
Calculations of returns, as well as average returns and volatility of portfolios.

The appendix (at the end) summarises some basic linear algebra.

Load Packages and Extra Functions

The notebook uses the functions printmat() and printlnPs() for formatted printing of numbers.

In [1]:
using Dates


printyellow (generic function with 1 method)

Return Calculations

The return of holding the asset between $t-1$ and $t$ is

$ R_t = (P_t+D_t)/P_{t-1} - 1 $,

where $P_t$ is the price (measured after dividends) and $D_t$ is the dividend.

We can calculate the returns by a loop and then also by a more compact notation.

In [2]:
P = [100;108;109]                     #price series, after dividends
D = [0;2;0]                           #dividends

R = zeros(length(P))                  #where to store the results
for t = 2:length(P)                   #P[2] is the 2nd element of P  
    R[t] = (P[t] + D[t])/P[t-1] - 1
R = R[2:end]
                                                #compact notation
R_alt = (P[2:end] + D[2:end])./P[1:end-1] .- 1  #notice the ./ and .-

println("    period    return    return (alt), %")
printmat([1:2 R*100 R_alt*100])

    period    return    return (alt), %
     1.000    10.000    10.000
     2.000     0.926     0.926

Cumulating Returns

Net returns can be cumulated into a portfolio value as

$ V_t = V_{t-1}(1+R_t) $

where we need a starting value (initial investment) for the portfolio (a common choice is to normalise to $V_0=1$).

With log returns, $r_t=\log(1+R_t)$, we instead do

$ \ln V_t = \ln V_{t-1} + r_t $

We can cumulate the returns by a loop of by more compact notation (see below).

In [3]:
R   = [20;-35;25]/100                #returns for t=1,2,3
V   = cumprod(1 .+ R)                #V(t) = V(t-1)*(1+R(t)), starting at 1 in t=0
lnV = cumsum(log.(1 .+ R))           #lnV(t) = lnV(t-1) + r(t) 

println("   period    return       V        logV")
printmat([1:3 R V lnV])

println("Check that logV really equals log.(V). Also, try a loop instead")

   period    return       V        logV
     1.000     0.200     1.200     0.182
     2.000    -0.350     0.780    -0.248
     3.000     0.250     0.975    -0.025

Check that logV really equals log.(V). Also, try a loop instead

Portfolio Return: Definition, Expected Value and Variance

With portfolio weights in the vector $w$, the portfolio return, the expected portfolio return and the portfolio variance can be computed as

$R_p = w'R$,

$\text{E}R_p = w'\mu$ and

$\text{Var}(R_p) = w'\Sigma w$

In [4]:
w = [0.8;0.2]
R = [10;5]/100          #returns of asset 1 and 2
Rp = w'R

println("portfolio weights (for the two assets): ")
println("Returns of assets: ")
printlnPs("Portfolio return: ",Rp)

portfolio weights (for the two assets): 

Returns of assets: 

Portfolio return:      0.090

In [5]:
μ = [9;6]/100                    #\mu and tab to get this
Σ = [256 96;
     96 144]/100^2

println("expected returns*100: ")

println("covariance matrix*100^2:")

expected returns*100: 

covariance matrix*100^2:
   256.000    96.000
    96.000   144.000

In [6]:
ERp   = w'μ
VarRp = w'Σ*w

printlnPs("Expected portfolio return: ",ERp)
printlnPs("Portfolio variance and std:",VarRp,sqrt(VarRp))

Expected portfolio return:      0.084
Portfolio variance and std:     0.020     0.142

In [7]:
Σb = [256 -96;
      -96 144]/100^2

printlnPs("Portfolio std if the assets were negatively correlated: ",sqrt(w'Σb*w))

Portfolio std if the assets were negatively correlated:      0.118

In [ ]: