Options 3: The Black-Scholes Model

This notebook illustrates the Black-Scholes option pricing model. It also discusses (a) implied volatility; (b) how to calculate the Black-Scholes model by numerical integration and (c) how the binomial model converges to the Black-Scholes model.

Load Packages and Extra Functions

In [1]:
using Dates, Distributions, Roots, QuadGK


printyellow (generic function with 1 method)

In [2]:
using Plots
default(fmt = :svg)


The Black-Scholes formula for a European call option on an asset with a continuous dividend rate $\delta$ is

$C =e^{-\delta m}S\Phi(d_{1}) - e^{-ym}K\Phi(d_{2})$, where

$d_{1} =\frac{\ln(S/K)+(y-\delta+\sigma^{2}/2)m}{\sigma\sqrt{m}} \ \text{ and } \ d_{2}=d_{1}-\sigma\sqrt{m}$

and where $\Phi(d)$ denotes the probability of $x\leq d$ when $x$ has an $N(0,1)$ distribution.

In [3]:
Φ(x)= cdf(Normal(0,1),x)     #Calculate Pr(z<=x) for N(0,1) variable z

Calculate Black-Scholes European call or put option price, continuous dividends of δ
function OptionBlackSPs(S,K,m,y,σ,δ=0,PutIt=false)
    d1 = ( log(S/K) + (y-δ+0.5*σ^2)*m ) / (σ*sqrt(m))
    d2 = d1 - σ*sqrt(m)
    c  = exp(-δ*m)*S*Φ(d1) - K*exp(-y*m)*Φ(d2)
    if PutIt
        price = c - exp(-δ*m)*S + exp(-y*m)*K
        price = c
    return price      


In [4]:
(S,K,m,y,σ) = (42,42,0.5,0.05,0.2)

C = OptionBlackSPs(S,K,m,y,σ)
printlnPs("\n","call price at K=$K: ",C)

P = OptionBlackSPs(S,K,m,y,σ,0,true)
printlnPs("\n","put price at K=$K:  ",P)

δ = 0.05
 = OptionBlackSPs(S,K,m,y,σ,δ,true)
printlnPs("\n","put price at K=$K when δ=: ",)

call price at K=42:      2.893
put price at K=42:       1.856
put price at K=42 when δ=0.05:      2.309

In [5]:
K_range   = 30:60           #different strike prices
C_K_range = OptionBlackSPs.(S,K_range,m,y,σ)

plot( K_range,C_K_range,
      linecolor = :red,
      legend = false,
      title = "Black-Scholes call option price",
      xlabel = "strike price",
      ylabel = "option price" )

30 40 50 60 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Black-Scholes call option price strike price option price

In [6]:
S_range   = 30:60                            #different spot prices
C_S_range = OptionBlackSPs.(S_range,K,m,y,σ)

plot( S_range,C_S_range,
      linecolor = :blue,
      legend = false,
      title = "Black-Scholes call option price",
      xlabel = "current asset price",
      ylabel = "option price" )

30 40 50 60 0 5 10 15 Black-Scholes call option price current asset price option price

Implied Volatility

The Black-Scholes option price is an increasing function of the volatility ($\sigma$), as illustrated below.

In the subsequent cell, we use an observed option price and solve the BS formula for $\sigma$. This is the "implied volatility".

In [7]:
σ_range   = 0.01:0.01:0.3           #S,K,m,y are scalars, σ_range is a vector
C_σ_range = OptionBlackSPs.(S,K,m,y,σ_range)    #at different sigmas

plot( σ_range,C_σ_range,
      linecolor = :red,
      label = "BS price",
      title = "Black-Scholes call option price",
      xlabel = "volatility (sigma)",
      ylabel = "option price",
      legend = :top )

hline!( [C;C+0.5;C-0.5],linetype=:hline,linecolor=:black,line=(:dash,0.5),label="data on prices")

0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 1 2 3 4 Black-Scholes call option price volatility (sigma) option price BS price data on prices

In [8]:
println("Compare the following results with the previous graph\n")

iv = find_zero(sigma->OptionBlackSPs(S,K,m,y,sigma)-C,(-1,1))
printlnPs("Implied volatility (same as above?):     ",iv)

iv_a = find_zero(sigma->OptionBlackSPs(S,K,m,y,sigma)-(C+0.5),(-1,1))
printlnPs("Implied volatility (overpriced option):  ",iv_a)

iv_b = find_zero(sigma->OptionBlackSPs(S,K,m,y,sigma)-(C-0.5),(-1,1))
printlnPs("Implied volatility (underpriced option): ",iv_b)

Compare the following results with the previous graph

Implied volatility (same as above?):          0.200
Implied volatility (overpriced option):       0.243
Implied volatility (underpriced option):      0.156

BS from an Explicit Integration

The price of a European a call option is

$ C=e^{-ym}\text{E}^{\ast}\max(0,S_{m}-K), $

which can be written

$ C=e^{-ym}\int_{0}^{\infty}\max(0,S_{m}-K) f^{\ast}(S_{m})dS_{m}. $

where $f^{\ast}(S_{m})$ is the risk neutral density function of the asset price at expiration ($S_{m}$). (The spot price cannot go below zero.)

In the Black-Scholes model, the risk neutral distribution of $\ln S_{m}$ is

$ \ln S_{m}\sim^{\ast}\text{N}(\ln S+ym-\sigma^{2}m/2,\sigma^{2}m), $

where $S$ is the current asset price. This means that $f^{\ast}()$ is the pdf of a lognormally distributed variable with parameters $\ln S+ym-\sigma^{2}m/2$ and $\sigma^{2}m$. However, the Distributions package has another convention and wants the square root of the second parameter.

The numerical integration is done by the QuadGK package.

In [9]:

Constructs the integrand for the Black-Scholes call price
function BSintegrand(Sm,S,K,y,m,σ)
    μ = log(S) + y*m - m*σ^2/2            #"mean" of log-normal
    f = pdf(LogNormal(μ,sqrt(m)*σ),Sm)    #log-normal pdf 
    z = exp(-y*m)*max(0,Sm-K)*f
    return z


In [10]:
Sₘ = (K-10):0.25:(K+40)      #possible outcomes of underlying price

txt = text("Integrate this to get the\nBlack-Scholes call option price",8,:left)

plot( Sₘ,BSintegrand.(Sₘ,S,K,y,m,σ),
      linecolor = :red,
      ylim = (-0.01,0.25),
      legend = false,
      title = "Integrand for B-S call price",
      xlabel = "Asset price at expiration",
      ylabel = "integrand",
      annotation = (55,0.22,txt) )

40 50 60 70 80 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 Integrand for B-S call price Asset price at expiration integrand Integrate this to get the Black-Scholes call option price

In [11]:
C1, = QuadGK.quadgk(x->BSintegrand(x,S,K,y,m,σ),0,Inf)    #numerical integration

printlnPs("\nCall price according to integration of risk-neutral dist: ",C1)

printlnPs("\nCompare with the result from the BS formula (from above): ",C)

Call price according to integration of risk-neutral dist:      2.893

Compare with the result from the BS formula (from above):      2.893

Convergence of BOPM to BS

The next few cells calculate the option price according to binomial model with a CRRA calibration where

$ u=e^{\sigma\sqrt{h}}, d=e^{-\sigma\sqrt{h}} \text{ and } p=\frac{e^{yh}-d}{u-d}. $

This is done repeatedly, using more and more time steps ($n$) so that $h=m/n$ where $m$ is the fixed time to expiration.

From Chapter on the Binomial Model

The file included below contains, among other things, the functions BuildSTree() and EuOptionPrice() from the chapter on the binomial model.

In [12]:


In [13]:
#(S,K,m,y,σ) = (42,42,0.5,0.05,0.2)       #these parameters were defined before

nMax = 200

CeM = fill(NaN,nMax)
for n = 1:nMax
    #local h, u, d, p, STree, Ce       #only needed in REPL/script
    h = m/n                 #time step size (in years)
    u = exp(σ*sqrt(h))
    d = exp(-σ*sqrt(h))
    p = (exp(y*h) - d)/(u-d)
    STree = BuildSTree(S,n,u,d)
    Ce = EuOptionPrice(STree,K,y,h,p,false)
    CeM[n] = Ce[1][]        #pick out the call price at the starting node

In [14]:
plot( 1:nMax,[CeM fill(C,nMax)],
      linecolor = [:red :blue],
      linestyle = [:solid :dot],
      linewidth = [1 2],
      label = ["BOPM" "BS"],
      title = "BOPM and BS call option price",
      xlabel = "number of time steps (n)",
      ylabel = "option price",
      annotation = (170,2.7,text("h = m/n",8)) )

0 50 100 150 200 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 BOPM and BS call option price number of time steps (n) option price BOPM BS h = m/n

In [ ]: