In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
# a new addition to our standard imports
import scipy.stats as stats

In [2]:
# scipy.stats.norm.rvs when used like this is pretty much
# equivalent to numpy.random.normal which we've used previously
x = stats.norm.rvs(loc=0, scale=1, size=1000)

In [3]:
# when we call stats.norm like this we're creating
# a "frozen distribution" -- essentially an object
# representing the normal distribution with the given 
# parameters. In this case we're specificing the so-called
# "standard normal" distribution -- i.e the normal distribution
# with mean = 0, std dev = 1
STDNORM = stats.norm(loc=0,scale=1)

# now we can get random values from our frozen distribution
y = STDNORM.rvs(size=1000)

In [4]:
# to draw the probability density function (pdf) for our normal
# distribution, we need a set of values of x where we'll evaluate
# the function.  numpy.linspace generate the specified number of 
# points (in this case 500) within the given interval (-6,6 in 
# this example)
xs = np.linspace(-6,6,500)

# we evaluate our pdf at the specified x-values to get back
# the corresponding densities
fx = STDNORM.pdf(xs)

In [5]:
# create a histogram of our sample from the standard normal
plt.hist(y,alpha=0.5,normed=True,  # note the used of normed=True to generate
         bins=25,label='sample')   # a density histogram

# plot the pdf for the standard normal
plt.plot(xs, fx, color='red', 
         linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2,

# note the use of the label arguments above to create
# labels for the legend; by default the legend() fxn
# tries to find the best placement of the legend so as
# not to minimally interfere with the plotted data

plt.xlabel("Random Variate")

In [6]:
# let's generate the pdf for the SAT example
# we covered in lecture, which was assumed to be
# N(mu=1500,sigma=300)
SAT = stats.norm(loc=1500, scale=300)
xsat = np.linspace(600,2400,500)
fsat = SAT.pdf(xsat)
plt.xlabel("SAT scores")

In [7]:
# In the example from the slides, Pam had a score of 1800
# on her SATs.  We can use the scipy.stats.norm.cdf fxn to 
# calculate her percentile. cdf returns the cumulative probability to
# the left of the given point. Strictly speaking, to turn
# this into a percentile we need to multiply by hundred
pamcdf = SAT.cdf(1800)
print("Pam's percentile is", pamcdf * 100)

Pam's percentile is 84.1344746069

In [8]:
# Let's redraw the PDF, illustrating how to draw a line at
# Pam's score (1800) and shade the area to the left of it

# draw entire pdf first
# note xsat and fsat were defined a couple cells above
plt.plot(xsat, fsat, color='black')  

# plot vertical line at 1800 extending from 0 to pdf(1800)
plt.vlines(1800, 0, SAT.pdf(1800), linestyle='dashed', color='k')

# draw area under curve from 600 to 1800
xtoleft = np.linspace(600,1800,500)
ftoleft = SAT.pdf(xtoleft)
plt.fill_between(xtoleft, np.zeros_like(ftoleft), ftoleft, color='gray', alpha=0.75)

plt.xlabel("SAT scores")


In [9]:
# Another example we looked at in class involved
# quality control at a ketchup factory.  The volume
# of ketchup in bottles was ~ N(36 oz,0.11 oz).  We first
# asked what the probability was that a sampled bottle
# had <= 35.8 oz of ketchup 
kmu, kstd = 36, 0.11
ketchup = stats.norm(loc=kmu, scale=kstd)


In [10]:
# then we asked what fraction of bottles had between
# 35.8 and 36.2 oz of ketchup. Here's one way to calculate
# this value.  Note the introduction of the scipy.stats.norm.sf 
# function (also called the "survival function" = 1 - cdf)
1 - ketchup.cdf(35.8) - ketchup.sf(36.2)


In [11]:
# let's illustrate this last example with one more figure.
# We'll make this figure slightly fancier by changes its aspect
# ratio, customizing the axes, etc.

# set figure size -- (length, width) in inches
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4))  

xvol = np.linspace(kmu - 4*kstd, kmu + 4*kstd, 500)
fvol = ketchup.pdf(xvol)
plt.plot(xvol, fvol, color='black')

# shade area representing fraction of bottles that
# are expected to pass inspection (btw 35.8 and 36.2)
xpass = np.linspace(35.8,36.2,500)
fpass = ketchup.pdf(xpass)
plt.fill_between(xpass, np.zeros_like(fpass), fpass, color='gray', alpha=0.75)

plt.xlabel("Volume (oz)")

# Below here we're just customizing the look of the figure

# get rid of yticks

# get current axes
ax = plt.gca() 

# draw xsticks only at the bottom

# remove left, right, and top "spines" surrounding the plot


In [12]:
# if you find yourself drawing lots of figures like the one above
# you should write a couple of functions to encapsulate the key steps

def norm_plot(mu, sigma, nstds=4, npts=500, **kw):
    """Draw the probability density fxn for N(mu,sigma).
    nstds = how many standard deviation to left/right to draw pdf
    npts = number of pts over which to evaluate the pdf
    **kw = any additional keywords are passed along to pyplot.plot 
    distribution = stats.norm(loc=mu, scale=sigma)
    xmin, xmax = mu-nstds*sigma, mu+nstds*sigma
    x = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,npts)
    y = distribution.pdf(x)
    plt.plot(x, y, **kw)  # notice how we pass any additional keywords to the plot fxn
    # make it look nice
    plt.ylim(0, max(y)*1.1)
    ax = plt.gca() 
    # return the "frozen" distribution and the axes representing our plot  
    return distribution, ax
def area_under_distn(distribution, xmin, xmax, npts=500, **kw):
    """Draw the area under the pdf of the given distribution from xmin, xmax.
    distribution = a frozen distribution from scipy.stats
    x = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,npts)
    y = distribution.pdf(x)
    plt.fill_between(x, np.zeros_like(y), y, **kw)

In [13]:
# here's how we can use our two fxns defined above to quickly create 
# some nice figures with a minimum of code. We'll illustrate it by drawing
# a figure showing the fraction of bottles that are expected NOT to pass
# inspection (the inverse of the previous figure above)

mu, sigma = 36, 0.11

distn, ax = norm_plot(mu, sigma, color='k')
area_under_distn(distn, mu-4*sigma, 35.8, color='firebrick', alpha=0.5)
area_under_distn(distn, 36.2, mu+4*sigma, color='firebrick', alpha=0.5)

# tweak the plot with labels and additional text
plt.xlabel("Volume (oz)")

# draw some text on the plot. We use the markup language 
# LaTeX to draw a nicely formatted shorthand formula
plt.text(36.2, 2, "$X \sim N(36,0.11)$", fontsize=18)

A note about colors in matplotlib

Color arguments to Matplotlib function support HTML named colors like 'firebrick' above. You can also specify colors use Hexadecimal numbers (also common in web programming) or RGB values using a tuple of values in the range 0-1. For more details see the Matplotlib color documentation.

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