In [1]:
# Set-up default environment
%run '../'
# Import additional libraries
import sas7bdat as sas
import cPickle as pickle
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
from ase_cisEq import marenEq
from ase_cisEq import marenPrintTable
from ase_normalization import meanCenter
from ase_normalization import q3Norm
from ase_normalization import meanStd
pjoin = os.path.join
This data set was created by:
The data has had the following droped:
In [2]:
# Import clean dataset
with sas.SAS7BDAT(pjoin(PROJ, 'sas_data/clean_ase_stack.sas7bdat')) as FH:
df = FH.to_data_frame()
dfClean = df[['line', 'mating_status', 'fusion_id', 'flag_AI_combined', 'q5_mean_theta', 'sum_both', 'sum_line', 'sum_tester', 'sum_total', 'mean_apn']]
print 'Rows ' + str(dfClean.shape[0])
print 'Columns ' + str(dfClean.shape[1])
print 'Number of Genotypes ' + str(len(set(dfClean['line'].tolist())))
print 'Number of Exonic Regions ' + str(len(set(dfClean['fusion_id'].tolist())))
For the maren equations, I am also going to drop exonic regions with less than 10 genotypes. The maren equations make some assumptions about the population level sums. Obvisouly the more genotypes that are present for each fusions the better, but I am comfortable with as few as 10 genotypes.
In [3]:
# Drop groups with less than 10 lines per fusion
grp = dfClean.groupby(['mating_status', 'fusion_id'])
dfGt10 = grp.filter(lambda x: x['line'].count() >= 10).copy()
print 'Rows ' + str(dfGt10.shape[0])
print 'Columns ' + str(dfGt10.shape[1])
print 'Number of Genotypes ' + str(len(set(dfGt10['line'].tolist())))
print 'Number of Exonic Regions ' + str(len(set(dfGt10['fusion_id'].tolist())))
In [4]:
# Calculate Maren TIG equations by mating status and exonic region
marenRawCounts = marenEq(dfGt10, Eii='sum_line', Eti='sum_tester', group=['mating_status', 'fusion_id'])
marenRawCounts['mag_cis'] = abs(marenRawCounts['cis_line'])
In [5]:
# Plot densities
def panelKde(df, **kwargs):
options = {'subplots': True,
'layout': (7, 7),
'figsize': (20, 20),
'xlim': (-500, 500),
'legend': False,
'color': 'k'}
# Make plot
axes = df.plot(kind='kde', **options)
# Add titles intead of legends
for ax in axes.ravel():
h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax.axvline(0, lw=1)
ax = axes
ax.axvline(0, lw=1)
return plt.gcf()
def linePanel(df, value='cis_line', index='fusion_id', columns='line'):
mymap = {
'cis_line': 'cis-Line Effects',
'trans_line': 'trans-Line Effects',
'line': 'genotype',
'fusion_id': 'exonic_region'
# Iterate over mated and virgin
for k, v in {'M': 'Mated', 'V': 'Virgin'}.iteritems():
# Pivot data frame so that the thing you want to make panels by is in columns.
dfPiv = pd.pivot_table(df[df['mating_status'] == k],
values=value, index=index, columns=columns)
# Generate panel plot with at most 49 panels
if value == 'cis_line':
xlim = (-500, 500)
# trans-effects appear to be larger in magnitude
xlim = (-1500, 1500)
fig = panelKde(dfPiv.iloc[:, :49], xlim=xlim)
title = '{}\n{}'.format(mymap[value], v)
fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=18, fontweight='bold')
fname = pjoin(PROJ, 'pipeline_output/cis_effects/density_plot_by_{}_{}_{}.png'.format(mymap[columns], value, v.lower()))
plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight')
print("Saved figure to: " + fname)
def testerPanel(df, value='cis_tester'):
mymap = {
'cis_tester': 'cis-Tester Effects',
'trans_tester': 'trans-Trans Effects'
# Iterate over mated and virgin
for k, v in {'M': 'Mated', 'V': 'Virgin'}.iteritems():
# Split table by mating status and drop duplicates, because
# there is only one tester value for each exonic region
dfSub = df.ix[df['mating_status'] == k,['fusion_id', value]].drop_duplicates()
# Generate Panel Plot
fig = panelKde(dfSub, subplots=False)
title = '{}\n{}'.format(mymap[value], v)
fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=18, fontweight='bold')
fname = pjoin(PROJ, 'pipeline_output/cis_effects/density_plot_{}_{}.png'.format(value, v.lower()))
plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight')
print("Saved figure to: " + fname)
In [7]:
# Cis and trans line effects by genotype
linePanel(marenRawCounts, value='cis_line', index='fusion_id', columns='line')
linePanel(marenRawCounts, value='trans_line', index='fusion_id', columns='line')
# Cis and trans line effects by exonic region
linePanel(marenRawCounts, value='cis_line', index='line', columns='fusion_id')
linePanel(marenRawCounts, value='trans_line', index='line', columns='fusion_id')
# Cis and trans tester effects
testerPanel(marenRawCounts, value='cis_tester')
testerPanel(marenRawCounts, value='trans_tester')
In [14]:
# Set Globals
SHAPES = {'M': 'o', 'V': '^'}
# Add color column to color by genotype
colors = {}
cnt = 0
genos = set(dfGt10['line'].tolist())
for l in genos:
colors[l] = cnt
cnt += 1
marenRawCounts['color'] = marenRawCounts['line'].map(colors)
In [15]:
# Plotting scatter
def getR2(df, x, y):
""" Calculate the R-squared using OLS with an intercept """
formula = '{} ~ {} + 1'.format(y, x)
return smf.ols(formula, df).fit().rsquared
def scatPlt(df, x, y, c=None, cmap='jet', s=50, marker='o', ax=None, title=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, diag='pos'):
""" Make a scatter plot using some default options """
ax = df.plot(x, y, kind='scatter', ax=ax, c=c, cmap=cmap, s=s, marker=marker, title=title, colorbar=False)
# Add a diag line
if diag == 'neg':
# draw a diag line with negative slope
ax.plot([0, 1], [1, 0], transform=ax.transAxes)
elif diag == 'pos':
# draw a diag line with positive slope
ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], transform=ax.transAxes)
return ax
def scatPltPanel(df, line='sum_line', tester='sum_tester', x='cis_line', y='prop', cmap='jet', s=60, panel_title=None, diag='pos'):
""" Make a panel of scatter plots using pandas """
# Plot the cis-line effects x proportion Line by fusion
df['prop'] = 1 - df[tester] / (df[line] + df[tester])
# Create 5x5 panel plot
fig, axes = plt.subplots(5, 5, figsize=(20, 20))
fig.suptitle(panel_title, fontsize=12, fontweight='bold')
axes = axes.ravel()
# Group by fusion_id
for i, (n, gdf) in enumerate(df.groupby('fusion_id')):
ax = axes[i]
# Calculate R-squared value
r2 = getR2(gdf, x, y)
# Make new title with R-squared in it
t = '{}\nR^2: {}'.format(n, round(r2, 3))
# Change marker style based on mating status and plot
for ms, msdf in gdf.groupby('mating_status'):
scatPlt(msdf, x, y, c='color', cmap=cmap, s=s, marker=SHAPES[ms], ax=ax, title=t, xlab=x, ylab=y, diag=diag)
# only plot 25 fusions
if i == 24:
fname = pjoin(PROJ, 'pipeline_output/cis_effects/scatter_plot_by_exonic_region_{}_v_{}.png'.format(x, y))
plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight')
print("Saved figure to: " + fname)
In [16]:
# Plot the cis-line effects x proportion by fusion
scatPltPanel(marenRawCounts, line='sum_line', tester='sum_tester', cmap=CMAP, panel_title='Raw Counts: cis-line')
In [17]:
# Plot the trans-line effects x proportion by fusion
scatPltPanel(marenRawCounts, line='sum_line', tester='sum_tester', x='trans_line', cmap=CMAP, panel_title='Raw Counts: trans-line', diag='neg')
In [18]:
# Plot F10005_SI
dfFus = marenRawCounts[marenRawCounts['fusion_id'] == FUSION].copy()
dfFus['prop'] = 1 - dfFus['sum_tester'] / (dfFus['sum_line'] + dfFus['sum_tester'])
# Generate 3 panel plot
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 4))
fig.suptitle(FUSION, fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
for n, mdf in dfFus.groupby('mating_status'):
# Plot the cis-line effects x proportion by fusion
scatPlt(mdf, x='cis_line', y='prop', ax=axes[0], c='color', cmap=CMAP, marker=SHAPES[n], title='cis-line', xlab='cis-line', ylab='prop')
# Plot the trans-line effects x proportion by fusion
scatPlt(mdf, x='trans_line', y='prop', ax=axes[1], c='color', cmap=CMAP, marker=SHAPES[n], title='trans-line', xlab='trans-line', ylab='prop', diag='neg')
# Plot the Tester effects x proportion by fusion
scatPlt(mdf, x='cis_tester', y='prop', ax=axes[2], c='color', cmap=CMAP, marker=SHAPES[n], title='Tester', xlab='cis-tester', ylab='prop', diag=None)
fname = pjoin(PROJ, 'pipeline_output/cis_effects/scatter_plot_{}_effects_v_prop.png'.format(FUSION))
plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight')
print("Saved figure to: " + fname)
In [19]:
# Plot F10317_SI
dfFus = marenRawCounts[marenRawCounts['fusion_id'] == FUSION].copy()
dfFus['prop'] = 1 - dfFus['sum_tester'] / (dfFus['sum_line'] + dfFus['sum_tester'])
# Generate 3 panel plot
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 4))
fig.suptitle(FUSION, fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
for n, mdf in dfFus.groupby('mating_status'):
# Plot the cis-line effects x proportion by fusion
scatPlt(mdf, x='cis_line', y='prop', ax=axes[0], c='color', cmap=CMAP, marker=SHAPES[n], title='cis-line', xlab='cis-line', ylab='prop')
# Plot the trans-line effects x proportion by fusion
scatPlt(mdf, x='trans_line', y='prop', ax=axes[1], c='color', cmap=CMAP, marker=SHAPES[n], title='trans-line', xlab='trans-line', ylab='prop', diag='neg')
# Plot the Tester effects x proportion by fusion
scatPlt(mdf, x='cis_tester', y='prop', ax=axes[2], c='color', cmap=CMAP, marker=SHAPES[n], title='Tester', xlab='cis-tester', ylab='prop', diag=None)
fname = pjoin(PROJ, 'pipeline_output/cis_effects/scatter_plot_{}_effects_v_prop.png'.format(FUSION))
plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight')
print("Saved figure to: " + fname)
In [20]:
# Plot F10482_SI
dfFus = marenRawCounts[marenRawCounts['fusion_id'] == FUSION].copy()
dfFus['prop'] = 1 - dfFus['sum_tester'] / (dfFus['sum_line'] + dfFus['sum_tester'])
# Generate 3 panel plot
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 4))
fig.suptitle(FUSION, fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
for n, mdf in dfFus.groupby('mating_status'):
# Plot the cis-line effects x proportion by fusion
scatPlt(mdf, x='cis_line', y='prop', ax=axes[0], c='color', cmap=CMAP, marker=SHAPES[n], title='cis-line', xlab='cis-line', ylab='prop')
# Plot the trans-line effects x proportion by fusion
scatPlt(mdf, x='trans_line', y='prop', ax=axes[1], c='color', cmap=CMAP, marker=SHAPES[n], title='trans-line', xlab='trans-line', ylab='prop', diag='neg')
# Plot the Tester effects x proportion by fusion
scatPlt(mdf, x='cis_tester', y='prop', ax=axes[2], c='color', cmap=CMAP, marker=SHAPES[n], title='Tester', xlab='cis-tester', ylab='prop', diag=None)
fname = pjoin(PROJ, 'pipeline_output/cis_effects/scatter_plot_{}_effects_v_prop.png'.format(FUSION))
plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight')
print("Saved figure to: " + fname)
In [71]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [17]:
In [15]:
meanByMsLine = marenRawCounts[['mean_apn', 'cis_line', 'mating_status', 'line']].groupby(['mating_status', 'line']).mean()
In [60]:
meanByMsLine.plot(kind='scatter', x='mean_apn', y='cis_line')
In [61]:
In [68]:
def cisAPN(df, fusion, value='cis_line', xcutoff='>=150', ycutoff='<=-180'):
""" Plot effects vs mean apn"""
# Pull out fusion of interest
dfSub = marenRawCounts[marenRawCounts['fusion_id'] == fusion]
# Make scatter plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 10))
dfSub.plot(kind='scatter', x='mean_apn', y='cis_line', ax=ax, title=fusion)
# Annotate outliers
xc =
filt = dfSub.loc[(dfSub[value] eval(ycutoff)) | (dfSub['mean_apn'] eval(xcutoff)), ['line', 'mating_status', 'mean_apn', 'cis_line']]
for row in filt.values:
line, ms, apn, cis = row
ax.annotate(line + '_' + ms, xy=(apn, cis))
fname = pjoin(PROJ, 'pipeline_output/cis_effects/scatter_plot_{}_{}_v_meanApn.png'.format(fusion, value))
plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight')
In [70]:
eval("{} == 'M'".format(marenRawCounts['mating_status']))
In [ ]: