In [1]:
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

C:\Users\Luca\Anaconda3\envs\bio\lib\site-packages\IPython\ ShimWarning: The `IPython.html` package has been deprecated since IPython 4.0. You should import from `notebook` instead. `IPython.html.widgets` has moved to `ipywidgets`.
  "`IPython.html.widgets` has moved to `ipywidgets`.", ShimWarning)

PyGMQL in action

Problem description

We are given three replicas of a ChIP-Seq experiment. We want to:

  1. Extract high-confidence regions into one sample
  2. Identify which of these regions overlap with a set of given genes
  3. For each resulting region count ICGC mutations.
  4. Finally we want to select the regions with at least one mutation.

Required GMQL operations

For this pipeline we will need the following GMQL operations:

  • cover: extracts regions which are confirmed by at least two replicas
  • join: extracts regions which overalap with genes
  • map: for each extracted region, counts the overlapping mutations

PyGMQL in a nutshell

PyGMQL enables the writing of GMQL queries using the Python programming language. It exposes to the user all the GMQL operators and also a data structure for holding, manipulating and converting the results of a GMQL query.

The library offers:

  • A data structure called GMQLDataset, which represent a GMQL variable in the query. Every GMQLDataset is produced by a GMQL operator. When you call the materialize operation on a GMQLDataset the execution is started and the result is returned.
  • A data structure called GDataframe, holding the result of a query. A GDataframe is a pure python structure and can be used directly as any other pandas dataframe. A GDataframe holds two pandas dataframes, one for the regions and one for the metadata. We can also, given a GDataframe, go back to a GMQLDataset for using it as a GMQL variable. This can be done calling the to_GMQLDataset function of the GDataframe.

Getting the library

The library can be downloaded from the PyPi public repository through the pip packaging system.

    pip install gmql

If you want the most recent version of the software you can directly download it from the GitHub page:

    git pull
    cd PyGMQL
    pip install -e .

Importing the library

In [2]:
import gmql as gl
import pandas as pd

Execution modes

The queries are directly embedded inside the language and can be executed in two different modes:

  • Local mode: the computation is executed in the local machine
  • Remote mode: the query is sent to a remote server, executed there and the results are downloaded. This process is shown in the figure below.

In [3]:

The query

The GMQL query that we are going to present is the following:

refSeqGenes  = SELECT(annotation_type == 'gene' AND provider == 'RefSeq') HG19_BED_ANNOTATION;

myExp  = SELECT() myRawExp;
myConfirmExp  = COVER(2, ANY) myExp;

myExpOverGenes  = JOIN(DIST < 0; output: RIGHT_DISTINCT) refSeqGenes myConfirmExp;

myMut  = SELECT() myRawMut;
myMutOverExp = MAP() myExpOverGenes myMut;

myFilteredExp = SELECT(region: count_myMutOverExp_myMut > 0) myMutOverExp;

MATERIALIZE myFilteredExp INTO ./Results/FilteredExperiment

Loading a GMQL dataset

Loading datasets in GDM format

Both the gene dataset and the personal one are already in the GDM format, therefore the library only needs the location of the data for importing.

NB: This demo is meant to be executed without the need of a remote server. For this reason the HG19_BED_ANNOTATION dataset is loaded directly from the computer disk. Please be aware that it can also be found in the regular GMQL repository.

In [4]:
bed_annotation = gl.load_from_path("./Data/HG19_BED_ANNOTATION/")

In [5]:
myExp = gl.load_from_path("./Data/myRawExp/")

Loading datasets with a generic schema

The mutation dataset is in a classical BED format but not in the GDM format, therefore we need to specify its schema through a custom parser, which is an instance of a RegionParser. After the parser is instantiated we can use the load_from_path function to load the dataset, which is currently stored in the local file system

In [6]:
mutations_parser = gl.parsers.RegionParser(parser_name="mutations_parser",

In [7]:
myMut = gl.load_from_path("./Data/myRawMut/", parser=mutations_parser)

Selection on the metadata

We have in the variable bed_annotation all the ENCODE dataset of annotations. We are interested only in the annotations regarding the genes. Therefore we need to filter the dataset on the basis of the metadata. This is called meta-selection and in PyGMQL can be performed using the square-bracket notation common to pandas users.

In [8]:
refSeqGenes = bed_annotation[(bed_annotation['annotation_type'] == 'gene') & 
                             (bed_annotation['provider'] == 'RefSeq')]

Cover operation

We want only reliable data from the Chip-Seq experiment, therefore we define a Chip-Seq region highly confident if it is confirmed by at least two replicas. This is a job for the cover operation.

  • minAcc: we define the minimum number of overlapping between samples for a region to be conserved. In this case 2.
  • maxAcc: we define the maximum number. The "ANY" keyword makes the upper bound infinite.

In [9]:
myConfirmExp = myExp.normal_cover(minAcc=2, maxAcc="ANY")


Now we want to extract those regions that overlap with genes. We can do it using the join operation.

  • We use the genes as reference dataset
  • The Chip-Seq regions as experiment.
  • The genometric predicate DLE(0) and the option output="RIGHT" tell the engine to look at all the experiment regions that happen to intersect with the reference ones and keep them in the result.

In [10]:
myExpOverGenes = refSeqGenes.join(experiment=myConfirmExp, refName="gene",


Now in insideGene we have the set of highly confident Chip-Seq regions that intersect with a gene. In order to see how many mutations happen in those region we can use the map operation. This operation will add a new attribute to the resulting dataset which will be named count_GENE_MUTATION.

In [11]:
myMutOverExp =, expName="MUTATION", refName="GENE")

Selection on regions

In order to filter out all the regions in mutationCount that do not have any mutation we can do a selection on region data using the reg_select operation. This operation takes as input a predicate on region fields.

In [12]:
myFilteredExp = myMutOverExp.reg_select(myMutOverExp.count_GENE_MUTATION > 0)


We can now materialize the result. PyGMQL adopts a lazy loading approach (like Spark) and no action is performed until materialization. The result can be saved as a GDM dataset and also directly loaded in python as a GDataframe.

In [13]:
result = myFilteredExp.materialize("./Results/FilteredExperiment/")

The GDataframe

The result of a materialization is a GDataframe which contains both regions and metadata as two Pandas dataframes regs and meta

In [14]:

chr start stop strand accindex jaccardintersect jaccardresult count_gene_mutation
S_00000.gdm chr1 8035225 8035786 * 3 0.921182 0.748768 1.0
S_00000.gdm chr1 11779578 11780328 * 3 0.651607 0.501303 1.0
S_00000.gdm chr1 11898457 11899199 * 3 0.876033 0.783943 1.0
S_00000.gdm chr1 17286965 17287470 * 3 0.698479 0.641770 1.0
S_00000.gdm chr1 22140883 22141897 * 3 0.910233 0.754937 2.0

The region dataframe represents the regions in the output result in a tabular format. The index of the regions is the identifier of the sample they belong to.

In [15]:

GENE.ID GENE.antibody GENE.antibody_antibodyDescription GENE.antibody_lab GENE.antibody_label GENE.antibody_lots GENE.antibody_orderUrl GENE.antibody_tag GENE.antibody_target GENE.antibody_targetClass ... GENE.treatment_tag GENE.treatment_type GENE.type GENE.url GENE.view GENE.view_description GENE.view_label GENE.view_tag GENE.view_type MUTATION.type
S_00000.gdm [1880, 1881, 1882] [CTCF] [Rabbit polyclonal. Antibody Target: CTCF] [Myers, Hardison, Snyder] [CTCF (07-729)] [1350637 DAM1472197] [] [CTCF] [CTCF] [TFSS] ... [NONE] [control] [broadPeak] [ [Hotspots] [ChIP-seq affinity zones identified using the ... [Hotspots] [HOTSPOTS] [view] [mutations]

1 rows × 92 columns

The metadata dataframe has as columns all the metadata attributes and every row represents a sample in the output dataset.

There can be multiple values in the same cell.

Additional operations

Having the result in a Pandas dataframe enables us to use all the Pandas functions and perform some statistics.

For example we can do an histogram of the mutation counts over the Chip-Seq regions showing the distribution of the number of mutations over those regions.

In [16]:
plt.figure(figsize=(25, 20))
result.regs[result.regs.count_gene_mutation <=50].hist("count_gene_mutation", bins=50)

array([[<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x000001FF7CDAF668>]], dtype=object)
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x1ff7ce0cc88>

Of course we can also simply display the mean value

In [17]:


High density regions

In [18]:
result.regs[result.regs.count_gene_mutation > 5].sort_values("count_gene_mutation", ascending=False)

chr start stop strand accindex jaccardintersect jaccardresult count_gene_mutation
S_00000.gdm chr19 19296510 19297234 * 3 0.860880 0.764566 11.0
S_00000.gdm chr19 49495965 49497004 * 3 0.913808 0.000000 6.0

Alternative experiment

Mapping the mutations over the genes instead that over the experiment regions

The GMQL query that we are going to present is the following:

refSeqGenes  = SELECT(annotation_type == 'gene' AND provider == 'RefSeq') HG19_BED_ANNOTATION;

myExp  = SELECT() myRawExp;
myConfirmExp  = COVER(2, ANY) myExp;

myExpOverGenes  = JOIN(DIST < 0; output: RIGHT_DISTINCT) refSeqGenes myConfirmExp;

myMut  = SELECT() myRawMut;
myMutOverExp = MAP() myExpOverGenes myMut;

myFilteredExp = SELECT(region: count_myMutOverExp_myMut > 0) myMutOverExp;

MATERIALIZE myFilteredExp INTO ./Results/FilteredExperiment

In [19]:
genesOverExp = refSeqGenes.join(experiment=myConfirmExp, refName="gene",
myMutOverGenes =, expName="MUTATION", refName="GENE")
myFilteredGenes = myMutOverGenes.reg_select(myMutOverGenes.count_GENE_MUTATION > 0)
result_genes = myFilteredGenes.materialize("./Results/FilteredGenes/")

In [20]:

chr start stop strand name score count_gene_mutation
S_00000.gdm chr1 1716723 1822556 - NM_002074 0.0 2.0
S_00000.gdm chr1 1716723 1822556 - NM_001282539 0.0 2.0
S_00000.gdm chr1 1716723 1822556 - NM_001282538 0.0 2.0
S_00000.gdm chr1 2115898 2139172 - NM_001146310 0.0 2.0
S_00000.gdm chr1 2120987 2144159 - NM_001282670 0.0 2.0

In [21]:
plt.figure(figsize=(25, 20))
result_genes.regs[result_genes.regs.count_gene_mutation <=50].hist("count_gene_mutation", bins=50)

array([[<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x000001FF7D1614A8>]], dtype=object)
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x1ff7d161b00>

In [22]:


In [23]:
result_genes.regs[result_genes.regs.count_gene_mutation > 50].sort_values("count_gene_mutation", ascending=False)

chr start stop strand name score count_gene_mutation
S_00000.gdm chr4 144498560 144621828 - NM_001168235 0.0 283.0
S_00000.gdm chr15 78463186 78527049 - NM_001199377 0.0 141.0
S_00000.gdm chr15 78463186 78527049 - NM_015162 0.0 141.0
S_00000.gdm chr2 27505296 27530307 + NM_032546 0.0 114.0
S_00000.gdm chr2 27505296 27530307 + NM_187841 0.0 114.0
S_00000.gdm chr11 116714117 116969131 - NM_025164 0.0 99.0
S_00000.gdm chr11 116714117 116969131 - NM_001281749 0.0 99.0
S_00000.gdm chr11 116714117 116969131 - NM_001281748 0.0 99.0
S_00000.gdm chr4 144257982 144395718 + NM_002039 0.0 87.0
S_00000.gdm chr4 144257982 144395718 + NM_207123 0.0 87.0
S_00000.gdm chr15 78730517 78793798 + NM_004136 0.0 86.0
S_00000.gdm chr16 53737874 54148379 + NM_001080432 0.0 84.0
S_00000.gdm chr1 218458628 218511325 + NM_016052 0.0 71.0
S_00000.gdm chr4 88928798 88998931 + NM_000297 0.0 60.0
S_00000.gdm chr8 2792874 4852328 - NM_033225 0.0 59.0
S_00000.gdm chr9 21994789 22121093 + NR_047534 0.0 59.0
S_00000.gdm chr9 21994789 22121093 + NR_047535 0.0 59.0
S_00000.gdm chr9 21994789 22121093 + NR_047532 0.0 59.0
S_00000.gdm chr9 21994789 22121093 + NR_003529 0.0 59.0
S_00000.gdm chr9 21994789 22121093 + NR_120536 0.0 59.0
S_00000.gdm chr9 21994789 22121093 + NR_047536 0.0 59.0
S_00000.gdm chr9 21994789 22121093 + NR_047538 0.0 59.0
S_00000.gdm chr9 21994789 22121093 + NR_047543 0.0 59.0
S_00000.gdm chr9 21994789 22121093 + NR_047537 0.0 59.0
S_00000.gdm chr15 78556486 78574538 + NM_018602 0.0 52.0
S_00000.gdm chr9 133028157 133309510 + NM_001291815 0.0 51.0