In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import nivapy3 as nivapy
import seaborn as sn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings
import toc_trends_analysis as toc_trends


In [2]:
# Connect to NIVABASE
eng = nivapy.da.connect()

Connection successful.

TOC Thematic Report - February 2019 (Part 3: combining "core" and "trends" datasets)

Øyvind's outline for the Thematic Trends Report includes the following:

Trends in surface water chemistry 1990-2016
a. General overview of trend analysis (spaghetti plots?)

b. Time series from sites sampled frequently (at least monthly)
  i.   Trends in annual means
  ii.  Trends in severity of episodes
  iii. Trends in climate
  iv.  Search for breaking points (periods of significant change)

c. Regional trends (all sites)

In addition, it has been decided to combine data from the "core" ICPW dataset with that from the expanded "trends" work. This is not straightforward, as there is significant overlap between the two datasets, and in most cases we have mutliple time series for the same site. I would like to move towards using a single "definitive" series for each station, but am reluctant to delete/remove the duplicated series without more thorough checking. In the medium term, I will preferentially use data from the "trends" stations where possible (this has been more thoroughly checked), and will only use the "core" series for stations that are not part of the trends work.

As a starting point, I have generated a single Excel listing all the ICPW stations for which we have data of reasonable quality. This dataset comprises all the "trends" locations, plus stations from 16 countries in the "core" dataset (the 15 countries listed here, plus the Netherlands). For the present, this can be taken as a definitve list of stations within the ICPW project.

1. Stations

In [3]:
# Read stations
stn_path = r'../../../all_icpw_sites_may_2019.xlsx'
stn_df = pd.read_excel(stn_path, sheet_name='all_icpw_stns')

# Check stn numbners seem OK
trend_df = stn_df.query("group in ('Trends', 'Trends+Core')")
core_df = stn_df.query("group in ('Core', 'Trends+Core')")

print(f'There are {len(stn_df)} unique stations within the ICPW project as a whole.')
print(f'There are {len(core_df)} stations within the ICPW "core" project.')
print(f'There are {len(trend_df)} stations within the ICPW "trends" project.')

There are 556 unique stations within the ICPW project as a whole.
There are 264 stations within the ICPW "core" project.
There are 432 stations within the ICPW "trends" project.

station_id station_code station_name latitude longitude altitude continent country region group
0 38115 Tr18_CA_DO1 Blue Chalk Lake 45.1999 -78.9432 344.0 North America Canada Ont Trends
1 38116 Tr18_CA_DO2 Chub Lake 45.2138 -78.9836 343.0 North America Canada Ont Trends
2 38117 Tr18_CA_DO3 Crosson Lake 45.0840 -79.0360 371.0 North America Canada Ont Trends
3 38118 Tr18_CA_DO4 Dickie Lake 45.1510 -79.0876 379.0 North America Canada Ont Trends
4 38119 Tr18_CA_DO5 Harp Lake 45.3798 -79.1335 327.0 North America Canada Ont Trends

In [4]:
# Map


2. Water chemistry

For now, I'll consider the same raw water chemistry parameters as here, but excluding alkalinity.

In [5]:
# User options
st_dt = '1990-01-01'
end_dt = '2016-12-31'

# Pars of interest
pars = ['TOC', 'EH', 'ECl', 'ESO4', 'ESO4X', 'ENO3', 'ECa_EMg', 'ECaX_EMgX', 'ANC', 'ANCX', 'ALK-E']
par_list = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 49, 65] # All raw pars required to calc those above

# Get chem
wc_df, dup_df = nivapy.da.select_resa_water_chemistry(stn_df,


The database contains unexpected duplicate values for some station-date-parameter combinations.
Only the most recent values will be used, but you should check the repeated values are not errors.
The duplicated entries are returned in a separate dataframe.

station_id station_code station_name sample_date depth1 depth2 ALK-E_µEq/l Ca_mg/l Cl_mg/l K_mg/l Mg_mg/l NH4-N_µg/l N NO3-N_µg/l N Na_mg/l SO4_mg/l TOC_mg C/l pH_
0 23472 CH03 Lago di Tomè 1990-10-08 0.0 0.0 NaN 1.12 0.17 0.20 0.10 20.0 330.0 0.31 2.16 NaN 5.44
1 23472 CH03 Lago di Tomè 1993-08-18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.86 0.03 0.23 0.05 30.0 490.0 0.29 2.29 NaN 5.44
2 23472 CH03 Lago di Tomè 1995-09-05 0.0 0.0 4.0 1.55 0.16 0.14 0.05 0.0 510.0 0.19 2.24 NaN 5.58
3 23472 CH03 Lago di Tomè 1995-09-15 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.02 0.30 0.26 0.10 0.0 450.0 0.31 2.02 NaN 5.39
4 23472 CH03 Lago di Tomè 1997-08-05 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.92 0.19 0.16 0.09 10.0 330.0 0.29 1.85 NaN 5.68

In [6]:
# Some concentrations are less than 0, which doesn't make sense
# Set back to zero
cols = ['Ca_mg/l', 'Cl_mg/l', 'K_mg/l', 'Mg_mg/l', 'NH4-N_µg/l N', 
        'NO3-N_µg/l N', 'Na_mg/l', 'SO4_mg/l', 'TOC_mg C/l', 'pH_']

for col in cols:
    wc_df[col][wc_df[col]<0] = 0

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
  import sys

In [7]:
# Remove units from col names
idx_cols = ['station_id', 'station_code', 'station_name', 'sample_date', 'depth1', 'depth2']
wc_df.columns = idx_cols + [i.split('_')[0] for i in wc_df.columns if i not in idx_cols]

# Values in the raw data equal to exactly zero must be wrong
for col in wc_df.columns:
    if col not in idx_cols:
        wc_df[col] = wc_df[col].replace(0, np.nan)
# Convert units and apply sea-salt corrections etc.
wc_df = toc_trends.conv_units_and_correct(wc_df)
wc_df.set_index(idx_cols, inplace=True)
wc_df = wc_df[pars]

/home/jovyan/work/TOC_Trends_Analysis_2015/Python/icpw/ FutureWarning: 
.ix is deprecated. Please use
.loc for label based indexing or
.iloc for positional indexing

See the documentation here:
  val = chem_df.ix[par, 'valency']
/home/jovyan/work/TOC_Trends_Analysis_2015/Python/icpw/ FutureWarning: 
.ix is deprecated. Please use
.loc for label based indexing or
.iloc for positional indexing

See the documentation here:
  mm = chem_df.ix[par, 'molar_mass']
/home/jovyan/work/TOC_Trends_Analysis_2015/Python/icpw/ FutureWarning: 
.ix is deprecated. Please use
.loc for label based indexing or
.iloc for positional indexing

See the documentation here:
  ref = chem_df.ix[par[1:], 'resa2_ref_ratio']
station_id station_code station_name sample_date depth1 depth2 TOC EH ECl ESO4 ESO4X ENO3 ECa_EMg ECaX_EMgX ANC ANCX ALK-E
0 23472 CH03 Lago di Tomè 1990-10-08 0.0 0.0 NaN 3.630781 4.857143 45.000000 44.499714 23.571429 64.333333 63.201619 10.939799 10.308371 NaN
1 23472 CH03 Lago di Tomè 1993-08-18 0.0 0.0 NaN 3.630781 0.857143 47.708333 47.620048 35.000000 47.166667 46.966952 -15.749821 -15.861249 NaN
2 23472 CH03 Lago di Tomè 1995-09-05 0.0 0.0 NaN 2.630268 4.571429 46.666667 46.195810 36.428571 81.666667 80.601524 5.850613 5.256327 4.0
3 23472 CH03 Lago di Tomè 1995-09-15 0.0 0.0 NaN 4.073803 8.571429 42.083333 41.200476 32.142857 59.333333 57.336190 -3.319358 -4.433644 NaN
4 23472 CH03 Lago di Tomè 1997-08-05 0.0 0.0 NaN 2.089296 5.428571 38.541667 37.982524 23.571429 53.500000 52.235143 3.383879 2.678165 1.0

For the regions 'SoNord', 'UK-IE-NL' and 'AtlCan', we want to use the sea-salt corrected data (X suffix). Elsewhere, we will use uncorrected values.

In [8]:
# Regions to correct
sscor_regs = ['SoNord', 'UK-IE-NL', 'AtlCan']

# Join regions
wc_df = pd.merge(wc_df,
                 stn_df[['station_id', 'region']],

# Split dataset
sscor_df = wc_df.query("region in @sscor_regs").copy()
nocor_df = wc_df.query("region not in @sscor_regs").copy()

# Get relevant cols for each dataset. Rename Remove 'X' suffix from corrceted data
sscor_cols = ['TOC', 'ECl', 'EH', 'ESO4X', 'ENO3', 'ECaX_EMgX', 'ANCX', 'ALK-E']
nocor_cols = ['TOC', 'ECl', 'EH', 'ESO4', 'ENO3', 'ECa_EMg', 'ANC', 'ALK-E']
nocor_df = nocor_df[idx_cols+nocor_cols]
sscor_df = sscor_df[idx_cols+sscor_cols]
sscor_df.columns = idx_cols+nocor_cols

# Combine
wc_df = pd.concat([nocor_df, sscor_df], 


station_id station_code station_name sample_date depth1 depth2 TOC ECl EH ESO4 ENO3 ECa_EMg ANC ALK-E
0 23472 CH03 Lago di Tomè 1990-10-08 0.0 0.0 NaN 4.857143 3.630781 45.000000 23.571429 64.333333 10.939799 NaN
1 23472 CH03 Lago di Tomè 1993-08-18 0.0 0.0 NaN 0.857143 3.630781 47.708333 35.000000 47.166667 -15.749821 NaN
2 23472 CH03 Lago di Tomè 1995-09-05 0.0 0.0 NaN 4.571429 2.630268 46.666667 36.428571 81.666667 5.850613 4.0
3 23472 CH03 Lago di Tomè 1995-09-15 0.0 0.0 NaN 8.571429 4.073803 42.083333 32.142857 59.333333 -3.319358 NaN
4 23472 CH03 Lago di Tomè 1997-08-05 0.0 0.0 NaN 5.428571 2.089296 38.541667 23.571429 53.500000 3.383879 1.0

For some locations - most notably Ireland - the sea-salt correction produces negative values for some parameters. We have discussed this fairly extensively (see e.g. here and the e-mail received from Øyvind on 24.06.2019 at 13.44). Our current decision is to accept these negative values as indicating high uncertainty, but still reflecting our "best guess" from which to base the trend analyses. The code cell below is therefore commented out.

In [9]:
# TOC, EH, ESO4X, ENO3 and ECaX_EMgX should be positive
# Set values < 0 to zero
#for col in ['TOC', 'EH', 'ESO4', 'ENO3', 'ECaX_EMg']:
#    wc_df[col][wc_df[col] < 0] = 0

3. Basic quality checking

In [10]:
# In the past, some German stations have reported depths > 0. Remove these
wc_df = wc_df.query("(depth1 == 0) and (depth2 == 0)")

In [11]:
# Save for speed
wc_csv = r'../../../Thematic_Trends_Report_2019/working_chem.csv'

In [12]:
# Load saved data
wc_csv = r'../../../Thematic_Trends_Report_2019/working_chem.csv'
wc_df = pd.read_csv(wc_csv, encoding='utf-8')
wc_df['sample_date'] = pd.to_datetime(wc_df['sample_date'])

In [13]:
# Which stations have duplicates?

array(['DE02', 'DE03', 'DE04', 'DE07', 'DE08', 'DE09', 'DE13', 'DE14',
       'DE16', 'DE18', 'DE19', 'DE20', 'DE21', 'DE25', 'DE28', 'DE29',
       'DE30', 'DE31', 'DE32', 'DE33', 'DE34', 'DE36', 'EE01', 'LV03',
       'LV04', 'LV05', 'LV07', 'LV08'], dtype=object)

As described here, these duplicates are due to some countries reporting both DOC and TOC, which are not distinguished within ICPW.

In [14]:
# How many stations have data?
print(len(stn_df), 'stations in total.')
print(len(wc_df['station_id'].unique()), 'stations with data.')

# Identify stns missing data
print('\nStations without data:')
no_data_stns = set(stn_df['station_id']) - set(wc_df['station_id'])

stn_df.query('station_id in @no_data_stns')

556 stations in total.
549 stations with data.

Stations without data:
station_id station_code station_name latitude longitude altitude continent country region group
204 38562 IE20 Clare, Naminna, Mid Lake 52.78408 -9.22064 NaN Europe Ireland UK-IE-NL Core
212 38547 IT07 Lake Capezzone 45.93820 8.20948 2100.0 Europe Italy Alps Core
213 38548 IT08 Lake Grande 46.00131 8.07820 2269.0 Europe Italy Alps Core
214 38549 IT09 Lake Variola Superiore 46.17569 8.44098 2190.0 Europe Italy Alps Core
215 38550 IT10 Lake Variola Inferiore lungo 46.17569 8.21690 2117.0 Europe Italy Alps Core
216 38551 IT11 Lake Gelato 46.24860 8.44098 2087.0 Europe Italy Alps Core
217 38552 IT12 Lake Muino Superiore 46.18070 8.48950 1960.0 Europe Italy Alps Core

This makes sense: IE20 has no data for the reasons described here. The six Italian stations were proposed in 2018 and monitoring did not begin until 2017, so they are not relevant here.

4. Distribution of data through time

The plots below show the median number of samples per year for each country. Error bars show the 95% confidence interval around this median.

In [15]:
# Extract year
wc_df2 = pd.merge(wc_df, 
                  stn_df[['station_id', 'country']],

wc_df2['year'] = wc_df2['sample_date'].dt.year

# Number of samples per year per site
agg = wc_df2.groupby(['station_id', 'country', 'year']).agg({'station_code':'count'}).reset_index()
agg.columns = ['station_id', 'country', 'year', 'count']

# Plot
g = sn.catplot(data=agg, 

for ax in g.axes:
    ax[0].xaxis.set_tick_params(which='both', labelbottom=True)    

In [16]:
# Get the min, med and max samples per year for each country
agg.groupby('country').agg({'count': ['min', 'median', 'max']})

min median max
Canada 1 2 82
Czech Republic 1 2 13
Estonia 3 6 12
Finland 1 6 38
Germany 1 12 79
Ireland 1 2 21
Italy 1 10 40
Latvia 2 7 13
Moldova 2 4 4
Netherlands 2 6 14
Norway 1 1 59
Poland 1 1 24
Slovakia 1 1 1
Sweden 1 4 19
Switzerland 1 3 18
United Kingdom 3 7 16
United States 1 12 103

5. Identify high-frequency monitoring

Stations in Canada, the USA and Norway have 25 samples per year for all years. These can support more detailed analysis.

In [17]:
# At least 25 samples per year
hi_freq_df = stn_df[stn_df['station_id'].isin(agg.groupby('station_id').agg({'count':'min'}).query("count > 25").index)]
out_csv = r'../../../Thematic_Trends_Report_2019/hi_freq_stns.csv'
hi_freq_df.to_csv(out_csv, index=False, encoding='utf-8')

station_id station_code station_name latitude longitude altitude continent country region group
8 38085 Tr18_CA01 Ontario, Algoma Region, Batchawana Lake 47.060000 -84.393000 497.0 North America Canada Ont Trends+Core
9 38086 Tr18_CA02 Ontario, Algoma Region, Wishart Lake 47.041000 -84.402000 388.0 North America Canada Ont Trends+Core
10 38087 Tr18_CA03 Ontario, Algoma Region, Little Turkey Lake 47.041000 -84.406000 375.0 North America Canada Ont Trends+Core
11 38088 Tr18_CA04 Ontario, Algoma Region, Turkey Lake 47.050000 -84.408000 372.0 North America Canada Ont Trends+Core
307 38312 Tr18_NO_BIE01 Birkenes 58.385426 8.241721 190.0 Europe Norway SoNord Trends+Core
310 38242 Tr18_NO_LAE01 Langtjern, utløp 60.372460 9.726660 516.0 Europe Norway SoNord Trends+Core
312 38314 Tr18_NO_STE01 Storgama v. dam 59.052333 8.653606 587.0 Europe Norway SoNord Trends+Core
394 38316 Tr18_NO_DALELV Dalelv 69.684738 30.386154 10.0 Europe Norway NoNord Trends+Core
464 38470 Tr18_US_01434025 Biscuit Brook, Catskills 42.011100 -74.414700 634.0 North America United States AdsCsk Trends+Core
538 23623 US104 Piney River, Virginia 38.703000 -78.268700 360.0 North America United States BRM Core

6. Parameter distributions

In [18]:
# Melt to long format
wc_lng = wc_df2.melt(id_vars=['station_id', 'station_code', 
                              'station_name', 'country', 
                              'sample_date', 'year', 
                              'depth1', 'depth2'],

# Plot
g = sn.catplot(data=wc_lng,

for ax in g.axes:
    ax[0].xaxis.set_tick_params(which='both', labelbottom=True)    

In [19]:
# Summary stats for df

station_id depth1 depth2 TOC ECl EH ESO4 ENO3 ECa_EMg ANC ALK-E
count 89422.000000 89422.0 89422.0 76584.000000 87004.000000 88018.000000 86497.000000 84110.000000 86252.000000 79365.000000 76016.000000
mean 34878.635828 0.0 0.0 5.576682 79.602192 5.974365 109.595300 17.718311 219.561316 120.534988 119.042848
std 6181.262159 0.0 0.0 4.885984 139.044065 17.203128 280.127023 34.896485 582.209063 474.618816 487.388714
min 23472.000000 0.0 0.0 0.005000 0.283600 0.000030 -135.096667 0.002861 -188.480000 -2142.606307 -227.000000
25% 36463.000000 0.0 0.0 2.600000 9.705714 0.247885 41.077794 1.428571 67.464065 8.075219 8.990000
50% 38252.000000 0.0 0.0 4.278500 25.714286 0.812831 70.347599 6.000000 124.385802 51.076414 40.012500
75% 38433.000000 0.0 0.0 7.120000 109.397829 5.308844 105.151148 20.600000 211.000000 123.876709 100.000000
max 38607.000000 0.0 0.0 113.990000 12857.142857 794.328235 17395.833333 1321.428571 17950.000000 12901.405479 15260.000000

In [20]:
# Check regions with negative values
for col in ['TOC', 'ECl', 'EH', 'ESO4', 'ENO3', 'ECa_EMg', 'ANC', 'ALK-E']:
    if wc_df[col].min() < 0:
        stn_ids = wc_df[wc_df[col]<0]['station_id'].unique()
        print('%s is less than zero in the following regions:' % col)
        print('    ', stn_df.query('station_id in @stn_ids')['region'].unique())

ESO4 is less than zero in the following regions:
     ['AtlCan' 'UK-IE-NL' 'SoNord']
ECa_EMg is less than zero in the following regions:
     ['AtlCan' 'UK-IE-NL' 'SoNord']
ANC is less than zero in the following regions:
     ['Ont' 'QuMaVt' 'AtlCan' 'ECE' 'SoNord' 'NoNord' 'WCE' 'UK-IE-NL' 'Alps'
 'Baltic' 'AdsCsk' 'BRM' 'Apps']
ALK-E is less than zero in the following regions:
     ['QuMaVt' 'AtlCan' 'ECE' 'SoNord' 'NoNord' 'WCE' 'Alps' 'UK-IE-NL'
 'AdsCsk' 'BRM' 'Apps']

ANC and alkalinity can both be negative, so the above output looks OK. We only have negative ESO4 and ECa_EMg in regions where sea-salt corrections have been applied, as described above.