chorogrid tutorial, part 2:

Chorogrid class

This class can be used independently of the Colorbin class shown in part 1, and vice-versa, but they work well together.

In [1]:
# import the classes
from chorogrid import Colorbin, Chorogrid

# read the docs

Help on class Chorogrid in module chorogrid.Chorogrid:

class Chorogrid(builtins.object)
 |  An object which makes choropleth grids, instantiated with:
 |      csv_path: the path to a csv data file with the following columns:
 |          * ids: e.g., states or countries, corresponding to
 |                 the Colorbin.colorlist
 |          * coordinates or path
 |      ids: a listlike object of ids corresponding to colors
 |      colors: a listlike object of colors in hex (#123456) format
 |              corresponding to ids
 |      id_column: the name of the column in csv_path containing ids
 |                 if there is not a 1:1 map between the ids object
 |                 and the contents of id_column, you will be warned
 |  Methods (introspect to see arguments)
 |     set_colors: pass a new list of colors to replace the one
 |                 used when the class was instantiated
 |     set_title: set a title for the map
 |     set_legend: set a legend
 |     add_svg: add some custom svg code. This must be called
 |                after the draw_... method, because it needs to know
 |                the margins.
 |     draw_squares: draw a square grid choropleth
 |     draw_hex: draw a hex-based choropleth
 |     draw_multihex: draw a multiple-hex-based choropleth
 |     draw_multisquare: draw a multiple-square-based choropleth
 |     draw_map: draw a regular, geographic choropleth
 |     done: save and/or display the result in IPython notebook
 |     done_with_overlay: overlay two Chorogrid objects
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, csv_path, ids, colors, id_column='abbrev')
 |  add_svg(self, text, offset=[0, 0])
 |      Adds svg text to the final output. Can be called more than once.
 |  done(self, show=True, save_filename=None)
 |      if show == True, displays the svg in IPython notebook. If save_filename
 |      is specified, saves svg file
 |  done_and_overlay(self, other_chorogrid, show=True, save_filename=None)
 |      Overlays a second chorogrid object on top of the root object.
 |  draw_hex(self, x_column='hex_x', y_column='hex_y', true_rows=True, **kwargs)
 |      Creates an SVG file based on a hexagonal grid, with coordinates 
 |      from the specified columns in csv_path (specified when Chorogrid class
 |      initialized).
 |      Note that hexagonal grids can have two possible layouts:
 |      1. 'true rows' (the default), in which:
 |        * hexagons lie in straight rows joined by vertical sides to east and west
 |        * hexagon points lie to north and south
 |        * the home point (x=0, y=0 from upper left/northwest) has (1,0) to its immediate east
 |        * the home point (0,0) shares its southeast side with (0,1)'s northwest side
 |        * then (0,1) shares its southwest side with (0,2)'s northeast side
 |        * thus odd rows are offset to the east of even rows
 |      2. 'true columns', in which:
 |        * hexagons lie in straight columns joined by horizontal sides to north and south
 |        * hexagon points lie to east and west
 |        * the home point (x=0, y=0 from upper left/northwest) has (0,1) to its immediate south
 |        * the home point (0,0) shares its southeast side with (1,0)'s northwest side.
 |        * then (1,0) shares its northeast side with (2,0)'s southwest side.
 |        * thus odd columns are offset to the south of even columns
 |      Note on kwarg dicts: defaults will be used for all keys unless 
 |      overridden, i.e. you don't need to state all the key-value pairs.
 |      kwarg: font_dict
 |          default: {'font-style': 'normal', 'font-weight': 'normal', 
 |                    'font-size': '12px', 'line-height': '125%', 
 |                    'text-anchor': 'middle', 'font-family': 'sans-serif', 
 |                    'letter-spacing': '0px', 'word-spacing': '0px', 
 |                    'fill-opacity': 1, 'stroke': 'none', 
 |                    'stroke-width': '1px', 'stroke-linecap': 'butt', 
 |                    'stroke-linejoin': 'miter', 'stroke-opacity': 1,
 |                    'fill': '#000000'}
 |      kwarg: spacing_dict
 |          default: {'margin_left': 30,  'margin_top': 60,  
 |                    'margin_right': 40,  'margin_bottom': 20,  
 |                    'cell_width': 40,  'title_y_offset': 30,  
 |                    'name_y_offset': 15,  'stroke_width': 0
 |                    'gutter': 1,  'stroke_color': '#ffffff',  
 |                    'missing_color': '#a0a0a0',
 |                    'legend_offset': [0, -10]}
 |      kwarg: font_colors
 |          default: "#000000"
 |          if specified, must be either listlike object of colors 
 |          corresponding to ids, a dict of hex colors to font color, or a 
 |          string of a single color.
 |  draw_map(self, path_column='map_path', **kwargs)
 |      Creates an SVG file based on SVG paths delineating a map, 
 |          with paths from the specified columns in csv_path 
 |          (specified when Chorogrid class initialized).
 |      Note on kwarg dict: defaults will be used for all keys unless 
 |      overridden, i.e. you don't need to state all the key-value pairs.
 |      Note that the map does not have an option for font_dict, as
 |      it will not print labels.
 |      kwarg: spacing_dict
 |          # Note that total_width and total_height will depend on where 
 |          # the paths came from.
 |          # For the USA map included with this python module,
 |          # they are 959 and 593.
 |          default: {'map_width': 959, 'map_height': 593,
 |                      'margin_left': 10,  'margin_top': 20,  
 |                      'margin_right': 80,  'margin_bottom': 20,  
 |                      'title_y_offset': 45,
 |                      'stroke_color': '#ffffff', 'stroke_width': 0.5, 
 |                      'missing_color': '#a0a0a0',
 |                      'legend_offset': [0, 0]}
 |  draw_multihex(self, x_column='fourhex_x', y_column='fourhex_y', contour_column='fourhex_contour', x_label_offset_column='fourhex_label_offset_x', y_label_offset_column='fourhex_label_offset_y', **kwargs)
 |      Creates an SVG file based on a hexagonal grid, with contours
 |          described by the following pattern:
 |              a: up and to the right
 |              b: down and to the right
 |              c: down
 |              d: down and to the left
 |              e: up and to the left
 |              f: up
 |          Capital letters signify a move without drawing.
 |      Note on kwarg dicts: defaults will be used for all keys unless 
 |      overridden, i.e. you don't need to state all the key-value pairs.
 |      kwarg: font_dict
 |          default: {'font-style': 'normal', 'font-weight': 'normal', 
 |                    'font-size': '12px', 'line-height': '125%', 
 |                    'text-anchor': 'middle', 'font-family': 'sans-serif', 
 |                    'letter-spacing': '0px', 'word-spacing': '0px', 
 |                    'fill-opacity': 1, 'stroke': 'none', 
 |                    'stroke-width': '1px', 'stroke-linecap': 'butt', 
 |                    'stroke-linejoin': 'miter', 'stroke-opacity': 1,
 |                    'fill': '#000000'}
 |      kwarg: spacing_dict
 |          default: {'margin_left': 30,  'margin_top': 60,  
 |                    'margin_right': 40,  'margin_bottom': 20,  
 |                    'cell_width': 30,  'title_y_offset': 30,  
 |                    'name_y_offset': 15,  'stroke_width': 1
 |                    'stroke_color': '#ffffff',  'missing_color': '#a0a0a0',
 |                    'legend_offset': [0, -10]}
 |          (note that there is no gutter)
 |      kwarg: font_colors
 |          default = "#000000"
 |          if specified, must be either listlike object of colors 
 |          corresponding to ids, a dict of hex colors to font color, or a 
 |          string of a single color.
 |  draw_multisquare(self, x_column='multisquare_x', y_column='multisquare_y', contour_column='multisquare_contour', x_label_offset_column='multisquare_label_offset_x', y_label_offset_column='multisquare_label_offset_y', **kwargs)
 |      Creates an SVG file based on a square grid, with contours
 |          described by the following pattern:
 |              a: right
 |              b: down
 |              c: left
 |              d: up
 |              A: right (without drawing)
 |              B: down (without drawing)
 |              C: left (without drawing)
 |              D: up (without drawing)
 |      Note on kwarg dicts: defaults will be used for all keys unless 
 |      overridden, i.e. you don't need to state all the key-value pairs.
 |      kwarg: font_dict
 |          default: {'font-style': 'normal', 'font-weight': 'normal', 
 |                    'font-size': '12px', 'line-height': '125%', 
 |                    'text-anchor': 'middle', 'font-family': 'sans-serif', 
 |                    'letter-spacing': '0px', 'word-spacing': '0px', 
 |                    'fill-opacity': 1, 'stroke': 'none', 
 |                    'stroke-width': '1px', 'stroke-linecap': 'butt', 
 |                    'stroke-linejoin': 'miter', 'stroke-opacity': 1,
 |                    'fill': '#000000'}
 |      kwarg: spacing_dict
 |          default: {'margin_left': 30,  'margin_top': 60,  
 |                    'margin_right': 40,  'margin_bottom': 20,  
 |                    'cell_width': 30,  'title_y_offset': 30,  
 |                    'name_y_offset': 15,  'stroke_width': 1
 |                    'stroke_color': '#ffffff',  'missing_color': '#a0a0a0',
 |                    'legend_offset': [0, -10]}
 |          (note that there is no gutter)
 |      kwarg: font_colors
 |          default = "#000000"
 |          if specified, must be either listlike object of colors 
 |          corresponding to ids, a dict of hex colors to font color, or a 
 |          string of a single color.
 |  draw_squares(self, x_column='square_x', y_column='square_y', **kwargs)
 |      Creates an SVG file based on a square grid, with coordinates from 
 |      the specified columns in csv_path (specified when Chorogrid class
 |      initialized).
 |      Note on kwarg dicts: defaults will be used for all keys unless
 |      overridden, i.e. you don't need to state all the key-value pairs.
 |      kwarg: font_dict
 |          default: {'font-style': 'normal', 'font-weight': 'normal', 
 |                    'font-size': '12px', 'line-height': '125%', 
 |                    'text-anchor': 'middle', 'font-family': 'sans-serif', 
 |                    'letter-spacing': '0px', 'word-spacing': '0px', 
 |                    'fill-opacity': 1, 'stroke': 'none', 
 |                    'stroke-width': '1px', 'stroke-linecap': 'butt', 
 |                    'stroke-linejoin': 'miter', 'stroke-opacity': 1,
 |                    'fill': '#000000'}
 |      kwarg: spacing_dict
 |          default: {'margin_left': 30,  'margin_top': 60,  
 |                    'margin_right': 40,  'margin_bottom': 20,  
 |                    'cell_width': 40,  'title_y_offset': 30,  
 |                    'name_y_offset': 15,  'roundedness': 3,  
 |                    'gutter': 1,  'stroke_color': '#ffffff',  
 |                    'stroke_width': 0, 'missing_color': '#a0a0a0',
 |                    'legend_offset': [0, -10]}
 |      kwarg: font_colors
 |          default = "#000000"
 |          if specified, must be either listlike object of colors 
 |          corresponding to ids, a dict of hex colors to font color, or a 
 |          string of a single color.
 |  set_colors(self, colors)
 |      change colors list specified when Chorogrid is instantiated
 |  set_legend(self, colors, labels, title=None, width='square', height=100, gutter=2, stroke_width=0.5, label_x_offset=2, label_y_offset=3, stroke_color='#303030', **kwargs)
 |      Creates a legend that will be included in any draw method.
 |      * width can be the text "square" or a number of pixels.
 |      * a gradient can be made with a large number of colors, and ''
 |        for each label that is not specified, and non-square width
 |      * height does not include title
 |      * if len(labels) can be len(colors) or len(colors)+1; the labels
 |        will be aside the boxes, or at the interstices/fenceposts, 
 |        respectively; alternately, if len(labels) == 2, two fenceposts
 |        will be assigned
 |      kwarg: font_dict
 |          default: {'font-style': 'normal', 'font-weight': 'normal', 
 |                    'font-size': '12px', 'line-height': '125%', 
 |                    'text-anchor': 'left', 'font-family': 'sans-serif', 
 |                    'letter-spacing': '0px', 'word-spacing': '0px', 
 |                    'fill-opacity': 1, 'stroke': 'none', 
 |                    'stroke-width': '1px', 'stroke-linecap': 'butt', 
 |                    'stroke-linejoin': 'miter', 'stroke-opacity': 1,
 |                    'fill': '#000000'}
 |  set_title(self, title, **kwargs)
 |      Set a title for the grid
 |      kwargs:
 |           font_dict
 |           default = {'font-style': 'normal', 'font-weight': 'normal', 
 |                 'font-size': '21px', 'line-height': '125%', 
 |                 'text-anchor': 'middle', 'font-family': 'sans-serif', 
 |                 'letter-spacing': '0px', 'word-spacing': '0px', 
 |                 'fill-opacity': 1, 'stroke': 'none', 
 |                 'stroke-width': '1px', 'stroke-linecap': 'butt', 
 |                 'stroke-linejoin': 'miter', 'stroke-opacity': 1,
 |                 'fill': '#000000'}
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)

We'll load some sample data that reports the number of people living in the same home as one year ago per state in the United States, and use Colorbin to associate these numbers to colors. See Tutorial 1 for information on how Colorbin works.

In [2]:
mycolors = ['#b35806', '#f1a340', '#fee0b6', '#d8daeb', '#998ec3', '#542788']
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('chorogrid/sample_data/sample_state_data.csv')
mybin = Colorbin(df['Percent_living_in_same_home_as_one_year_ago'], mycolors, proportional=True, decimals=None)
mybin.calc_complements(0.5, '#e0e0e0', '#101010')

Here's the tail of the dataframe.

In [3]:

state Percent_living_in_same_home_as_one_year_ago
46 CA 84.2
47 AZ 80.4
48 AR 83.6
49 AL 85.0
50 AK 80.3

Now here's a look at all the objects we'll use to make further maps, lists that are either the length of the number of observations (51) or the number of colors (6).

In [4]:
states = list(df.state)
colors_by_state = mybin.colors_out
font_colors_by_state = mybin.complements
legend_colors = mybin.colors_in
legend_labels = mybin.labels

for lst in ['states', 'colors_by_state', 'font_colors_by_state', 'legend_colors', 'legend_labels']:
    obj = eval(lst)
    print("{:>20}: len {:2}: {}...".format(lst, len(obj), obj[:3]))

              states: len 51: ['WY', 'WV', 'WI']...
     colors_by_state: len 51: ['#fee0b6', '#542788', '#d8daeb']...
font_colors_by_state: len 51: ['#101010', '#e0e0e0', '#101010']...
       legend_colors: len  6: ['#b35806', '#f1a340', '#fee0b6']...
       legend_labels: len  6: ['77.7-79.8', '79.8-81.8', '81.8-83.9']...

Here is the database within Chorogrid for U.S. states, containing identifying information and instructions for hex, square, multihex and map choropleths.

In [5]:
_ = pd.read_csv('chorogrid/databases/usa_states.csv')

abbrev                                                                   AK
full_name                                                            Alaska
long_abbrev                                                           Alas.
FIPS                                                                      2
pop                                                                  710231
sqmi                                                               663267.3
map_path                  m 135.58488,358.02208 -0.24846,65.59232 1.2422...
map_fill_default                                                          2
map_label_x                                                        99.76261
map_label_y                                                        398.1729
map_label_text_anchor                                                middle
map_label_line_path                                                     NaN
altmap_path               m 151.26632,459.09682 -0.31386,83.24785 1.5692...
square_x                                                                  0
square_y                                                                  0
altsquare_x                                                               0
altsquare_y                                                               0
hex_x                                                                     1
hex_y                                                                     0
althex_x                                                                  0
althex_y                                                                  0
fourhex_x                                                                 2
fourhex_y                                                                 1
fourhex_contour                                              ababcdcdedefaf
fourhex_label_offset_x                                                 0.25
fourhex_label_offset_y                                                  0.5
Name: 0, dtype: object

And here's a help file with descriptions of all the columns in the cell above.

In [6]:
with open('chorogrid/databases/usa_states_column_descriptions.txt') as f:

abbrev                       Postal abbreviation for 50 states and D.C.
full_name                    Full name
long_abbrev                  Abbreviation, based on but not identical to recommendations of Associated Press
FIPS                         Federal Information Processing Standards
pop                          Population in 2013
sqmi                         Area in square miles

map_path                     SVG path for geographic map
map_fill_default             Number, 1-4, so that no states sharing a border will have same fill
map_label_x                  X-coordinate for map label, e.g. state name
map_label_y                  Y-coordinate for map label
map_label_text_anchor        Text anchor (start, middle, end) for label
map_label_line_path          Path for line connecting state and label, if applicable

altmap_path                  Alternate SVG path, without labels

square_x                     Horizontal position of square grid
square_y                     Vertical position of square grid

altsquare_x                  Alternate horizontal position of square grid
altsquare_y                  Alternate vertical position of square grid

hex_x                        Horizontal position of hex grid
hex_y                        Vertical position of hex grid

fourhex_x                    Horizontal position of topmost, then leftmost, hex in four-hex multihex layout
fourhex_y                    Vertical position of topmost, then leftmost, hex in four-hex multihex layout
fourhex_contour              Contour of four-hex layout: a=up&right, b=down&right, c=down, d=down&left, e=up&left, f=up
fourhex_label_offset_x       Horizontal offset of label, in terms of hex width
fourhex_label_offset_y       Vertical offset of label, in terms of hex width

In [7]:
cg = Chorogrid('chorogrid/databases/usa_states.csv', states, colors_by_state)
cg.set_title('% Living at same address as one year ago', font_dict={'font-size': 19})
cg.set_legend(legend_colors, legend_labels, title='% of population')
cg.draw_squares(spacing_dict={'margin_right': 150}) # otherwise legend will be cut off
    # another strategy would be to pass a legend_offset to spacing_dict

AK AL AR AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MS MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY 88.0-90.1 86.0-88.0 83.9-86.0 81.8-83.9 79.8-81.8 77.7-79.8 % of population % Living at same address as one year ago

Note that it's very difficult to see the text in the darkest-colored states. Luckily we've create a list of font colors based on Colorbin's complement method. Let's rerun the last two lines of the cell above, but with font colors specified.

In [8]:
cg.draw_squares(spacing_dict={'margin_right': 150}, font_colors=font_colors_by_state)

AK AL AR AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MS MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY 88.0-90.1 86.0-88.0 83.9-86.0 81.8-83.9 79.8-81.8 77.7-79.8 % of population % Living at same address as one year ago

Here's an alternate layout of squares.

In [9]:
cg.draw_squares(x_column='altsquare_x', y_column='altsquare_y', spacing_dict={'margin_right': 150},

AK AL AR AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MS MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY 88.0-90.1 86.0-88.0 83.9-86.0 81.8-83.9 79.8-81.8 77.7-79.8 % of population % Living at same address as one year ago

And here's a hex layout.

In [10]:
cg.draw_hex(spacing_dict={'margin_right': 150}, font_colors=font_colors_by_state)

AK AL AR AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MS MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY 88.0-90.1 86.0-88.0 83.9-86.0 81.8-83.9 79.8-81.8 77.7-79.8 % of population % Living at same address as one year ago

And an alternate hex layout

In [11]:
cg.draw_hex(x_column='althex_x', y_column='althex_y', spacing_dict={'margin_right': 150},

AK AL AR AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MS MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY 88.0-90.1 86.0-88.0 83.9-86.0 81.8-83.9 79.8-81.8 77.7-79.8 % of population % Living at same address as one year ago

And a traditional choropleth map.

In [12]:
cg = Chorogrid('chorogrid/databases/usa_states.csv', states, colors_by_state)
cg.draw_map(spacing_dict={'legend_offset': [-150,-25]})

# To Do: Add state names. The required data is there in the database, but hasn't been implemented in code.

And a fancy one where states are represented by four hexes each.

In [13]:


There are currently three databases in Chorogrid: USA by state, as seen above, USA by county, which we'll look at ehre, and finally Europe by country, which will be shown below. FIPS (Federal Information Processing Codes) standards are used to identify counties.

In [14]:
df = pd.read_csv('chorogrid/sample_data/sample_county_data.csv', encoding='latin-1')

Let's have a look at the data. There are 3143 counties (including the 0-indexed one): counties are redefined every few years, this is the most recent count as of June 2015. If you have older data or if the borders change after that date, the mapping between data and map may not be perfect.

In [15]:

County and state name fips Median_value_of_owner-occupied_housing_units_2009-2013
3138 Yuma County, AZ 4027 118000
3139 Yuma County, CO 8125 136600
3140 Zapata County, TX 48505 55700
3141 Zavala County, TX 48507 39900
3142 Ziebach County, SD 46137 70100

Use colorbin to divide the quantities into six bins

In [16]:
mybin = Colorbin(df['Median_value_of_owner-occupied_housing_units_2009-2013'], mycolors, proportional=False, decimals=None)

[0, 76400, 90500, 108700, 136200, 176800, 929700]

Reset the fenceposts in order to have whole numbers

In [17]:
mybin.fenceposts = [0, 50000, 100000, 150000, 250000, 500000, 1000000]


Here are the columns for the counties database. Note that it only has maps, not squares or hexes or multihexes (for now, anyway).

In [18]:
with open('chorogrid/databases/usa_counties_column_descriptions.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:

name          County name, e.g. "Santa Barbara"
state         2-letter state abbreviation, e.g. CA
map_path      SVG path for county outline
fips          Federal Information Processing Standards code for county in string format, e.g. "06083"
fips_integer  Federal Information Processing Standards code for county in integer format, e.g. 6083
middle_x      horizontal coordinate of center of county; not used for anything in this script, but provided just in case it's useful
middle_y      vertical coordinate of center of county; not used for anything in this script, but provided just in case it's useful

And here's the map.

In [19]:
cg = Chorogrid('chorogrid/databases/usa_counties.csv', df.fips, mybin.colors_out, 'fips_integer')
cg.set_title('Median value of owner-occupied housing units, 2009-2013', font_dict={'font-size': 19})
cg.set_legend(mybin.colors_in, mybin.labels, title='US dollars')
cg.draw_map(spacing_dict={'legend_offset':[-300,-200], 'margin_top': 50}) # otherwise legend will be cut off
    # another strategy would be to pass a legend_offset to spacing_dict
cg.done(show=True, save_filename='eraseme')

500000-1000000 250000-500000 150000-250000 100000-150000 50000-100000 0-50000 US dollars Median value of owner-occupied housing units, 2009-2013

Note that there are no state borders in the above graph; we can add it by adding the statelines.txt file, which has the appropriate path descriptions.

In [20]:
with open('chorogrid/databases/usa_counties_statelines.txt', 'r') as f:
    statelines =
cg.done(show=True, save_filename='eraseme')

### Known bug: if you run this cell again, the borders will be offset.
### For now, you'll have to restart the kernel to get the state borders in the right place.

500000-1000000 250000-500000 150000-250000 100000-150000 50000-100000 0-50000 US dollars Median value of owner-occupied housing units, 2009-2013

And now Europe. Our source data has two- and three-letter county abbreviations; for now, the database only has two-letter abbreviations.

In [21]:
with open('chorogrid/databases/europe_countries_column_descriptions.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:

abbrev                       Two-letter ISO country code
full_name                    Full name

map_path                     SVG path for geographic map
map_fill_default             Number, 1-4, so that no countries sharing a border will have same fill
map_label_x                  X-coordinate for map label, e.g. country name
map_label_y                  Y-coordinate for map label
map_label_text_anchor        Text anchor (start, middle, end) for label
map_label_line_path          Path for line connecting country and label, if applicable

hex_x                        Horizontal position of hex grid
hex_y                        Vertical position of hex grid

In [22]:
df = pd.read_csv('chorogrid/sample_data/sample_europe_data.csv', encoding='latin-1')

Country abbrev2 abbrev3 Pct Internet users
48 Switzerland CH CHE 89.1
49 Turkey TR TUR 56.7
50 Ukraine UA UKR 41.8
51 United Kingdom GB GBR 89.8
52 Vatican City State VU VUT 57.0

And here's the choropleth.

In [23]:
mybin = Colorbin(df['Pct Internet users'], mycolors, proportional=False, decimals=None)
mybin.fenceposts = [0, 40, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]
font_colors_europe = mybin.complements

cg = Chorogrid('chorogrid/databases/europe_countries.csv', df.abbrev2, mybin.colors_out, 'abbrev')
cg.set_title('% Internet users', font_dict={'font-size': 19})
cg.set_legend(mybin.colors_in, mybin.labels, title='% of population')
cg.draw_map(spacing_dict={'legend_offset':[-200,-100], 'margin_top': 50}) # otherwise legend will be cut off
    # another strategy would be to pass a legend_offset to spacing_dict

WARNING: The following are not recognized ids: {'SS', 'GG', 'FM', 'JE', 'GI', 'KR', 'FO', 'VU', 'MO'}
WARNING: The following ids in the csv are not included: {'MD', 'VA', 'AZ', 'KS', 'MK', 'GE', 'AM', 'RU'}
90-100 80-90 70-80 60-70 40-60 0-40 % of population % Internet users

Note that in this case there was not a perfect mapping of country abbreviations between the source data and the database. Some small 'countries' like the Faroe Islands [FO] (which is part of the Danish Realm but is self-governing) are not in the database, while several countries including Russia [RU] are not in the data.

Finally, here's the hex grid:

In [24]:
cg.draw_hex(spacing_dict={'legend_offset':[0, -100], 'margin_top': 50, 'margin_right': 200})

# Known issue: font_colors does not work for this Europe hex map.

AD AL AM AT AZ BA BE BG BY CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB GE GR HR HU IE IS IT KS LI LT LU LV MC MD ME MK MT NL NO PL PT RO RS RU SE SI SK SM TR UA VA 90-100 80-90 70-80 60-70 40-60 0-40 % of population % Internet users

Now to Canada. Here is a square grid of the 338 federal electoral ridings defined in 2013; since each riding has approximately the same population, it is almost a cartogram. Ridings are colored according to province.

In [25]:
with open('chorogrid/databases/canada_federal_ridings_column_descriptions.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:

district_code               Federal electoral district code
province                    Two-letter province postal abbreviation
federal_electoral_district  Name of federal riding
population                  Population in riding
electors                    Number of eligible voters in riding
area_km2                    Area of riding in square kilometers
square_x                    Horizontal position of square
square_y                    Vertical position of square
truecolhex_x                Horizontal position of hex with true columns
truecolhex_y                Vertical position of hex with true columns

In [26]:
# assign a different color to each district_code according to province

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('chorogrid/databases/canada_federal_ridings.csv')
provinces = df.province.unique()
province2color = {}
for i, province in enumerate(provinces):
    province2color[province] = mycolors[i % len(mycolors)]
canada_riding_colors = [province2color[province] for province in list(df.province)]

In [27]:
cg_ridings = Chorogrid('chorogrid/databases/canada_federal_ridings.csv', list(df.district_code), 
                       canada_riding_colors, 'district_code')
cg_ridings.set_title('Canadian federal ridings (square grid)', font_dict={'font-size': 19})
cg_ridings.draw_squares(spacing_dict={'cell_width': 15, 'roundedness': 2},
                        font_dict={'fill-opacity': 0})

# Note that we passed list(df.district_code) as ids because our colors happened to be ordered the same as the
# ids in the database file. This is normally not the case, so we have to explicitly pass ids every time
# Chorogrid is instantiated.

48001 48007 48012 48022 48034 48004 48008 48010 48020 48021 48005 48011 48018 48024 48026 48029 48031 48033 48003 48006 48009 48014 48015 48023 48028 48030 48002 48013 48016 48017 48019 48025 48027 48032 59009 59010 59018 59026 59027 59041 59025 59031 59037 59039 59011 59028 59034 59036 59040 59019 59030 59033 59038 59042 59003 59007 59035 59002 59008 59012 59016 59001 59021 59022 59023 59032 59004 59005 59006 59014 59017 59013 59015 59020 59024 59029 46001 46002 46007 46004 46011 46013 46014 46003 46005 46009 46012 46006 46008 46010 13003 13005 13010 13001 13006 13007 13008 13002 13004 13009 10004 10005 10003 10002 10001 10006 10007 12011 12006 12009 12003 12005 12007 12002 12004 12008 12001 12010 61001 62001 35042 35046 35091 35105 35117 35052 35083 35092 35106 35107 35112 35113 35116 35002 35008 35014 35026 35032 35040 35045 35048 35053 35103 35010 35011 35012 35017 35022 35051 35057 35080 35099 35100 35005 35009 35016 35025 35043 35047 35058 35062 35069 35111 35004 35013 35015 35029 35063 35065 35073 35082 35104 35121 35003 35030 35035 35054 35060 35072 35087 35118 35119 35120 35020 35027 35033 35034 35056 35059 35061 35070 35084 35115 35018 35023 35028 35037 35038 35049 35055 35086 35090 35021 35024 35036 35039 35041 35078 35081 35085 35093 35001 35031 35064 35068 35071 35079 35096 35101 35110 35114 35019 35044 35067 35075 35076 35077 35094 35097 35108 35109 35006 35007 35066 35074 35089 35095 35102 35050 35088 35098 11003 11004 11002 11001 24002 24027 24030 24057 24005 24013 24031 24035 24038 24029 24048 24050 24063 24033 24040 24056 24062 24065 24075 24003 24004 24012 24055 24068 24076 24078 24009 24015 24036 24052 24064 24069 24070 24074 24001 24021 24028 24032 24037 24053 24054 24058 24060 24071 24014 24019 24022 24025 24034 24039 24042 24045 24046 24049 24067 24077 24008 24011 24017 24020 24024 24043 24044 24059 24066 24010 24016 24018 24041 24051 24061 24072 24073 24006 24007 24023 24047 24026 47001 47002 47004 47010 47007 47011 47012 47003 47005 47006 47009 47008 47013 47014 60001 Canadian federal ridings (square grid)

And here is a multisquare of the Canadian provinces based on the above ridings.

In [28]:
import pandas as pd
df_prov = pd.read_csv('chorogrid/databases/canada_provinces.csv')

canada_prov_colors = [mycolors[x % len(mycolors)] for x in range(len(list(df_prov.province)))]

cg_prov = Chorogrid('chorogrid/databases/canada_provinces.csv', df_prov.province, canada_prov_colors, 'province')
cg_prov.set_title('Canadian provinces cartogram (square grid)', font_dict={'font-size': 19})
cg_prov.draw_multisquare(font_dict={'fill-opacity': 0}, 
                    spacing_dict={'margin_bottom': 250, 'cell_width': 16,
                                  'stroke_width': 1, 'stroke_color': '#000000'})

# Known issue: we have to add a bottom margin of 250 to make this map visible, normally the height variable
# should take care of that without tweaking. It's because the added height from the contours is not added.

NL PE NS NB QC ON MB SK AB BC YT NT NU Canadian provinces cartogram (square grid)

Now we can overlay the borders from the provinces multisquare, setting the fill colors to 'none' (the string, not None the Python object), atop the ridings map.

In [29]:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('chorogrid/databases/canada_federal_ridings.csv')
provinces = df.province.unique()
province2color = {}
for i, province in enumerate(provinces):
    province2color[province] = mycolors[i % len(mycolors)]
canada_riding_colors = [province2color[province] for province in list(df.province)]

cg_ridings = Chorogrid('chorogrid/databases/canada_federal_ridings.csv', list(df.district_code), 
                       canada_riding_colors, 'district_code')
cg_ridings.set_title('Canadian federal ridings (square grid)', font_dict={'font-size': 19})
cg_ridings.draw_squares(spacing_dict={'cell_width': 15, 'roundedness': 2},
                        font_dict={'fill-opacity': 0})

df_prov = pd.read_csv('chorogrid/databases/canada_provinces.csv')
canada_prov_colors = ['none' for x in range(len(df_prov.province))]

cg_prov = Chorogrid('chorogrid/databases/canada_provinces.csv', df_prov.province, canada_prov_colors, 'province')
cg_prov.draw_multisquare(font_dict={'fill-opacity': 0}, 
                    spacing_dict={'margin_bottom': 250, 'cell_width': 16,
                                  'stroke_width': 1, 'stroke_color': '#000000'})

cg_ridings.done_and_overlay(cg_prov, show=True)

# Known issue: overlay cell width must be set to 16, while ridings cell width is set to 15, because
# overlay stroke==1.

48001 48007 48012 48022 48034 48004 48008 48010 48020 48021 48005 48011 48018 48024 48026 48029 48031 48033 48003 48006 48009 48014 48015 48023 48028 48030 48002 48013 48016 48017 48019 48025 48027 48032 59009 59010 59018 59026 59027 59041 59025 59031 59037 59039 59011 59028 59034 59036 59040 59019 59030 59033 59038 59042 59003 59007 59035 59002 59008 59012 59016 59001 59021 59022 59023 59032 59004 59005 59006 59014 59017 59013 59015 59020 59024 59029 46001 46002 46007 46004 46011 46013 46014 46003 46005 46009 46012 46006 46008 46010 13003 13005 13010 13001 13006 13007 13008 13002 13004 13009 10004 10005 10003 10002 10001 10006 10007 12011 12006 12009 12003 12005 12007 12002 12004 12008 12001 12010 61001 62001 35042 35046 35091 35105 35117 35052 35083 35092 35106 35107 35112 35113 35116 35002 35008 35014 35026 35032 35040 35045 35048 35053 35103 35010 35011 35012 35017 35022 35051 35057 35080 35099 35100 35005 35009 35016 35025 35043 35047 35058 35062 35069 35111 35004 35013 35015 35029 35063 35065 35073 35082 35104 35121 35003 35030 35035 35054 35060 35072 35087 35118 35119 35120 35020 35027 35033 35034 35056 35059 35061 35070 35084 35115 35018 35023 35028 35037 35038 35049 35055 35086 35090 35021 35024 35036 35039 35041 35078 35081 35085 35093 35001 35031 35064 35068 35071 35079 35096 35101 35110 35114 35019 35044 35067 35075 35076 35077 35094 35097 35108 35109 35006 35007 35066 35074 35089 35095 35102 35050 35088 35098 11003 11004 11002 11001 24002 24027 24030 24057 24005 24013 24031 24035 24038 24029 24048 24050 24063 24033 24040 24056 24062 24065 24075 24003 24004 24012 24055 24068 24076 24078 24009 24015 24036 24052 24064 24069 24070 24074 24001 24021 24028 24032 24037 24053 24054 24058 24060 24071 24014 24019 24022 24025 24034 24039 24042 24045 24046 24049 24067 24077 24008 24011 24017 24020 24024 24043 24044 24059 24066 24010 24016 24018 24041 24051 24061 24072 24073 24006 24007 24023 24047 24026 47001 47002 47004 47010 47007 47011 47012 47003 47005 47006 47009 47008 47013 47014 60001 Canadian federal ridings (square grid) NL PE NS NB QC ON MB SK AB BC YT NT NU

In [ ]: