} & w_{n1} & \ldots & w_{nm} \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix}b_0 & b_1 & \ldots & b_m\end{bmatrix})$$

This is equivalent to a layer of neurons.

Multiple neurons: Graphical representation

Process multiple data samples at once

Instead of a single data sample, now we are dealing with $k$ samples in parallel.

$$\begin{bmatrix} y_{00} & y_{01} & \ldots & y_{0m} \\ y_{10} & y_{11} & \ldots & y_{1m} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ y_{k0} & y_{k1} & \ldots & y_{km} \end{bmatrix} = f( \begin{bmatrix} x_{00} & x_{01} & \ldots & x_{0n} \\ x_{10} & x_{11} & \ldots & x_{1n} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ x_{k0} & x_{k1} & \ldots & x_{kn} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} w_{00} & w_{01} & \ldots & w_{0m} \\ w_{10} & w_{11} & \ldots & w_{1m} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ w_{n0} & w_{n1} & \ldots & w_{nm} \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix}b_0 & b_1 & \ldots & b_m\end{bmatrix} )$$

Note: Here the bias values $b$ are repeated for each sample (row).

What does this all look like?


Deep Neural Networks

Ready for some Machine Learning?

Generate Some Data to Classify

In [1]:
import numpy as np

num_examples, num_features = (1000, 2)  # dataset size
num_classes = 2  # binary classification task

X = np.random.random((num_examples, num_features))
y = np.int_(X[:, 0] * X[:, 0] + X[:, 1] >= 1).reshape(-1, 1)

In [2]:
print("Features (X): {shape[0]}x{shape[1]}".format(shape=X.shape))

Features (X): 1000x2
[[ 0.63088627  0.64420886]
 [ 0.78599865  0.24681372]
 [ 0.96552681  0.99162588]
 [ 0.39100326  0.85880169]
 [ 0.87449078  0.74400594]
 [ 0.89062883  0.98642324]
 [ 0.30009226  0.16946355]
 [ 0.25510643  0.90216481]
 [ 0.88847416  0.60861312]
 [ 0.24249016  0.70518724]]

In [3]:
print("Labels (y): {shape[0]}".format(shape=y.shape))

Labels (y): 1000

Visualize Data

In [4]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline'ggplot')

def plot_data_2D(X, **kwargs):
    """Plot 2D data points in X = np.array([(x0, y0), (x1, y1), ...])."""
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 9))
    ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1],
               s=35,'rainbow', num_classes), **kwargs)
    ax.set_xlim(0, 1)
    ax.set_ylim(0, 1)
    return fig, ax

In [5]:
plot_data_2D(X, c=y)

(<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x102a1f9e8>,
 <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1031ceba8>)

Prepare Data for Training and Testing

In [6]:
# Split data into training and test sets
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split

test_size = 300
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=test_size)
print("Split dataset: {} training, {} test samples".format(len(X_train), len(X_test)))

Split dataset: 700 training, 300 test samples
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/ DeprecationWarning: This module was deprecated in version 0.18 in favor of the model_selection module into which all the refactored classes and functions are moved. Also note that the interface of the new CV iterators are different from that of this module. This module will be removed in 0.20.
  "This module will be removed in 0.20.", DeprecationWarning)

In [7]:
# Plot training data
plot_data_2D(X_train, c=y_train)

(<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x1040d5550>,
 <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x106235f28>)

In [8]:
# Plot test data
plot_data_2D(X_test, c=y_test)

(<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x106271470>,
 <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10624bfd0>)

Build Computation Graph

This graph defines the structure of your Neural Network as well as information flow.

In [9]:
import tensorflow as tf

# Create a TensorFlow session
session = tf.Session()

# Placeholders for input features and ground truth labels
X_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                               shape=(None, num_features),
y_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int64,
                               shape=(None, 1),

Define helper functions

In [10]:
def plot_activation(func, title, x_min=-10.0, x_max=10.0, num_samples=100):
    """Visualize a given activation function as a curve."""
    x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, num_samples)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5))
    ax.plot(x, func(x), linewidth=3)
    ax.set_xlim(x_min - 1, x_max + 1)
    ax.set_ylim(-0.1, 1.1)

Define layer creation functions

In [11]:
def linear_layer(input_tensor, num_units):
    """Linear activation layer: output = inputs * weights + biases"""
    num_inputs = input_tensor.get_shape()[1].value  # inspect tensor size
    weights = tf.Variable(
        tf.truncated_normal([num_inputs, num_units], stddev=1.0),
    biases = tf.Variable(
    return tf.add(tf.matmul(input_tensor, weights, name='multiply'), biases,

In [12]:
plot_activation(lambda x: 0.5 + 0.1*x, title='Linear')  # example

In [13]:
def sigmoid_layer(input_tensor, num_units):
    """Sigmoid activation layer: output = sigmoid(inputs * weights + biases)"""
    return tf.nn.sigmoid(linear_layer(input_tensor, num_units), name='sigmoid')

plot_activation(lambda x: 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-x)), title='Sigmoid')  # example

In [14]:
def relu_layer(input_tensor, num_units):
    """ReLU activation layer: output = ReLU(inputs * weights + biases)"""
    return tf.nn.relu(linear_layer(input_tensor, num_units), name='relu')

plot_activation(lambda x: (0.5 + 0.1*x).clip(min=0), title='ReLU')  # example

Create network structure

In [15]:
# Let's make a network with 2 hidden layers (and an output layer)
hidden1_num_units = 10
hidden2_num_units = 3
output_num_units = 1  # binary classification needs only 1 output

with tf.name_scope('hidden1'):
    hidden1 = relu_layer(X_placeholder, hidden1_num_units)

with tf.name_scope('hidden2'):
    hidden2 = relu_layer(hidden1, hidden2_num_units)

with tf.name_scope('output'):
    output = sigmoid_layer(hidden2, output_num_units)

Choose an error metric

In [16]:
def l2_loss(logits, labels):
    """Euclidean distance or L2-norm: sqrt(sum((logits - labels)^2))"""
    labels = tf.to_float(labels)
    return tf.nn.l2_loss(logits - labels, name='l2_loss')

with tf.name_scope('error'):
    error = l2_loss(output, y_placeholder)  # predicted vs. true labels
    tf.summary.scalar(, error)  # write error (loss) to log

In [17]:
# Other possible error metrics
def mse_loss(logits, labels):
    """Mean squared error: mean(sum((logits - labels)^2)"""
    labels = tf.to_float(labels)
    return tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(logits - labels), name='mse_loss')

def cross_entropy_loss(logits, labels):
    """Mean cross-entropy loss: mean(cross_entropy(softmax(logits), labels))"""
    cross_entropy = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, labels,
    return tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy, name='cross_entropy_mean')

In [18]:
print("Nodes in computation graph:"
    + "\n  Input features: {}".format(X_placeholder)
    + "\n  Hidden layer 1: {}".format(hidden1)
    + "\n  Hidden layer 2: {}".format(hidden2)
    + "\n  Output labels : {}".format(output)
    + "\n  Ground truth  : {}".format(y_placeholder)
    + "\n  Error metric  : {}".format(error))

Nodes in computation graph:
  Input features: Tensor("X:0", shape=(?, 2), dtype=float32)
  Hidden layer 1: Tensor("hidden1/relu:0", shape=(?, 10), dtype=float32)
  Hidden layer 2: Tensor("hidden2/relu:0", shape=(?, 3), dtype=float32)
  Output labels : Tensor("output/sigmoid:0", shape=(?, 1), dtype=float32)
  Ground truth  : Tensor("y:0", shape=(?, 1), dtype=int64)
  Error metric  : Tensor("error/l2_loss:0", shape=(), dtype=float32)

Setup Logging

These logs are later read and visualized by TensorBoard.

In [19]:
import time
import os

log_basedir = "logs"
run_label = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')  # e.g. 2016-08-18_21-30-45
log_path = os.path.join(log_basedir, run_label)
all_summaries = tf.summary.merge_all()
summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_path, session.graph)
print("Logging to: {}".format(log_path))

Logging to: logs/2017-05-04_08-18-39

Train your Model

In [20]:
# Pick a training algorithm
def sgd_train(error, learning_rate=0.01):
    """Gradient descent optimizer for training.
    Creates an optimizer to compute and apply gradients to all trainable variables.
        error: Error (loss) metric.
        learning_rate: Controls the size of each step the optimizer takes.
        training: Training operation, ready to be called with
    optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate)
    return optimizer.minimize(error)

with tf.name_scope('training'):
    training = sgd_train(error)

In [21]:
# Define training parameters
num_steps = 1000  # how many iterations to train for
batch_size = 100  # how many samples in each iteration

# Initialize variables
init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()

In [22]:
# Run training operation for num_steps iterations
for step in range(num_steps):
    # Randomly pick batch_size samples from training set
    sample_idx = np.random.choice(len(X_train), batch_size, replace=False)
    feed_dict = {
        X_placeholder: X_train[sample_idx, :],
        y_placeholder: y_train[sample_idx, :]
    # Note: feed_dict uses placeholder objects as key!

    # Train for one iteration, time it
    start_time = time.time()
    _, error_value =[training, error], feed_dict=feed_dict)
    duration = time.time() - start_time

    # Print an overview and write summaries (logs) every 100 iterations
    if step % 100 == 0 or step == (num_steps - 1):
        print("Step {:4d}: training error = {:5.2f} ({:.3f} sec)"
            .format(step, error_value, duration))
        summary_str =, feed_dict=feed_dict)
        summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, step)

Step    0: training error = 22.94 (0.007 sec)
Step  100: training error =  2.20 (0.001 sec)
Step  200: training error =  1.62 (0.001 sec)
Step  300: training error =  1.74 (0.001 sec)
Step  400: training error =  0.88 (0.002 sec)
Step  500: training error =  2.45 (0.001 sec)
Step  600: training error =  1.34 (0.001 sec)
Step  700: training error =  1.47 (0.001 sec)
Step  800: training error =  0.77 (0.001 sec)
Step  900: training error =  1.45 (0.001 sec)
Step  999: training error =  1.08 (0.001 sec)

Test your Model

In [23]:
# Check performance on test set
y_test_pred, test_error =[output, error], feed_dict={
    X_placeholder: X_test,
    y_placeholder: y_test
# Note: The placeholder shapes must be compatible with the tensors being supplied!

In [24]:
y_test_pred = np.int_(np.round_(y_test_pred))
mismatches = (y_test_pred - y_test).flat != 0
print("Test error = {:.2f} ({} mismatches)"
      .format(test_error, sum(np.int_(mismatches))))

_, ax = plot_data_2D(X_test, c=y_test_pred)
ax.scatter(X_test[mismatches, 0], X_test[mismatches, 1],
           s=128, marker='o', facecolors='none', edgecolors='black', linewidths=1.5)

Test error = 2.93 (6 mismatches)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x10f209ba8>

Visualize using TensorBoard

Run TensorBoard with the following command, passing in the appropriate log directory:

tensorboard --logdir=logs

And then open the URL that gets printed, in your browser (typically:

Computation graph

Layer detail: hidden1

Error plot


  • Define a neural network model as nodes of a computation graph in TensorFlow.
  • Train your model by presenting labeled data and applying an optimization algorithm.
  • Log important values like error during training.
  • Test your resulting model on unseen data.
  • Visualize computation graph and logged data using TensorBoard.

Note: You can convert this notebook into slides (HTML + reveal.js) and serve them using:

jupyter nbconvert tensorboard_basics.ipynb --to slides --post serve

References & Resources

This demo notebook is based on:

For more resources, check out:

Make Sense of Deep Neural Networks using TensorBoard

Arpan Chakraborty


In [ ]: