Some Typical Financial Calculations

Load Packages

The Roots package solves non-linear equations and the StatsBase package has methods for estimating autocorrelations etc.

In [1]:
using Dates, DelimitedFiles, LinearAlgebra, Roots, Distributions, StatsBase



In [2]:
using Plots

#pyplot(size=(600,400))        #use pyplot or gr
default(fmt = :svg)

Load Data

In [3]:
x   = readdlm("Data/MyData.csv",',',skipstart=1)        #monthly return data
ym  = round.(Int,x[:,1])     #yearmonth, like 200712
Rme = x[:,2]                 #market excess return
Rf  = x[:,3]                 #interest rate
R   = x[:,4]                 #return small growth stocks
Re  = R - Rf                 #excess returns
T   = size(Rme,1)

dN = Date.(string.(ym),"yyyymm")  #convert to string and then Julia Date



The CAPM regression is

$R_{it}^{e} =\alpha_{i}+\beta_{i}R_{mt}^{e}+\varepsilon_{it}$,

where $R_{it}^{e}$ is the excess return of asset $i$ and $R_{mt}^{e}$ is the market excess return. Theory says that $\alpha=0$, which is easily tested.

In [4]:
x    = [ones(T) Rme]             #regressors
y    = copy(Re)                  #to get standard OLS notation
b    = x\y                       #OLS
u    = y - x*b                   #residuals
covb = inv(x'x)*var(u)           #cov(b), see any textbook
stdb = sqrt.(diag(covb))         #std(b)
R2a  = 1 - var(u)/var(y)

printTable([b stdb b./stdb],["coeff","std","t-stat"],["α","β"])
printlnPs("R2: ",R2a)
printlnPs("no. of observations: ",T)

      coeff       std    t-stat
α    -0.504     0.304    -1.656
β     1.341     0.066    20.427

      R2:      0.519
no. of observations:        388

Return Autocorrelation

That is, the correlation of $R_{t}^{e}$ and $R_{t-s}^{e}$.

It can be shown that the t-stat of an autocorrelation is $\sqrt{T}$ times the autocorrelation.

In [5]:
plags = 1:5
xCorr = autocor(Re,plags)         #using the StatsBase package

println("Autocorrelations (different lags) of the excess returns in Re")
printTable([xCorr sqrt(T)*xCorr],["autocorr","t-stat"],string.(plags),cell00="lag")

Autocorrelations (different lags) of the excess returns in Re
lag  autocorr    t-stat
1       0.216     4.253
2       0.002     0.046
3      -0.018    -0.359
4      -0.065    -1.289
5      -0.027    -0.536

A Trading Strategy

The next cell implements a very simple momentum trading strategy.

  1. If $R_{t-1}^{e}\ge0$, then we hold the market index and shorten the riskfree from $t-1$ to $t$. This means that we will earn $R_{t}^{e}$.

  2. Instead, if $R_{t-1}^{e}<0$, then we do the opposite. This means that we will earn $-R_{t}^{e}$.

This simple strategy could be coded without using a loop, but "vectorization" does not speed up much.

In [6]:
(w,Rp)  = (fill(NaN,T),fill(NaN,T))
for t = 2:T
  w[t]  = (Re[t-1] < 0)*(-1) + (Re[t-1] >= 0)*1       #w is -1 or 1
  Rp[t] = w[t]*Re[t] 

μ = [mean(Rp[2:end]) mean(Re[2:end])]
σ = [std(Rp[2:end])  std(Re[2:end])]

printlnPs("The annualized mean excess return of the strategy and a passive portfolio are: ",μ*12)
printlnPs("The annualized Sharpe ratios are: ",sqrt(12)*μ./σ)

The annualized mean excess return of the strategy and a passive portfolio are:     26.733     3.329
The annualized Sharpe ratios are:      0.932     0.112

Value at Risk

The next cell constructs an simple estimate of $\sigma_t^2$ as a backward looking moving average (the RiskMetrics approach):

$\sigma_t^2 = \lambda \sigma_{t-1}^2 + (1-\lambda) (R_{t-1} -\mu)^2$, where $\mu$ is the average return (for all data).

Then, we calculate the 95% VaR by assuming a $N(\mu,\sigma_t^2)$ distribution:

$\textrm{VaR}_{t} = - (\mu-1.64\sigma_t)$.

If the model is correct, then $-R_t > \text{VaR}_{t}$ should only happen 5% of the times.

In [7]:
μ = mean(Rme)

λ = 0.95                         #weight on old volatility
σ² = fill(var(Rme),T)            #RiskMetrics approach to estimate variance
for t = 2:T
  σ²[t] = λ*σ²[t-1] + (1-λ)*(Rme[t-1]-μ)^2

VaR95 = -(μ .- 1.64*sqrt.(σ²))      #VaR at 95% level
println(" ")


In [8]:
xTicksLoc = Dates.value.([Date(1980);Date(1990);Date(2000);Date(2010)])
xTicksLab = ["1980";"1990";"2000";"2010"]   #crude way of getting tick marks right

plot( dN,VaR95,
      color = :blue,
      legend = false,
      xticks = (xTicksLoc,xTicksLab),
      ylim = (0,11),
      title = "1-month Value at Risk (95%)",
      ylabel = "%",
      annotation = (Dates.value(Date(1982)),1,text("(for US equity market)",8,:left)) )

1980 1990 2000 2010 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 1-month Value at Risk (95%) % (for US equity market)


Black-Scholes Option Price

Let $S$ be the the current spot price of an asset and $y$ be the interest rate.

The Black-Scholes formula for a European call option with strike price $K$ and time to expiration $m$ is

$C =S\Phi(d_{1}) -e^{-ym}K\Phi(d_{2})$, where

$d_{1} =\frac{\ln(S/K)+(y+\sigma^{2}/2)m}{\sigma\sqrt{m}} \ \text{ and } \ d_{2}=d_{1}-\sigma\sqrt{m}$

and where $\Phi(d)$ denotes the probability of $x\leq d$ when $x$ has an $N(0,1)$ distribution. All variables except the volatility ($\sigma$) are directly observable.

In [9]:
Φ(x) = cdf(Normal(0,1),x)     #a one-line function, Pr(z<=x) for N(0,1)

Calculate Black-Scholes european call option price
function OptionBlackSPs(S,K,m,y,σ)

  d1 = ( log(S/K) + (y+1/2*σ^2)*m ) / (σ*sqrt(m))
  d2 = d1 - σ*sqrt(m)
  c  = S*Φ(d1) - exp(-y*m)*K*Φ(d2)
  return c


In [10]:
σ = 0.4
c1 = OptionBlackSPs(10,10,0.5,0.1,σ)
printlnPs("\n","call price according to Black-Scholes: ",c1)

K = range(7,stop=13,length=51)
c = OptionBlackSPs.(10,K,0.5,0.1,σ);

call price according to Black-Scholes:      1.358

In [11]:
plot( K,c,
      color = :red,
      legend = false,
      title = "Black-Scholes call option price",
      xlabel = "strike price",
      ylabel = "option price" )

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Black-Scholes call option price strike price option price

Implied Volatility

is the $\sigma$ value that makes the Black-Scholes equation give the same option price as observed on the market. It is often interpreted as the "market uncertainty."

The next cell uses the call option price calculated above as the market price. The implied volatility should then equal the volatility used above (this is a way to check your coding).

The next few cells instead use some data on options on German government bonds.

In [12]:
#solve for implied vol
iv = find_zero(σ->OptionBlackSPs(10,10,0.5,0.1,σ)-c1,(0.00001,5))

printlnPs("Implied volatility: ",iv,", compare with: ")

Implied volatility:      0.400, compare with: 0.4

In [13]:
#  LIFFE Bunds option data, trade date April 6, 1994
K = [                        #strike prices; Mx1 vector
      92.00;  94.00;  94.50;  95.00;  95.50;  96.00;  96.50;  97.00;
      97.50;  98.00;  98.50;  99.00;  99.50;  100.0;  100.5;  101.0;
     101.5;  102.0;  102.5;  103.0;  103.5 ];
C = [                        #call prices; Mx1 vector
      5.13;    3.25;    2.83;    2.40;    2.00;    1.64;    1.31;    1.02;
      0.770;   0.570;   0.400;   0.280;   0.190;   0.130;  0.0800;  0.0500;
      0.0400;  0.0300;  0.0200;  0.0100;  0.0100 ];
S = 97.05                #spot price
m = 48/365               #time to expiry in years
y = 0.0                  #Interest rate: LIFFE=>no discounting
N = length(K)


In [14]:
iv = fill(NaN,N)       #looping over strikes
for i = 1:N
  iv[i] = find_zero(sigma->OptionBlackSPs(S,K[i],m,y,sigma)-C[i],(0.00001,5))

println("Strike and iv for data: ")
printmat([K iv])

Strike and iv for data: 
    92.000     0.094
    94.000     0.081
    94.500     0.081
    95.000     0.078
    95.500     0.075
    96.000     0.074
    96.500     0.072
    97.000     0.071
    97.500     0.070
    98.000     0.069
    98.500     0.068
    99.000     0.067
    99.500     0.067
   100.000     0.068
   100.500     0.067
   101.000     0.067
   101.500     0.070
   102.000     0.073
   102.500     0.074
   103.000     0.072
   103.500     0.077

In [15]:
plot( K,iv,
      color = :red,
      legend =false,
      title = "Implied volatility",
      xlabel = "strike price",
      annotation = (98,0.09,text("Bunds options April 6, 1994",8,:left)) )

92.5 95.0 97.5 100.0 102.5 0.070 0.075 0.080 0.085 0.090 Implied volatility strike price Bunds options April 6, 1994

Mean-Variance Frontier

Given a vector of average returns ($\mu$) and a variance-covariance matrix ($\Sigma$), the mean-variance frontier shows the lowest possible portfolio uncertainty for a given expected portfolio return (denoted $\mu\text{star}$ below).

It is thus the solution to a quadratic minimization problem. The cells below will use the explicit (matrix) formulas for this solution, but we often have to resort to numerical methods when there are portfolio restrictions.

It is typically plotted with the portfolio standard deviation on the horizontal axis and the portfolio expected return on the vertical axis.

We calculate and plot two different mean-variance frontiers: (1) when we only consider risky assets; (2) when we also consider a risk-free asset.

In [16]:
μ = [11.5; 9.5; 6]/100          #expected returns
Σ  = [166  34  58;              #covariance matrix
       34  64   4;
       58   4 100]/100^2
Rf = 0.03                       #riskfree return (an interest rate)

println("μ: ")
println("Σ: ")
println("Rf: ")


     0.017     0.003     0.006
     0.003     0.006     0.000
     0.006     0.000     0.010


In [17]:
function MVCalc(μstar,μ,Σ)           #calculate the std of a portfolio on MVF of risky assets
    n    = length(μ)                  #μstar is a scalar, μ a vector and Σ a matrix
    oneV = ones(n) 
    Σ_1  = inv(Σ)
    A    = μ'Σ_1*μ
    B    = μ'Σ_1*oneV
    C    = oneV'Σ_1*oneV
    λ    = (C*μstar - B)/(A*C-B^2)
    δ    = (A-B*μstar)/(A*C-B^2)
    w    = Σ_1 *(μ*λ + δ*oneV)
    StdRp = sqrt(w'Σ*w)
    return StdRp,w

function MVCalcRf(μstar,μ,Σ,Rf)           #calculates the std of a portfolio on MVF of (Risky,Riskfree)
    n     = length(μ)
    μe    = μ .- Rf                        #expected excess returns
    Σ_1   = inv(Σ)
    w     = (μstar - Rf)/(μe'Σ_1*μe) * Σ_1 *μe
    StdRp = sqrt(w'Σ*w)
    return StdRp,w

MVCalcRf (generic function with 1 method)

In [18]:
μstar = range(Rf,stop=0.15,length=201)
L     = length(μstar)

StdRp  = fill(NaN,L)                      #risky assets only 
for i = 1:L                               #loop over different expected portfolio returns
    StdRp[i] = MVCalc(μstar[i],μ,Σ)[1]    #[1] to get the first output

In [19]:
plot( StdRp*100,μstar*100,             
      linecolor = :red,
      xlim = (0,15),
      ylim = (0,15),
      label = "MVF",
      legend = :topleft,
      title = "MVF, only risky assets",
      xlabel = "Std(Rp), %",
      ylabel = "ERp, %" )


0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 MVF, only risky assets Std(Rp), % ERp, % MVF assets

In [20]:
StdRpRf  = fill(NaN,L)       #with riskfree too
for i = 1:L
    StdRpRf[i] = MVCalcRf(μstar[i],μ,Σ,Rf)[1]

In [21]:
plot( [StdRp StdRpRf]*100,[μstar μstar]*100,
      legend = nothing,
      linestyle = [:solid :dash],
      linecolor = [:red :blue],
      xlim = (0,15),
      ylim = (0,15), 
      title = "MVF, risky and riskfree assets",
      xlabel = "Std(Rp), %",
      ylabel = "ERp, %" )


0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 MVF, risky and riskfree assets Std(Rp), % ERp, %

Mean-Variance Frontier without Short Selling (extra)

The code below solves (numerically) the following minimization problem

$\min \text{Var}(R_p) \: \text{ s.t. } \: \text{E}R_p = \mu^*$,

and where we also require $w_i\ge 0$ and $\sum_{i=1}^{n}w_{i}=1$.

To solve this, we use the JuMP package (version >= 0.19) together with Ipopt.

In [22]:
using JuMP, Ipopt

In [23]:
function MeanVarNoSSPs(μ,Σ,μstar)   #MV with no short-sales, numerical minimization
    n = length(μ)
    if minimum(μ) <= μstar <= maximum(μ)      #try only if feasible
        model = Model(with_optimizer(Ipopt.Optimizer, print_level = 1))
        @variable(model,w[i=1:n] >= 0.0)       #no short sales
        @objective(model,Min,w'*Σ*w)           #minimize portfolio variance 
        @constraint(model,sum(w) == 1.0)       #w sums to 1
        @constraint(model,w'*μ == μstar)       #mean equals μstar
        if has_values(model)
            w_p = value.(w)
            StdRp = sqrt(w_p'Σ*w_p)
        (w_p,StdRp) = (NaN,NaN)
    return StdRp,w_p

MeanVarNoSSPs (generic function with 1 method)

In [24]:
Std_no_ss = fill(NaN,length(μstar))
for i = 1:length(μstar)                   #risky assets only, no short sales
    Std_no_ss[i] = MeanVarNoSSPs(μ,Σ,μstar[i])[1]

This program contains Ipopt, a library for large-scale nonlinear optimization.
 Ipopt is released as open source code under the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
         For more information visit

In [25]:
plot( [StdRp Std_no_ss]*100,[μstar μstar]*100,
      linecolor = [:red :green],
      linestyle = [:solid :dash],
      linewidth = 2, 
      label = ["no constraints" "no short sales"],
      xlim = (0,15),
      ylim = (0,15),
      legend = :topleft,
      title = "MVF (with/without constraints)",
      xlabel = "Std(Rp), %",
      ylabel = "ERp, %" )


0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 MVF (with/without constraints) Std(Rp), % ERp, % no constraints no short sales assets

In [ ]: